View Full Version : if your neighbor owns a gun, turn him in for CASH

8th January 2012, 11:19 AM

old steel
8th January 2012, 11:40 AM
So if it's a bigger gun do you get more cash?

midnight rambler
8th January 2012, 11:41 AM
Paying the people to police themselves - who didn't see this coming?

8th January 2012, 11:46 AM
Paying the people to police themselves - who didn't see this coming?
I used to cringe when they would announce that it was time-to-turn-in-your-guns-for-gift-certificates day in Los Angeles. I guess they didn't take into consideration that idiots would just steal guns from law abiding citizens to get the certificates, while the true criminals weren't stupid enough to hand their's over....

mick silver
8th January 2012, 11:51 AM
tell the truth asshole . our city is safer without guns

8th January 2012, 12:03 PM
A TOY gun without that stupid ORANGE mandatory tip would be considered "illegal" Oh the possibilities. I could see several people in court with this video (as evidence) claiming that they helped take an "illegal" gun off the street. LOL

8th January 2012, 12:04 PM
tell the truth asshole . our city is safer without illegal guns

Fixed it for you.

Twisted Titan
8th January 2012, 12:43 PM
The Gun is Civilization by The Munchkin Wrangler (http://munchkinwrangler.wordpress.com/2007/03/23/why-the-gun-is-civilization/)

Human beings only have two ways to deal with one another: reason and force. If you want me to do something for you, you have a choice of either convincing me via argument, or force me to do your bidding under threat of force. Every human interaction falls into one of those two categories, without exception. Reason or force, that’s it.

In a truly moral and civilized society, people exclusively interact through persuasion. Force has no place as a valid method of social interaction, and the only thing that removes force from the menu is the personal firearm, as paradoxical as it may sound to some.
When I carry a gun, you cannot deal with me by force. You have to use reason and try to persuade me, because I have a way to negate your threat or employment of force.

The gun is the only personal weapon that puts a 100-pound woman on equal footing with a 220-pound mugger, a 75-year old retiree on equal footing with a 19-year old gang banger, and a single guy on equal footing with a carload of drunk guys with baseball bats. The gun removes the disparity in physical strength, size, or numbers between a potential attacker and a defender.

There are plenty of people who consider the gun as the source of bad force equations. These are the people who think that we’d be more civilized if all guns were removed from society, because a firearm makes it easier for a [armed] mugger to do his job. That, of course, is only true if the mugger’s potential victims are mostly disarmed either by choice or by legislative fiat–it has no validity when most of a mugger’s potential marks are armed.

People who argue for the banning of arms ask for automatic rule by the young, the strong, and the many, and that’s the exact opposite of a civilized society. A mugger, even an armed one, can only make a successful living in a society where the state has granted him a force monopoly.

Then there’s the argument that the gun makes confrontations lethal that otherwise would only result in injury. This argument is fallacious in several ways. Without guns involved, confrontations are won by the physically superior party inflicting overwhelming injury on the loser. People who think that fists, bats, sticks, or stones don’t constitute lethal force watch too much TV, where people take beatings and come out of it with a bloody lip at worst. The fact that the gun makes lethal force easier works solely in favor of the weaker defender, not the stronger attacker. If both are armed, the field is level.

The gun is the only weapon that’s as lethal in the hands of an octogenarian as it is in the hands of a weight lifter. It simply wouldn’t work as well as a force equalizer if it wasn’t both lethal and easily employable.

When I carry a gun, I don’t do so because I am looking for a fight, but because I’m looking to be left alone. The gun at my side means that I cannot be forced, only persuaded. I don’t carry it because I’m afraid, but because it enables me to be unafraid. It doesn’t limit the actions of those who would interact with me through reason, only the actions of those who would do so by force. It removes force from the equation… and that’s why carrying a gun is a civilized act.

mick silver
8th January 2012, 12:49 PM
he was saying that the city was safer because no one had guns an thats bull shit . crime never has gone down when they try an take guns from the people

midnight rambler
8th January 2012, 12:52 PM
The key is in the definition of 'illegal' gun.

General of Darkness
8th January 2012, 12:53 PM
Wouldn't it be better to turn in illegal aliens and negros? Those are the VAST majority of the perpetrators. Then give white people a license to remove white trash on site.

Guns don't kill people, asian gangs, negros, mestizos and white trash kill people. It's time to clean house. And once that's done, lets tie some fallopian tubes, and cut off some nuts to reduce the trash from making more trash.

Mishko Novosel 2012, and I approve this message.

8th January 2012, 12:59 PM
Wouldn't it be better to turn in illegal aliens and negros? Those are the VAST majority of the perpetrators. Then give white people a license to remove white trash on site.

Guns don't kill people, asian gangs, negros, mestizos and white trash kill people. It's time to clean house. And once that's done, lets tie some fallopian tubes, and cut off some nuts to reduce the trash from making more trash.

Mishko Novosel 2012, and I approve this message.

can i be your vice-president?

8th January 2012, 01:02 PM
Wouldn't it be better to turn in illegal aliens, power-tripping cops and negros? Those are the VAST majority of the perpetrators. Then give white people a license to remove white trash on site.

Guns don't kill people, asian gangs, negros, mestizos and white trash and power-tripping cops kill people. It's time to clean house. And once that's done, lets tie some fallopian tubes, and cut off some nuts to reduce the trash from making more trash.

Mishko Novosel 2012, and I approve this message.

Slight modification needed in your post...I took liberties...

General of Darkness
8th January 2012, 01:15 PM
Here's the problem with my ideas, it goes against 99% of the principles I support. I know this is going OT, but in the Libertarian ideology, where does self responsibility fit in?

8th January 2012, 01:41 PM
Paying the people to police themselves - who didn't see this coming?

Paying them with "taxpayer" funded programs.............

Joe King
8th January 2012, 02:23 PM
Wouldn't it be better to turn in illegal aliens and negros? Those are the VAST majority of the perpetrators. Then give white people a license to remove white trash on site.You can do that. If you know where actual illegals are, say working, call in a tip. Those are accepted, I do believe. All the big ICE raids you've heard of from time to time, all started with a tip.

ETA: wanna see more raids? Make more valid tips. That is, if making tips is your thang.

Guns don't kill people, asian gangs, negros, mestizos and white trash bad people kill people.
Fixed it for ya.

It's time to clean house.Speaking of, and as a single guy, do you do your own house cleaning, or do you use a maid service?
ETA: just curious and trying to be light-hearted.

And once that's done, lets tie some fallopian tubes, and cut off some nuts to reduce the trash from making more trash.What if a large group got together and thought that's what you needed?

That said, I don't agree with illegal immigration any more than you do.

Joe King
8th January 2012, 02:31 PM
Here's the problem with my ideas, it goes against 99% of the principles I support. I know this is going OT, but in the Libertarian ideology, where does self responsibility fit in?In our system, you'd have to say no social programs and just say everyone fend for themselves best you can.

Once the freeloaders figured out the free ride's over, they'll start doing something productive or starve. Either way, the rest of us are better off.

You'd also have to drasticly lower the cost of gov across the board so that it would free up $ for the people. Once the people have all their $, they can donate to charities of their choice that support their values.
That way the truly needy, can get their help via the private sector.

As it is now, the gov gets so much that most can barely keep ends met and the charities go a beggin'.
....and to show for it, there's more poverty in America than ever.

Veni, vidi...evigilavi!
8th January 2012, 02:39 PM
I think most of you may have missed the "help get ILLEGAL guns off our streets"... part. If you have liscense for it I don't see a big prob., but if you know your neighbor is a convicted felon and has firearms, and feel safer calling it in, then why not? Although retaliation is a possibility, so maybe not.

Twisted Titan
8th January 2012, 03:35 PM
I think most of you may have missed the "help get ILLEGAL guns off our streets"... part. If you have liscense for it I don't see a big prob., but if you know your neighbor is a convicted felon and has firearms, and feel safer calling it in, then why not? Although retaliation is a possibility, so maybe not.


The Problem is the definition of illegal is constanstly moving to a more and more extreme end by the Power Mongers

New Germany has no leeway when it comes to Gun possesion the penalites are extremely severe that you cant even call a PD to get clarification as you will probally be targeted for a visit but if your scum it dosent matter you serve to legitimize The Beast System

8th January 2012, 04:27 PM
I think most of you may have missed the "help get ILLEGAL guns off our streets"... part. If you have liscense for it I don't see a big prob., but if you know your neighbor is a convicted felon and has firearms, and feel safer calling it in, then why not? Although retaliation is a possibility, so maybe not.

Does a 'convicted felon' have a right to protect his life? Is he still human after the actual government conviction?

There is no such thing as a Gun Law.....

8th January 2012, 04:38 PM
a license for it? if you "feel safer?" meh!

Half Sense
8th January 2012, 06:02 PM
It wouldn't matter if you had any guns or not. It's an excuse to bust your door down and search your home. And once the policy is established, they won't need anonymous tips, they can just claim they received one.

Hatha Sunahara
8th January 2012, 10:07 PM
When are they going to start offering cash rewards to people for turning in other people who express their disapproval of the government's policies? When are they going to turn everybody against everybody else? We will then be living in a society where no one can trust anyone else. We might start seeing the dead bodies of informants showing up everywhere for a while.


8th January 2012, 10:22 PM
gotta love the churchy music at the end to remind you that you are doing a godly thing...

8th January 2012, 10:35 PM
I think most of you may have missed the "help get ILLEGAL guns off our streets"... part. If you have liscense for it I don't see a big prob., but if you know your neighbor is a convicted felon and has firearms, and feel safer calling it in, then why not? Although retaliation is a possibility, so maybe not.

This is how I initially felt. Targeting illegal weapons. They are not changing the laws, but encouraging the citizens to rat each other out to enforce the current laws. At first, it sounds like if it will reduce murders, violent crimes, why not?

However, in the big picture, it's a step in the wrong direction. It's opening a door to adding on to it, such as 'any' gun could be a possible threat. If you know of a neighbor who's a gun owner...here's some cash, we'll investigate it. Next, what about PM's as well? Neighbor may have some contraband gold? Give us a call, will give you cash...

It's a dark road to head down...imo.

9th January 2012, 06:21 AM
What is an illegal gun, exactly?

An unregistered automatic? An unregistered SBR? Simply unregistered? Where do you draw the line and how, exactly does one know that another possesses an illegal gun without knowing a significantly more of the BATFE code than the average joe?

Feels to me like a way to get average joe to tell on another joe sixpack because sixpack has guns and therefore he might have some "illegal" ones (whatever that means) so the cops get to do some door busting and house tossing.

9th January 2012, 06:32 AM
gotta love the churchy music at the end to remind you that you are doing a godly thing...

i noticed that. the Hollywood influence. using sounds to influence mood & emotions. Psy-ops a la Spielberg.

midnight rambler
9th January 2012, 07:10 AM

Twisted Titan
9th January 2012, 08:12 AM
This is how I initially felt. Targeting illegal weapons. They are not changing the laws, but encouraging the citizens to rat each other out to enforce the current laws. At first, it sounds like if it will reduce murders, violent crimes, why not?

However, in the big picture, it's a step in the wrong direction. It's opening a door to adding on to it, such as 'any' gun could be a possible threat. If you know of a neighbor who's a gun owner...here's some cash, we'll investigate it. Next, what about PM's as well? Neighbor may have some contraband gold? Give us a call, will give you cash...y

It's a dark road to head down...imo.

The Road To Hell is always paved with the bricks of good intentions....ALWAYS

Twisted Titan
9th January 2012, 08:19 AM
It wouldn't matter if you had any guns or not. It's an excuse to bust your door down and search your home. And once the policy is established, they won't need anonymous tips, they can just claim they received one.

Dam I didn't think about that one.You're 100% spot on.

You would have no legal recourse as the alleged assailant is protected by a veil anononimity.

Were screwed if this catches on.