View Full Version : Academy Award for best documentary will now need to have been reviewed in the New Yor

9th January 2012, 02:21 PM
The meaning of this article.......as we all know the New York Times and Los Angeles Times are owned by the Zionist so that any documentary by Arabs or Muslims will never in hell have a chance for an Oscar and at the same time to be seeing by many...........who says that Hollywood is not controlled by the "Jews?".
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Oscar for best documentary hopefuls to face newspaper review ruleEntrants to Academy Award for best documentary will now need to have been reviewed in the New York or Los Angeles Times

Andrew Pulver
guardian.co.uk, Monday 9 January 2012 08.05 EST Article history.

Out of the race … internationally acclaimed films such as Senna (above) and Into the Abyss failed to make the shortlist for this year's best documentary Oscar. Photograph: AP
The arcane processes by which films qualify for Oscar consideration took a bizarre twist today when it was revealed that, as of next year, documentaries will need to have been reviewed in the New York Times or Los Angeles Times to qualify.

The New York Times itself broke the news after rumours began circulating last week. No specifics were forthcoming on whether both print and online reviews would be suitable, or whether "capsule" reviews would qualify. But "reviews by television critics were specifically ruled out".

The move seems to be aimed at reducing the number of documentaries submitted for consideration (124 in 2011) while also lessening the influence of qualifying events such as the DocuWeeks festival, which has proved adept at enabling lesser-known films to enter the race.

The Academy is also presumably concerned that acclaimed films such as The Interrupters, Senna, Into the Abyss and, further back, Capitalism: A Love Story, Hoop Dreams and Crumb were denied Oscar nominations.

However, handing a decisive vote to film critics will lay the Academy open to charges they are handing control to an outside organisation, militating against non-distributed, low-budget films, and reinforcing the American bias of the awards.

Meanwhile, another of the Academy's rules – which allows for scripts of qualifying films to be sent to members – caused a hiccup in the J Edgar campaign when a "continuity draft" was sent out instead of the final shooting script.
