View Full Version : "Top Secret & Redacted" Historical Russia US space coop 50 yrs ago SCANNED COPIES

10th January 2012, 01:06 PM

Interesting from many perspectives...haven't read it all..just thought is was grist for the conspiracy/history buffs among us and all this USA good/Russia BAAAAD nonsense.

I look forward to tidbits being excised and brought to the fore for discussion after GS'ers get to chew a spell on this grist for our private mill.

Sorry if this is a duplicate. Don't think it is, but if so, mods, please combine as you see fit. THANKS!


10th January 2012, 01:31 PM
once i interviewed with a network engineer, for a computer graphics job. he had a very high level security clearance & worked for the government. he confided to me that he belonged to a UFO abduction support group.

it was the first time i had ever met someone who seemed to have their feet on the ground, who treated such a subject seriously. of course, he could have been lying. i didn't know him well enough to make that judgment.

in the late 1990's i took a class in lost wax casting, centrifugal casting, taught by a retired engineer named Jim Kaye in the San Diego area. i liked it so much i took it twice.

earlier in his career, he worked at rocket engine test sites in Southern California as a supervising engineer. he told me during the class that they did have UFO's that hovered above their site, as if observing the proceedings.

in that case, the proceedings were, Jim & his staff tested rocket engines.

i detected no sense of kidding around when he was talking about. and Jim's feet were very much on the ground.