View Full Version : What's the story with Tebow?

10th January 2012, 05:44 PM
I saw a story of this on the local news site downunder here. I wondered what his story is. He seems to be steam rolling through the media circuit, books written and people doing the copycat thing. hmmm ???

Tim Tebow: the evangelical Christian footballer who is God's gift to sponsors and a US national phenomenon

American football star Tim Tebow is a one-man cultural blitz.
The Denver Broncos quarterback – a fervid evangelical blessed with more piety than passing skills – took 11 seconds to pull off the longest overtime touchdown pass in the shortest overtime period in play-off history on Sunday night, lofting his team into the second round of the American NFL play-offs.

Now, Tebow-talk has swept the US.

http://images.theage.com.au/2012/01/11/2885284/art-timtebow2-420x0.jpg Star man ... Tim Tebow talks to the media after his winning pass against the Pittsburgh Steelers. Photo: Getty Images

His against-all-odds heroics [most thought the Pittsburgh Steelers would crush him] brought CBS a mind-blowing 25.9 rating, the best for a wild card football game in almost 25 years.

Sports websites staggered under an onslaught of hits.

Tebow got more than 1 million mentions on Twitter alone. On Sunday night, the rate of tweets announcing the Broncos' victory after his 80-yard pass hit 9420 per second. Full story @ the Age (http://www.theage.com.au/sport/tim-tebow-the-evangelical-christian-footballer-who-is-gods-gift-to-sponsors-and-a-us-national-phenomenon-20120111-1pu6q.html)

I want to say that I find stories like this inspiring. It concerns me that it is his actions being pointed at because they are so rare to see in our society. What if it was the norm? What then? I say it would be good where it comes from faith.