View Full Version : Israel is Named after Satanist's Son

11th January 2012, 01:29 AM
Links and stuff here ....

Barry Chamish's book (http://www.lulu.com/product/paperback/shabtai-tzvi-labor-zionism-and-the-holocaust-chamish/6434074?showPreview) (left) documents how the Illuminati (Zionism and Communism) both originate in a 17th century Satanic Jewish cult.

by Clifford Shack

The State of Israel, the military outpost created by the satanic Shabbatean-Frankist (http://www.henrymakow.com/the_satanic_cult_that_rules_th.html) Rothschilds, was named after their great-great-great grandfather, Israel who happened to be the first-born son of Shabbatai Tzvi (1616-1676.) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabbatai_Zevi)

They were able to get away with this naming for obvious reasons. Now, Israel ben Shabbatai was named after the grandson of the patriarch Abraham so...it should still have some meaning to y'all nevertheless,right? How do I know this you may ask? It becomes obvious when you realize that Shabbatean-Frankists are not Jewish.

For goodness sake, they pulled off the Holocaust! Understanding this, and knowing that Shabbatai Tzvi's son, ground-zero of the Shabbatean-Frankist breeding program, was named Israel...and that from him came the illustrious Rothschild clan...it's simple math.

Still don't buy it? look at my article about the second President of the state of Israel, from 1952-1963, Yitzak Ben Zvi (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yitzhak_Ben-Zvi). It's called "Father of the State of Israel." (http://cliffordshack-article-archive-storage.blogspot.com/2012/01/for-whom-is-state-of-israel-named.html)


Are the Illuminati a Sabbatean Frankist breeding Program? (http://cliffordshack-article-archive-storage.blogspot.com/2012/01/solomonic-breeding-program-secret-of.html)

11th January 2012, 04:48 AM
I had no idea that the Rothschilds stemmed from Sabbetai Zvei...

Is the lineage firmly established?

11th January 2012, 04:56 AM
This is my first time hearing of Shabbat Tzvi.

What are they? Turks? Khazars?

Link me a Noob article please.

11th January 2012, 08:58 AM
This is my first time hearing of Shabbat Tzvi.

What are they? Turks? Khazars?

Link me a Noob article please.
Sabetai Zvei or Shabbatai Tzvi, was a Sephardic Jew living in the Ottoman empire city of Saloniki, which today is Greek and called Thesaloniki, in the 17th Century, he claimed he was the messias, and got a lot of followers. He was challenged by the Ottoman ruler, to either denounce Judaism and become Muslim, or be killed. He turned on a coin and became Muslim, together with a lot of his followers, but continued to observe Jewish traditions in secret, as did his followers. These are the ones called "Dönmeh" today in Turkey, and has been an important political power.

The thing is if the Rothschilds are descendants of Sabetai Zvei, they would most likely be of at least partially Sephardic origin, not Ashkenazi, since most Jews (at least 95%) of the Ottoman empire came originally from Spain, where they were expelled in 1492... If that is true it would turn everything that we believe about them on it's head?

11th January 2012, 09:16 AM
Sabetai Zvei or Shabbatai Tzvi, was a Sephardic Jew living in the Ottoman empire city of Saloniki, which today is Greek and called Thesaloniki, in the 17th Century, he claimed he was the messias, and got a lot of followers. He was challenged by the Ottoman ruler, to either denounce Judaism and become Muslim, or be killed. He turned on a coin and became Muslim, together with a lot of his followers, but continued to observe Jewish traditions in secret, as did his followers. These are the ones called "Dönmeh" today in Turkey, and has been an important political power.

So they are the 5th column in the Muslim religion.

The thing is if the Rothschilds are descendants of Sabetai Zvei, they would most likely be of at least partially Sephardic origin, not Ashkenazi, since most Jews (at least 95%) of the Ottoman empire came originally from Spain, where they were expelled in 1492... If that is true it would turn everything that we believe about them on it's head?

How so?
I thought the Khazars are the make-up of the Sephardic and Ashkenazi jews?

No matter the label, they are all steeped in Babylonian satanism.

11th January 2012, 09:39 AM
How so?
I thought the Khazars are the make-up of the Sephardic and Ashkenazi jews?

No matter the label, they are all steeped in Babylonian satanism.
The Sephardic Jews are Jews from Spain and Northern Africa, while Ashkenazi Jews comes from Russia and Eastern Europe, it is believed that these are the descendants of the Khazars, but I think it is likely that the Khazar Jews came from Babylonia, with not too much intermixing with the original Khazar population.

11th January 2012, 10:09 AM
I just had a look at the suggestion of Clifford Shack, that the Rothschilds are descendants of Sabetai Sevi/Tzvi...


Looks to me like very weak theory at this point...

11th January 2012, 10:25 AM
I know, but the Khazars came from the area behind (north of) the Caucasus mountains. The Khazars make up 95% of the people who say they are jews but are not, but are the synagogue of satan.

So how does that turn what we know on it's head?

One thing people should keep in mind about discussing "Ashkenazi VS Sephardic" is that it is not necessarily a genetic difference in pseudo-jewry, but a ritualistic difference.

Like the Scottish rite VS the York rite of Freemasonry: Both are Freemasonry and Luciferian at the core.
Ashkenazi VS Sephardic: Both are Khazar Talmudism at the core.

Neither of them are Yahwehism.

Who knows where the true lines of David are? The real and actual house of Judah?

When I consider the Khazar imposters, who are stealing the identity of the 12 tribes of Israel, two Scriptures come to mind:

[12] (http://drbo.org/x/d?b=drb&bk=27&ch=14&l=12#x) How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, who didst rise in the morning? how art thou fallen to the earth, that didst wound the nations? [13] (http://drbo.org/x/d?b=drb&bk=27&ch=14&l=13#x) And thou saidst in thy heart: I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, I will sit in the mountain of the covenant, in the sides of the north. [14] (http://drbo.org/x/d?b=drb&bk=27&ch=14&l=14#x) I will ascend above the height of the clouds, I will be like the most High. [15] (http://drbo.org/x/d?b=drb&bk=27&ch=14&l=15#x) But yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, into the depth of the pit.


When therefore you shall see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place: he that readeth let him understand.

My heart tells me the Synagogue of Satan is now occupying the holy place (Israel).

11th January 2012, 12:41 PM
This is my first time hearing of Shabbat Tzvi.

What are they? Turks? Khazars?

Link me a Noob article please.

I think Awoke already knows a lot of this history.
Don't get stuck on details.

Awoke, the Rockefellers are reported to be Ottoman Jews.

That comes from a Jewish source, a book print job of 500
printed only for the world jewish leaders.

I have been looking for that source.

Jews ran the whole show, mass murdered everyone, pillaged
at the end, just like Russia, they have a lot of experience as
parasites, destroyers, they perfected control in the Ottoman

I have many related threads and posts here, sources.

See my White Gold thread, Jews ran the whole show ,
they ran the Muslims, the book has at the very top, 2 key Jewish
people, the treasurer, and key financier, and Ottoman control
of all of North Africa, waging war on Europe.

Muslims and Jews have always been allied warring on Europe forever.

See my Madsen thread on this as well, lots there, more recent marranos.

It's all Masons too. When I posted the Ottoman Fez and Ottoman
pictures with heads on tables I got a quick ban from skyvike, perm,
under Masonic Nation.

This is why the trolls love us too, skykikes agents are on here.

11th January 2012, 12:43 PM
Magnes, do the Ottomans pre-date the Khazarian influx?

11th January 2012, 12:55 PM
Magnes, do the Ottomans pre-date the Khazarian influx?

The Ottomans are Khazars, even the Khazars are divided.

Neuro has good comments and points, only his Babylonian throws me off.
The area is very fluid, there is no original " Khazar " population, those were
the lands of purely Indo European Peoples, our ancestors.

I have a grounding in this history, not Khazars/Jews/Rothchild/Conspiracy/Masons,
that's newer information last few years, I went back to the basics for a reason,
I have referred to this manytimes, my threads and related posts are no accident.

It is all Occult Masonic Jews.

Horn, Keehah, goldie have trolled related history here, this is where
my conflict with them comes from. Skyvike did the same shit.

Edit add,
" If that is true it would turn everything that we believe about them on it's head? " Neuro
" How so? " Awoke
Generations pass, I think how so is right, they are all Jews in the end.
The same Rabbi's converted the Khazars to use as a battering ram.

11th January 2012, 12:55 PM
It would be nice to have a family or lineage tree of these guys....

11th January 2012, 12:58 PM
how is it named after a satanist from 1616 if it was called israel in the bible? doesn't the bible predate 1616?

11th January 2012, 01:21 PM
It would be nice to have a family or lineage tree of these guys....

One of the best and smartest posters and leader on gim, Anty Ep.
Horn hates him so that should tell you something, Anty Ep put us
on to all this hidden history, key history, we were students and we
did do research and reading, I am his student and his product,
Awoke is very similar to Anty Ep too, came up with lots of good
finds on hidden history, his Pinay find, covers a lot of the issues,
you are asking about family trees, they exist, I have no reason to
doubt Anty Ep in any of his comments, they fit, the Rabbis' are the
record keepers, they are the keepers of history, law, they run the
whole show, " the Rabbi's tell the bankers what to do " Anty Ep.
They are a secret society and their records are hidden in layers,
even from other Jews. They know how to control, destroy, what
works, nothing they are using on us today is new.

The book I refer to above on the Rockefellers was posted on gim.

Maybe Large Sarge or someone of his stature posted it, Hoarder, RMac ?
These guys were the original out the Jews guys on gim. I was a noob.

In practice.
Obama names Orthodox Jew new WH chief of staff (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?57952-Obama-names-Orthodox-Jew-new-WH-chief-of-staff)

11th January 2012, 03:06 PM
This is my first time hearing of Shabbat Tzvi.

What are they? Turks? Khazars?

Link me a Noob article please.

I think Awoke already knows a lot of this history.
Don't get stuck on details.

Check out the PDF's, key site.



ADL lobbies to hide the truth of what Jews engineered.
Remember many of the NeoCons were lobbyists for Turks.
Researching Jabotinksy is key too, he was the founder of
the USSR Bolshevism, Israel, and Turkey.

11th January 2012, 03:19 PM
how is it named after a satanist from 1616 if it was called israel in the bible? doesn't the bible predate 1616?

Israel is God's choosing. There are plently of Jesus (in mexico) as well, doesn't mean a thing.

Genesis 32:28 And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.