View Full Version : EFF Reveals How Your Digital Fingerprint Makes You Easy to Track

12th January 2012, 05:33 AM
http://www.webmonkey.com/2010/01/eff_reveals_how_your_digital_fingerprint_makes_you _easy_to_track/

Find out:

"Think that turning off cookies and turning on private browsing makes you invisible on the web? Think again.The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has launched a new web app dubbed Panopticlick (https://panopticlick.eff.org/) that reveals just how scarily easy it is to identify you out of millions of web users.

The problem is your digital fingerprint. Whenever you visit a site, your browser and any plug-ins you have installed can leak data. Some of it isn’t very personal, like your user agent string. Some of it is more personally revealing, like which fonts you have installed. But the what if you put it all together? Would the results make you identifiable?

As the EFF says, “this information can create a kind of fingerprint — a signature that could be used to identify you and your computer.”

The EFF’s test suite highlights what most of us probably already suspect — we’re readily identifiable on the web. We ran the test on a Mac using Firefox, Safari and Google Chrome, all of which leaked enough data to make us identifiable according the EFF’s privacy explanations (http://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2010/01/primer-information-theory-and-privacy).

The purpose of Panopticlick is to show you how much you have in common with other browsers. The more your configuration mirrors everyone else’s, the harder it would be to identify you. The irony is, the nerdier you are — using a unique OS, a less common browser, customizing your browser with plug-ins and other power-user habits — the more identifiable you are.

For example, say you’re running Firefox on Ubuntu with the Gnash plug-in instead of Flash — way to stick it to the man — but you’re also showing up with a unique configuration of browser, OS, installed fonts, plug-ins and more which can be combined to identify you via a unique online fingerprint.

So what can you do to make yourself less identifiable? Well, by disabling cookies, the Flash plug-in, the Java plug-in and most of our extensions we were able to blend in better. Actually, the fact that we didn’t have Java or Flash turned on made us more identifiable in those categories, but it also denied the test access to our installed fonts and other bits of data, so overall, less identifiable.
Obviously that approach has a downside — without Flash there’s not much in the way of online video, a lack of cookies will cause issues with logins, and without Java, you won’t be able to crash your browser or cause it to get hung up for hours.

In short, the disabling method isn’t much fun. Strange though it may seem, the best way to lose the unique online fingerprint is to blend in with the herd. As the EFF points out, mobile browsers are hardest to identify since there are few customization options and, for the most part, one version of Mobile Safari looks just like another.

By the same token, if you want to blend in, stick with stock system fonts, run Windows XP, use Firefox with no add-ons and turn off cookies. You’ll be much harder to identify.

We should point out that, no matter how well you blend in the fingerprint test, you are of course still identifiable by your ISP. Advertisers and websites generally can’t access the information your ISP has on you, but of course governments — with the cooperation of your ISP — always can. So don’t think just because you’ve eliminated your fingerprints no one knows who you are."

12th January 2012, 05:42 AM
I'm having trouble finding the referenced research but it has been proven that you can be statistically identified regardless of system used or geography based on usage pattern. That is, most people typically sit down at about the same time each day and hit the same sites in the same order at about the same rate of speed. This pattern can be used to statistically locate and identify you as well.

Meta-data for meta-methods of identification...

12th January 2012, 06:09 AM
panopticlick...as in panopticon?


So what are you trying to tell me? You're spying on me? :p

12th January 2012, 06:12 AM
Yeah, where the hell is Panoptimist now!?!>??

12th January 2012, 09:35 AM
Shit........now they know how many rolls of tp I have......danm, danm and triple danm.....................otherwise I am an open book to the Zionist KGB.....................................oh yeah, they still have the KGB.