View Full Version : Ryan Dawson: War By Deception 9/11

12th January 2012, 09:05 PM
A very comprehensive look at 9/11 and who did it...searched and couldnt find anything on it...it is very good.


12th January 2012, 10:02 PM
I already archived this excellent video.

DownloadHelper plugin for Firefox then convert with Freemake (http://www.freemake.com/free_video_converter/) to your favorite format. I archive everything in mp4.

Video DownloadHelper is best installed from the Mozilla Add-ons site (https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/3006/). Go there and just click on the Add to Firefox button and follow the instructions.

13th January 2012, 04:19 AM
Its been on here a few times...

Great movie everyone should watch it.

13th January 2012, 04:20 AM
Its been on here a few times...

Great movie everyone should watch it.

13th January 2012, 05:05 AM


From: Rys2sense (http://www.youtube.com/user/Rys2sense) | Jan 13, 2012 | 11,667 views

Newest War by Deception
Audio re-done,New clips, massive editing, info on tower access, enjoy and spread. The old film has about 120k views on the two names. Do not upload this to your page. I need media contacts able to find me without going through a bunch of links. I have set this film to private for now. Only a select few get to see it. If there are no glitches it will be publicly released 2012. If I see it on your page I will report you and you might have your account deleted. ... (more info)

(less info)

View comments, related videos, and more (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UoB80Yk9NYg)^ I just tested the embed here at GSUS, and it plays, so not sure what's "private" about it?

I haven't watched this >3 hour bomber, but one thing I recall which was a yellow light about this Rys2sense guy was I watched one of his shorter vids one time, and in the middle of a bunch of truthy remarks, he dropped something about how anyone who doesn't believe a boeing flew into the pentagon is "disinfo" - and I know Rivero/WRH who's prolly the main reason Rys2sense is on the map, takes the same tact re the Pentagon question. This has been turned into a wedge issue for 911 truth the past couple years, and I concluded some time ago that those who took the "anyone who doesn't believe a boeing flew into the pentagon is disinfo" line were themselves, probably disinfo. This thread delves deeper into this wedge issue,
Thread: Conspiracy Theory with Gov. Jesse Ventura- 911 Pentagon Attack (Full Episode) (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?40612-Conspiracy-Theory-with-Gov.-Jesse-Ventura-911-Pentagon-Attack-%28Full-Episode%29)

On that subject^, this essay just appeared at wtcdemolition.com, whose owner: "Real Truther/Gretavo (http://www.bollyn.com/9-11-archive-2010#article_12910)" (< yes a dubious character himself) shares my skepticism over the "boeing really hit the pentagon" clique's strange insistence on their position,
Strange Obsession: 911Blogger and the Pentagon Mystery (http://wtcdemolition.com/blog/node/3320)

So not having watched Rys2sense's 3 hour vid in the OP, I don't know how he handles the pentagon question- can anyone point to the minute-mark where he begins discussing it?

Basically the "tell" I'd be looking for in any 9/11 truth material in judging its integrity vs disinfo status is: does it leave in the reader/viewers mind the impression that arab/muslims ultimately did the deed? from the
Thread: 9/11 Hijackers Passports were issued by the CIA - US Consulate Whistleblower (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?57976-9-11-Hijackers-Passports-were-issued-by-the-CIA-US-Consulate-Whistleblower)

I have no doubt that a group of arab patsies were led along in the months prior to 911, creating a more/less "documentable" legend of their general doings, as the spooks prepped for the big day.

But ON the big day, I don't believe these patsies had any role in "violently hijacking the commercial flights and flying them into the places which the 911 OCT alleges they flew them into". My first guess is the arab patsies who'd been set up with documentable legends in the months preceding 911, were then disposed of in some way on the morning of.

davidraygriffin.com (http://davidraygriffin.com/)

Was America Attacked by Muslims on 9/11? (http://davidraygriffin.com/articles/was-america-attacked-by-muslims-on-911/)


All the proffered evidence that America was attacked by Muslims on 9/11, when subjected to critical scrutiny, appears to have been fabricated. If that is determined indeed to be the case, the implications would be enormous. Discovering and prosecuting the true perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks would obviously be important. The most immediate consequence, however, should be to reverse those attitudes and policies that have been based on the assumption that America was attacked by Muslims on 9/11.

The other tell I'd also be looking for is how, if at all, Israel/zionism's culpability in the attacks (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?23130-The-quot-Israel-did-9-11-quot-Thread&p=457208#post457208) is handled. These two questions are a pretty effective acid test to separate the real stuff from the slick disinfo.

13th January 2012, 05:29 AM
Basically the "tell" I'd be looking for in any 9/11 truth material in judging its integrity vs disinfo status is: does it leave in the reader/viewers mind the impression that arab/muslims ultimately did the deed? from the
Thread: 9/11 Hijackers Passports were issued by the CIA - US Consulate Whistleblower (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?57976-9-11-Hijackers-Passports-were-issued-by-the-CIA-US-Consulate-Whistleblower)

The other tell I'd also be looking for is how, if at all, Israel/zionism's culpability in the attacks (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?23130-The-quot-Israel-did-9-11-quot-Thread&p=457208#post457208) is handled. These two questions are a pretty effective acid test to separate the real stuff from the slick disinfo.

Rys2sense points his finger directly at Israel and the Neocon jews as the ultimate perps.

13th January 2012, 07:03 AM
^ I figured he would, based on my past viewing of a couple of his youtube spiels.

But how does he handle the pentagon?

Only thing I can think of re the boeing-hit-the-pentagon clique's agenda is, preserving the "scary moozlem hijackers" element of the 911 OCT, in other words, limited-hangout-LIHOP, with arab/moozlems still implicated as having done the deed coz they hate us yada yada- which then keeps the War on Terror (against hate-filt arab/moozlems) pretext alive, obviously priority #1 for the fake truthers' bosses. This same clique actually turned on David Ray Griffin, for DRG's research into voice morphing and its implications for the "Barbara Olson's desperate in-flight call to Ted Olson just before that scary moozlem Hani Hanjour expertly flew her plane into the Pentagon" part of the fairy tale alleged in the 911 OCT.

13th January 2012, 07:20 AM
...in other words, limited-hangout-LIHOP...

I don't agree Pat. Watch his new-improved video. He has consistently pointed his finger at da joos and their goy-tools doing 9-11.


13th January 2012, 08:17 AM
Pat, I had the same reaction to Ryan with his very blunt reaction to people who believe a missle hit the pentagon...he has a very non "PC" delivery which ultimately stems from years of research and fighting in this field. He is 100% genuine from what i can see. Some of his frustrations stem from being targeted directly by the ADL and watching goons like Jones and Loose Change fuck up the movement. As Book said, he points to all the correct perps, and in a more thorough fashion than ANYTHING I have seen...truely amazing research. He doesnt have the whole production, slick video thing down yet, but he says he is looking to partner up with people who get this better so his brilliant research can be utilized better...he also has a Holocaust/WW2 propaganda video on youtube called "More Than Taboo" which is also fantastic.....As far as the plane at the Pentagon, I am pretty sure his belief in the plane actually hitting is that there is virtually no explainable reason for them not to...to have a missle hit instead. He believes the planes were guided ultimately and that the airports, Hani Hanjour, etc. are all bullshit and intel from the get go. So basically, his argument is just that the missle thing is overcomplication and one of the easiest things for skeptics to point to(which is very true). I still hear the same thing from skeptics.."why would they fly the plane, then loose the plane, then fly a missle, then kill everyone, then yada yada" when they could just use the plane and secondary explosions? The thing I didnt get was the punch out hole...I posed the question of how the plane would have made that hole through essentially 6 walls/beams, etc...he really didnt have an answer that satisfied me...but I still think the logic as to why they would go through all that trouble when they didnt need too holds water...I will look for a video he has specifically on the "missle kooks" as he calls them..lol...he is quite ornary and blunt when he talks sometimes...

13th January 2012, 08:19 AM
lol, in the meantime!.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPrHMCJo-XY

13th January 2012, 08:26 AM
here ya go...again, disregard his "morons" "kooks" rhetoric...it isnt personal


13th January 2012, 08:46 AM
and another...

13th January 2012, 09:22 AM
I don't agree Pat. Watch his new-improved video. He has consistently pointed his finger at da joos and their goy-tools doing 9-11.


it's over 3 bloody hours though! I understand, he clearly fingers dajooz/zio's as the top level orchestrators. But does he:

- maintain that AA-77 was flown into the pentagon, esp piloted by scary moozlem Hani Hanjour as the 911 OCT alleges?

- leave open in his viewers' minds the notion that the 19 officially-identified scary moozlems in fact boarded then violently hijacked the commercial flights and flew them into the places which the 911 OCT alleges they flew them into - regardless of whether they may have unwittingly been led along the whole way by zio/spook-handlers?

^ the bottom line acid-test question is: are scary moozlems implicated, or vindicated, of having done the deed 9/11 morning? The answer to that question either props up, or debunks, the pretext for the wars abroad and police-state tyranny at home. The "hate-filt moozlems wanna mass-murder innocent Americans" myth is the single most important product birthed by 9/11, more important than any one, or many jooz/zio's/spooks/politicians they may throw under the bus after a "new investigation" which concludes something Limited-Hangout-LIHOPey, while preserving the crucial al-CIAduh/scary-moozlems centerpiece of the 9/11 OCT.

Again, David Ray Griffin broke down what's at stake:

Was America Attacked by Muslims on 9/11? (http://davidraygriffin.com/articles/was-america-attacked-by-muslims-on-911/)


All the proffered evidence that America was attacked by Muslims on 9/11, when subjected to critical scrutiny, appears to have been fabricated. If that is determined indeed to be the case, the implications would be enormous. Discovering and prosecuting the true perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks would obviously be important. The most immediate consequence, however, should be to reverse those attitudes and policies that have been based on the assumption that America was attacked by Muslims on 9/11. so, it's the POLICIES... which must be preserved (wars, domestic police state, NWO roadmap) in any "new & improved truth" which emerges from pressure from 9/11 Truthers. The highest level PTB don't care if a handful of their lower level minions swing from a rope for "allowing" (scary moozlems to attack us on) 9/11- they're expendable.

13th January 2012, 09:28 AM
I know for certain he does not believe Hani Hanjour had anything to do with flying a plane and doesnt believe Mohammad Atta and Co. boarded...

13th January 2012, 09:36 AM
here ya go...again, disregard his "morons" "kooks" rhetoric...it isnt personal

it's exactly the "morons" & "kooks" approach which belies the AA77-hit-the-pentagon clique's game! This same clique talks the talk of logic & reason, and when these are on their side they use them to maximum effect. They can also recite the rules of disinfo from memory as they scold against them- yet in spite of all that, when it comes to protecting their AA77-hit-the-pentagon position, and vilifying those who aren't on board, they go straight to the appeal-to-emotion, ad-hom attacks, ridicule & belittling, questioning motives, banning/silencing skeptics, pick your RULE (http://www.911truth.org/article.php?story=20050116064744556) they throw it out there. This is all designed to distract from the obvious elephant in the room: if they had sound reason/evidence proving their theory or disproving the doubters' theories, they would be providing them. But since they don't, they resort to appeal-to-emotion bullying. Totally transparent IMHO.

13th January 2012, 02:07 PM
I understand the concept you are addressing...but these usually apply to anonymous internet personalities or obvious shills...this guy does not duck people, he will debate anyone, has been doing it for 10 years. This is more of the exception, general frustration mixed with immaturity with this young fella. Most of the people he actually calls kooks and retards, are(Jones, Loose Change, death ray, etc). Unless I have missed a great deal on the Pentagon issue, it still remains that there is more reason, logic and evidence of the plane hitting, vs the alternatitve, a missle...for the reasons cited by Dawson...

It would be nice if he would leave that attitude out, and acknowledge that of course there could be a reason why they would use a missle instead of the obvious plane routine...but he wont because of his past exchanges and his pride...BUT, given all of the other evidence and concrete information at our disposal, I share his frustration as to why people would even want to resort to the missle theory, even if they believe it, KNOWING that most people will reject it right off the bat AND that it is not needed to prove the case in general. That is more suspicious if you ask me...

Pat, you have been maybe my most valuable resource on all my 9/11 research, both here and on GIM...I think you would be doing yourself a serious disservice not to take the time to watch this guy's full length film...

13th January 2012, 02:16 PM
I watched WBD go through the process of being created across many different versions years ago from the ground up.

There is no shill factor with Ry.

13th January 2012, 04:34 PM
it matters not that a plane or a missile hit the pentagon.....all that matters is WHO did it..and WHY.
for the record i refuse to believe a plane came anywhere near the pentagon. lets concentrate on fingering the perps and we can discuss specifics later.

27th October 2019, 08:54 AM
New from vlogger Johnny Gat aka Vigilante Intel: his top pinned comment @jootube:

"In case some of you who are confused as to why Zion Fraudson now promotes the 'Al Qaeda orchestrated 9/11 and Mossad let it happen narrative' my next project on Alexander Dugin & Yuri Bezmenov should be the final nail in the coffin ;) "

BC backup in cast jootube gasses it, or it's "not available in (your) country": https://www.bitchute.com/video/mpmHxUP2kko1/

14 mins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cksAl3vFhHM


27th October 2019, 03:41 PM
New from vlogger Johnny Gat aka Vigilante Intel: his top pinned comment @jootube:

"In case some of you who are confused as to why Zion Fraudson now promotes the 'Al Qaeda orchestrated 9/11 and Mossad let it happen narrative' my next project on Alexander Dugin & Yuri Bezmenov should be the final nail in the coffin ;) "

BC backup in cast jootube gasses it, or it's "not available in (your) country": https://www.bitchute.com/video/mpmHxUP2kko1/

14 mins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cksAl3vFhHM

Wow. Thanks for bringing this to our attention Pat. What a stunning and sickening turn around. I just recently listened to him being interviewed on the Tim Kelly podcast and he showed no sign of turning like this. As a matter of fact, he even named the jews IRC and I was surprised because he never would in the past. I wonder if he was threatened.