View Full Version : VIDEO: Panetta Admits Iran Has No Immediate Plan for Nuclear Weapons

mick silver
13th January 2012, 04:33 AM
http://www.thedailybell.com/3500/VIDEO-Panetta-Admits-Iran-Has-No-Immediate-Plan-for-Nuclear-Weapons ...
Defense Secretary Leon Panetta (javascript:showWindow(500,800,'/floatWindow.cfm?id=2487');) says Iran is laying the groundwork for making nuclear weapons someday, but is not yet building a bomb and called for continued diplomatic and economic pressure to persuade Tehran not to take that step. As he has previously, Panetta cautioned against a unilateral strike by Israel against Iran's nuclear facilities, saying the action could trigger Iranian retaliation against U.S. forces in the region. "We have common cause here" with Israel, he said. "And the better approach is for us to work together." Panetta's remarks on CBS' Face the Nation, which were taped Friday and aired Sunday, reflect the long-held view of the Obama (javascript:showWindow(500,800,'/floatWindow.cfm?id=2384');) administration that Iran is not yet committed to building a nuclear arsenal, only to creating the industrial and scientific capacity to allow one if its leaders to decide to take that final step. – PressTV/YouTube/Washington Post
Dominant Social Theme: Iran is evil. War is in the offing.
Free-Market Analysis: Over the weekend, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta admitted on CBS's "Face the Nation" that Iran was not seeking to make nuclear weapons. OK, we can all relax now, right? Not quite. Panetta went on to caution that Iran was seeking a "nuclear capability" and that this "concerned" him – and presumably others as well.
Who are the others, we ask? President Barack Obama? The military? The CIA (javascript:showWindow(500,800,'/floatWindow.cfm?id=2401');)? Israel? No, we have another hypothesis. We think the current crisis is a manufactured one and that Iran's "capability" – whatever it is – has little to do with any contemplated war.
There will be war, if there is war, between the West and Persia because the West NEEDS a war. Already, in the West, the alternative media (javascript:showWindow(500,800,'/floatWindow.cfm?id=723');) – often a beacon of truth and hope – is explaining there will be war because ISRAEL feels threatened.
But this is not quite true, either. Israel is a creation of the power elite (javascript:showWindow(500,800,'/floatWindow.cfm?id=610');) and it is the Anglosphere (javascript:showWindow(500,800,'/floatWindow.cfm?id=956');) power elite that is currently seeking war, in our view. It seems to need or want a war to prop up its failing central banking (javascript:showWindow(500,800,'/floatWindow.cfm?id=2958');) system.
It is the failure of the financial system, proceeding apace, that gives rise to this talk of war, to the military tensions, to the tendentious statements made by Washington, DC (javascript:showWindow(500,800,'/floatWindow.cfm?id=2633');) and to a lesser extent by European and Israeli leaders.
What other conclusion can be reached? Iran HAS no nuclear weapons. And even if it did, is Iran somehow more evil or unstable than North Korea, which is evidently bent on increasing a nuclear arsenal that it already has built?
But Iran, it is said, can target Israel with nuclear weapons. Yet North Korea can do the same with South Korea. Compare the "tensions" and rhetoric and one has to conclude that a double standard is being applied. It is seemingly a situation where Iran's ongoing nuclear program is simply a tool designed to unlock wider rhetoric. Here's a further excerpt from a Washington Post on the subject:
The comments suggest the White House's assessment of Iran's nuclear strategy has not changed in recent months, despite warnings from advocates of military action that time is running out to prevent Tehran from becoming a nuclear-armed state. Iran says its nuclear program is only for energy and medical research, and refuses to halt uranium enrichment.
Several Republican candidates have called for a tougher line against Iran, saying they believe it is committed to building the bomb. "If we re-elect Barack Obama, Iran will have a nuclear weapon," said Mitt Romney (javascript:showWindow(500,800,'/floatWindow.cfm?id=2856');). "And if you elect Mitt Romney, Iran will not have a nuclear weapon."
Rick Santorum has said that the U.S. should plan a military strike against Iran's nuclear facilities and "say to them that if you do not open up those facilities and close them down, we will close them down for you." Iran has opened two dozen of its facilities to international inspectors, but has refused in defiance of the U.N. (javascript:showWindow(500,800,'/floatWindow.cfm?id=1848');) Security Council to suspend its uranium enrichment.
Panetta did not rule out launching a pre-emptive strike. "But the responsible thing to do right now is to keep putting diplomatic and economic pressure on them to force them to do the right thing," he said. "And to make sure that they do not make the decision to proceed with the development of a nuclear weapon."
We can see from the above excerpt how strongly the drums of war are beating. Panetta, while admitting that Iran has no weaponized nuclear program, will not rule out a "pre-emptive" strike. The entire scenario seems to be some kind of power elite dominant social theme (javascript:showWindow(500,800,'/floatWindow.cfm?id=652');).
These fear-based themes are essentially tools used by the elites to stampede Western middle classes into giving up wealth and power to global institutions specially constructed for that purpose, such as the UN, IMF (javascript:showWindow(500,800,'/floatWindow.cfm?id=1823');) and World Bank (javascript:showWindow(500,800,'/floatWindow.cfm?id=1822');).
In this case, we are not quite sure why the Pentagon – an elite-oriented institution – has decided to focus so intently on Iran. We are sure, however (as we have pointed out previously), that the powers-that-be are creating an Islamic crescent arc in the Middle East by destabilizing secular regimes and replacing them with Islamic ones.
This is ongoing ... and perhaps the malicious rhetoric surrounding Iran is merely part of a propaganda process intended to further demonize the region preparatory to a full-on regional war.
Modern wars need years, even decades, to foment, in our view. In the Internet era, this is even harder because people's natural skepticism about being manipulated will surely be fueled by the fodder provided by various alternative 'Net news.
Iran/Western tensions seen through this lens are perhaps preparatory and do not indicate an immediate state of hostilities. On the other hand, the amount of weaponry now emplaced in and around Iran certainly gives rise to concern. Even a war planned for later can be generated sooner by mistake (intentional or not). View the video below and make up your own mind.
(Video from UrbanWarfareChannel's YouTube user channel.)

VIDEO: Panetta Admits Iran Has No Immediate Plan for Nuclear Weapons


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13th January 2012, 04:59 AM

Listen to the Iran official say that our sanctions are against their Central Bank.(1:37)

Let me guess, they dont want to use the dollar anymore? Tired of the decrease in value and inflation? WE BOMB YOU THEN.

Iran is a member of the Non Proliferation Treaty, under which they have the right to enrich uranium. The International Atomic Energy Agency has installed cameras at all Iranian Nuclear plant locations.