View Full Version : Get the benefits of mega-dose IV vitamin C without IVs - by yourself

16th January 2012, 01:14 PM
Posted on GD but post here also for future reference..........

Vit C has a wide variety of uses but medicos may prefer a person to die than admit it works from the sound of this article.

An earlier internet story that went viral featured the saga of a New Zealand man, Alan Smith, in a coma on life support for nine weeks. Yet he walked out of the hospital after 13 days of intense vitamin C treatments. What's surprising is that only the beginning phase was high doses administered by IV. Read on.

Alan Smith's family had to coerce the hospital into administering it when the hospital staff announced they were taking him off life support. After two days of 50 grams daily with IV vitamin C, which produced a dramatic improvement, the doctors stopped IV C treatments completely and refused to continue IVC treatments.

Then the family discovered a special hybrid oral vitamin C supplement on the internet that delivers C into cells even more effectively than mega dose IV C. IVC delivers more C into the blood than the gut can handle orally. But less than 20% of that gets into the cells that need it. This hybrid oral vitamin C, which anyone can order online, has packets containing only two grams of vitamin C each (Source 1 below).

But over 90% of this new method slips vitamin C into the body's cells instead of getting excreted quickly. Alan's wife visited him daily with three packets of the new stuff, equaling six grams of vitamin C, after he was able to eat. Alan soon walked out of the hospital without assistance. He survived a coma from serious pneumonia complications and leukemia.

How the unique vitamin C delivery system works
As you probably know, vitamin C is water soluble. But cell walls are made of fats, thus making C difficult to penetrate even if the blood is saturated. The new oral method is known as liposomal encapsulated vitamin C. It mixes ascorbic acid powder with lecithin on a nanoparticle level. The result is a gummy mixture of C "encapsulated" in fats.

Many health experts claim this mixture ensures cells get the vitamin C even better than mega dose IV C treatments. One of them is integrative MD Dr. Thomas Levy. Dr. Levy has been a proponent and administrator of IV C mega dosing for decades. At first he didn't believe liposomal encapsulated vitamin C could compete with mega dose IV treatments.

He discovered otherwise and came to the conclusion that encapsulated vitamin C was superior to IVC. Levy's words: "I subsequently realized that the liposome gave the ultimate bioavailability: intracellular delivery, including the mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and even the nucleus... 2 to 6 packets daily covers most individuals for most situations."

What's great is you can make your own encapsulated vitamin C. Whether you buy it online or make it yourself, the quandary of finding someone who will administer curative mega IVC legally is over. And so is the expense. To maximize the vitamin C's curative power, it must be administered daily for some time.

The oral product doesn't cost much, but enough to motivate those who need it for extended periods to want to make their own.

Sugar messes with vitamin C and should be avoided while dosing C for curing infectious disease. High dose vitamin C helps treat cancer because of its H2O2 production that kills cancer cells. Treating cancer may take more doses than usual, and may demand detox from coffee enemas while sticking to a strict "cancer diet." (Sources below)

All you need is distilled water, high grade ascorbic acid, non-GMO lecithin granules, and a medium size ultra sonic jewelry cleaner. The jewelry cleaner creates the nanoparticles.

Find out all you need to know on making your own here (http://8aloha.com/Liposomal_Vitamin_C.html).

Sources for this article include:

(1) Livon Labs: the people who make the product Alan Smith used

Dr. Levy's site, including a New Zealand "60 Minutes" clip of Alan Smith's saga and recovery, a must view. http://www.tomlevymd.com/video/video.html

Cancer diet http://www.cancertutor.com/AltTreatments/Alt_Diet.html

Coffee enemas http://www.naturalnews.com/026289_co...mas_enema.html

More on encapsulated C http://lewrockwell.com/sardi/sardi144.html


16th January 2012, 02:14 PM
There was a thread on this earlier so this is good confirmation. I was never able to obtain the ingredients here in Australia. We have powered vit C but it has something else mixed in which I couldn't determine if it was helpful or would interfere. same with the other ingredients.

There are other ways to mix it up other than the jewelry cleaner as well. I couldn't find lecithin in any usefull form other than pills and again with extra "stuff" in it.

16th January 2012, 02:33 PM
This is the link to the earlier thread about Liposomol started by Larger Sarge.


I ordered the stuff to make it from Purebulk, a metal cleaner from amazon and made some up. I've been taking it just for the hell of it for a couple of weeks now. I guess if I've got any diseases or cancer it should be curing it.;D

8th February 2012, 07:15 PM
Thank you all for info like this.
I am taging this as I needed to pass this on to
Some one. I do hope it will help them.