View Full Version : Ron Paul Shines in SC Debate, Despite Fox News Antics

17th January 2012, 04:43 AM
The South Carolina Republican Presidential Debate has a special place in my heart. Back in the 2000 election cycle, I was working for candidate Steve Forbes as a North Carolina state campaign manager. It was my opportunity to act as an escort and personal driver for Mr. Forbes during the debate in our sister state of South Carolina. While Mr. Forbes was prepping for his performance, I spoke with all the other candidates behind the scenes: John McCain, Gary Bauer, Orrin Hatch, George W. Bush and Alan Keyes. After the debate was over, I took Mr. Forbes to surprise thousands of independent distributors who were gathered for an Amway convention. The entire evening was memorable.

South Carolina had been my home, off and on, throughout my life. Being the third state in the nation to host a presidential contest was a big honor for us, and our televised presidential debate was the cherry on top. On Monday night, as I watched this year’s SC debate, my heart sank. Fox News took a special tradition and spat upon it to muster cheap ratings. The five remaining Republican presidential hopefuls from the 2012 Republican primary gathered in Myrtle Beach, SC for the Fox News/WSJ Debate. The hour and a half long farce was an insult to the candidates, as well as to the people of South Carolina.

Fox News moderators immediately called on Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum and gave them opportunities to attack frontrunner Mitt Romney. The three candidates sparred over SuperPac advertising, television commercials, and statements that each has made against each other. Sparks flew, with one-liners and sharp retorts drawing boisterous jeers from the audience. The debate became a free-for-all – more a school-yard taunting match than a discussion of ideas and substance.

Meanwhile, Texas Congressman Ron Paul refrained from joining in the mud-slinging and waited for the moderators to address a question to him. He waited a long time.

In the first 40 minutes of the debate, Fox News moderators only directed a single question to Ron Paul. During one commercial break, the effort to ignore Paul was so obvious that it was the topic of discussion by a Fox political panel, including analysts Doug Shoen, Pat Caddell, Ed Rollins and Harris Faulkner. Rollins, commented, “I thought Paul placed second in New Hampshire and was effectively second in Iowa – but they’ve got him standing way over on the side.”

Following the commercial break, an additional question was finally directed to Congressman Paul – though Paul had to begin his response by correcting the moderator, Bret Baier, for grossly distorting his position and effectively calling Paul a terrorist-sympathizer. The debate team was orchestrating a circus atmosphere and they knew that Paul was there to discuss substance, rather than participate in the political equivalent of professional wrestling entertainment. They tried to draw him in to the spectacle, but Paul would not take the bait.

Instead, Ron Paul used his few opportunities to speak clearly on real issues, such as eliminating taxes, protecting against inflation, the difference between defense and military spending and the constitutional role of the federal government. The response of the liberal debate moderators, including Juan Williams, was to get Paul off the microphone as quickly as possible and get back to cheap entertainment. If you want an answer to a serious question, you go to Ron Paul. But if you want to get the audience to whistle and hollar, give the microphone to Newt Gingrich and let him hurl self-righteous insults in whatever direction the mood strikes him.

Even the post-debate commentary was biased against Ron Paul. All throughout the event, Twitter users were encouraged to tweet about how well the candidates were answering their questions. Fox News tracked these results and graphed them to show who was answering questions directly and who was dodging. While a passing comment was made that Paul had given the most honest answers, he was conspicuously left off the graph by Fox reporter John Roberts.

Nearly an hour later, Fox had been flooded with such discontented messages over the collective effort to discount Ron Paul that John Roberts was brought back to re-explain the Twitter voting tallies. He went through each debate topic and displayed the Twitter results. In every category, Ron Paul not only won – but he won by significant margins. Roberts was noticeably uncomfortable having to go through the exercise and was flippant in his mention of Paul’s success. His attitude did not go unnoticed by the Fox political panel. After Roberts again made light of Paul's performance, Harris Faulkner said, “But John, let’s be clear. These charts show that Ron Paul was the big winner.” Roberts snapped back, “Harris, I’ll just say – “We report, you decide”. The testy exchange was bizarre. The fact, however, is that Fox was guilty, again, of reporting in a very biased way against Ron Paul and his supporters. It's hard for an audience to make an informed decision when the facts are distorted in a biased fashion.

In every respect, this debate was a joke. It was clear that the moderators were not looking to provide viewers with substance, but rather, sick entertainment. The objective was to turn candidates against each other like pit bulls in an underground dog fighting ring. Throughout the debate, an element of the audience hissed, booed and screamed as the candidates spoke. Analyst Pat Caddell said the South Carolina audience was “off-putting, snarky and nasty.”

During the post-debate analysis, one viewer sent in a question to the panel asking, “Can the Republican nominee win the presidency without Ron Paul or his supporters?” Ed Rollins replied emphatically, “No.” It was a sentiment echoed by the other panelists. There are far too many committed Paul supporters who are angry at having their opinions ignored by the MSM and the Republican establishment - as was so clearly demonstrated that very night by Fox News. Paul supporters are highly motivated and are a powerful force that can and will have a monumental impact on this election, one way or another.

After Paul’s excellent debate performance, it is clear that he is only gaining greater power as a candidate. Each day, it is being more widely reported that the Republican nomination has come down to a two man race between Mitt Romney and Ron Paul – even if Fox News reporters can’t accept this truth. As Ed Rollins correctly pointed out, “Paul and Romney are the only ones with the money to keep on going.”

Today, CNN released poll results showing that Ron Paul is tied with Mitt Romney in a head to head match up with President Obama. The results are no surprise to ardent Paul supporters who have dug in and look forward to the long campaign ahead. With supporters like these, one way or another - Ron Paul is going to win this election.


UPDATE - Fox News Panel admits GOP cannot win without Ron Paul's supporters.

Q: "Does the GOP really think they can win without the support of Ron


Link--> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_P4TwYmQ1oA&feature=youtu.be

17th January 2012, 05:08 AM
All Ron Pauls answers from the SC debate:


17th January 2012, 05:32 AM
I heard Dicky Morris and Sean Hannity talking. They all but ignored Paul. The only mention was Dicky who said Paul was the clear loser. Truth is he did not get much opportunity, and did not get as many good points in as previous debates.

17th January 2012, 07:55 AM
In many ways last nights debate was an epic fail, not because Ron Paul didn't have a break out night, he had a good night and as usual his message was consistent and Constitutionally driven. I'm referencing the faux moderators and most of the faux crew who were up to their usual tactics that we've all witnessed since RP has been on the campaign trail 07 to present. I have to wonder though about the audience in SC, WTF boos the golden rule? Were those faux plants, directed at skewing anything RP or just a small subset of idiots who may or may not reside in SC?

17th January 2012, 09:20 AM
I have to wonder though about the audience in SC, WTF boos the golden rule? ?

but then interestingly he leads them around to cheers.

17th January 2012, 09:22 AM
Watch Faux try and downplay how well RP did with the Tweet in crowd....


17th January 2012, 10:30 AM
Watch Faux try and downplay how well RP did with the Tweet in crowd....


I saw that last night. What Fox cannot stand is that some semblance of democratic action is brought into their controlled debates. The Republican Party is also freaking out over any democratic action being brought in. They usually have a lot more control of the outcome (though never complete control).

17th January 2012, 10:48 AM
i listened to some of dennis prager, limbagh, and beck today. they are in full on "ron paul is a crazy person" mode.

17th January 2012, 10:50 AM
Check out this Poll of the Day, posted this morning by Boston's local Fox Radio affiliate:

Who won last night's GOP debate:
0 Mitt Romney
0 Newt Gingrich
0 Rick Santorum
0 Jon Huntsman
0 Bret Baier

Keep in mind, Huntsman did not even participate in the debate. Geez.


17th January 2012, 11:02 AM
The fact that the man is right on most of the issues isn't what motivates his followers to be active, of course...we're all just a bunch of zealots who should be dismissed out of hand, along with the results we produce.

17th January 2012, 11:08 AM
The fact that the man is right on most of the issues isn't what motivates his followers to be active, of course...we're all just a bunch of zealots who should be dismissed out of hand, along with the results we produce.

And they keep saying we're all young (& dumb?) too! Go figure. ::)

17th January 2012, 01:31 PM
The fact that the man is right on most of the issues isn't what motivates his followers to be active, of course...we're all just a bunch of zealots who should be dismissed out of hand, along with the results we produce.

language is Context-sensitive.

to be called a "Zealot" because we care about our Society - and vote accordingly - is a huge compliment. just as being called an "anti-Semite" is a compliment - people criticize Jews for their criminal behavior, not for the curvature of their noses.

Hatha Sunahara
17th January 2012, 02:33 PM
I liked it when Romney said he would have signed the NDAA, and he got booed big time.


17th January 2012, 02:37 PM
Whoever was in charge of the applause/boo switch was on crack. Too much of it didn't make any sense at all.

midnight rambler
17th January 2012, 02:49 PM
Whoever was in charge of the applause/boo switch was on crack. Too much of it didn't make any sense at all.

The word is that Fox allowed the campaigns so many of their followers in (i.e. cheering sections) each which would account for Dr. Paul getting booed for referencing the Golden Rule (with respect to foreign policy). What kind of jackass boos the Golden Rule?? ???

17th January 2012, 02:52 PM
Hahaha that's why I was sayin.

17th January 2012, 03:48 PM
What kind of jackass boos the Golden Rule?? ???

Ha!Ha! They must have let a bunch of Jews in;D

17th January 2012, 04:30 PM
he had a good night and as usual his message was consistent and Constitutionally driven.


If you're Panoptimist, there is nothing good about that "******* piece of paper" as it was masonically created to give jews free roam over the U.S. and the planet with its freedoms...

17th January 2012, 10:13 PM
All Ron Pauls answers from the SC debate:


Excellent ............Ron Paul is on a roll

General of Darkness
17th January 2012, 10:20 PM
I don't know what everyone else watched, but RP didn't look good.

18th January 2012, 05:35 AM
I don't know what everyone else watched, but RP didn't look good.

FOX planted him in the cheap seats, you know how that feels.

18th January 2012, 09:13 AM
He didn't sound as good compared to his other performances. He went on and on at times with out really getting to the point and stuttered a bit. Of course he was miles ahead of the others, but in this particular debate he didn't shine as bright as he usually does.

FOX planted him in the cheap seats, you know how that feels.

He's always in the cheap seats.

18th January 2012, 11:01 AM
He didn't sound as good compared to his other performances. He went on and on at times with out really getting to the point and stuttered a bit. Of course he was miles ahead of the others, but in this particular debate he didn't shine as bright as he usually does.

I think with less contestants he was allowed a lot more time than he is used to.

Since he doesn't really practice for the things or have coaches and speech writers I figure he was just caught out by the uninterrupted amount of time.

18th January 2012, 08:09 PM
He's always in the cheap seats.

But after being second in New Hampshire... poor roller coaster Ron.

18th January 2012, 08:24 PM
I don't know what everyone else watched, but RP didn't look good.

Ok, RP didn't have a great night but he didn't have a shitty night either. Look at the format and the talking heads on the debate panel, look at the psychology of how the questions were phrased. There's a reason RP didn't fare that well and it was no fault of his own, for the most part. He does though have a propensity to stammer a bit and stumble over his words at times, it's just his nature and I say that in all fairness BUT.....the last debate was designed to not let RP come out anywhere near the top. That's more than my opinion...my specialty in college was broadcasting/business/political marketing psychology and this was a set up from the git-go.

18th January 2012, 08:52 PM
Ok, RP didn't have a great night but he didn't have a shitty night either. Look at the format and the talking heads on the debate panel, look at the psychology of how the questions were phrased. There's a reason RP didn't fare that well and it was no fault of his own, for the most part. He does though have a propensity to stammer a bit and stumble over his words at times, it's just his nature and I say that in all fairness BUT.....the last debate was designed to not let RP come out anywhere near the top. That's more than my opinion...my specialty in college was broadcasting/business/political marketing psychology and this was a set up from the git-go.

I wish his handlers would coach him better.
He should stand tall when under pressure and answer difficult questions with less words.
People need to see he won't cave under pressure.