View Full Version : Auschwitz EXPOSED! Update

17th January 2012, 11:01 AM

Link-----> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCO9VypqB5I&feature=related

17th January 2012, 01:32 PM
Good find! Does anyone have a link to the previous video he refers to?

17th January 2012, 01:35 PM
So, some prominent Nazis were actually Jews who went through show trial after the war and were pretend executed. They then went on to form/participate in the Igrun and Stern Gang etc, to conduct FF terrorism to create the "state" of Israel and the Mossad. Hell, nothing surprises me anymore.

Twisted Titan
17th January 2012, 02:09 PM
I have a real hard time accepting his hypothesis based of visual pictures

I am no expert facial recognition or the after affects of Rhinoplasty.

I would have been more intrigued if he showed some footage of these people being called by their true names and see some sort of reaction.

I don't take before and after photo as proof

17th January 2012, 02:15 PM
Personally, I think ALL prominent Nazis were AshkeNAZIs. The "brownshirts" they killed were not. As usual, they create their own opposition and destroy the real opposition that follows the movement. Hitler probably retired comfortably iin Tel Aviv.

17th January 2012, 04:01 PM
Personally, I think ALL prominent Nazis were AshkeNAZIs. The "brownshirts" they killed were not. As usual, they create their own opposition and destroy the real opposition that follows the movement. Hitler probably retired comfortably iin Tel Aviv.

no way. Hitler hated the Jews. his enthusiasm for "sending the Jews to the desert" made him attractive to Israel-supporters. but when he talked about sending the Jews to the desert, he was not planning on going there with them.

this made him useful. the Jews huffed & they puffed and they got their bogeyman.

17th January 2012, 09:59 PM
Still don't get it.......

You understand that the jewish tactic is to make you automatically associate Hitler and Nazi with Evil.

So if you love jews well guess what, Hitler killed millions of em, what an evil bastard.
If you dislike jews and or zionism, well guess what Hitler created israel and was a zionist.
If you dislike the rothschilds, well guess what Hitler was a rothschild agent.

Why would they want you to think he was evil? He ended marxism in Germany, he ended the jewish central bank, he united his country and turned it into an economic powerhouse within a decade despite being totally pillaged after WWI. They never want anyone to admire what he accomplished, they never want anyone to emulate what he did. He is evil remember, and who wants to be evil? They want you to live in a state where everyone now lives, once you sorta wake up you think the beast is to big to defeat and you adobt a defeatist mentality the beast controls everyone, you never know who you can trust. They never will admit that an entire country woke up and threw the damn shackles off and damn near got away with it.

Think for yourself for God's sake if the jews ultimate goal was to take Palestine why would they need this entire charade? America, Britain, USSR and Germany were all under jewish control following (or before) WWI, I think we can all agree on this. Who would've stopped them if they said, he guess what we are making this state in Palestine. What army would've stood in the way? None. Period.

The whole Hitler was a jew/rothschild agent/whatever nonsense they come up with next is nothing but a giant ruse and it's disheartening that so many buy into it.

18th January 2012, 04:55 AM
Those Nazis are all-purpose bogeymen.

18th January 2012, 06:59 AM
LuckyStrike, I respect you very much and take your opinions seriously.

What was Hilter then? Sum it up in a "Hitler for Dummies" post if you could please.

18th January 2012, 07:43 AM
Jews plan ahead hundreds of years.
Jews are the best actors, most actors are Jews. They take great pride in this ability.
Jews control both or all sides of every conflict. It's their modus operandi.
Any opposition that gets media attention is the controlled opposition.
It happens over and over but the goyim don't understand it.
Jews financed Hitler and gave him plenty of publicity.
The goys rallied behind him and died.

When events are planned behind the scenes, the end result reveals the original intention.

18th January 2012, 07:49 AM
As hoarder says: "the end result reveals the original intention".

Hitler may have *thought* he was doing a good thing for Germany, and in some ways he did, but he was still being used (whether knowingly or unknowingly) as a pawn of the international jewry.

Because of Hitler, they now have the "Holocaust" and the "State of Israel". They have a coalescing point (Hitler/Nazis/Holocaust) by which they further their ethnic solidarity, ramp up the US vs THEM (jew vs goyim) mentality, and realize their plans for worldwide domination. Tikkun olam (תיקון עולם), anyone?

Hitler was the greatest thing to happen to jews/khazars since the Rothschilds.

EDIT: lol... I typed out this post, and before I had a chance to post it, hoarder had beat me to the thread.

I seem to have quoted him pretty accurately.

18th January 2012, 07:50 AM
ashkeNAZI ism was primarily a PHILOSOPHY......above all else,and Alfred Rosenberg was hitler/shikelgrubers appointed CHIEF ( above goering himmler hess etc)nazi philosopher.....tell me, you who embrace jew written history, WHO of all the rich jew bankers did hitler actually kill?? c'mon, NAME them i dare you!
answer? NONE.

18th January 2012, 07:54 AM
ashkeNAZI ism was primarily a PHILOSOPHY......above all else,and Alfred Rosenberg was hitler/shikelgrubers appointed CHIEF ( above goering himmler hess etc)nazi philosopher.....tell me, you who embrace jew written history, WHO of all the rich jew bankers did hitler actually kill?? c'mon, NAME them i dare you!
answer? NONE.

Hitler wasn't in the business of killing banksters.... just adding to the "victim-classness" of jews and providing them a home in Palestine!


18th January 2012, 07:55 AM
So, some prominent Nazis were actually Jews who went through show trial after the war and were pretend executed. They then went on to form/participate in the Igrun and Stern Gang etc, to conduct FF terrorism to create the "state" of Israel and the Mossad. Hell, nothing surprises me anymore.



Zionism and the Third Reich (http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v13/v13n4p29_Weber.html)

Edit to add:
Nice job hoarder, Gonzo...right on point nearly the same time lol

18th January 2012, 08:01 AM
Can you name this Jew?

mick silver
18th January 2012, 08:20 AM
Heinrich Himmler ...
Heinrich Himmler was a leading commander of the Nazi Party, becoming the second most powerful man in the Third Reich. Himmler was appointed as Hitler's top bodyguard. He established the first Nazi concentration camp. At the end of the war, he suffered from psychosomatic illnesses, but still hoped to succeed Hitler. For this he was arrested. He attempted escape but committed suicide when captured.

Synopsis (http://www.biography.com/people/heinrich-himmler-9339448?page=1#synopsis)
Profile (http://www.biography.com/people/heinrich-himmler-9339448?page=1#profile)


(born October 7, 1900, Munich, Germany—died May 23, 1945, Lneburg, Germany) German National Socialist (Nazi) politician, police administrator, and military commander who became the second most powerful man in the Third Reich.
The son of a Roman Catholic secondary-school master, Himmler studied agriculture after World War I and joined rightist paramilitary organizations. As a member of one of these, Ernst Rhm's Reichskriegsflagge (“Imperial War Flag”), he participated in November 1923 in Adolf Hitler (http://www.biography.com/people/adolf-hitler-9340144)'s abortive Beer Hall Putsch in Munich. Himmler joined the Nazi Party in 1925, rose steadily in the party hierarchy, and was elected a deputy to the Reichstag (the German parliament) in 1930. The foundations of his future importance, however, were laid with his appointment as Reichsfhrer of the SS (Schutzstaffel; “Protective Echelon”), Hitler's elite bodyguard, which was nominally under the control of the Sturmabteilung (SA; “Assault Division”). Himmler immediately began expanding the SS, which reached a membership of more than 50,000 by 1933. After Hitler gained power on January 30, 1933, Himmler became head of the Munich police and soon afterward became commander of all German police units outside Prussia. As such, he established the Third Reich's first concentration camp, at Dachau.
In April 1934 Himmler was appointed assistant chief of the Gestapo (Secret State Police) in Prussia, and from this position he extended his control over the police forces of the whole Reich, assuming full command of them in 1936. He masterminded the June 30, 1934, purge in which the SS eliminated the SA as a power within the Nazi Party. This purge strengthened Hitler's control over both the party and the German army, which had viewed the SA as a serious rival. Himmler then began to build the SS into the most powerful armed body in Germany next to the armed forces. Under Himmler the SS acquired vast police powers in Germany and the territories it occupied, and it also gained primary responsibilities in the areas of security, intelligence gathering, and espionage.
World War II brought a vast extension of Himmler's empire and the resources at his command. After Germany invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941, Himmler was entrusted with the administration of the conquered territory with the goal of eliminating the Soviet system. He oversaw the deployment of the Einsatzgruppen (“deployment groups”) in the massacre of Jews and other victims at sites such as Baby Yar, in Ukraine, during the early war years. Himmler organized the extermination camps in German-occupied Poland at which millions

2 (http://www.biography.com/people/heinrich-himmler-9339448?page=2)
Next Page (http://www.biography.com/people/heinrich-himmler-9339448?page=2)

18th January 2012, 08:35 AM
Roseanne Barr: Nazi Leaders Hitler, Goebbels and Himmler Were Jewish


Roseanne Barr on Friday said leaders of the Nazi Party such as Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels, and Heinrich Himmler were all Jewish.
In the comedienne's latest anti-Semitic rant (http://www.roseanneworld.com/blog/2010/08/jews-and-other-cult-victims.php), she also claimed that many Palestinians are Jewish and were "driven out of their homes by a cheney-ized [sic] Judeo Christian Bushite America."
Further demonstrating her serious need for counseling, Barr said Nazi scientists "successfully created a mutant human--a hybrid of Jewish mentality and German Resolve, the Zionist."
Readers are cautioned before proceeding as this is seriously disturbed stuff (h/t NB reader Consigliere5):

Many of the Palestinian people are jewish and became christian after Israel stole their land and homes. They were dark skinned, and so driven out of their homes by a cheney-ized Judeo Christian Bushite America. the jewish american socialists are sending a flotilla from america to break the blockade of the anti-semitic zionists in Gaza! Zionists are German. weird hybrid. In order to defeat euro socialism, Hitler leveraged the rich jewish industrialists against the working class jews. The Russian accounts say that the last trains to Auschwitz were first class, as that is all the leverage left to the jewish oligarchs within the 'reich', (other than the jews like Hitler, Goebbels, and Himmler at the top). The scientists of the Reich successfully created a mutant human--a hybrid of Jewish mentality and German Resolve, the Zionist-- He who broke the back of the labor movements and socialism,--- which is the goal of National Socialism---(different word for the American Southern Confederacy-the one Anne Coulter loves).
Seriously, this woman needs psychiatric attention and fast.
Exit question: Does Barr really believe this nonsense, or does she go off on one of these absurd rants every now and then to draw attention to herself?

18th January 2012, 06:51 PM
Jews plan ahead hundreds of years.
Jews are the best actors, most actors are Jews. They take great pride in this ability.
Jews control both or all sides of every conflict. It's their modus operandi.
Any opposition that gets media attention is the controlled opposition.
It happens over and over but the goyim don't understand it.
Jews financed Hitler and gave him plenty of publicity.
The goys rallied behind him and died.

When events are planned behind the scenes, the end result reveals the original intention.

I agree with you on pretty much all counts, however I wouldn't confuse them using a given situation to their advantage and orchestrating it from the beginning. We have to remember they have literally all the money in the world at their disposal.

For example, say an honest White patriot started sending traitors to the grave (i think you catch my drift) a few scum bags are laid low, but then out comes the jew starts enacting gun bans, cracking down on militia groups, using the situation to further his own agenda. Now was the jew in control of this situation at any point? No. Did he exploit it to his own needs after the fact? Yes.

I think the same is true with Hitler and NS Germany, had the Allies stayed the hell out of WWII the world would be better off, a lot more White people would still be alive and think what you wish but I can't imagine Europe being a worse place today had the Nazi's not been defeated.

The main problem I have with your view on Nazi Germany is not that you disagree with me, but rather what I perceive as a defeatist mentality. For example if hackers take down government or CC websites, than it's just a false flag in order to crack down on the net. It's never any honest activism just both sides being controlled. My point being that had this been around the time of our secession from Britain the cry would've been "look this (insert Founding Father here) character is a red coat, he is advocating violence, surely he is an agent provocateur trying to get us arrested for treason." NOTHING meaningful will ever be accomplished with this mentality.

18th January 2012, 06:52 PM
Roseanne Barr: Nazi Leaders Hitler, Goebbels and Himmler Were Jewish


My point exactly, the jews openly peddle this nonsense.

18th January 2012, 06:56 PM
ashkeNAZI ism was primarily a PHILOSOPHY......above all else,and Alfred Rosenberg was hitler/shikelgrubers appointed CHIEF ( above goering himmler hess etc)nazi philosopher.....tell me, you who embrace jew written history, WHO of all the rich jew bankers did hitler actually kill?? c'mon, NAME them i dare you!
answer? NONE.

Who ever claimed Hitler killed any bankers? I said he kicked them and the rest of the marxists out of his country, some went to palestine to which Germany got paid and who could blame them, I'd send jews to palestine at 2k a pop too.

18th January 2012, 07:12 PM
LuckyStrike, I respect you very much and take your opinions seriously.

What was Hilter then? Sum it up in a "Hitler for Dummies" post if you could please.

I think Hitler was the greatest political leader of the last century. People can go on ad infinitum pontificating about what may or may not have gone on behind the scenes of the Third Reich, whether or not they had UFO technology, were into the occult, were rothschild agents, or how many craps Hitler took per day. I deal with what I can observe for myself and read first hand. As in Hitlers speeches and Mein Kampf.

I think many people falsely lump Hitler into the same camp as Stalin. "hell they were both mass murderers and socialists" but this is quite false. I don't think the majority here buy into the holocaust business nor should anyone buy into the socialism business. As I have said in previous posts on the topic, we know socialism doesn't work, that central planning doesn't work. Yet here is someone who took a country who had just been defeated in war and had their economy destroyed by the worst hyper inflation in recent history and became an economic powerhouse that could've taken on any other single country, and damn near took on the top 3. I am going off memory here because wikipedia is down for SOPA, but the top tax rates in the US in the early 1940's was 85%, Britain 25% and Germany 12% now you tell me which one sounds the most totalitarian.

So I can observe with my eyes that he took down the central bank and ended marxism, I can observe that his economy took off, I can observe that jews have made sure his very name is synonymous with evil.

Generally I can leave others to speculate about all the other myths circulated by jews (they are super prevalent on the "History Channel" headed by jew abby ravensky) however as I stated in a post or two above I do not like to see people give the beast system so much credit. Sure they "never let a good crisis go to waste" but that doesn't mean everyone who tries to oppose them is simply controlled.

Just my .02 (with inflation that ain't much)

18th January 2012, 07:53 PM
The main problem I have with your view on Nazi Germany is not that you disagree with me, but rather what I perceive as a defeatist mentality. The reality of the situation is that ANY leader that stands against them is suspect. There is no way around that. If we trust our gut that the next leader is the real thing, we will most likely end up just like the Germans did during and after WW2. It's the nature of the beast.
It's not self-defeating. Understanding the tactics of the enemy makes us stronger, not weaker. Once we understand not to back leaders with our lives, the next obvious step is to devise other strategies, like leaderless resistance.
We will never know if any would-be leaders are the real thing or not. Any competent would-be leader knows this as well, and if there is one he will lead "anti-semites" to battle is such a way that none would have to trust their lives against his word.
Then as now, 90% of the battle is information. Those who want to control information will try to elevate such battles to violence instead. Hitler did not mount an effective information battle. he only said things that were true and those who agreed got killed. His message was not designed to convince the world, only to conscipt soldiers to war.

18th January 2012, 07:57 PM
The reality of the situation is that ANY leader that stands against them is suspect. There is no way around that. If we trust our gut that the next leader is the real thing, we will most likely end up just like the Germans did during and after WW2. It's the nature of the beast.
It's not self-defeating. Understanding the tactics of the enemy makes us stronger, not weaker. Once we understand not to back leaders with our lives, the next obvious step is to devise other strategies, like leaderless resistance.
We will never know if any would-be leaders are the real thing or not. Any competent would-be leader knows this as well, and if there is one he will lead "anti-semites" to battle is such a way that none would have to trust their lives against his word.
Then as now, 90% of the battle is information. Those who want to control information will try to elevate such battles to violence instead. Hitler did not mount an effective information battle. he only said things that were true and those who agreed got killed. His message was not designed to convince the world, only to conscipt soldiers to war.

On this subject we disagree, simple as that, just an example of the 1 thing we disagree on out of 100. But don't think because I disagree with the overall premise that I disagree with the majority of your points. Like they say "if you shoot all your allies you end up fighting alone" I'm sure you see it the same.

The battle is information, no doubt about it.

19th January 2012, 12:21 AM
Mullins in 2000:

THE NAZI ZIONIST PARTY AND THE HOLOCAUST (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LO5sbwGCR7A)


Uploaded by joggler66 (http://www.youtube.com/user/joggler66) on Jan 1, 2012
Eustace Mullins explains connection between the
NAtional socialists and ZIonists. The result is a NAZI Party
which rules the world today....
Eustace Mullins in Salmon Arm BC, Canada, August 2000. go here: #103 (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?54461-Introduction-to-the-Holocaust%E2%84%A2-Hoax&p=508478&viewfull=1#post508478) - question about Mullins' take of the official holohoax narrative.

19th January 2012, 06:36 PM
i find it most telling that shikelgruber himself, (please stop calling him hiler) doesnt have a SINGLE aryan trait. none.

D sciple
19th January 2012, 08:44 PM
'The idea was that those who direct the overall conspiracy could use the differences in those two so--called ideologies [marxism/fascism/socialism v. democracy/capitalism] to enable them [the Illuminati] to divide larger and larger portions of the human race into opposing camps so that they could be armed and then brainwashed into fighting and destroying each other.'

-- from The Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations by Myron Fagan"

'The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.'

-- J. Edgar Hoover, former head of the FBI"

'The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one--world government combining supercapitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control.... Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent.'

-- Congressman Larry P. McDonald, 1976, killed in the Korean Airlines 747 that was shot down by the Soviets."

19th January 2012, 09:26 PM
I agree, but this flies in the face of the suggestions of one of the holy books of this site..."Synagogue Of Satan"...

Edit: sorry, tried to quote here..I meant the notion that Hitler was potentially a Rothschild agent/blood as mentioned in that book.

11th December 2012, 10:36 PM
Bump for the fun of it..

12th December 2012, 04:24 PM
Thanks Nomoss, this is the first time I had read this thread. Lots of useful information for me.