View Full Version : Check out this Chemtrailing today in Los Angeles 1-20-21

General of Darkness
20th January 2012, 05:23 PM
We've got rain coming tomorrow and they've been spraying the holy hell out of us since after the Rose Parade. In the past two weeks literally EVERYONE in our office has been getting sick. You can hear that I'm horse right now, but I'm not sick.

Part 1


Part 2 20 minutes later


20th January 2012, 09:56 PM
That's nothing. You should see Denver.

20th January 2012, 11:38 PM
The trails have been heavy and regular here in Los Angeles.

20th January 2012, 11:44 PM
I posted this yesterday in another thread. I didn't see any trails today, but yesterday made up for it.

20th January 2012, 11:46 PM
I noticed that California had a several month period in 2011 with little to no trailing. Now, I see two distinct differences -

1) trails everyday
2) trails sticking much longer

20th January 2012, 11:55 PM
We've got rain coming tomorrow and they've been spraying the holy hell out of us since after the Rose Parade. In the past two weeks literally EVERYONE in our office has been getting sick. You can hear that I'm horse right now, but I'm not sick.

As you know I live near you. I had a lot of family members get sick. I started to feel sick, but I started taking Oil of Oregano (anti-viral/bacterial), Colloidal Silver (anti-bacterial), Butterbur (for breathing), and Quercetin & Bromelain (for breathing.) On top of that I've undergone chelation therapy by taking EDTA, which removes all the heavy metals they spray on us. The EDTA unfortunately gets rid of other things so I've been juicing carrots and apples, and drinking it like crazy. Doing all these things and I've been perfectly fine. I was never sick longer than 45 minutes doing all this stuff. When I say I can't get sick, I'm not joking, I know how to squash sickness anytime it starts coming.

I gave my mother some Colloidal Silver and Oil of Oregano and she got better just hours later, but she has to keep taking it for a few days or it comes back. She refused to take it when I told her to when she first complained about being sick since I guess she thought I was crazy. I kept bugging her to do it and she eventually gave in when she was so sick she couldn't get out of bed. When she saw how quick she recovered after I gave it to her she became an instant believer. Within two hours of not being able to get out of bed, to running around and doing her normal routine proved the effectiveness.

I'd also like to talk about the importance of taking Kelp. You need to talk Kelp everyday to help resist against radiation. Getting radiation exposure destroys your immune system over time. Kelp tablets are dirt cheap. You can get a years supply usually for a couple bucks (http://www.swansonvitamins.com/SW337/ItemDetail). VERY GOOD prep item in my view.

21st January 2012, 12:05 AM
I agree with you there. Having a steady source of plant-based iodine supplementations can help the body a lot. The amount of iodine in the body is usually so low that it is measured in micro-grams. There is so little that the body has a mechanism whereby it can use and reuse the same couple micrograms of iodine over and over.

I agree with chelation and I have not tried EDTA, although I know it is very powerful. I do low grade chelation with vegetable oil. This is a good, steady method that is healthy to do over long periods of time, it is technically an ayurvedic treatment but has popularity worldwide. The method is called "oil pulling" and I'll usually do it with coconut, sesame, or sunflower oil, usually with a few drops of oregano or peppermint mixed in. You just swish that in your mouth for 20 minutes every morning and then brush your teeth. Everything fat-soluble (including heavy metals) will bind to the oil sublingually and then you spit it out : ) This therapy helped me a lot, I stopped doing it after a while and the benefits are permanent as near as I can tell. This, coupled with trigger-point massage, cured my lifelong "asthma".

Pretty neat that we are local to eachother.

21st January 2012, 12:14 AM
I agree with chelation and I have not tried EDTA, although I know it is very powerful. I do low grade chelation with vegetable oil. This is a good, steady method that is healthy to do over long periods of time, it is technically an ayurvedic treatment but has popularity worldwide. The method is called "oil pulling" and I'll usually do it with coconut, sesame, or sunflower oil, usually with a few drops of oregano or peppermint mixed in. You just swish that in your mouth for 20 minutes every morning and then brush your teeth. Everything fat-soluble (including heavy metals) will bind to the oil sublingually and then you spit it out : ) This therapy helped me a lot, I stopped doing it after a while and the benefits are permanent as near as I can tell. This, coupled with trigger-point massage, cured my lifelong "asthma".

You can get EDTA in capsule form or powder (I have both.) Just make sure you take it with a lot of Vitamin C and MSM so it works the best. You can also use freshly juiced cilantro as a natural form of chelation, but it tastes like SHIT (like grass clippings.) I like to take it at night before I go to bed, then when I wake up I drink a lot of freshly juiced carrot/apple juice, maybe some vitamin supplements, calcium, and magnesium. The chelation process has the side effect of removing some of the good stuff too.

I tried doing oil pulling while in the shower, but didn't feel like it was doing anything? I don't know. I was using sesame seed oil. I'll try doing it again for longer.

21st January 2012, 12:45 AM
I've been juicing too. My go to recipie is, red beet, yellow beet, tomatoes, a serrano or Thai chile, juice from one lemon, celery stalk, big garlic clove, radish and sometimes, kale. I also put a drop of iodine in a couple times a week, plus some zinc. I haven't been sick in a long time. I also make a green apple and ginger juice that's pretty tasty. I can't forget the apple cider vinegar and baking soda dose either.

21st January 2012, 12:53 AM
As far as I can tell, there are almost no real clouds in the photo you posted, perhaps the bottom layer.. The rest, visible trails. Planes have always had trails, but I could have sworn, when I was younger, it *never* hung around like this.


21st January 2012, 12:59 AM
That photo was taken from the forest near my house. That's Saddleback Mt. in Orange County at the bottom. Last year, I went through the family photo albums from when I was a kid in the mid 70-80's. We were always camping at the beach, desert and mountains and I didn't find "contrails" in the photos. Looking through pictures of when my kids were little in the late 90's and there are trails.