View Full Version : Gingrich says his backer’s ‘central value’ is Israel (and NBC drops the subject)

21st January 2012, 07:41 AM
by Susie Kneedler and Phil Weiss on January 18, 2012

On the NBC show Rock Center the other night, Ted Koppel asked Newt Gingrich why Sheldon Adelson is funding his campaign Super PAC, and Gingrich was frank:

Koppel: There has to be a so-what at the end of it. So-- if you win what does Adelson get out of it?

Gingrich. He knows I'm very pro Israel. That's the central value of his life. I mean, he's very worried that Israel is going to not survive.
But when Rock Center reports at its website on the episode (http://rockcenter.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/01/16/10167332-unlimited-contributions-give-super-pacs-power-to-change-presidential-race), a lengthy print version of the story, it says nothing about Adelson's central value. Piece by Jessica Hopper:

Following Gingrich’s finish in Iowa, a Super PAC supporting the former Speaker of the House called ‘Winning Our Future,’ received a $5 million donation from wealthy casino owner Sheldon Adelson. In South Carolina, ‘Winning Our Future’ has launched anti-Romney advertisements.

While Gingrich has publicly denounced the negative advertisement, the Super PAC supporting him continues to run the ad that paints Romney as a greedy businessman and attacks his record from his days at venture capital firm Bain Capital.

“We’re now entering a world where until the laws are changed, every serious campaign will have one or more Super PACs. They will spend an absurd amount of money and it will virtually all be negative. That’s a fact,” Gingrich said. “Given the playing field right now, you have no choice.”
And the video on the Rock Center site includes a lot of Koppel's interview with Gingrich, but no mention of Israel:

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Yesterday we noted that Koppel seemed to duck (http://mondoweiss.net/2012/01/chris-matthews-pitches-israel-lobby-ted-koppel-keeps-bat-on-shoulder.html)the question he asked Gingrich, when Chris Matthews mentioned Adelson's concern for Israel. The real-life political question that follows from Adelson's gift is, Why is Adelson dissatisfied with frontrunner Mitt Romney? The best answer is that he regards Romney as soft on the Israel question and Gingrich as hard-core.

Speaking of hard-core: when Rick Santorum repeatedly referred to Israel in Monday night's debate and said that we should "remove Assad for the benefit of the Syrian people and their neighbor Israel"... and when Rick Perry said, "There should be no space between the United States and Israel. Period".... what was their game? Are they auditioning for Adelson money?


21st January 2012, 07:55 AM
On the NBC show Rock Center the other night, Ted Koppel asked Newt Gingrich why Sheldon Adelson is funding his campaign Super PAC, and Gingrich was frank:
[INDENT]Koppel: There has to be a so-what at the end of it. So-- if you win what does Adelson get out of it?

Gingrich: He knows I'm very pro Israel. That's the central value of his life. I mean, he's very worried that Israel is going to not survive.

so why doesn't these rich jews speak out about israel's suicide/death wish ?

22nd January 2012, 05:41 AM
Obama ♥ Israel too!

This is an official White House video

General of Darkness
22nd January 2012, 05:47 AM
NaftaNewt is just disgusting and will do a better job at burying this country than Obongo.

General of Darkness
22nd January 2012, 06:08 AM
Here's a picture of the NaftaNewts "backer". What a swarthy jew this guy is. Looks like pure evil.


midnight rambler
22nd January 2012, 07:43 AM
NaftaNewt is just disgusting and will do a better job at burying this country than Obongo.

I used to think it was hard to imagine someone worse than the Communist Kenyan and Chewbacca, but Melonhead and his trollop tramp for a wife easily qualify.

mick silver
22nd January 2012, 07:47 AM
I used to think it was hard to imagine someone worse than the Communist Kenyan and Chewbacca, but Melonhead and his trollop tramp for a wife easily qualify.

and yet they want the people to think this asshat won . the rabbit hole just keeps getting deeper

22nd January 2012, 08:16 AM
and yet they want the people to think this asshat won . the rabbit hole just keeps getting deeper

He did win. What they want people to think is that his win is based the idea that a majority of voters in SC, taking informed action, came out and voted for him.

mick silver
22nd January 2012, 08:19 AM
thats just what they want us to think ... that he won . i trust nothing they have to tell me any longer .

22nd January 2012, 08:32 AM
thats just what they want us to think ... that he won based on a legitimate vote of the people . i trust nothing they have to tell me any longer .

Is this what you meant to say?

Hatha Sunahara
22nd January 2012, 10:26 AM
The video in the OP demonstrates how Newt is an incorrigible whore, and unashamed of it. If someone gives him money to take a position, he will take the money and adopt the position--even if it is inconsistent with the positions he takes to get money from other people. The only way Israel can survive is to have America kill its multitude of enemies. A $5 million bribe to Newt gets them trillions in killing capacity. Newt should be ashamed of himself--but he's not. The people of SC who voted for him are irresponsible.


22nd January 2012, 10:47 AM
A $5 million bribe to Newt gets them trillions in killing capacity. Newt should be ashamed of himself--but he's not. The people of SC who voted for him are irresponsible.


They just sold their souls to Satan.

22nd January 2012, 11:05 AM
he's very worried that Israel is going to not survive

Why would that be IF he believed the Bible? The Bible is real clear that Israel will be saved. Oh that's right he doesn't believe the Bible and what God said about saving Israel and so he (as well as all these unsaved, messiah (Christ) rejectors) do, he's trying to bring in the kingdom without God.

Jeremiah 23:6 In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.

Romans 11:26 And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:

22nd January 2012, 11:08 AM
The video in the OP demonstrates how Newt is an incorrigible whore, and unashamed of it. If someone gives him money to take a position, he will take the money and adopt the position--even if it is inconsistent with the positions he takes to get money from other people. The only way Israel can survive is to have America kill its multitude of enemies. A $5 million bribe to Newt gets them trillions in killing capacity. Newt should be ashamed of himself--but he's not. The people of SC who voted for him are irresponsible.


It's been widly reported over and over that TPTB (satanic) will use
1) Money
2) Sex
3) or drugs

to compromise anyone they want control of. This is one reason why Ron Paul cannot be bought, he doesn't want any of their bribes. He fears God rather than men.

25th January 2012, 08:48 PM
Adelson discusses $20 million check to pro-Newt Gingrich group, denies commitment

Adelson discusses $20 million check to pro-Newt Gingrich group, denies commitment - Maggie Haberman and Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO.com (http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1211/70501.html)

Gingrich’s Major Backer Arch-Zionist Sheldon Adelson

Gingrich’s Major Backer Arch-Zionist Sheldon Adelson | My Catbird Seat (http://mycatbirdseat.com/2012/01/gingrichs-major-backer-arch-zionist-sheldon-adelson/)

Gingrich’s faltering presidential campaign was completely resuscitated by a 5 million donation from Las Vegas casino king and super-Zionist Sheldon Adelson.

Pelosi On A Gingrich Presidency: "That Will Never Happen"

Pelosi On A Gingrich Presidency: "That Will Never Happen" | RealClearPolitics (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2012/01/24/pelosi_on_a_gingrich_presidency_that_will_never_ha ppen.html)

Pelosi: "There is something I know. The Republicans, if they choose to nominate him that's their prerogative. I don't even think that's going to happen."

The Zionist Plot to Stop Ron Paul


Ron Paul, a popular Southern conservative who supports states' rights, supposedly came in fourth place in the South Carolina Republican primary on Saturday, January 21. The winner, according to the tally produced by the privately-owned voting machine company ES&S, was Newt Gingrich. Gingrich is supported by Sheldon Adelson, the Zionist casino billionaire who supports the most extreme hard-liners in the right-wing Likud in Israel. The Gingrich campaign received a $5 million donation (http://www.haaretz.com/news/international/sheldon-adelson-gives-5-million-to-pro-gingrich-group-1.406277) from Sheldon Adelson the week before he "won" the South Carolina primary. Gingrich calls the indigenous Palestinian population an "invented" people and supports Israel's right to attack Iran as "self defense". Gingrich told CNN (http://youtu.be/-T0BEGfRf7U) he would help Israel attack Iran and would move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem on his first day in office by executive order. These are the hard-line positions Adelson is paying Gingrich to espouse.

26th January 2012, 02:08 AM
He did win. What they want people to think is that his win is based the idea that a majority of voters in SC, taking informed action, came out and voted for him.

not sure where you're coming from- saying vote/count was legit and he "won" as a result,
or u saying SC PTB rubber stamped the fraudulent vote # "results" and thus newt "won" ?

anyways, newtster looks to be the zio's pick, and the ZSM (http://mondoweiss.net/2008/02/do-jews-dominat.html) will now use the fake "big SC win" to explain with fake 20/20 hindsight, why "SC'ans LOVE Newtster!" so much, pretending the vote/counting is all legit of course, and giving newtster a big free nationwide infomercial for the next week in the process.

I wonder if ZSM will hammer on how Newtster will beat up Iran for Israel, or not so much?

Jan 24 2012 (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2012/01/24/newt-gingrich-ill-help-israel-attack-iran/)
23 Comments (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2012/01/24/newt-gingrich-ill-help-israel-attack-iran/#comments)
Newt Gingrich: I’ll Help Israel Attack Iran (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2012/01/24/newt-gingrich-ill-help-israel-attack-iran/)
