View Full Version : How far into the Deep Web have you travelled?

old steel
22nd January 2012, 12:38 PM
The Deep Web
Level 0 Web – Common Web

Level 1 Web – Surface Web
Temp Email Services
Vampire Freaks
Foreign Social Neworks
Human Intel Tasks
Web Hosting
MYSQL Databases
College Campuses

Level 2 Web – Bergie Web
FTP Servers
Google Looked Results
Loaded Web Servers
Most the Internet
Streams Videos
Bunny Tube

proxxy required after this point...

Level 3 Web - Deep Web

"On the Vanilla" Sources
Light CP
Celebrity Scandals
VIP Gossip
Script Kiddies
Virus Information
FOIE Archives
Raid Information
Computer Security
XSS Worm Scripting
FTP Servers (Specific)
Mathematics Research
Visual Processing
Virtual Reality (Specific)

Tor required after this point...

Eliza Data Information
Hacking Groups FTP
Node Transfers
Data Analysis
Post Date Generation
Microsoft Data Secure Networks
Assembly Programmer's Guild
Shelling Networking
AI Theorisists

Level 4 Web - Charter Web

Onion IB
Hidden Wiki
Banned Videos
Banned Movies
Banned Books
Questionable Visual Materials
Personal Records
"Line of Blood" Locations
Bounty Hunters
Illegal Games Hunters
Rare Animal Trade
Hard Drugs Trade
Human Trafficking
Corporate Exchange
Multi-Billion Dollars Deals
Most of the Black Market

Closed Shell Systems required after this point...

Tesla Experiment Plans
Scat CP
Hardcore Rape CP
Snuff CP
Group CP
WW2 Experiment Successes
Josef Mengele Successes
Location of Atlantis
Crystaline Power Metrics
Gadolinium Gallium Garnet Quantum Electronic Processors (GGGQEP)
Broder's Engine Plans
Paradigm Recalescence
Forward Derivatal Supercomputation
AI in a Box
CAIMEO (AI Superintelligence)
The Law of 13's
Geometric Algorthymic Shortcuts
Nephilism Protocols

80% of the Internet exists below this line...

The is rather not 80% of the physical information, but 80% of the information that effects you directly

Polymeric Falcighol Derivation required after this point...

Need to solve quantum mechanics to view this on even the normal web, let alone closed servers. Quantum Computation exists.

Level 5 Web - Marianas Web


22nd January 2012, 01:10 PM
Since I'm not willing to invest in the tech or know-how, not very far I guess.

22nd January 2012, 01:15 PM
#4, at intel headquarters. i would suggest not doing it, because you can click on something labeled "secret photos of led zepplin on tour, 1972," and instead, something that will come up that will cause you to go to prison for 40 years.

22nd January 2012, 01:19 PM
#4, at intel headquarters. i would suggest not doing it, because you can click on something labeled "secret photos of led zepplin on tour, 1972," and instead, something that will come up that will cause you to go to prison for 40 years.

Dare I ask what comes up? Or do I not want to know?

I nominate this the creepiest thread ever created.

22nd January 2012, 01:23 PM
Seems to me the "deep web" is just the old web of 15 years ago buried under the mainstream. You didn't need no proxy or shell whatever to get in then... that's all the web was.

Usenet had some creepy shit. Good times.

22nd January 2012, 01:26 PM
A better question is "How far do you WANT to travel into the deep web?".
If the internet reflects the values of this civilization, then my answer is "not far..." :o

Oh... and I second Solid's suggestion that this be given "creepiest thread ever" status!

22nd January 2012, 01:36 PM
snuff films, rape photos, child porn, basically anything you can imagine that is pure evil and you'd go "wtf, why would anyone want to see/make that?" i was shown it as a reason why processors should have unique id's on them, it would make it easier to track people. i was involved with this exact issue:


old steel
22nd January 2012, 01:51 PM
Not interested in the CP stuff. The fact remains those who have access to the deeper levels are above the law, we are not. The technology they are accessing is not available to the masses if the graph is even remotely correct.

Oh one more thing. If you run a webcam it's best to tape something over it when it's not in use. You never know who is watching. It's common knowledge there are written programs so that the LED did not light up while the camera was active for just such a purpose.

22nd January 2012, 01:54 PM
Granted I may not have been fully on the web as long as some of you have, but I grew up with the internet. AOL in the early 90's, all that fun stuff.

I will say that my adolescent/highschool years were in the "wild west" days of the internet, at least to me. I.E. Information was readily accessed but the law hadnt quite caught up. It didnt take long to find what you want, you didnt have to McGuyver your way around the net like back in the day. mid-late 90's, early, early 2000's when you didnt have to use a proxy and anythign and everything was available through even the "mainstream" channels, the back door channels were even crazier.

There isnt much on the internet I havent seen, almost all of it I could do without ever seeing again. "level 2" is just fne for me. If 4chan is the craziest stuff I see anymore, Im happy with that. For the rest of it, if thats your thing, well.....have fun I guess.....

22nd January 2012, 02:00 PM
USENET was wierd but parts of it were very cool.

like Craigslist - except people had manners, on forums like ba.market.computers.

i used to sell computer parts using the forums. i had zero no-shows, zero returns, 100% performance from USPS & UPS when they had to be involved, like for COD for cash. also, zero low-ball's - nobody ever offered less than i was asking.

what was very screwy was the way Google inherited USENET. it was just basically assigned/ awarded to them. they then promptly started collecting ad revenues from it, a practice that was key to their growth into the larger company they are today.

i would like to see a class action lawsuit where all the people who helped create USENET (side-stepping the porn, hopefully that could be handled separately) are compensated with ad revenues and shares in Google.

Google has received some very unusual favors. they park their corporate jets at the NASA-Ames Research Center & use the military runways.

We are talking about some serious Judeo-Fascism with Jewgle.

22nd January 2012, 02:11 PM
Not interested in the CP stuff. The fact remains those who have access to the deeper levels are above the law, we are not. The technology they are accessing is not available to the masses if the graph is even remotely correct.

Oh one more thing. If you run a webcam it's best to tape something over it when it's not in use. You never know who is watching. It's common knowledge there are written programs so that the LED did not light up while the camera was active for just such a purpose.

Anyone has access to TOR, the deepest I've gone is level 4. I download books that the government says I shouldn't have access too. TOR hides you pretty well and I recommend it for anyone. But it's definitely not speedy by any means.

old steel
22nd January 2012, 02:11 PM
Some maintain this info is almost 100% accurate. Other call BS on the lower levels,

in fact leading hackers think they have found ways beyond the 5th layer.

at this point you REALLY start getting attention you don't want. ie people come to kill you.
over all people think that there are 8 layers in total. the last one being the primarch system. you need quantum computing to get past the 6th layer. and this is where things get REALLY ****ed up.
the 7th layer from what i know is where the big players are. they are all trying to stop each other.
basically there are hundreds of million (or billion) dollar operations gunning for control.

the 7th layer is sometimes call "the fog"
or "virus soup" because the entire thing is pumped full of SOO SOO much code to try and ruin other people poking around in there.
basically everyone is fighting to keep others out because of the value of the systems below.

level 8 is impossible to access directly. the primarch system is literally the thing controlling the internet atm.
no government has control of it. in fact nobody even knows what it IS. its a anomaly that basically was discovered by super deep web scans in the early 2000's.
the system is unresponsive but it sends out unalterable commands to the entire net randomly.
basically the entire 7th layer is people trying to gain access to the 8th and stopping others (at any cost) from getting there as well.
the 8th layer is thought to be separated by a level 17 quantum t.r.001 level function lock (aka virtually impossible for our computers to break atm).

**** is truly insane brehs. we live in a new age.

22nd January 2012, 02:12 PM
snuff films, rape photos, child porn, basically anything you can imagine that is pure evil and you'd go "wtf, why would anyone want to see/make that?" i was shown it as a reason why processors should have unique id's on them, it would make it easier to track people. i was involved with this exact issue:


As you're undoubtably aware, that kind of technology is a double-edged sword, with BOTH edges pointed at the common man. Those with money and power can easily bypass/spoof unique identifiers, all the while tracking us mere mortal's every movement on the 'net. No thanks... that's one case where Intel made the RIGHT call, IMNSHO! ;)

22nd January 2012, 02:36 PM
most people don't know this, but every microsoft product embeds your mac address in to the file. that copy of office xp you downloaded off pirate bay? yeah, every document you create has your mac address in it. the save file from whatever microsoft game you downloaded? yep, it's i there as well. i imagine other publishers do this as well, i can only vouch for the microsoft knowledge. they know you "stole" it.

22nd January 2012, 02:38 PM
Oh one more thing. If you run a webcam it's best to tape something over it when it's not in use. You never know who is watching. It's common knowledge there are written programs so that the LED did not light up while the camera was active for just such a purpose.

Two words:

electrical tape.

22nd January 2012, 03:07 PM
I'm beginning to understand how sometimes common, decent people can get slapped in the face by child porn charges. Even if they've never had anything to do with that. Going too far down the net and accidentally opening a wrong file with a misleading name? Sort of a safety mechanism, hmm.

This thread reeks of creepiness. A new age indeed, and we're never going back.

23rd January 2012, 08:46 AM
That pic is bs, sorry old steel but it is make believe.

The deep web is everything not included by indexing services or other locked down machines/nets. That would include any sort of private network - snuff film addicts and other trash.

Related thread:
The Internet - getting the most out of your searches (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?56712-The-Internet-getting-the-most-out-of-your-searches&highlight=%2Bdeep+%2Bweb)

23rd January 2012, 08:50 AM
That pic is bs, sorry old steel but it is make believe.

The deep web is everything not included by indexing services or other locked down machines/nets. That would include any sort of private network - snuff film addicts and other trash.

Related thread:
The Internet - getting the most out of your searches (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?56712-The-Internet-getting-the-most-out-of-your-searches&highlight=%2Bdeep+%2Bweb)

i agree, but i think that's what he meant by "levels." private networks + locked down systems that are online i would consider a level. technically they are part of the net if they are sitting out there using an ip address, even if it's all locked down by the creator for his private use.

23rd January 2012, 08:58 AM
i agree, but i think that's what he meant by "levels." private networks + locked down systems that are online i would consider a level. technically they are part of the net if they are sitting out there using an ip address, even if it's all locked down by the creator for his private use.

Yeah but, Marianas Web? Epic trolling whoever created that image.

23rd January 2012, 09:00 AM
Yeah but, Marianas Web? Epic trolling whoever created that image.

yeah, a lot of hyperbole there, i agree.

23rd January 2012, 09:06 AM
Some maintain this info is almost 100% accurate. Other call BS on the lower levels,

in fact leading hackers think they have found ways beyond the 5th layer.

at this point you REALLY start getting attention you don't want. ie people come to kill you.
over all people think that there are 8 layers in total. the last one being the primarch system. you need quantum computing to get past the 6th layer. and this is where things get REALLY ****ed up.
the 7th layer from what i know is where the big players are. they are all trying to stop each other.
basically there are hundreds of million (or billion) dollar operations gunning for control.

the 7th layer is sometimes call "the fog"
or "virus soup" because the entire thing is pumped full of SOO SOO much code to try and ruin other people poking around in there.
basically everyone is fighting to keep others out because of the value of the systems below.

level 8 is impossible to access directly. the primarch system is literally the thing controlling the internet atm.
no government has control of it. in fact nobody even knows what it IS. its a anomaly that basically was discovered by super deep web scans in the early 2000's.
the system is unresponsive but it sends out unalterable commands to the entire net randomly.
basically the entire 7th layer is people trying to gain access to the 8th and stopping others (at any cost) from getting there as well.
the 8th layer is thought to be separated by a level 17 quantum t.r.001 level function lock (aka virtually impossible for our computers to break atm).

**** is truly insane brehs. we live in a new age.


23rd January 2012, 10:18 AM
"Closed Shell Systems required after this point...

Tesla Experiment Plans
Scat CP
Hardcore Rape CP
Snuff CP
Group CP
WW2 Experiment Successes
Josef Mengele Successes"
http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/276791_104811296278941_986670571_n.jpg (http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0PDoS.4ox1P7joA79ajzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBpcGszamw 0BHNlYwNmcC1pbWcEc2xrA2ltZw--/SIG=12aeotat8/EXP=1327371320/**http%3a//www.facebook.com/pages/Me-Gusta/104811296278941)
"Location of Atlantis"
.http://ts3.mm.bing.net/images/thumbnail.aspx?q=1551128532262&id=e56f4937262ff1e3c9256b5874608672 (http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=A0PDoX1foh1P1Q0AlY6JzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTA3cn MybzJvBHNsawNpbWc-?back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearc h%2Fimages%3Fp%3Dmeme%2Bface%26fr%3Dmoz35%26fr2%3D piv-web%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D21&w=986&h=591&imgurl=d37nnnqwv9amwr.cloudfront.net%2Fentries%2Fi cons%2Foriginal%2F000%2F004%2F077%2FRaisins_Face.j pg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fknowyourmeme.com%2Fmemes%2Foh-crap-omg-rage-face&size=126.4+KB&name=Oh+Crap+%2F+OMG+Rage+Face+%7C+Know+Your+Meme&p=meme+face&oid=bfc63c12b87dee6898eb2346a42f3eba&fr2=piv-web&fr=moz35&tt=Oh%2BCrap%2B%252F%2BOMG%2BRage%2BFace%2B%257C%2 BKnow%2BYour%2BMeme&b=0&ni=64&no=21&tab=organic&ts=&sigr=11jq17nro&sigb=12v1jgifh&sigi=12hliidc9&.crumb=WkQzCXYRl8T)

23rd January 2012, 11:24 AM
So old steel is ClothesRod?

23rd January 2012, 02:14 PM
So old steel is ClothesRod?

I guess, idk, I was looking for a source and found that. I'll have to activate Tor to dig any deeper.

WTF, I did not mean to reply to this.

Evil has awakened..

13th July 2012, 12:36 AM
Just poking this thread. Wondering where the MSM fit into this tiered structure. A few years ago now I did a lot of research into firbre optic networks. Specifically big ones. Ones that might cover a whole continent. This was maybe 8 years ago. The capacity of these networks was..... lets say impressive. That was then. We might say, thats not surprising if that network was say, NASA or maybe the Defence guys. So what? we would say. What if it wasn't a government network? Would we be surprised they had access to this level of network capability? You hear of facilities that easily store the whole library of something like congress. Storage is one thing. What if you could move that archive from one side of the continent to the other in a matter of a couple hours. What other organisations might want to transmit rather large volumes of data in a matter of a couple hours or less! I'm asking questions I know the answers to but sometimes it pays to be oblique.

How much data can you transmit via satellite? Is it as much as fibre optic?

13th July 2012, 01:03 AM
I can't seem to figure it out, not real literate on how to get down deeper levels.

Any links on the process?

13th July 2012, 01:27 AM
yeah the deep deep stuff. It used to be easier. Back 15 and a bit years ago. Just on the edge where we flipped over into www and hyper text markup language world (HTML). Before that/this system came into existence there were other techniques and methods of interneting. Bulletin boards and that kind of thing. Before things like forums they were called bulletin boards. They are still there. You just need other tools to access them. Early on you could get to them in a web browser (netscape 2.0). Probably many can still be accessed this way, so long as the protocols are still supported. I don't know. I don't dabble any more. Newsnet, gopher, telnet, lynx, IRC are appropriate tools Many have overlays on them so they look like modern windows applications. The underlying protocols are still there. So this deeper web type of thing is probably more accurate to describe as Older Web. Like a city that builds on top of ruins from an earlier time and you end up with layer after layer and an archeologist would dig through those layers looking back into time. The internet is much the same. There are some dark places out there. I spent a bit of time shining the light around so LEO could see what was going on. Had a few successes. Some despicable people got sorted. Some got protected. Messing with kids is wrong.

13th July 2012, 02:17 AM
I AM a Vampire so WTF, cut this shit out.

13th July 2012, 04:21 AM
I AM a Vampire so WTF, cut this shit out.

Camarilla, Anarch, or Sabbat?

13th July 2012, 04:54 AM
most people don't know this, but every microsoft product embeds your mac address in to the file. that copy of office xp you downloaded off pirate bay? yeah, every document you create has your mac address in it. the save file from whatever microsoft game you downloaded? yep, it's i there as well. i imagine other publishers do this as well, i can only vouch for the microsoft knowledge. they know you "stole" it.

Heard they also do this with digital cameras and copiers anymore.

I remember about the intel chip id, thought that sucked at the time...

Wouldn't trust any program I downloaded to clear me enough to go to those depths. Not that its too tempting to me.

13th July 2012, 05:15 AM

There is a "SirBonzo" in that thread.

That's a bit weird.

13th July 2012, 07:03 AM
facinating topic old steel, i wish book were here to comment.

13th July 2012, 07:58 AM
Try Ctrl+C



13th July 2012, 08:36 AM
facinating topic old steel, i wish book were here to comment.

Just go to google images, and hit I'm feeling lucky.

13th July 2012, 08:53 AM
tor is shut down btw...

13th July 2012, 11:53 AM
Camarilla, Anarch, or Sabbat?

Sabbat, I ain't hiding from shit.

13th July 2012, 11:59 AM
tor is shut down btw...


To my knowledge, it would be very very hard to "shut Tor down".

I just tried and it works fine.

Uncle Salty
13th July 2012, 02:12 PM
I've seen the Vice Guide to Liberia.

How about a Vice Guide to level 5 of the internets?

13th July 2012, 04:05 PM

13th July 2012, 06:35 PM

To my knowledge, it would be very very hard to "shut Tor down".

I just tried and it works fine. wish i knew the secret handshake! no search engines will get me to their site....hmmm...

13th July 2012, 06:54 PM
wish i knew the secret handshake! no search engines will get me to their site....hmmm...

Here is the main site: https://www.torproject.org/

Here is the page where you can download the Tor browser bundle for your operating system: https://www.torproject.org/download/download-easy.html.en