View Full Version : SOFT KILLING American girls being poisoned, told it is psycological. Vaccine Injury?

22nd January 2012, 07:51 PM

12 girls at NY high school develop involuntary tics; doc says it’s ‘mass psychogenic illness’

By Associated Press, Published: January 20

LEROY, N.Y. — A dozen western New York high school girls have developed involuntary tics and other symptoms, and a doctor said Friday that at least 10 of them are suffering from a psychological condition usually brought on by stress or a frightening condition.
Parents became concerned there might have been environmental contamination or an infection at LeRoy High School when the girls all started showing symptoms like unexplained pain and involuntary muscle motion last fall.

But air quality and other tests conducted by local health officials ruled out mold, chemicals and other sources of the girls’ problems.
That helped Dr. Laszlo Mechtler and another neurologist treating 10 of the girls conclude that the cause is conversion disorder, a condition that causes real symptoms but has no physical cause.


Drug exposure(prescription or recreational): Well, there are a lot more possibilities here. Recreational drug use is always a possibility, but medical tests would have probably revealed something and they were performed. We would need to find something that would have a predilection for girls (notably adolescent girls) but also, common enough that would be obscured amongst other things that are considered “routine” enough and accepted as ‘normally experienced or taken’ by adolescent girls. There are two possibilities… birth control pills and HPV vaccines(Gardasil and Cervarix). Take into account the timing. This occurred within a short period of time. Exposure to a bad batch of birth control pills would be easy to explain, and there would be some reason to keep it quiet, considering the close ties of the AMA to the CDC. But the timing would need to be coordinated in such a way that they were all on them, got the same brand, and started taking them all at the same time. Not impossible, but improbable. The other possibility here are HPV vaccines, Gardasil and Cervarix. The timing becomes more easily explained – as most children “get their shots” (and boosters, such as DTaP and the flu shot) before enrolling in school in the fall. It also satisfies the girls-only attack (even though they’re trying to convince boys to get the Gardasil shot also), as well as the age group (9-27).
The latter seems the most probable. Vaccines have been known to cause neurological disorders. Gardasil especially – based on the high levels of aluminum which is used as an adjuvant in the vaccine. Even the possibility of a cocktail effect of BCP’s and the vaccine MUST come into play considering the BCP’s deplete the body of certain vitamins (B6) that work to eliminate aluminum. This would make a girl more susceptible to a vaccine injury – again making the vaccine-theory more possible.
As a physician, I find the whole government group handling this to be untrustworthy. These officials are not unbiased by any means, and they have an interest in the outcome of this tragedy – with them being paid by Health Departments whose income depends widely on the promotion and sales of vaccines. Maybe no one else questioned this, but I certainly don’t buy the “Conversion Disorder” diagnosis being offered.


22nd January 2012, 08:02 PM
I saw this in local MSM, it was labeled as psychological and girls accused of
" group hysteria ", some term to describe that.

"As a physician, I find the whole government group handling this to be untrustworthy. "

Cause of Sick LeRoy, NY Teens Remains a Mystery ~ By Dr. Russell D. Caram

silly me, ‘mass psychogenic illness’, from link headline

22nd January 2012, 10:19 PM
Anglo American Daughers are being targeted for deletion...

A mother commented on my article on “LeRoy high school…Tourettes… (http://pursuenatural.wordpress.com/2012/01/17/why-would-twelve-leroy-new-york-school-girls-suddenly-develop-tourette-syndrome-like-symptoms/)” that her daughter has been chronically ill since she took her third gardasil shot in 2009. Most of the other comments implicated a vaccine, either gardasil or a swine flu vaccine.

An organization (http://truthaboutgardasil.org/injuries/) dedicated to gardasil’s adverse reaction lists the names of our young girls with their own or their mother’s version of the history of the development of their symptoms. One common theme in these stories (http://truthaboutgardasil.org/injuries/) is ‘brain fog’ and stomach pain so severe that doctors recommend operations which parents indicate were unwarranted. If you care and have noticed that adverse reaction reporting is not being done in a scientific manner, or surprised why doctors do not understand the vaccine are dangerous when improperly designed by non-dedicated scientists, then:
write to the people who have provided their emails and leave them messages of support and then use your own voice to be active to protect your own community from negligence.


Gardasil is the HPV vaccine, touted to fight cervical cancer. What they are not telling you is that thousands of girls are having adverse reactions to the HPV Vaccines, some have even died -at last count, at least 103 lives have been lost. We have got to do something about this. These girls need our help! These girls are having reactions such as; seizures, strokes, dizziness, fatigue, weakness, headaches, stomach pains, vomitting, muscle pain and weakness, joint pain, auto-immune problems, chest pains, hair loss, appetite loss, personality changes, insomnia, hand/leg tremors, arm/leg weakness, shortness of breath, heart problems, paralysis, itching, rashes, swelling, aching muscles,pelvic pain, nerve pain, menstrual cycle changes, fainting, swollen lymph nodes, night sweats, nausea, temporary vision/hearing loss just to name some of them!

There is no known treatment to help these girls, as they suffer in silence. The doctors, if they even admit the connection, have no idea how to help them. So they spend their days going from appointment to appointment, from specialist to specialist trying to find someone to help them. Many of these families have started looking for help outside of mainstream medicine, which in some cases, may bring minor relief. However, most insurance plans do not cover this type of treatment, and as a result, this route is out of reach for many girls.

22nd January 2012, 10:33 PM

22nd January 2012, 11:37 PM
The other thing the girls get, although they don't know it yet is infertility. Oh and the boys get cancer on the pee pee. Nice

23rd January 2012, 12:32 AM
That can only help a little if its caught onto early. That's why I advocate everyone do chelation every once in a while since these metals will screw everyone up eventually at the rate things are going. Brain damage is brain damage. It's almost irreversible at this point.

23rd January 2012, 02:22 AM
'Mass psychogenic illness (MPI), also called mass sociogenic illness,[1] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_psychogenic_illness#cite_note-Weir-0) is “the rapid spread of illness signs and symptoms affecting members of a cohesive group, originating from a nervous system disturbance involving excitation, loss or alteration of function, whereby physical complaints that are exhibited unconsciously have no corresponding organic aetiology.”[2] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_psychogenic_illness#cite_note-Protean-1) MPI is distinct from other collective delusions, also included under the blanket terms of mass hysteria (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_hysteria), in that MPI causes symptoms of disease, though there is no organic cause.
There is a clear preponderance of female victims.[1] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_psychogenic_illness#cite_note-Weir-0) The DSM-IV-TR (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DSM-IV-TR) does not have specific diagnosis for this condition but the text describing conversion disorder (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conversion_disorder) states that "In 'epidemic hysteria,' shared symptoms develop in a circumscribed group of people following 'exposure' to a common precipitant."


26th January 2012, 02:47 PM
That can only help a little if its caught onto early. That's why I advocate everyone do chelation every once in a while since these metals will screw everyone up eventually at the rate things are going. Brain damage is brain damage. It's almost irreversible at this point.

What do you use for chelation. Lot's of conflicting info out there. Firsthand experiences would be appreciated.

26th January 2012, 05:35 PM
He uses EDTA, we discuss it briefly in the thread here:


Maybe we can prompt him to create a dedicated Chelation thread?

There are plant based ways to chelate as well, some of them are as simple as eating a ton of cilantro.

26th January 2012, 06:48 PM

medical conditions that are caused by doctors.

"mass psychogenic illness" - in the doctors' heads that don't have the guts to admit the damage caused by their vaccines etc.

well, unless it's a ploy by the girls to play hookey.

but i don't think so.

27th January 2012, 12:01 PM
Famed environmental activist Erin Brockovich has begun a private investigation into a mysterious illness affecting more than a dozen teens in Le Roy, New York.

Le Roy was home to a dangerous chemical spill 40 years ago and the children's symptoms--facial tics and verbal outbursts--may be connected, Brockovich tells USA Today. "We don't have all the answers, but we are suspicious," Brockovich said. "They have not ruled everything out yet. The community asked us to help and this is what we do."
More from USA Today:

She told USA TODAY on Thursday that after families of affected teens and other community members asked her to look into the Le Roy case, she has spent the past week studying federal and state reports of a 1970 train derailment that spilled cyanide and an industrial solvent called trichloroethene [TCE] within 3 miles of the high school attended by the 12 girls who started reporting neurological symptoms last fall. Three other teens, including one boy, are reportedly experiencing similar symptoms.

An Environmental Protection Agency report issued in 1999 says that the cyanide crystals were removed after the spill but 35,000 gallons of trichloroethene were absorbed into the ground.


27th January 2012, 01:51 PM
Famed environmental activist Erin Brockovich has begun a private investigation into a mysterious illness affecting more than a dozen teens in Le Roy, New York.

Le Roy was home to a dangerous chemical spill 40 years ago and the children's symptoms--facial tics and verbal outbursts--may be connected, Brockovich tells USA Today. "We don't have all the answers, but we are suspicious," Brockovich said. "They have not ruled everything out yet. The community asked us to help and this is what we do."

More from USA Today:

She told USA TODAY on Thursday that after families of affected teens and other community members asked her to look into the Le Roy case, she has spent the past week studying federal and state reports of a 1970 train derailment that spilled cyanide and an industrial solvent called trichloroethene [TCE] within 3 miles of the high school attended by the 12 girls who started reporting neurological symptoms last fall. Three other teens, including one boy, are reportedly experiencing similar symptoms.

An Environmental Protection Agency report issued in 1999 says that the cyanide crystals were removed after the spill but 35,000 gallons of trichloroethene were absorbed into the ground.

Seems a bit far fetched that a chemical spill 3 miles away 42 years ago, is the reason for this. Was Erin Brockowich brought in to deflect the blame from the real culprit? IMO the HPV vaccine injection theory seems far more likely...

27th January 2012, 01:54 PM
Seems a bit far fetched that a chemical spill 3 miles away 42 years ago, is the reason for this. Was Erin Brockowich brought in to deflect the blame from the real culprit? IMO the HPV vaccine injection theory seems far more likely...

good point!

27th January 2012, 02:07 PM
are these vaccines reserved for Gentile use ? do Jews take the same vaccines ?