View Full Version : Interesting thoughts on Romney

24th January 2012, 08:17 AM
I heard Francis Boyle (International Law expert) on the radio this morning.

He brought up the possibility of a first amendment issue with Romney potentially being a bishop (and in fact State rep or basically arch bishop) in the Mormon church. Romney was a bishop in the past (and state rep), but Boyle was not sure if the Mormon church was like the Catholic church in that once a bishop, always a bishop. His argument is that being a bishop (or higher), he has a direct obligation to take orders from the prophet (president of the church) and the apostles (president's council).

Boyle did distinguish Romney from Santorum and Gingrich (both Catholics), who Boyle claim do nt have a direct reporting structure to the Pope. Of course a Catholic bishop or cardinal (basically a bishop with honors) would.

We'll see if this gets any traction.

24th January 2012, 08:18 AM
if jfk gets elected president, the pope will control the united states!

24th January 2012, 08:20 AM
Last week while on a train I overheard some folks talking about the SC debate and which candidate they support. The one I heard discussing this said she supported Newt. The reason, "he seems like a good catholic and I don't know anything about the other guys."

Shook my head at that one as I was exiting.

24th January 2012, 08:27 AM
Last week while on a train I overheard some folks talking about the SC debate and which candidate they support. The one I heard discussing this said she supported Newt. The reason, "he seems like a good catholic and I don't know anything about the other guys."

Shook my head at that one as I was exiting.

Francis Boyle did chuckle when he mentioned Newt was a Catholic.

mick silver
24th January 2012, 09:49 AM

24th January 2012, 10:06 AM
Mittens: Mr. Offshore

Uploaded by LionelY2K on Jan 23, 2012

C'mon wake up sheeple! lol

Black Blade
24th January 2012, 11:34 AM
I support Ron Paul, but the religious bullshit is quite bizarre. I see nothing wrong with Romney's choice of religion. They tend to be more "Christian" than evangelicals I know. I don't know why that is. Actually many advanced preppers and survivalists I know are Mormons and their religion preaches prepping. I just prefer Ron Paul because I am Libertarian and agree 99% with his fiscal and social positions. The whole argument over religion among the candidates is rather silly.

24th January 2012, 03:50 PM
I support Ron Paul, but the religious bullshit is quite bizarre. I see nothing wrong with Romney's choice of religion. They tend to be more "Christian" than evangelicals I know. I don't know why that is. Actually many advanced preppers and survivalists I know are Mormons and their religion preaches prepping. I just prefer Ron Paul because I am Libertarian and agree 99% with his fiscal and social positions. The whole argument over religion among the candidates is rather silly.

Mormons are told to store something like 2 years of food and supplies by their church. They are a good source of info. on how to package food, etc., because they have been doing it for a long time.

25th January 2012, 11:08 AM
Mormons are told to store something like 2 years of food and supplies by their church. They are a good source of info. on how to package food, etc., because they have been doing it for a long time.

While on the road, I visited Salt Lake City, and toured the Mormon sites. I learned a lot of respectable things about them. One was prepping, of course. Another thing I learned was that they fast for one meal a week and donate it to (their) charity. They have a strong sense of community, unlike any other church I have visited. They take care of their fellow Mormons who are having hard times (illness, unemployment).

I completely agree with Black Blade. I don't consider a candidate's religion to be an issue. We have bigger issues to tackle at the moment. The religion topic is a diversion and is intended to be divisive.

25th January 2012, 01:26 PM
The religion topic is a diversion and is intended to be divisive.


As too are many others.

25th January 2012, 01:38 PM
I support Ron Paul, but the religious bullshit is quite bizarre. I see nothing wrong with Romney's choice of religion. They tend to be more "Christian" than evangelicals I know. I don't know why that is. Actually many advanced preppers and survivalists I know are Mormons and their religion preaches prepping. I just prefer Ron Paul because I am Libertarian and agree 99% with his fiscal and social positions. The whole argument over religion among the candidates is rather silly.

the farmer in Idaho i bought my corn, wheat, and beans from is a Mormon. and a damn good non-GMO farmer. so almost every grain that i bought from him is viable seed, as well as food.

it would be an understatement to say that he is prepared. he has a 100,000 gallon diesel tank. so a typical fill-up - say 50,000 gallons - Jeez, that would be about $200,000 !