View Full Version : That Satanist Creep

24th January 2012, 01:25 PM
There will be a war between America, some of its puppet government Arab States and Iran. This will be horrendous - but it can't be helped. Already the American public is frantic in its calls for action. We are merely answering those calls. China and Russia will be involved. Enjoy! You vote for the people who call the shots and press the buttons."

Jan 23, 2012 EU Embargoes Iran Oil, Central Bank Assets

by Aloysius Fozdyke

Perhaps I didn't make myself clear. It's interesting the hate that my writings engender. I try so hard to tell the truth without giving away details that would cause problems and I'm attacked.

I told which political party would win the last Australian federal election some time before the events unfolded but it's suggested that I work as a 'hamburger tech' at McDonald's! I've spelled out what Our plans are and how we've achieved what we have, yet I'm allegedly a Slurpee engineer at 7-Eleven. If I call your impotent and mad redeemer by his proper name more idiotic accusations are hurled at me. By the way, I'm not Jewish (if that means anything).

My life as a Satanist has been one of spectacular fulfillment. I'm not at all fearful of death because I have some idea of what's on the other side. This has come about from occult workings which are part of the Alpha Lodge curriculum as well as direct communications from my Lord. There's no point in providing further information on these metaphysical points because it would very much be 'casting pearls before swine' or as you would believe, false pearls before real swine.

It's hard to get the truth through to those who use their bibles as a shield. Whether I'm believed or not is of no concern to me. I told you on the 30th of November, 2010 that there would be full body scanners in all government buildings and that these were currently being manufactured".

And here's how it'll be done. (Although the illustrious Mark opines, "And let's face it, most of the info he's letting us in on, can be found on the net without really trying to [sic] hard.")

Again on 30th of November, 2010 I advised that Hilary Clinton "said that the process of the American dollar's destruction had started some time ago and was 'proceeding nicely'". Well guess what Bozos, it still is. It's basic economics that if you keep printing currency, you'll get inflation. This is obvious. So why do you think that the American government is continuing to do it? Because it's part of Our plan to bring about "a perfect storm facilitating societal change". It's working.

I disclosed that Tom Driberg was a Satanist. That wasn't something that could "be found on the net without really trying to [sic] hard," although it was subsequently confirmed as suspected by someone else whose suspicions where raised by his years of research. I mean credit where credit is due. I've given explicit (if perhaps overlooked) details on the use and mechanics of Magick. Meanwhile Xtains - in their intellectual recliner chairs - have insinuated that We are merely following a biblical script.

I stated facts about several American Presidents' sexual preferences, facts hardly well known but see Alex's comments on the 6th of October, 2010 article 'Satanist Says Financial Collapse Still On'. How do you think I know this stuff? O! That's right, you don't think.

So try to understand this:

There will be a war between America, some of its puppet government Arab States and Iran. This will be horrendous - but it can't be helped. Already the American public is frantic in its calls for action. We are merely answering those calls.

China and Russia will be involved. Enjoy! You vote for the people who call the shots and press the buttons.

Our system is a hierarchical one. We are putting this in place now: see Italy and Greece. Notice how America is a little more than patriotic and just a little less than fascist? Not long to go. Notice how government uniforms (including police) are now more military in style?

I've told you that riots are coming this year and that we have planned for these.
I've also told you a lot more.

Now excuse me whilst I go and fry a burger and pull a soft-serve single cone.


24th January 2012, 06:29 PM
anyone remember this guys predictions?

i don't remember coming across the name before.

24th January 2012, 10:25 PM
anyone remember this guys predictions?

i don't remember coming across the name before.

Not his real name but he has stuff at Henry Makow web site .......

25th January 2012, 08:05 AM
Seeing Makow post this stuff really cheapens his stock in my eyes.

"I amz alien, ax me a question."
