View Full Version : Soros Employs and Empowers Communists Forbes April 1997 hard to find article

30th January 2012, 05:35 AM

Hard to find article online, Forbes outs Soros
as an employer of Communists, keeping them
in power, through his NGO's worldwide, working for
NED, CIA, messing with peoples countries, including USA.
Soros, " Occupy to turn violent " says the control master. (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?58410-Soros-quot-Occupy-to-turn-violent-quot-says-the-control-master.)
For them there is a purpose to all this madness.

Old links, pretty well all that remains online.


A near decade after the collapse of the Soviet
Union, much of Central and Eastern Europe is still
ruled by the old gang.
Guess who's helping keep them in power?

Beware of billionaires bearing gifts

By Richard C. Morals
Forbes, April 1997

IF YOU'VE DIMLY wondered what is happening in
Albania, we can, in a brief sentence, explain:
George Soros' friends are coming out on top.
Late in February, armed gangs led by gangsters and
ex-Communists, many of them veterans of the old
secret police state, all but toppled an elected
liberal government, and forced the president to
appoint a neoCommunist as prime minister. While
this was happening, George Soros sat in his London
town house and calmly told FORBES that his
A!banian Foundation is "an excellent group very
much on top of the situation."

On top is right: Soros has kept afloat a
newspaper, Koha Jone, that egged on the coupists
with inflammatory antigovernment propaganda. A
pyramid scheme had collapsed, costing many people
their savings, and the Soros-supported paper
effectively made a call to arms. A top official of
the Soros foundation in Tirana boasted to stunned
observers: "[President] Berisha's going. We got

In an age-old tradition of European political
patronage, this multibillionaire speculator
routinely taps his billions to fund journals,
politicians and educators in Europe and elsewhere.
More often than not, these have an exclusively
left-wing bias.

Soros, 67, is Hungarian-born but a U.S. citizen.
He recently caused a flutter in the February issue
of the Atlantic Monthly by penning a windy attack
on free market capitalism.

Why is George Soros so cozy with people and causes
that might be expected to view his kind as

To understand his charitable works Forbes visited
the Soros Foundation Hungary's cream-colored villa
in the hills of Budapest. Hungary is not only
Soros' native land but where his charities have
the longest history. There we met Miklos
Vasarhelyi, the 80year-old president of the
Sorosfunded foundation. This man, who dispenses
millions of dollars a year in a rather poor
country, has an intcresting past. Vasarhelyi was
press officer to Imre Nagy, the Communist Prime
Minister exccuted in 1958 for being too
independent. Vasarhelyi stood trial along with
Nagy after Soviet tanks crushed the 1956 Hungarian
uprising. Nagy and most others were hanged or
sentenced to life. Vasarhelyi got just five years,
the lightest punishmcnt of the pack.

Thanks to George Soros, this former Communist has
risen again. A political party he helped found is
a partner in the present government. That
government is a coalition of ex-Communists (now
the Hungarian Socialist Party) and a leftlibcral
group, the Alliance of Free Democrats, a coalition
that came to power in 1994 after defeating a
rather ineffectual moderate government. Soros
blessed the election results.

"These are strong, serious-minded people," he
publicly said of the victorious ex-Communists. "I
have great expectations in general." Not everyone
agreed. One prominent foreign businessman who
first considered, then rejected, doing business in
Hungary, described the current government as a
"bunch of clowns who haven't a clue as to how
to run an ecconomy."

Soros has since banged heads with Socialist Prime
Minister Gyula Horn, but remains close to his
coalition partner, the Alliance of Free Democrats.
He provides many AFD leaders with income. Besides
Vasarhelyi, for example, Soros' Hungarian lawyer,
Alajos Dorubach, is a top-ranked AFD official and
a legal adviser to the foundation.

Soros is the great philanthropist of our age--or
so his press constantly remind us. Every year,
according to his flacks, he gives away more than
$300 million through a network of 1,000 employees
in 30 countries. When Russian scientists were
starving he gave each a year's salary; he brought
fresh water to besieged Bosnians; he's providing
kindergartens for Gypsies. Good deeds, all.

But there is another side to the giving, a rathcr
nutty political side. The 50 offices maintained by
Soros money are spread from Haiti to Mongolia, and
all claim that their works are based on
philosopher Sir Karl Popper's views of tolerant,
open societies. Thus a common name: Open Society

Behind the nuttiness, there is a consistency. "The
people Soros hires," says Mark Almond, a respected
Oxford University lecturer, "are noted for their
anti-Thatcherite views. You'll be hard-pressed to
find a religious dissident or staunch
anti-Communist in his foundations."

Johnathan Sunley, the Budapestbased director of
The Windsor Group, puts it even more strongly:
"Soros is engaged in a one-dimensional ideological
laundering of the old Communist/nomenklatura at
the expense of those who didn't get trips abroad."
Sunley means, of course, that real anti-Communists
couldn't travel abroad in Communist days; only
those in official favor could. Soros has adopted
many of these formerly pampered, generally
moderate Marxists.

Johnathan Sunley, The Windsor Group Conservatives
like Sunley say Soros Is "laundering" former

"Soros," says Peter Bod, a former cabinet minister
and central bank governor in Hungary, "is the most
influential nonelected politician east of the
Alps." His power stems not from the ballot box but
from his bank account. He wants to see that the
old left-wing dictatorships are replaced--not with
free market democracies, but with left-wing

"Yes," the prickly billionaire conceded in an
interview with FORBES, "clearly there is a
political bias in the [Soros] foundation."

Look at the trustees of his U.S. foundation and
you will see where the bias lies. One of them is
the notorious Lani Guinier, the law professor Bill
Clinton tried to nominate as head of the civil
rights division of the Justice Department. Once
her intemperate brand of politics was
examined--such as minority veto power over
legislation--even Clinton backed away from her
and withdrew his support.

"Yes," says the prickly billionaire. "Clearly
there is a political bias in the [Soros]

President of the Open Society Institute in the
U.S. is Aryeh Neier, a human rights advocate who
often embraces extreme liberal positions.
So be careful when you apply the term
"philanthropy" to Soros' spending. Not all his
causes are political, but he's clearly a would-bc
social engineer. You wouldn't get far in a U.S.
election running on a Soros-style platform, but
you might feel quite at home in a lot of U.S.

But back to Hungary. Soros has been working in his
native Hungary for the past 13 years. In the early
1980s he was quietly supporting dissidents in
Central and Eastern Europe. It was then that the
mercurial Vasarhelyi showed up at Columbia
University in New York, where he met Soros. The
ex-Communist hack seems to have had a considerable
influence on the billionaire. With Vasarhelyi's
help Soros made a deal in 1984 with the
then-government. The first Soros Hungarian
foundation had a budget of $3 million and was
jointly run by Soros and the Communists. "One of
Soros' conditions was that I should be his
personal representative," says Vasarhelyi. "He had
excellent judgment," says Soros, "and a good
understanding of what was possible and what

Interesting guy. Vasarhelyi's understanding of
what is possible has undergone a number of
changes. In 1936 and 1937 he studied political
science in Rome because he thought "Italian
Fascism showed the way out of an unjust society."
He secretly joined the Hungarian Communist Party
in 1939 and officially became a member of the
Social Democratic Party. "[The Communist Party]
instructed [me] to join the Social Democratic
Party," he wrote in his 1989 autobiography, "to
try and get a hold of key positions, but to
continue following the leadership of the Communist

By the late 1940s the Communists ruled Hungary and
Vasarhelyi became a top-ranked "journalist"
spouting pure Communist propaganda. Then he turned
his coat again. By the mid1950s, he had joined
the ranks of "goulash" Communists disenchanted by
Stalinism, but still in love with Karl Marx. After
serving his relatively mild prison term,
Vasarhelyi eventually got a job at a literature
academy, was given a passport and allowed to
travel. The dissidents we talked to said
dissidents normally didn't get such perks. Says
OSI's Neier: "We always regarded him as strongly
committed to the Open Society principles, and he
is held in high regard."

Everyone likes Vasarhelyi. References to him are
to be found in recently released internal records
of Communist Party meetings about a 1989 political
demonstration. Vasarhelyi and others negotiated
with the government on behalf of the dissidents.
According to the records: "it is worth talking
to...Vasarhelyi on whom we have influence" and "if
the [speeches] get into Vasarhelyi's hands we
would be able to get ahold of them." Vasarhelyi
strenuously denies collaborating with the

Maybe that was wishful thinking, but it's a
revealing comment nonetheless. Vasarhelyi of
course no longer calls himselfa Communist but
neither is he a big believer in free markets. "I
was and always am very critical of capitalism,"
Vasarhelyi tells FORBEs.

Give Soros credit. His money does do considerable
good. Between 1984 and 1989 he and Vasarhelyi
helped uudermine the Communist Party's control of
information by trading photocopying machines to
cultural and educational institutes for Hungarian
currency; the currency was then used to give
grants to dissidents and to writers of all
political stripes.

But along the way Soros seems to have developed
delusions of grandeur. He wasn't satisfied with
helping end Communist totalitarianism. He wanted
to decide what kind of government would replace
it. In 1990 a new center-right coalition
government was voted into power in Hungary which
killed the Soros-government agreement. That's when
the foundation began its partisan support.
Vasarhelyi denies that there is any political bias
in his foundation. The Soros Foundation, for
example, gives to the youth clubs and pays for
Gypsy dance troupes (the Gypsies are a repressed
minority in Europe).

A press officer told us over a five-star buffet we
should see what Soros "means to the little

Gabor Ivanyi is a former AFD member of parliament,
and a Methodist minister who runs homeless
shelters in Budapest. Last year Soros Foundation
Hungary gave Ivanyi $38,000 for mattresses, an
ambulance to pick up homeless who were freezing on
the streets and for TB treatments. Ivanyi is a
genuine man of goodwill.

But study the foundation's 1980s modus operandi
and you'll see it always mixed applauded works
with politically motivated projects. With
Vasarhelyi's AFD pals in power again, we found the
relationship with certain sectors of governmerit
very cozy. The AFD-controlled culture ministry and
the Soros foundation, for example, both subsidize
periodicals. We matched the most recently
published lists of subsidies and found 77% of the
periodicals that got major government handouts
also received subsidies from the Soros
foundation. It seems to us a foundation dedicated
to an Open Society would go out of its way to
assist periodicals not supported by the government
of the day.

How reformed are Soros' ex-Communists? Not very. A
few years back, Gyorgy Litvan, a Soros friend of
longstanding, a former adviser to the
foundation's board and director of an institute
given Soros' grants, attacked historian Maria
Schmidt. She had uncovered secret police files
indirectly confirming that Alger Hiss had been a
Soviet spy. Her work was widely published in the
U.S. and led to a Reader's Digest article in
Hungary. Then she bumped into Litvan. Schmidt says
Litvan lambasted her for her "mentality," and said
he would do everything he could to stop her
working as an academic in Hungary.

Litvan tells FORBES he never said such a thing,
but admits he used his power to block her from
making a documentary on the secret police. "I
dislike her," he says. "She is on the far right."
This Soros friend has an interesting idea of what
constitutes "far fight." It seems to be anyone to
the right of Alger Hiss.

Interviewing him in London, FORBEs asked Soros
why he supports turncoats likc Litvan and
Vasarhelyi. His reply was--shall we say--a bit
confusing. "They [as exCommunists] know better
what democracy is than perhaps those who were
always opposed to [the regime]." What an insult to
those true democrats who paid, sometimes with
their lives, for their beliefs.

[ these people slaughtered the population, Hungary,
Czechoslavakia uprisings in 1950's, and other countries ]

That's outrageous, typical Soros gobbledygook.
Exactly what does he believe in? A utopian vision
of a sort of borderless, multicultural world,
where people respect one another and the
well-to-do take care of the lesswell-off. But
Soros' friend Byron Wien, managing director of
Morgan Stanley International, comes closer to the
truth when he says: "Soros is terrified of
right-wing nationalism."

Understandable perhaps in a man who spent his
boyhood watching Nazis aud their Hungarian
supporters at work. In testimony to the U.S.
Congress in 1994, Soros insisted that Eastern
Europe's ex-Communists "want to get away from
Communism as far as possible. Their reemergence
constitutes a welcome extension of the democratic
spectrum." Soros went on: "The real danger is the
emergence of would-be nationalist dictatorships.
They are playing in a field definitely tilted in
their favor."

[ ie, destroy nationalities and borders ]

Thus, for Soros, a rosy glow seems to surround the
left, while conservatism seems, to him, a stand-in
for Nazism. That may seem relatively benign when
expoundcd in American universities. It is pure
poison in Eastern and Central Europe, which badly
need to develop their free markets.

Soros annually pumps some $60 million into
outfits in Hungary, among them his Central
European University, whose goal is to educate an
"administrative elite." Here students can not only
bone up on macroeconomics but also on such
American imports as feminist literary theory and
how the media "constructs gender and sexuality,
whether heterosexual or homosexual."

We found Soros' "cultural elite" unbelievably
arrogant. A chirpy Open Society Institute press
officer told us over a five-star Kempinski Hotel
breakfast that she wanted FORBES to see what Soros
"means to the little people."

Vatlay Klaus, the Czech Republics prime minister
and a tireless advocate of free markets, has a
good notion of what Soros' ideas mean to "the
little people." Klaus, in effect, kicked Central
European University out of Prague. The no-nonsense
Klaus wasn't afraid of Soros' ideas. He just
didn't want Soros money buying up Czech

Soros returned the insult: "Klaus embodies the
worst of the Western democracies." Maybe, but
the Czech Republic is easily the most prosperous,
modern economy in Central or Eastern Europe.

Say this for Soros: He knows his way around the
law. His country foundations are usually local
legal entities but often receive funds, says his
New York press officer, from the New
York-domiciled foundations. That's very

According to the IRS tax code, to enjoy tax-exempt
status a private foundation cannot "intervene,
directly or indirectly, in any political campaign
on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate
for public office .... "

You can dismiss George Soros as a kooky rich man
who uses his money to collect politicians and
intellectuals the way some rich people collect
castles and old masters. And in a way he is
ridiculous, flying about the world, holding press
conferences and writing books and articles that
nobody can understand.

On the other hand, money can do a lot of harm in
politics, especially in poor, small countries.


IN BUDAPEST in 1944 George Soros lived a double
life. His father, a lawyer and editor of a journal
in Esperanto (a now almost forgotten effort to
develop a common language for the world), forged
official papers to disguise the family's Jewish
heritage. The papers saved the family, and during
the Nazi occupation, when German and Hungarian
fascist allies rounded up 300,000 Jews, young
Soros posed as the Christian godson of a Hungarian
government official. The 14-year-old George Soros
sometimes found himself accompanying his supposed
godfather as he seized the property of Jewish
families bound for slaughter.

Heroic? No, but how many heroes are there when
survival is the issue and resistance futile? It's
typical of Soros that he purports to remember that
time not as a terrifying ordeal but as an
adventure. "The happiest year of my life," he
calls it.

Read George Soros' frank personal statements and
meet the billionaire in his elegant but slightly
tatty London home-light switches falling out of
the wall, piles of laundry on the bathroom
floor--and you can't help but rather like the man.
Yet sometimes the openness seems a bit phony.
Example: After George Soros challenged Europe's
Exchange Rate Mechanism in 1992, becoming the "man
who broke the Bank of England" and probably the
first person to make $1 billion in a month, he
lectured: "It behooves the authorities to design a
system that does not reward speculators." Yeah, I
did it, but you shouldn't have let me. It's the
system. So he's a capitalist but hedges his bets
by supporting socialist causes.

The key to understanding George Soros is that he
skirts, by his own admission, a kind of lunacy.
It's both his strong point and his weak point.
"Next to my fantasies about being God," Soros told
British television, "I also have very strong
fantasies of being mad. In fact, my grandfather
was actually paranoid. I have a lot of madness in
my family. So far I
have escaped it." Just.

One bout of instability came in the early 1980s.
His fund was doing extremely well when he walked
away from his partner, first wife and family. It
was a "very intense emotional process to correct
errors [in the financial markets]," he explains.
"The psychic cost of running the fund was very
high. The more successful I was, the more I was
punished by having more money to run."

During this turmoil Soros walked through the City
of London and was convinced--wrongly-that he was
having a heart attack. "It made me realize that
maybe it wasn't worth it. To have a heart attack
and be knocked out is really losing the game."
He spent a few years devoting himself to his
intellectual and charitable interests, remarried
and eventually pulled off his greatest financial
coup by betting against the British pound.
Unable to resist pondering his navel, eager to
dazzle with his erudition, Soros has produced
several books, all impenetrable to the point where
some people think he is pulling their leg. His
recently published Atlantic Monthly article, "The
Capitalist Threat," is a collection of pretentious
and incomprehensible musings about capitalism, the
implication being that, though he didn't mention
them by name,' Reagan and Thatcher were bad guys.
"The article was misunderstood," he says. "I was
not attacking the capitalist system. I was
attacking the excesses of the capitalist system."

Oh. When he went through his personal crisis in
the early 1980s, he says he felt he was acting out
the conflict between his parents. We couldn't
resist asking: Are you projecting onto capitalism
and the financial markets your own personal

"Maybe so," he answered. "The insecurity I feel
actually corresponds to the conditions in the
market better than the equilibrium that the
professors of economics deal with."

Looking into himself, Soros sees the world.
Looking at the world, he sees--George Soros.
Madness is close to genius.


30th January 2012, 05:45 AM
An excellent article from a conservative website, leaders on outing the NeoCons.

Soros the commie swine, employing enslavers and mass murderers,
destroyers of their own nations.


From the February 2004 issue of Chronicles:

George Soros, Postmodern Villain
by Srdja Trifkovic

NGO's, Behold Your God.

George Soros was born in Budapest in 1930 but, today, spends most of his time in New York City. Not much is known about his early years. He is the only eminent "holocaust survivor" who has been accused of collaboration with the Nazis. In 1947, he managed to sneak through the Iron Curtain, and, the official story goes, "he landed penniless in London, but by hard work and sheer genius, he rose to become one of the planet's most successful investors and richest men."

Mr. Soros' peculiar moral values, political views, and ideological preferences would be immaterial without the money that he can spend promoting and imposing them. The bulk of that money-currently estimated at not less than seven billion dollars-was earned in the minus-sum game of currency and stock speculation, contributing nothing to the creation of wealth and making millions of ordinary people poorer in the process. His offshore Quantum Fund-legally headquartered in Curacao, beyond U.S.-government supervision-specializes in speculative investments to take advantage of deliberately induced political and economic weaknesses of different countries and regions. In an interview with the Swiss weekly L'hebdo (May 1993), Soros outlined his strategy: "I speculate on discrepancy between the reality and the public image of this reality, until a correctional mechanism occurs, which approaches these two."

His profits are staggering. On September 16, 1992, he famously made a billion dollars in one day by betting against the Bank of England and the pound sterling. In July 1997, he contributed to the Southeast Asian financial crisis by shorting the Thai bath. In early 2000, he supposedly suffered losses on tech stocks, but some analysts now suggest that the burn of the NASDAQ was controlled and that Soros helped to start the fire. By last November, he was betting the U.S. dollar would plummet. As the London Independent reported (November 28, 2003), his activities were contributing to a growing belief on Wall Street that the dollar would slide even further.

There is nothing new in Soros' approach to making money or in the ability of such a person to make an impact, invariably detrimental, on his host society's morals and culture. What is new with Mr. Soros-in addition to the implausible claim that a private speculator could get as far as he has unaided by any established financial interests-is his systematic, concerted effort to use a large part of his fortune to promote his peculiar social and political views. He does so through a global network of "nongovernmental organizations" named after himself and active primarily in Eastern Europe but also in Africa, Latin America, and the United States. At age 75, money is not his object but his tool. He has used it to develop a well-coordinated global operation centered on the Open Society Institute (OSI) in New York, which funds a network of subsidiaries in over 50 countries.

Even before the Open Society network came into being, Soros' blueprint for postcommunist "shock therapy" reform had been put to the test. First came Poland, where the first postcommunist prime minister, Tadeusz Mazowiecki, was close to Soros and subsequently remained associated with his local subsidiary, the Stefan Batory Foundation. In his book Underwriting Democracy, Soros says that he personally prepared the broad outlines of Poland's comprehensive economic reform:

I joined forces with Professor Jeffrey Sachs of Harvard University, who was advocating a similar program, and sponsored his work in Poland through the Stefan Batory Foundation . . . The IMF approved and the program went into effect on Jan. 1, 1990. It was very tough on the population, but people were willing to take a lot of pain in order to see real change.

Poland was only a start, however; far more important to his goals was his association in 1991-92 with Russia's "reformist" leaders Anatoly Chubais and Yegor Gaidar and their Harvard guru Sachs. Within a year of their "shock therapy," hyperinflation had wiped out Russians' savings and the long-suffering middle class with it. Pensioners were literally starving. The parallel "privatization" of Russia's huge resources-timber, oil, gas, chemicals, media-created the robber oligarchs and contributed to Russia's effective deindustrialization. The country was lowered into neocolonial dependence: a supplier of energy and raw materials and an importer of high technology and manufactured goods. Nevertheless, in early 1993, Soros felt that Russia had not gone far enough: "The social safety net would also provide a powerful incentive to shut down loss-making enterprises. Factories could be idled and the raw materials and energy that go into production could be sold for more than the output."

George Soros is out to deconstruct nations and states as Europe has known them for centuries, with Russia always the main prize. In an interview with the Moscow daily Komersant (August 8, 1997), he declared that "a strong central government in Russia cannot be democratic." "The rescue of a free Russian economy depends on the attraction of Western investments," he added, and, to that end, "Russia's general public must accept the ideology of an open society."

By that time, a total of 29 "Soros Foundations" were active in every postcommunist country. In 1994, his foundations spent a total of $300 million; by 1998, that figure had risen to $574 million. These are enormous sums in an impoverished and vulnerable Eastern Europe.

Those foundations say that they are "dedicated to building and maintaining the infrastructure and institutions of an open society." What this means in practice is clear from their many fruits. Regarding "women's health" programs in Central and Southeastern Europe, for instance, one will look in vain for breast-cancer detection or prenatal or postnatal care. Soros' main goal is clear and frankly stated: "to improve the quality of abortion services." Accordingly, his Public Health Program has supported the introduction of medical abortion in Albania, Latvia, Lithuania, and Slovakia and the introduction of manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) abortion in Macedonia, Moldova, and Russia. In addition,

OSI has also worked with international and local NGOs to respond to the growing strength of the antiabortion movement. Through its influence on ministries of health and hospital administrators, that movement has made strides in reducing access to abortion . . . OSI will continue to support training in quality of care and efforts to keep abortion legal, safe, and accessible for all women in the region.

Why is Soros so interested in promoting more abortions in Eastern Europe? Overpopulation cannot be the reason: The region is experiencing a colossal demographic collapse and has some of the lowest fertility rates in the world. Unavailability of abortion cannot be the answer either: According to a recent U.N. report, five European countries had more abortions than live births in 2000-the Russian Federation, Bulgaria, Belarus, Rumania, and Ukraine. Overall, the report said, abortion rates are "substantially higher in central and eastern Europe and the CIS countries than in western Europe and North America." The only logical answer is that Soros wants as few Russians and others born into this world as possible.

Soros' public-health programs also "support initiatives focusing on the specific health needs of several marginalized communities" and promote "harm reduction": "Its primary goal is to empower drug users to protect their health. Needle/syringe exchange and substitution therapies (e.g., methadone) are at the center of harm reduction health interventions." His "harm reducers" have expanded their work with special initiatives on "sex workers" and prisoners and launched a policy initiative that attempts to ensure that "repressive drug policies do not impede the expansion of harm reduction efforts."

Over the past five years, the Soros network has given a successful start to previously nonexistent "gay" activism in almost all of its areas of operation. The campaign for "LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender] Rights" is directed from Budapest, where Miriam Molnar's 1999 policy paper published by OSI defined the "problem" as discrimination and the low level of acceptance, visibility, and political representation of LGBT's. It was necessary either "to convince the society to accept LGBT people as equal and let the society make pressure [sic] to the politicians (through media) to change laws" or "to convince the politicians that LGBT people are equal and that they need help in convincing the rest of the society." The overall goals were to generate discussion about LGBT identity within the community, to make them visible and "create a positive image," and to establish regular forums of discussion with other groups in the region. Specific tasks included the development of websites in English with subsites in local languages, the establishment of task forces that would react to all "homophobic" media outbursts in one "Pink Book," and the organization of two-week summer schools for teachers that would "provide training about discrimination of [sic] LGBT people, disabled people, overweight people etc."

In November 1999, a pilot project began at the Center for Publishing Development (OSI Budapest) on homosexual books in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, and Slovakia. That same year, Nash Mir (Our World) Gay and Lesbian Center announced that it had been registered as an NGO in the Ukraine. From that moment, the group was free to pursue its stated goals, including "fight against sexual-orientation discrimination" and "homophobic sentiments in societal consciousness" and "assistance to upbringing of gays' and lesbians' self-consciousness as equal and valuable members of society." The group expressed gratitude for its legalization to the "Ukrainian branch of Soros Foundation Network (Renaissance Foundation) which lobbied our question in the Ministry of Justice and render [sic] legal assistance to us."

Gay.ru is a Soros-funded Moscow NGO that has developed "into an established and recognized Russian gay and lesbian center" and "the clearing house for lesbian and gay groups scattered across the country":

We keep contacts with all existing gay, lesbian, and AIDS organizations in Russia and maintain on-going correspondence and reporting to international gay and lesbian organizations . . . We have collected the biggest off-line library that features over a hundred Russian titles and some fifty English classic books on gay studies. It was greatly enhanced by the Core Collection on Gay and Lesbian Issues awarded to us by the Soros Foundation in 2000.

In Bucharest, Monika Barcsy of the local Soros branch bewailed the fact that, in Rumania, "the homosexual identity is stigmatized" and is one of the main bases for treating individuals as "the others" in an attitude of intolerance. Their families became the victims of prejudice "just because the society is unable to accept the legitimacy of same-sex relations as a 'normal' manifestation." The author singles out the Rumanian Orthodox Church as a prime culprit: "The problem is that many Christian Orthodox students' organizations and other student groups support the church." In 1994, she points out, more than 100 theology students began a series of demonstrations in front of Rumania's parliament against homosexual propaganda in the media and collected signatures demanding legislation to criminalize same-sex relations. Barcsy concludes by reiterating the standard Soros line:

Gay men and lesbians need rights that guarantee them the expression of their identity in the public sphere . . . [T]he legal status of gays and lesbians, their ability to move and appear in public, to speak out and act together should be considered a very good test of the civic openness. [It] can't be resolved with the new laws made under the pressure of different human rights organizations. Romania needs . . . to ameliorate the negative responses towards the homosexuals from the majority population . . . There are "problems" with the society as a whole, and the society's mentality can't be changed overnight.

A key pillar of Soros' activities is his dictum that "no-one has a monopoly on the truth" and that "civic education" should replace the old "authoritarian" model. Civic education does not have to be "just a dialogue" between a teacher and students, he says; in addition, "we have projects like health education, where people use new ways to discuss issues like hygiene, diet, and sex." While "this does not sound like traditional civic education," he continues, it is "a new way for teachers to relate to their pupils," just as citizens must relate in new ways to governments and elected officials in societies trying to become more open and democratic.

Accordingly, throughout postcommunist Eastern Europe, the Soros Foundation's primary stated goal is to "democratize the education system" by "instituting curriculum reforms." What this means in practice has been demonstrated over the past three years by Serbia's education minister Gaso Knezevic, a friend and confidante of Soros. Since the first day of his tenure, Mr. Knezevic has insisted that schools must be transformed from "authoritarian" institutions into "exercise grounds" for the "unhindered expression of students' personalities in the process of equal-footed interaction with the teaching staff, thus overcoming the obsolete concept of authority and discipline rooted in the oppressive legacy of patriarchal past." Mr. Knezevic started his reform with primary schools, with a pilot program of "educational workshops" for children ages 7 to 12. The accompanying manual, financed by the Open Society, rejects the quaint notion that the purpose of education is the "acquisition of knowledge" and insists that the teacher has to become the class "designer" and that his relationship with students should be based on "partnership."

In Russia, Soros' associates exercise great control over the selection of textbooks for Russian schools. According to a press release by the Gaidar Youth Library, financial support from the Open Society Institute provided it with computers, videocassettes, and CD's, all of which made "special training" for the children of "underprivileged people" possible in the library:

We organized a special seminar "Children's rights nowadays" for all specialists who took part in our project . . . The working group of the program "The Circle of Friends" is grateful to the "Open Society" Institute (Soros Fund, Budapest) for the opportunity to realize this project in a full volume.

In 1999, the Moscow Open Society office started a major five-year project, "The Development of Education in Russia." Its goal is to "reeducate rural teachers at a cost of US $100-150 million" (Nezavisimaya Gazeta, September 19, 1998). It is also applying a program called "Tolerance" in Russian secondary schools, but its masterminds may have made a linguistic blunder. According to a Russian critic of the program,

The Russian translation of this Latin word-tyerpimost-has the dual meaning of prostitution and could be confused with doma tyerpimosti, houses of ill fame . . . How come this financial manipulator tries to teach us about tolerance, us who grew up with Leo Tolstoy, one of the first philosophers of non-violence? . . . But Mr. Soros is also a horribly distorted mirror, which should make us see our own, present image, without blinking or turning away. There are times when evil can become an eye-opener, when its derisive laughter can waken us up and help regaining our strength. We should not miss this opportunity.

A first step in that direction may have been taken last November 7, when the OSI Moscow office was raided by a private security company hired by the owner of the building with whom the foundation was engaged in a protracted legal battle. Only weeks before, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the billionaire oligarch and OSI Moscow executive director who has his own NGO called the Open Russia Foundation, was arrested and charged with tax evasion, theft, forgery, and fraud. Soros denounced the arrest as an act of "persecution" that should disqualify Russia from belonging to the G-8 group of industrialized countries. "I believe that he acted within the constraints of the law. I am doing the same in the United States," said Soros, alluding to his multimillion-dollar donations toward "regime change" in Washington next November. The American press indignantly reported that the raid was directed against a philanthropic organization that had spent "more than $US 1 billion on charitable projects in Russia in the past 15 years."

"Racism" is Soros' regular obsession, but he faced the potential problem of finding it in racially nondiverse Eastern European countries. This has been resolved by identifying a designated victim group-Gypsies! "Few minority groups in Europe face as much social, economic, and political discrimination as do Romani people," says OSI. Being a "Roma activist" has become a lucrative designation within the community. Seventy of the most promising ones came to the conference "Roma in Expanding Europe: Challenges for the Future," held in Budapest last summer, at which Soros inaugurated a "Decade of Roma Inclusion." The conference offered policy recommendations, some of which could have been written by Jesse Jackson: first, obligatory and free preschool education in desegregated classrooms; second, Romani assistants in the classroom, especially in preschool; third, antibias training for teachers and school administrators; and fourth, integration of Romani history and culture in textbooks at all levels.

Legally mandated affirmative-action programs for Roma in high schools and universities were recommended by the delegations of Rumania and Serbia-Montenegro. On employment, the conference recommended tax incentives for those who employ Roma and access to low-interest credit for small Roma-owned family businesses. The Czech and Slovak delegations also proposed setting aside a percentage of government contracts for Roma construction firms. In the area of housing, specific demands were made to combat "racism and discrimination," including the "legalization" of shantytowns and "equal access" to municipal housing. The conference concluded that combating racial discrimination against Roma must be pursued through the adoption of comprehensive anti-discrimination legislation complying with the requirements of the E.U. Race Equality Directive.

The Rumanian delegation demanded that the Bucharest government recognize the Roma holocaust by issuing a public apology along with urgent adoption of a reparations package. The European Union was asked to make sure that Roma are broadly involved in the design, implementation, and evaluation of all E.U. spending on Roma projects.

Soros' "programs" would have been deemed laughable or outrageous in their target countries only a decade ago. No one is laughing today, however. For thousands of young Eastern Europeans, to become a "Soroshite" represents today what joining the Party represented to their parents: an alluring opportunity to have a reasonably paid job, to belong to a privileged elite, and, for many, to travel abroad. The chosen few go to Soros's own Central European University in Budapest, where they are taught that affirming a scientifically grounded truth is "totalitarian" and that the sovereign nation-state is evil.

There is not one patriot (Russian, Croat, Latvian, Serb, Rumanian, Hungarian) or one practicing Christian on Soros' payroll. In all postcommunist countries, Soros relies on the sons and daughters of the old communist establishment, who are less likely to be tainted by any atavistic attachments to their native soil, culture, and traditions. The more successful among them-and the most loyal-may spend years drifting from one "project" to another, and some have been living that way for more than a decade. Soros has revealed (in Underwriting Democracy) that his Open Society foundations will help create an international web, at the heart of which will be the computerized base of personal data that will enable Western multinationals to find the local candidates they need.

These new janissaries, just like those of the Ottoman army of old, have to prove their credentials by being more zealous than the master himself; as the Balkan proverb has it, "a convert is worse than a Turk." Nobody is more insanely vehement in his insults against the Serbian people and their history, religion, art, and suffering than a dozen Serb-born columnists who are on the payroll of Sonja Licht, Soros' Gauleiter in Belgrade.

Hoi polloi are force-fed the daily fare of OSI agitprop by "the Soros media"-the term now exists in over a dozen languages-from the Gazeta Wyborcza in Warsaw to Danas (Today) in Serbia, the Monitor in Montenegro, the Markiza TV channel in Bratislava, and Vreme weekly and the B-92 electronic media conglomerate in Belgrade. They invariably parrot Soros' views and ambitions, reflected by the agenda of the local Soros foundation at home and, in world affairs, by the International Crisis Group (ICG), largely financed by Soros and run by his appointees.

Soros' agenda in world affairs is clear from the fact that his appointees include Gen. Wesley Clark, who commanded NATO forces in the war against Serbia in 1999; Louise Arbour, the former chief prosecutor of the Yugoslav war-crimes tribunal at The Hague; former assistant secretary of state Morton Abramowitz, an enthusiastic supporter of Bosnian Muslims and Albanians in the wars of Yugoslav succession; and former national security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, whose visceral Russophobia aided and abetted the rise of Osama bin Laden and his jihadist cohorts.

As Gilles d'Aymery noted two years ago, Soros is not just the power behind the Open Society Institute, the U.S. Institute of Peace, the National Endowment for Democracy, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and the International Crisis Group:

[L]ike an immense Jules Verne octopus, [he] extends his tentacles all over Eastern Europe, South-Eastern Europe, the Caucasus as well as the republics of the former Soviet Union. With the help of these various groups [it is possible] not only to shape but to create the news, the agenda and public opinion to further aims which are, in short, the control of the world, its natural resources and the furtherance of the uniform ideal of a perfect world polity made in America.

That polity will not be "American" in any recognizable sense if Soros has his way, however. Here, he supports increased government spending and tax increases, drug legalization, euthanasia, open borders and immigration, immigrant entitlements, feminism, free abortion on demand, affirmative action, and "gay" rights. He opposes the death penalty in any circumstance. One of the trustees of OSI is Lani Guinier, the law professor whom Bill Clinton tried to nominate as head of the civil-rights division of the Department of Justice but changed his mind when she was found to favor minority veto power over legislation. Its president is Aryeh Neier, who had for 12 years been executive director of the Soros-funded Human Rights Watch and, before that, national director of the American Civil Liberties Union for eight years.

That he is anti-Bush is unremarkable, but Soros' statement last December that the defeat of the President is "a matter of life and death" was silly. His largesse to Bush's foes-although substantial-does not reflect the stated urgency of the moment: $15 million for America Coming Together; $3 million for John Podesta's new think tank; and $2.5 million for MoveOn.org falls far short of a month's cost of running his many foundations around the world.

Soros remains primarily committed to destroying the remaining bastions of the family, sovereign nationhood, and Christian Faith east of the Trieste-Stettin line. He senses that his full-throttle intervention in America is not necessary, because things are gradually going his way anyway. No matter who is his party's anointed candidate come next November, the real choice will be between George and Gyorgy, and that is not much of a choice.

Chronicles' foreign-affairs editor Srdja Trifkovic is the author of The Sword of the Prophet: Islam-History, Theology, Impact on the World.

Copyright 2004, www.ChroniclesMagazine.org (http://www.ChroniclesMagazine.org)

30th January 2012, 05:53 AM

The Big Lie: NATO's campaign of deception in Kosovo

Dr. Ron Paul, March 13, 2000

"David Ramsey Steele points out that in Kosovo we were told before the bombings that there was mass genocide occurring, the figure of '100,000 or more' was tossed around even though there was no evidence to back-up this claim ... Later after the NATO bombs began dropping, the official NATO claim was dropped to around 10,000 as it became clear no mass graves or killing fields even existed. The actual number of people found in the reported mass-graves totals slightly more than 2,000, a far cry from the hundreds of thousands that we were told originally."

"Steele points out that the stories about Kosovo came not only from NATO officers but also from officials of the United Nations, as well as from our own government ... The sad trail of lies in Kosovo merely reinforces two facts. The first is that our republic depends upon a press that will question the claims of our leaders instead of just accepting them. The second is that Congress has shirked both its Constitutional responsibility to declare war before U.S. troops are sent into battle and its oversight responsibility to closely monitor the administration in its carrying out of foreign policy."




Yesterday 900 British, Danish, and French troops moved in to take over the Trepca complex of mines in the northern city of Mitrovice – and were met with determined resistance by hundreds of mine workers. Hurling rocks, sticks, and stones, and wielding the tools of their trade as weapons, Serbs downed four Brits, shouting their defiance at this escalation of NATO's war on the last Serbs left in Kosovo.

With $100 million of the US taxpayers' money in his pocket, Soros and his gang are swooping down on the prostrate body of the Serbian nation like vultures feeding on the liver of Prometheus – the Titan of Greek mythology

[ Soros is ICG , think of it as AEI destroy Europe division ]

1999 International Crisis Group (ICG) paper on the Trepca mining complex, and a February 2000 article in the Toronto Star by ICG consultant Susan Blaustein – Johnstone saw it all coming, and with such stunning accuracy that one can hardly believe that her piece wasn't written yesterday. What is especially revealing is the role of the International Crisis Group in fomenting the takeover of Trepca – and the role of Soros as the ICG's main sugar-daddy. In its report, the ICG drools at the prospect of having such a rich prize fall into its benefactor's hands. As Johnstone relates:


Another company, the Greek firm of Mytineleos, has a claim through contracts with Yugoslav companies to market Trepca's lead and zinc, and this claim is going to be "a harder problem than SCMM for UNMIK" as the ICG report admits. With close ties to the Greek government, and a sterling international track record for solidity and performance, Mytineleos can make a strong case. The report also somewhat reluctantly notes that


Soros bought the Trepca mine complex

The Uncrowned King of East Europe

30th January 2012, 07:17 AM
The Secret Financial Network Behind "Wizard" George Soros

2/12/98 Stefan Lemieszewski

This is another post in the series along the theme that: " Corrupt elites
prosper at the people's expense with the aid of the IMF, World Bank and
'shock therapy' policies of Western advisors under the guise of free-trade
or democratic or market-reforms."

In his article, "Communique of American-Ukrainian Advisory Committee,"
in the Dec-10-1995 issue of The Ukrainian Weekly, Eugene M. Iwanciw wrote:

"The American-Ukrainian Advisory Committee met in New York on November 17-18
and reiterated its strong conviction that a resilient Ukraine is in the
interest of European stability and thus also American security. It welcomed
the evident improvement in the American-Ukrainian relationship, especially
the recognition by the U.S. government of Ukraine's geopolitical
significance. It also endorsed strongly the reform efforts being pursued by
the Ukrainian government in order to transform Ukraine into a stable
democracy based on a free market economy."

The American participants of the American-Ukrainian Advisory Committee
(AUAC) sponsored by the Center for Strategic and International Studies
(CSIS) included:

Zbigniew Brzezinski (CSIS counselor),
Richard Burt (chairman, International Equity Partners),
Frank Carlucci (chairman, Carlyle Group),
Gen. John Galvin (dean, Fletcher School of International Law and Diplomacy),
Michael Jordan (chairman and CEO, Westinghouse Electric Corp),
Henry Kissinger (chairman, Kissinger Associates) and
George Soros (chairman, Soros Foundations).

[ since then they created huge problems with Russia, Europe, their " revolution " ]


EIR as source, very good leads but reader beware.
When EIR talks " city of london ", " british " , "monarch",
Rothchilds own it all, they created Israel, etc, remember this.

Info below is old and fits many other sources and reality,
these posts in this thread are before internet time, awareness, etc.
A lot has happened since then, many are long but worth reading, it fits.

The Secret Financial Network Behind "Wizard" George Soros

by William Engdahl

EIR Investigation
Executive Intelligence Review (EIR), November 1, 1996

The dossier that follows is based upon a report released on Oct. 1 by EIR's
bureau in Wiesbaden, Germany, titled "A Profile of Mega-Speculator George
Soros." Research was contributed by Mark Burdman, Elisabeth Hellenbroich,
Paolo Raimondi, and Scott Thompson.

parts posted below, full work here

The sponsorship of the Rothschilds

Soros's relation to the Rothschild finance circle represents no ordinary or
casual banking connection.

Since British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour wrote his famous November
1917 letter to Lord Rothschild,

N.M. Rothschild and Sons is also implicated in some of the filthiest
drugs-for-weapons secret intelligence operations. Because it is connected to
the highest levels of the British intelligence establishment, Rothschilds
managed to evade any prominent mention of its complicity in one of the more
sordid black covert intelligence networks, that of the Bank of Credit and
Commerce International (BCCI). Rothschilds was at the center of the
international web of money-laundering banks used during the 1970s and 1980s
by Britain's MI-6 and the networks of Col. Oliver North and George Bush, to
finance such projects as the Nicaraguan Contras.

Rich, Reichmann, and Soros's Israeli links

According to reports of former U.S. State Department intelligence officers
familiar with the Soros case, Soros's Quantum Fund amassed a war chest of
well over $10 billion, with the help of a powerful group of "silent"
investors who let Soros deploy the capital to demolish European monetary
stability in September 1992.

Among Soros's silent investors, these sources say, are the fugitive metals
and oil trader Marc Rich, based in Zug, Switzerland; and Shaul Eisenberg, a
decades-long member of Israeli Mossad intelligence, who functions as a major
arms merchant throughout Asia and the Near East. Eisenberg was recently
banned from doing business in Uzbekistan, where he had been accused by the
government of massive fraud and corruption. A third Soros partner is
Israel's "Dirty Rafi" Eytan, who served in London previously as Mossad
liaison to British intelligence.

Rich was one of the most active western traders in oil, aluminum, and other
commodities in the Soviet Union and Russia between 1989 and 1993. This, not
coincidentally, is just the period when Grigori Luchansky's Nordex Group
became a multibillion-dollar company selling Russian oil, aluminum, and
other commodities.

Canadian real estate entrepreneur Paul Reichmann, formerly of Olympia and
York notoriety, a Hungarian-born Jew like Soros, is a business partner in
Soros's Quantum Realty, a $525-million real estate investment fund.

The Reichmann tie links Soros as well with Henry Kissinger and former Tory
Foreign Minister Lord Carrington (who is also a member of Kissinger
Associates, Inc. of New York). Reichmann sits with both Kissinger and
Carrington on the board of the influential British-Canadian publishing
group, Hollinger, Inc. Hollinger owns a large number of newspapers in
Canada and the United States, the London Daily Telegraph, and the largest
English-language daily in Israel, the Jerusalem Post. Hollinger has been
attacking President Clinton and the Middle East peace process ever since
Clinton's election in November 1992.

" Soros's business ties to Sir James Goldsmith and Lord Rothschild place him
in the inner circles of the Thatcher wing of the British establishment. By
helping the "anti-Europe" Thatcherites pull Britain out of the ERM in
September 1992 (and making more than $1 billion in the process at British
taxpayer expense), Soros helped the long-term goal of the Thatcherites in
weakening continental Europe's economic stability. Since 1904 , it has been
British geopolitical strategy to prevent by all means any successful
economic linkage between western continental European economies, especially
that of Germany, with Russia and the countries of eastern Europe."

Soros is quite close to the circles of George Bush in the U.S. intelligence
community and finance. His principal bank custodian, and reputed major
lender in the 1992 assault on Europe's ERM, is Citicorp NA, the nation's
largest bank. Citicorp is more than a lending institution; it is a core part
of the American liberal establishment. In 1989, as it became clear that
German unification was a real possibility, a senior official at Citicorp, a
former adviser to Michael Dukakis's Presidential campaign, told a European
business associate that "German unity will be a disaster for our interests;
we must take measures to ensure a sharp D-Mark collapse on the order of 30%,
so that she will not have the capability to reconstruct East Germany into
the economic engine of a new Europe."

Soros savages eastern Europe

Soros has established no fewer than 19 "charitable" foundations across
eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. He has sponsored "peace"
concerts in former Yugoslavia with such performers as Joan Baez. He is
helping send young east Europeans to Oxford University. A model citizen, is
the image he broadcasts.

The reality is something else. Soros has been personally responsible for
introducing shock therapy into the emerging economies of eastern Europe
since 1989. He has deliberately fostered on fragile new governments in the
east the most draconian economic madness, policies which have allowed Soros
and his financial predator friends, such as Marc Rich and Shaul Eisenberg,
to loot the resources of large parts of eastern Europe at dirt-cheap prices.

Russia and the Community of Independent States (CIS): Soros headed a
delegation to Russia, where he had worked together with Raisa Gorbachova
since the late 1980s, to establish the Cultural Initiative Foundation. As
with his other "charitable foundations," this was a tax-free vehicle for
Soros and his influential Western friends to enter the top policymaking
levels of the country, and for tiny sums of scarce hard currency, but up
important political and intellectual figures. After a false start under
Mikhail Gorbachov in 1988-91, Soros shifted to the new Yeltsin circle. It
was Soros who introduced Jeffery Sachs and shock therapy into Russia, in
late 1991.

The friends of Soros lost no time in capitalizing on this situation. Marc
Rich began buying Russian aluminum at absurdly cheap prices, with his hard
currency. Rich then dumped the aluminum onto western industrial markets last
year, causing a 30% collapse in the price of the metal, as western industry
had no way to compete. There was such an outflow of aluminum last year from
Russia, that there were shortages of aluminum for Russian fish canneries. At
the same time, Rich reportedly moved in to secure export control over the
supply of most West Siberian crude oil to western markets. Rich's companies
have been under investigation for fraud in Russia, according to a report in
the Wall Street Journal of May 13, 1993.

1st February 2012, 03:26 PM

Globalist Lawyer Attends Color Revolution Rebranding (http://landdestroyer.blogspot.com/2012/01/globalist-lawyer-attends-color.html)

Robert Amsterdam

Since the 2006 military coup that ousted Thaksin Shinawatra, he has been represented by US corporate-financier elites via their lobbying firms including, Kenneth Adelman (http://2bangkok.com/07-news07apr.html) of the Edelman PR firm (http://www.fara.gov/docs/3634-Exhibit-AB-20070125-4.pdf) (Freedom House (http://www.freedomhouse.org/template.cfm?boardmember=4&page=10), International Crisis Group (http://www.crisisgroup.org/en/about/board/kenneth-adelman.aspx), PNAC (http://www.newamericancentury.org/Bushletter-040302.htm)), James Baker of Baker Botts (http://disclosures.house.gov/ld/pdfform.aspx?id=200059128) (CFR (http://www.cfr.org/about/membership/roster.html?letter=B)), Robert Blackwill (http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/29/washington/29blackwill.html?_r=3&adxnnl=1&oref=login&pagewanted=print&adxnnlx=1194092186-oD/P7hK9sBgiXh7U96GOBA) of Barbour Griffith & Rogers (http://soprweb.senate.gov/index.cfm?event=getFilingDetails&filingID=1AA1A98A-2494-44E5-A5CB-F658EB445C4B) (CFR (http://www.cfr.org/about/membership/roster.html?letter=B)), Kobre & Kim (http://soprweb.senate.gov/index.cfm?event=getFilingDetails&filingID=4064D36C-F215-480C-8F07-B383B45BEE09), and currently Robert Amsterdam (http://landdestroyer.blogspot.com/2011/02/globalist-page-robert-amsterdam.html) of Amsterdam & Peroff (http://disclosures.house.gov/ld/pdfform.aspx?id=300322917) (Chatham House (http://www.chathamhouse.org.uk/membership/corporate/major_corporate_members_list/)).

Amsterdam's client Thaksin Shinawata isn't the first billionaire proxy he has attempted to groom and assist back into power. He has also provided extensive legal and political support for jailed Russian oligarch, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, on behalf of Wall Street and London.

The background of Khodorkovsky and his "Open Russian Foundation" fashioned after Wall Street bankster George Soros' Open Society Institute and chaired by both Jacob Rothschild and Henry Kissinger, can be found in William Engdahl's, "The Real Crime of M. Khodorkovsky (http://www.voltairenet.org/The-Real-Crime-of-M-Khodorkovsky)," as well as in the London Telegraph's humorously titled, "This man is now the people's billionaire (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/personal-view/3607189/This-man-is-now-the-peoples-billionaire.html)," reflecting the paid-for rhetoric typical of Wall Street-London-appointed lawyer Robert Amsterdam (http://landdestroyer.blogspot.com/2011/02/globalist-page-robert-amsterdam.html).

In the latest round of attempted destabilization in Russia (http://landdestroyer.blogspot.com/2011/12/us-atempts-to-overthrow-russian.html), it may be instructive to look at the "Khodorkovsky & Lebedev Communications Center (http://www.khodorkovskycenter.com/)," a website developed in part by Robert Amsterdam and what is called an "international legal team (http://www.khodorkovskycenter.com/about)." Coincidentally, it fully embraces the narrative peddled by the West and its corporate media that the Russian elections were "rigged." However, this accusation tenuously hinges on the work of US-funded NGOs including Golos - fully funded by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) (http://www.ned.org/where-we-work/eurasia/russia). Similarlly in Thailand, NED-funded Prachatai (http://landdestroyer.blogspot.com/2011/08/exposed-indy-newspaper-funded-by-us.html) forms a symbiotic relationship with Thaksin's red shirts and now Nitirat to lend each other otherwise nonexistent legitimacy, legitimacy that is essential in order for Amsterdam to sell his agenda to a wider audience.


EXCELLENT ARTICLES, Must Reading, we cover these issues here regularly,
George Soros, NED, all the " revolutions " , it is all here, a whole network and
same M.O.

BOMBSHELL: US Caught Meddling in Russian Elections!

Sunday, December 4, 2011 http://landdestroyer.blogspot.com/2011/12/bombshell-us-caught-meddling-in-russian.html

Putin compares US funded NGOs to Judas the betrayer.

by Tony Cartalucci

December 4, 2011 - What would Americans say if they found their polling stations and certain political parties entirely infiltrated by Chinese money, Chinese observers, and Chinese-backed candidates promoting China's interests in an AMERICAN election? The answer ranges from incarceration, to trials featuring charges ranging from fraud, to sedition and even treason with sentences ranging from decades to life in prison, perhaps even death, as well as possible military action for what could easily be considered an act of war (http://landdestroyer.blogspot.com/2011/07/ron-paul-on-orwellian-democratization.html).

Indeed, the attempted subversion of a foreign nation and/or meddling in its elections are acts of war, an act of war the United States government through its various "Non-Governmental Organizations" (NGOs) have been committing on and off for decades around the globe. In fact, the very "Arab Spring" is a geopolitical conflagration tipped off by this vast network of Western backed NGOs (http://landdestroyer.blogspot.com/2011/11/how-to-start-wall-street-backed.html).

more ...

US Meddling in Russia: In Their Own Words

Sunday, December 4, 2011


by Tony Cartalucci

December 5, 2011 - Before reading the following "interests" the United States government with US tax money, is pursing within the sovereign Russian Federation, it may be instructive to know just who constitutes the National Endowment for Democracy, the umbrella organization that funds a literal army of global sedition. (NED's funding for Russian NGOs is listed last).

For a full description of NEDs Board of Directors, their affiliations and guiding ideologies of which they've articulated in signed documents available freely on the Internet from their official think-tank websites, please read: NED & Freedom House are run by Warmongering Imperialists (http://landdestroyer.blogspot.com/2011/11/ned-freedom-house-are-run-by.html).

more ...

1st February 2012, 04:09 PM
as usual....Magnes continues to prove what others only can speculate! great work friend!

1st February 2012, 04:22 PM
Nice thread, Magnes!

Thanks for keeping shit out of the memory hole!

1st February 2012, 04:41 PM
Thanks MAGNES. I don't believe I have seen any of those before.

1st February 2012, 05:15 PM
Since that article they messed with many countries and are still doing it.
Ukraine and Serbia were the biggest two targets in Europe. Russia is always
the biggest target, right now they are working on Syria.
Now it's even come to the USA on a different level.
Soros, " Occupy to turn violent " says the control master. (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?58410-Soros-quot-Occupy-to-turn-violent-quot-says-the-control-master.)

This whole forum has really good finds by many, problem is people
miss them and they are not in one place, you can put a lot of good
connections together by looking at these threads by everyone on here,
recently I was in mick silvers threads.

George Soros: The United States Must Stop Resisting The Orderly Decline Of The Dollar (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?53777-George-Soros-The-United-States-Must-Stop-Resisting-The-Orderly-Decline-Of-The-Dollar)

Who 'made $10bn on 10/1 bet that U.S. credit rating would be downgraded'? (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?53277-Who-made-10bn-on-10-1-bet-that-U.S.-credit-rating-would-be-downgraded)

Is Soros's One World Currency a Leftist Plot? (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?46634-Is-Soros-s-One-World-Currency-a-Leftist-Plot)

Euro Collapse Could Spark Global Depression, Soros Tells L'Hebdo (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?53298-Euro-Collapse-Could-Spark-Global-Depression-Soros-Tells-L-Hebdo)

George Soros Admits He's a Traitorous Billionaire (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?58496-George-Soros-Admits-He-s-a-Traitorous-Billionaire)

Russia Issues International Arrest Warrant for George Soros (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?58624-Russia-Issues-International-Arrest-Warrant-for-George-Soros)

Twisted Titan
1st February 2012, 09:17 PM
You can always trace the ills of humanity back to these ghouls.

Always.....without fail.

mick silver
4th February 2012, 12:06 PM
back up for more to see an learn

4th February 2012, 05:52 PM
Magnes your a FVKING treasure chest of info!

17th March 2012, 10:16 PM

11th June 2020, 06:36 AM
MAY 30 AG Bill Barr Identifies Antifa Activists as Organizers of National Mob Violence, Looting and Arson LastRefuge NAMES ANTIFA FED Prosecutions

(https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2020/05/30/ag-bill-barr-identifies-antifa-activists-as-organizers-of-national-mob-violence-looting-and-arson/) MAY 30 Breaking911: " AG BARR: “In many places, it appears the violence is planned, organized & driven by anarchtic left extremist groups—far left extremist groups using Antifa-like tactics.” " (https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1266795434141515777)

MAY 30 Ann Coulter: " In Trump’s America, Berkeley was burned down to block Milo, scholars like Heather MacDonald and Charles Murray have been violently attacked, Proud Boys defending conservatives from Antifa mobs have been imprisoned. Trump’s done nothing. " (https://twitter.com/AnnCoulter/status/1266745319263535105)

MAY 30 Ann Coulter: " In Trump’s America, ... Proud Boys defending conservatives from Antifa mobs have been imprisoned. Trump’s done nothing. " (https://twitter.com/AnnCoulter/status/1266745319263535105)

MAY 31 2020 Donald Trump: The U.S. will Designate Antifa a Terrorist Organization Breitbart (https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/05/31/donald-trump-the-united-states-will-designate-antifa-as-a-terrorist-organization/)

MAY 31 2020 AG Barr: Antifa Violence Is Domestic Terrorism and 'Will Be Treated Accordingly' Breitbart (https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/05/31/ag-barr-antifa-violence-is-domestic-terrorism-and-will-be-treat-accordingly/)

AG Bill Barr Releases Statement on Riots and Domestic Terrorism: “violence instigated by Antifa is domestic terrorism” LastRefuge (https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2020/05/31/ag-bill-barr-releases-statement-on-riots-and-domestic-terrorism-violence-instigated-by-antifa-is-domestic-terrorism/)

"It's A Setup": Mysterious Brick Piles Appear Throughout Major Protest Cities ZeroHedge BLM members call out Antifa infiltration violence FOX COVERED (https://www.zerohedge.com/political/its-setup-mysteriously-staged-bricks-appear-throughout-major-protest-cities)

Project Veritas: Portland Antifa Cell Trains Recruits to 'Eye Gouge,' 'Destroy Your Enemy' Breitbart June 4 2020 People Of Auhority Training Them " Skills " (https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/06/04/project-veritas-exposes-americas-ultra-violent-portland-antifa-cell/)

Project Veritas Releases Part 3 of #ExposeAntifa: Deadly Weapons Training: "We Believe in a Complete Abolition of the System Itself, Including Police" VID (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/06/project-veritas-releases-part-3-exposeantifa-deadly-weapons-training-believe-complete-abolition-system-including-police-video/)

Counter-Terror Expert: Feds Unaware of Antifa, BLM Communist Connections Breitbart ADL BNAI BRITH OWN THEM SOROS PAYS BILLS (https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/06/04/counter-terror-expert-feds-unaware-of-antifa-black-lives-matter-communist-connections-objectives/)

VID MAY 31 Benny: " ANTIFA is a virtually all-white terror organization of cowards who pay minorities to commit their terrorism for them. This is demonstrated perfectly in the video below. ANTIFA are the scum of the earth and every one of their members should be in jail. " (https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1267150627064479746)

MAY 31 2020 TRUMP BARR Designate Antifa "A Terrorist Organization" ZeroHedge "Why is the Attorney General of Minnesota holding a terrorist handbook! "

(https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/trump-designates-antifa-terrorist-organization) Donald Trump Designates ANTIFA a Terrorist Organization OD HW NAMES EM "If these people are finally brought to justice for their crimes and Big Tech is reined in, maybe we can consider forgiving the last few years." (http://www.occidentaldissent.com/2020/05/31/donald-trump-designates-antifa-a-terrorist-organization/)

Germany’s AfD Party: Trump Needs to go after Antifa Internationally TGP June 1 2020 (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/06/germanys-afd-party-trump-needs-go-antifa-internationally/)

MAY 31 Donald J. Trump: " The United States of America will be designating ANTIFA as a Terrorist Organization. " (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1267129644228247552)

MAY 31 Donald J. Trump: " Get tough Democrat Mayors and Governors. These people are ANARCHISTS. Call in our National Guard NOW. The World is watching and laughing at you and Sleepy Joe. Is this what America wants? NO!!! " (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1267187902192193538)

MAY 31 Donald J. Trump: " Congratulations to our National Guard for the great job they did immediately upon arriving in Minneapolis, Minnesota, last night. The ANTIFA led anarchists, among others, were shut down quickly. Should have been done by Mayor on first night and there would have been no trouble! " (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1267124501361369091)

MAY 31 Donald J. Trump: " ... The ANTIFA led anarchists ... Should have been done by Mayor on first night and there would have been no trouble! " (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1267124501361369091)

MAY 31 Donald J. Trump: " Law & Order in Philadelphia, NOW! They are looting stores. Call in our great National Guard like they FINALLY did (thank you President Trump) last night in Minneapolis. Is this what voters want with Sleepy Joe? All Dems! " (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1267185107980496896)

MAY 31 Donald Trump: 'World Is Watching and Laughing' at Democrats During Riots Breitbart " These people are ANARCHISTS. Call in our National Guard NOW. ... " (https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/05/31/donald-trump-world-watching-democrats-riots/)

11th June 2020, 06:38 AM
Q POSTS MAY 29 SorosDestroyingAmerica.jpg Nobody escapes this. Q PIC George Soros " Destroying America Will Be the Culmination of My Life's Work " (https://qmap.pub/read/4349)

Q POSTS MAY 30 " Irregular warfare. Insurgency. Insurgency is the organized use of subversion and violence to seize, nullify or challenge political control of a region. ... [ me LONG POST ] " Q (https://qmap.pub/read/4352)

Q POSTS MAY 30 PIC 4 LINKS " [ me LONG POST ] ... Thank you for playing. Have a Nice Day. Q " ANTIFA TERRORISTS (https://qmap.pub/read/4352)


[ Q IS POSTING THIS NOT FOR ANTIFA ILK , So that people recognize what is happening and to speak out try to reach people about it. That TONY SHAEFFER " SPOOKY " DUDE on FOX was trying to explain this to people years ago, now he is on one of the Trump Committees, I probably spelt his name wrong. You do not talk about this without getting punished, he said, " US DOES THIS ALL OVER " , what SPYGATE is doing to Trump .]

Rep. Jim Banks Asks FBI to Add Antifa to List of Extremist Ideologies | U.S. Congressman Jim Banks AUG 2019 Asks FBI to Add Antifa to List of Extremist Ideologies (https://banks.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=1548)

Fitzpatrick Condemns Antifa and Political Violence | Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick JULY 2019 Requests Department of Justice Designate Antifa as a Domestic Terrorist Organization (https://fitzpatrick.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/fitzpatrick-condemns-antifa-and-political-violence)

2 Republican senators introduce resolution to label antifa as domestic terrorists | TheHill JULY 2019 (https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/454038-2-republican-senators-introduce-resolution-to-label-antifa-as-domestic)

Q POSTS MAY 30 4354 PIC [ ANTIFA COMMUNISTS MAR 2018 Q ] Anti-American? Domestic terrorists? Organized? Fascists? Extreme Radical(s)? Violent? POTUS action coming. Homeland Security _FBI_DOJ action coming. Investigations may lead to [D][F] 'support' targets. Q (https://qmap.pub/read/4354)

Q POSTS MAY 30 4354 " ... FBI_DOJ action coming. Investigations may lead to [D][F] 'support' targets. Q " (https://qmap.pub/read/4354)

Q POSTS MAY 30 4360 " Insurrection Act of 1807. [Determination that the various state and local authorities are not up to the task of responding to the growing unrest] Call the ball. Q " (https://qmap.pub/read/4360)

Q POSTS MAY 30 4360 " ... Call the ball. Q " [done MSM went nutz, what happened ?] (https://qmap.pub/read/4360)

Q POSTS MAY 30 4361 PIC [ TRUMP Quote Every Citizen Has a right to be safe ... I WILL DEFEND ] On the ready. God save America. Q (https://qmap.pub/read/4361)

11th June 2020, 06:47 AM
For those not paying attention Q is real but you have to
ask yourself what they are doing with it, they want help
online promoting stories, then there are articles, coverage,
then someone gets arrested, Trump starts talking about it,
it is a symphony orchestra of information, PROPHETIC on
a lot of issues, LIKE SOROS NOW, there is a problem though.

ENOUGH TALK ! Even the Q boards are pushing back and getting upset.

Here Q fingers Soros way back, then recent , then BARR TRUMP
make public waves. I find this incredible, you have to be for real
to go down this path.

For what it is worth, I saved some key ones and posted them.

Read them and think.

Counter Intell Manuals are being posted for you.
These are believe it or not standard practices
to destabilize society, the USA does it all over.
It does not involve bombs and war most of the time.

SEE SOURCES LINKS I do not spend time on this, but I have good knack for sources, people here that know me know this, the above are dumps from my bookmarks, key cherry picked. We shall see on Trump and Q .

If this thread is not good reading, go watch the Simpsons, ... ! {--->)

I WILL CLOSE THREAD I will update later maybe, keep it tight.

midnight rambler
17th June 2020, 05:43 PM
You believe in Qanon MAGNES??

17th June 2020, 05:55 PM
You believe in Qanon MAGNES??


I believe in TRUMP DOING WHAT HE SAID, can you read that ?


You got lots of time to fuck around and play games posting dribble from MSM sites?

That's why you are here ?

Take a link and do what you want with it, have fun.

Try building a tight thread, instead of forum sliding, I close thread,
you can forum slide it easier, no problem, we all win.

Open your own thread. Have fun.

I hit a nerve with you it seems.

Trump's attacks on Antifa are attacks on Jews Haaretz.com June 7 2020 Jews cannot support Trump's 'war' on anti-fascism and his camp's conspiracy theories about the 'hidden hand' behind legitimate protest and dissent (https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/.premium-attacks-on-antifa-are-attacks-on-jews-1.8902330)

Top 9 Yiddish antifa anthems: a revolutionary playlist The Forward June 5 2020 The Yiddish roots of antifa opposition to the Russian czar well documented (https://forward.com/culture/448163/your-top-9-yiddish-antifa-anthems-a-revolutionary-playlist/)