View Full Version : Sarkozy's Ottoman Jewish Roots

30th January 2012, 07:35 PM
Jews ran the Ottoman Empire, they were the administrators and
tax collectors, including administering the " child tax " to build the
Jannisaries. During the Hellenic War of Independence, 1812, Jews
were mass murdered in retribution. I have many related threads
and information on here, it's pretty brutal and much hidden history.

The Rockefellers were reported to be Ottoman Jews, info published
in rare Jewish book printed for Jews only, 500 print run, this was posted
on gim by someone.

Original links are dead.

This is from Australian Jewish News, http://www.ajn.com.au (http://www.ajn.com.au/)

INTERNATIONAL (may 8, 2007)

Sarkozy's Jewish roots


France's new president, Nicolas Sarkozy, lost 57 members of his family to the Nazis and comes from a long line of Jewish and Zionist leaders and heroes, writes RAANAN ELIAZ.

IN an interview Nicolas Sarkozy gave in 2004, he expressed an extraordinary understanding of the plight of the Jewish people for a home: “Should I remind you the visceral attachment of every Jew to Israel, as a second mother homeland? There is nothing outrageous about it. Every Jew carries within him a fear passed down through generations, and he knows that if one day he will not feel safe in his country, there will always be a place that would welcome him. And this is Israel.”

Sarkozy’s sympathy and understanding is most probably a product of his upbringing it is well known that Sarkozy’s mother was born to the Mallah family, one of the oldest Jewish families of Salonika, Greece.

Additionally, many may be surprised to learn that his yet-to-be-revealed family history involves a true and fascinating story of leadership, heroism and survival.

It remains to be seen whether his personal history will affect his foreign policy and France’s role in the Middle East conflict.

In the 15th century, the Mallah family (in Hebrew: messenger or angel) escaped the Spanish Inquisition to Provence, France and moved about one hundred years later to Salonika.

In Greece, several family members became prominent Zionist leaders, active in the local and national political, economic, social and cultural life.

To this day many Mallahs are still active Zionists around the world.

Sarkozy’s grandfather, Aron Mallah, nicknamed Benkio, was born in 1890.

Beniko’s uncle Moshe was a well-known Rabbi and a devoted Zionist who, in 1898 published and edited “El Avenir”, the leading paper of the Zionist national movement in Greece at the time.

His cousin, Asher, was a Senator in the Greek Senate and in 1912 he helped guarantee the establishment of the Technion – the elite technological university in Haifa, Israel.

In 1919 he was elected as the first President of the Zionist Federation of Greece and he headed the Zionist Council for several years. In the 1930’s he helped Jews flee to Israel, to which he himself immigrated in 1934.

Another of Beniko’s cousins, Peppo Mallah, was a philanthropist for Jewish causes who served in the Greek Parliament, and in 1920 he was offered, but declined, the position of Greece’s Minister of Finance. After the establishment of the State of Israel he became the country’s first diplomatic envoy to Greece.

In 1917 a great fire destroyed parts of Salonika and damaged the family estate.

Many Jewish-owned properties, including the Mallah’s, were expropriated by the Greek government. Jewish population emigrated from Greece and much of the Mallah family left Salonika to France, America and Israel.

Sarkozy’s grandfather, Beniko, immigrated to France with his mother. When in France Beniko converted to Catholicism [ LOL ! ] and changed his name to Benedict in order to marry a French Christian girl named Adèle Bouvier.

Adèle and Benedict had two daughters, Susanne and Andrée. Although Benedict integrated fully into French society, he remained close to his Jewish family, origin and culture.

Knowing he was still considered Jewish by blood, during World War II he and his family hid in Marcillac la Croisille in the Corrèze region, western France.

During the Holocaust, many of the Mallahs who stayed in Salonika or moved to France were deported to concentration and extermination camps.

In total, fifty-seven family members were murdered by the Nazis. Testimonies reveal that several revolted against the Nazis and one, Buena Mallah, was the subject of Nazis medical experiments in the Birkenau concentration camp.

In 1950 Benedict’s daughter, Andrée Mallah, married Pal Nagy Bosca y Sarkozy, a descendent of a Hungarian aristocratic family. The couple had three sons – Guillaume, Nicolas and François.

The marriage failed and they divorced in 1960, so Andrée raised her three boys close to their grandfather, Benedict.

Nicolas was especially close to Benedict, who was like a father to him. In his biography Sarkozy tells he admired his grandfather, and through hours spent of listening to his stories of the Nazi occupation, the “Maquis” (French resistance), De Gaulle and the D-day, Benedict bequeathed to Nicolas his political convictions.

Sarkozy’s family lived in Paris until Benedict’s death in 1972, at which point they moved to Neuilly-sur-Seine to be closer to the boys’ father, Pal (who changed his name to Paul) Sarkozy. Various memoirs accounted Paul as a father who did not spend much time with the kids or help the family monetarily.

Nicolas had to sell flowers and ice cream in order to pay for his studies. However, his fascination with politics led him to become the city’s youngest mayor and to rise to the top of French and world politics. The rest is history.

It may be a far leap to consider that Sarkozy’s Jewish ancestry may have any bearing on his policies vis-à-vis Israel.

However, many expect Sarkozy’s presidency to bring a dramatic change not only in France’s domestic affairs, but also in the country’s foreign policy in the Middle-East.

One cannot overestimate the magnitude of the election of the first French President born after World War II, whose politics seem to represent a new dynamic after decades of old-guard Chirac and Mitterrand.

There is even a reason to believe that Sarkozy, often mocked as “the American friend” and blamed for ‘ultra-liberal’ worldviews, will lean towards a more Atlanticist policy.

Nevertheless, there are several reasons that any expectations for a drastic change in the country’s Middle East policy, or foreign policy in general, should be downplayed.

First, one must bear in mind that France’s new president will spend the lion’s share of his time dealing with domestic issues such as the country’s stagnated economy, its social cohesiveness and the rising integration-related crime rate. When he finds time to deal with foreign affairs, Sarkozy will have to devote most of his energy to protecting France’s standing in an ever-involved European Union.

In his dealings with the US, Sarkozy will most likely prefer to engage on less explosive agenda-items than the Middle-East.

Second, France’s foreign policy stems from the nation’s interests, rooted in reality and influenced by a range of historic, political, strategic and economic considerations.

Since Sarkozy’s landing at the Elysée on May 16 will not change those, France’s foreign policy ship will not tilt so quickly under a new captain.

Third reason why expectations for a drastic change in France’s position in the Middle-East may be naïve is the significant weight the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs exerts over the country’s policies and agenda.

There, non-elected bureaucrats tend to retain an image of Israel as a destabilizing element in the Middle-East rather then the first line of defence of democracy.

Few civil servants in Quai d’Orsay would consider risking France’s interests or increasing chances for “a clash of civilizations” in order to help troubled Israel or Palestine to reach peace.

It is a fair to predict that France will stay consistent with its support in establishing a viable Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, existing side by side with a peaceful Israel.

How to get there, if at all, will not be set by Sarkozy’s flagship but rather he will follow the leadership of the US and the EU. Not much new policy is expected regarding Iran, on which Sarkozy has already voiced willingness to allow development of civilian nuclear capabilities, alongside tighter sanctions on any developments with military potency.

One significant policy modification that could actually come through under Sarkozy is on the Syrian and Lebanese fronts. The new French president is not as friendly to Lebanon as was his predecessor, furthermore, as the Minister of the Interior, Sarkozy even advocated closer ties between France and Syria.

Especially if the later plays the cards of talking-peace correctly, Sarkozy may increase pressure on Israel to evacuate the Golan Heights in return for a peace deal with Assad.

Despite the above, although Sarkozy’s family roots will not bring France closer to Israel, the presidents’ personal Israeli friends may. As a Minister of Interior, Sarkozy shared much common policy ground with former Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.

The two started to develop a close friendship not long ago and it is easy to observe similarities not only in their ideology and politics, but also in their public image. If Netanyahu returns to Israel’s chief position it will be interesting to see whether their personal dynamic will lead to a fresh start for Israel and France, and a more constructive European role in the region.


Raanan Eliaz is a former Director at the Israeli National Security Council and the Hudson Institute, Washington D.C. He is currently a PhD candidate at the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, and a consultant on European-Israeli Affairs.

Copyright © Australian Jewish News

Newer link, new title, same article info.
Will Sarkozy’s Jewish roots impact France’s policies?
http://www.jewishjournal.com/world/article/will_sarkozys_jewish_roots_impact_frances_policies _20070511/

30th January 2012, 07:48 PM
Strange Accusations of a Cyber-raven

Le Figaro, October 12, 2007


INTERNET The PJ (Police Judiciere) investigates an electronic mail that was sent during the presidential election to one hundred top responsible of the police force. The email affirms that Sarkozy, like Balkany, Lellouche, Devedjian and Aeschlimann were connected to Mossad. Did a dispensary want to destabilize Nicolas Sarkozy during the presidential campaign? An inquiry entrusted to the Police Judiciere (Judiciary Police) must establish this. At the end of March, 2007, in the 'last right' of the election, all departmental managers of the Public Security, around one hundred senior civil servants, were sent a strange electronic mail. The future president was bluntly accused of having been recruited in 1980s by Mossad, the Israeli secret service.


From Iran to US, Sarkozy speech signals French diplomatic shift

· President seeks role in Iraq mediation
· Iran's nuclear ambitions are 'the most serious crisis'

Angelique Chrisafis in Paris
Tuesday August 28, 2007
The Guardian (http://www.guardian.co.uk/)

The French president Nicolas Sarkozy last night demanded a clear timetable for the withdrawal of foreign troops from Iraq, and said a nuclear-armed Iran would be "unacceptable".

In the first broad foreign policy speech of his presidency, Mr Sarkozy struck a notably more pro-US tone than his predecessor, Jacques Chirac, setting out his vision for a world "challenged" by a confrontation between Islam and the west.

He described the standoff over Iran's nuclear programme as "undoubtedly the most serious crisis before us today", saying a diplomatic push to rein in Tehran was the only alternative to "the Iranian bomb or the bombing of Iran." This broke with Mr Chirac, who had earlier suggested that a nuclear-armed Iran might be inevitable.


In the speech to 180 French ambassadors, Mr Sarkozy also appeared to soften his stance on Turkey, saying France would not block negotiations between the EU and Ankara over Turkish membership as long as a special consultation committee was set up to consider Europe's borders.

[ this is not what the French people want, he is doing the opposite of what they believed he would do ]

In another break with the Chirac regime, Mr Sarkozy hardened his tone against Vladimir Putin, saying Russia was using its oil and gas wealth with "brutality".



France's Sarkozy raises prospect of Iran airstrikes

In his first major foreign policy speech, French president says diplomatic push by world's powers to rein in Tehran's nuclear program is only alternative to 'Iranian bomb or bombing of Iran'
Reuters Published: 08.27.07, 19:45 / Israel News (http://www.ynetnews.com/home/0,7340,L-3082,00.html)
http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7...442638,00.html (http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3442638,00.html)


Oct 22, 2007 16:09 | Updated Oct 23, 2007 2:21
Sarkozy supports Israel against Iran

http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satelli...cle%2FShowFull (http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1192380623666&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull)

Reflecting a dramatic, positive shift in the tone of Franco-Israeli ties, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert emerged very upbeat from a meeting with French President Nicolas Sarkozy in Paris on Monday, saying that the Israeli and French positions on the Iranian nuclear program were "identical."

"I could not have expected to hear better things than I heard on the Iranian issue," Olmert told reporters at a briefing after his 90-minute talk with Sarkozy.

Olmert's satisfaction with the meeting was not limited to the Iranian issue, as - according to Olmert - Sarkozy said that Israel's security was not a topic for discussion, and that "Israel's establishment is a miracle and may have been the central event of the twentieth century."

Furthermore, Sarkozy also reportedly told Olmert regarding the Palestinian claim to a right of return for Palestinian refugees that the Palestinians cannot demand a state for themselves and, in addition, "part of your country."

[ 2007 comment ]
[ PALESTINIANS, LEBANON, SYRIA, IRAN, they need to watch it now, France had friendly ties with them]


Operation Sarkozy : how the CIA placed one of its agents at the presidency of the French Republic
by Thierry Meyssan





MUST "intermarry"

The Engineer of Diversity


From the desk of Tiberge (http://www.brusselsjournal.com/tiberge) on Mon, 2009-01-26 10:35
Recently Nicolas Sarkozy announced plans to pursue a vigorous policy of diversity and métissage (http://galliawatch.blogspot.com/2008/12/mtissage-now-its-obligation.html). Concretely, this means giving preference to minorities in job hiring and prosecuting those who do not comply. In other words, affirmative action as a government policy from which none are exempt.

In his message Sarkozy insisted that the French people must change, that there will be dire consequences if they don't, and that not to intermarry racially is bad for the survival of the country. Thus he amalgamated the concepts of preference for minorities in job hiring with that of the need for the French to intermarry racially.

These are two separate things. But in the mind of Sarkozy they go together. Last December he chose a highly successful Algerian-born businessman, known as an impassioned advocate of diversity, Yazid Sabeg, to be his "high commissioner on diversity and equal opportunity", and to implement these government orders.


A BLOGGER, What a find.

Blog has been removed, I wonder why ?
http://lespolitiques.blogspot.com/20...-approval.html (http://lespolitiques.blogspot.com/2007/04/sarkozy-has-israels-stamp-of-approval.html)

Sarkozy is shown here on an israeli post stamp. The gift box shown on the stamp is a ballot box and the letters coming from the box form a word which means 'congratulations' and 'good luck'.

Isn't ironic (and dramatic) that Sarkozy is on a Stamp in Israel, promoted by his local committee (http://www.guysen.com/articles.php?sid=5592) and issued by Israel, before France ?

Isn't ironic (and dramatic) that western democracies are being taken hostages by the Israel lobby through Jewish with double citizenship and often a stronger allegiance for Israel than for their 'country of residence' ?
Isn't ironic (and dramatic) that a foreign country expresses so openly its support for a presidential candidate before the elections?

Isn't ironic (and dramatic) when zionist intellectuals express their support for a candidate they do it with conditions, like Bernard-Henri Lévy's support for Ségolène Royal with the condition she names Dominique Strauss Kahn ( a great Bush and Israel friend) for prime minister (http://www.lemonde.fr/web/article/0,1-0@2-823448,36-893788@51-822961,0.html) even before she is elected ?

National democracies are dead. Long live the Israel lobby....




General of Darkness
30th January 2012, 08:09 PM
What I find really really ODD is that with all these pogroms, extermination camps etc, it has been a miracle because the result has been an increase in jewish population that is physically impossible.

So I only have two conclusions

1 - These filthy self serving jews are truly God's children
2 - These filthy self serving jews are liars

18th June 2020, 09:08 PM

Jews ran the Ottoman Empire, they were the administrators and
tax collectors, including administering the " child tax " to build the
Jannisaries. During the Hellenic War of Independence, 1812, Jews
were mass murdered in retribution. I have many related threads
and information on here, it's pretty brutal and much hidden history.

One of the most important books you will read.

Lots of issues we cover here regularly.

I think I am mentioning it for the first time.

The two main players here running the Ottoman Empire ARE JEWS !

Identified in the book by name.

The NUMBER TWO and THREE right after the Sultan.

The Moslems do murder Jews on the street from time to time,
but the top peeps running the show are Jews.

WHITE GOLD One Million White Slaves (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?46709-WHITE-GOLD-One-Million-White-Slaves)

20th June 2020, 04:19 AM

One of the most important books you will read.

Lots of issues we cover here regularly.

I think I am mentioning it for the first time.

The two main players here running the Ottoman Empire ARE JEWS !

Identified in the book by name.

The NUMBER TWO and THREE right after the Sultan.

The Moslems do murder Jews on the street from time to time,
but the top peeps running the show are Jews.

WHITE GOLD One Million White Slaves (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?46709-WHITE-GOLD-One-Million-White-Slaves)

There were at least two of the Ottoman sultans that were jews themselves, since their mother in the previous sultans harem were jewish. None of the mothers of Ottoman sultans were ethnically Turkic, since 1453 anyway...


Then you had some who were greeks, russians, french, Polish, Albanians.