View Full Version : Impending Undeclared Default Of 5 Major US Banks

Silver Rocket Bitches!
31st January 2012, 07:32 AM
The following interview with Ellis Martin of www.EllisMartinReport.com (http://www.EllisMartinReport.com) covers in detail the impending undeclared default of 5 major US banks this week by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association.

This even has the potential to cause a second financial crisis that would require significant financial intervention. If you have time to spare, listen to this interview. If you don’t have time to spare, listen to it anyway.


General of Darkness
31st January 2012, 08:03 AM
Batten down the hatches. ;D

Apparently 5 U.S. banks own 97% of the credit default swaps.


31st January 2012, 08:05 AM
Float the Euro on the Titanic's back...

property values fall what ? say another 30%

General of Darkness
31st January 2012, 08:07 AM


Eraj Shirvani, Chairman
Managing Director, Head of Fixed Income
for EMEA Region
Credit Suisse

Michele Faissola, Vice Chairman
Managing Director and Global Head of
Rates and Commodities, Global Markets Division
Deutsche Bank

Gay Huey Evans, Vice Chairman
Consultant, Non-Executive Chairman of Europe

Diane Genova, Treasurer
Managing Director and Deputy GeneralCounsel, Investment BankJPMorgan Chase & Co.

Stephen O’Connor, Secretary
Managing Director
Morgan Stanley

Guillaume Amblard
Global Head Fixed Income Trading
BNP Paribas

TJ Lim
Global Co-Head of Markets

Brian Archer
Managing Director, Global Head of Credit Trading

Eric Litvack
Managing Director, Chief Operating Officer of
Global Equity Flow, Société Générale Corporate and Investment Bank
Société Générale

R. Martin Chavez
Managing Director
Goldman, Sachs & Co.

Ted MacDonald
Managing Director of D. E. Shaw & Co., L.P.
Treasurer of the D. E. Shaw group
The D. E. Shaw Group

Bill De Leon
Executive Vice President, Global Head of Portfolio
Risk Management

Yutaka Nakajima
Group Senior Managing Director, Nomura Securities
Nomura Securities CO., LTD.

Thibaut de Roux
Global Head of Structured Derivatives
HSBC Bank plc

Robert Pickel
Executive Vice Chairman

Nitin Gulabani
Global Head of Rates
Standard Chartered Bank

Riccardo Rebonato
Head of Front Office Risk Management and Quantitative Analytics
Royal Bank of Scotland

Harry Harrison
Managing Director
Barclays Capital

Nobukazu Saeki
Deputy General Manager
Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Co., Ltd

Alan Haywood
Chief Operating Officer, IST Global Gas
BP p.l.c

Gerhard Seebacher
Managing Director, Head of Global Credit Products
Bank of America Merrill Lynch

Peter Healey
COO, Fixed Income, Currencies and Commodities

Stuart Spodek
Managing Director

Jonathan Hunter
Managing Director and Global Co-Head, Fixed Income and Currencies
RBC Capital Markets

Lili Wang
Senior Executive Vice President

Conrad Voldstad
Chief Executive Officer

General of Darkness
31st January 2012, 08:08 AM
Here's the board



Eraj Shirvani, Chairman
Managing Director, Head of Fixed Income
for EMEA Region
Credit Suisse

Michele Faissola, Vice Chairman
Managing Director and Global Head of
Rates and Commodities, Global Markets Division
Deutsche Bank

Gay Huey Evans, Vice Chairman
Consultant, Non-Executive Chairman of Europe

Diane Genova, Treasurer
Managing Director and Deputy GeneralCounsel, Investment BankJPMorgan Chase & Co.

Stephen O’Connor, Secretary
Managing Director
Morgan Stanley

Guillaume Amblard
Global Head Fixed Income Trading
BNP Paribas

TJ Lim
Global Co-Head of Markets

Brian Archer
Managing Director, Global Head of Credit Trading

Eric Litvack
Managing Director, Chief Operating Officer of
Global Equity Flow, Société Générale Corporate and Investment Bank
Société Générale

R. Martin Chavez
Managing Director
Goldman, Sachs & Co.

Ted MacDonald
Managing Director of D. E. Shaw & Co., L.P.
Treasurer of the D. E. Shaw group
The D. E. Shaw Group

Bill De Leon
Executive Vice President, Global Head of Portfolio
Risk Management

Yutaka Nakajima
Group Senior Managing Director, Nomura Securities
Nomura Securities CO., LTD.

Thibaut de Roux
Global Head of Structured Derivatives
HSBC Bank plc

Robert Pickel
Executive Vice Chairman

Nitin Gulabani
Global Head of Rates
Standard Chartered Bank

Riccardo Rebonato
Head of Front Office Risk Management and Quantitative Analytics
Royal Bank of Scotland

Harry Harrison
Managing Director
Barclays Capital

Nobukazu Saeki
Deputy General Manager
Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Co., Ltd

Alan Haywood
Chief Operating Officer, IST Global Gas
BP p.l.c

Gerhard Seebacher
Managing Director, Head of Global Credit Products
Bank of America Merrill Lynch

Peter Healey
COO, Fixed Income, Currencies and Commodities

Stuart Spodek
Managing Director

Jonathan Hunter
Managing Director and Global Co-Head, Fixed Income and Currencies
RBC Capital Markets

Lili Wang
Senior Executive Vice President

Conrad Voldstad
Chief Executive Officer

31st January 2012, 08:46 AM
back up the truck.

The ISDA website got a shitload of hits today. lol

They know that we know>:D

Silver Rocket Bitches!
31st January 2012, 09:25 AM
If they had to mark to market their assets it would already be over.


31st January 2012, 09:49 AM

31st January 2012, 09:54 AM
i haven't seen anything about this on zerohedge. odd.

31st January 2012, 10:15 AM
i haven't seen anything about this on zerohedge. odd.

I was thinking the same thing.

Here are a few links. Some are a few months old.

from 1-23-12
Why Are Greek Credit Event Swaps Still In The Mid 60s? (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/why-are-greek-credit-event-swaps-still-mid-60s)

from 10-26-11
Credit Event Or No Credit Event, This Will Get Messy (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/credit-event-or-no-credit-event-will-get-messy)

Barclays Explains Why A 50% Greek Haircut "Would Be Considered A Credit Event, Consequently Triggering CDS Contracts" (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/barclays-explains-why-50-greek-haircut-would-be-considered-credit-event-consequently-triggering)

from 10-27-11
Farce Is Complete As ISDA Finds 50% "Haircut" Is Not A Credit Event (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/farce-complete-isda-finds-50-haircut-not-credit-event)

31st January 2012, 10:35 AM
Can't The Bernak simply turn on the printing presses again?

mick silver
31st January 2012, 10:41 AM
theys banks will not fail without a war here , are someone with more power . no way will they let this happen without a fight... im with ximmy turn on the presses full speed a head

31st January 2012, 10:42 AM
Can't The Bernak simply turn on the printing presses again?

It's probably already going on, just hidden from view. The last thing they want is another panic. The precedent has been set already, bail them out at all costs...the American people don't even need to see it. Tune in to American Idol, instead.

31st January 2012, 10:44 AM
Who knew printing presses were also time machines?!?!?!

Here's we come 1920's Germany!

31st January 2012, 10:45 AM
Here's we come 1920's Germany!

Yippee! I just hope the local supermarket has a back door, only for folks with silver coin. I still like my fresh veggies. :)

31st January 2012, 11:13 AM
I'm a little confused, where did Jim get the information that this is all going to transpire this week?

I thought Greece D-DAY was scheduled for March.


31st January 2012, 11:38 AM
Who knew printing presses were also time machines?!?!?!

Here's we come 1920's Germany!

First there has to be a dictator who can raise the standard .gov pay increases.

Where's the demand to soak up anything from the printing presses?

31st January 2012, 11:41 AM
i haven't seen anything about this on zerohedge. odd.I was thinking the same thing.

Sinclair and Tyler Durden view different "ends" of the same horse. Sinclair is the "older, greyer, macro" viewer/commentator.

Bottom line:
Equities are about to take off: Time to buy calls on S&P 6 months out minimum

MF Global's = model...the "undeclared ISDA default model" that is. This one is 3x as severe x 5 major banks instead of one clearing house in size. Oh, wow!

Dollar Down, (another fiat "goes up.")

Oil definitely higher in next 6 months...possible double directly ahead. (yes, ala Lindsey Wm's Mr X's)

MAJOR DIFFERENCE: Gold is going HIGHER this time...
....Silver will tag along, as well, and take out the $50 mark.


BECAUSE of the loss of the SACRED 1st position of segregated funds account holder in a restitution queue default/bankruptcy settlements, (declared or not) by the ISDA.

This secondary class status is now "the new paradigm", since MF Global has "credit evented" and set into clear and prominent public view--even Gerald Celente "gets it now"--the NEW bankruptcy bar. All AFTER DERIVATIVE POSITION HOLDER is relegated and revealed to be nakedly vulnerability and below Swap holder. And it's now by "law" as being designated in secondary position to making whole the Derivative/Swap holder...(thank you so much, Bushy Jr.)

This LOSS this time, of:
-- 3x the amount of segregated MFG customer balances, (MF Global was a 25% immediate write down/seizure)

---paralazed ability to close out open positions x 5 in these 5 banks and their foreign hypothecating fools' subsidiaries

----seizure of actual HISTORICAL transaction profitable proceeds by unraveling of closed trades by the bankruptcy judges and exchanges...

...only 30c of every $1 "customer accessible balances" in accounts to "customer re-deploy to safe haven US$" as the "CREDIT EVENT" is unveiled. Leave your 30c or grab your 30c and run away? TO WHERE!!!????

It is my personal assessment this last "run to where?" point is something Mr. ZERO is struggling to assess then address in his inimitable fashion. He simply does NOT have Sinclair's 50 years in these markets as a looking glass. I personally would go so far as to guess ZERO has NOT hardened his asset class positionally in personal portfolio allocation.

In 2008,
gold sold off hard,
dollar rallied hard.
Fed Reserve printed furiously.
Congress spent hard.
Paulson, Bush, et al FLED HARD.

Sinclair is on record last night as to categorically stating USDX 82 is the lid on the USDX this time. AND THIS TIME is worse by a factor of 5x the size and 3x the financial wipeout.

That is not a hard USDX rally.
Back to USDX 168 would be a "hard rally."

Got Gold?

Got "Food (non-radiated preferred)"

Got Fuel?

Got Car tuned up, new battery and new tires for next 2 years?

Got Guns/Knives/bug-out place stocked and ready?

Got clothing, underwear, socks, shoes? For all family under your roof, too?

As Lindsey advises... Got payment for 2 years minimal of your property taxes set aside in hard assets? ? ?

Heck, got a goldpan and shovel, map, troy scales, solar calculator, and gold/silver coin weight conversion chart printed out and tucked into wallet (laminated like mine?) for using in the " back door of the grocery store" scenario posited above by another GSus'er?

"deep in reflective thought" beefsteak

31st January 2012, 12:25 PM
We all know it's coming, whether or not it's this week or the next (or the next, etc), I'm not sure.

31st January 2012, 12:43 PM
Your's truly believes Sinclair's point was that last night's Merkel/Sarkosy deal hammered out and reported on AOL *Huff Pooh" and others is THE watershed event.

After the multiple fingered decades (already well-onto the allotted number of digits on the R.H. here personally,) 6 months headszup is as close as I need, even tho' Sinclair is customarily early.

We only had about 6 weeks on the MF Global deal before the name of the "financial whale" washed up on the shore whose presence was telegraphed in the USDX market's recent reversal--said carcass was "identified post-mortem."

31st January 2012, 12:51 PM
First there has to be a dictator who can raise the standard .gov pay increases.

Where's the demand to soak up anything from the printing presses?

that's exactly what Bush & Obama have done.

the US government has been outpacing private industry on the pay front the last 10 years.

31st January 2012, 12:54 PM
.Clatter. Bang. CRASH!


Wegelin clients pulled $4 bln, prompting sale-paper
Sun Jan 29, 2012 7:58am EST

ZURICH, Jan 29 (Reuters) – The break-up of Switzerland’s oldest bank Wegelin, involved in a row with U.S. authorities over tax cheats, became necessary when clients pulled 4 billion Swiss francs ($4.35 billion) of wealth, Der Sonntag newspaper reported on Sunday, citing unspecified sources.

Under pressure from the investigation, the 270-year-old institution moved assets of 21 billion Swiss francs ($22.9 billion) to a subsidiary Notenstein Privatbank, which was then bought by cooperative bank Raiffeisen.

Wegelin is still left with U.S. assets under scrutiny from U.S. prosecutors.

In his first interview since news of the sale broke on Friday, Wegelin head Konrad Hummler told the paper he had done the right thing at the right time.

"We became the victims of a larger matter. I don’t want to say more than that," he said in a separate interview.

Citing unnamed sources, Der Sonntag said the purchase price for the bank’s good assets was somewhere between 2.5 and 3 percent of the 21 billion-franc total, putting the price tag somewhere around 500 and 600 million francs.
More… (http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/01/29/wegelin-assets-idUSL5E8CT08F20120129?feedType=RSS&feedName=financialsSector&rpc=43)

If yours truly doesn't screw up the math, 2.5 to 3% = BOT FOR $0.025c to $0.03 cents on the dollar.

Looks like Greece's 30c on the dollar "CREDIT EVENT" agreed to by Sarkozy/Merkel late last night US Time, is a raving financial success story.....(wishing for the dripping with sarcasm icon of the old GS to stick right here)

31st January 2012, 02:00 PM
I don't see how default by itself is positive for gold.

Turning on printing presses, bailing out US banks and paying of CDSs on Greek bonds would have been opposite of default.

That would have increased liquidity and would have been positive for gold and equities.

I think what Jim is talking about is coming bailout of current Greek bond holders, which is not a certain thing yet.

If 70% haircut is not acknowledged as "default", then only the blind will not see the true value of CDS, which is close to zero.

We are talking in excess of $500 trillion worth of financial instruments getting re-evaluating into nothing.

Somebody somewhere got to bare the consequences. Something somewhere got to crack in world's financial system.

31st January 2012, 02:03 PM
( correct me if I am wrong )

31st January 2012, 02:59 PM

Yours truly is of the opinion you have nailed all of it except for one overlooked correlation:
The reason why this "credit event"/5 bank default is GOLD positive is simply because the bankruptcy/coverup game is so painfully obvious "this time."

Those who have only 30 cents of each dollar account balance left will be vying for safe haven physical currency aka gold. Their only other alternative is Wiemar style equity purchases in respective global stock markets in order to keep up with inflation. Their gold buying competitors are the very thieves/bankers who will seize physical sovereign assets and leverage them into gold purchases, as well. This will force the price of gold to go much higher.


31st January 2012, 05:06 PM
that's exactly what Bush & Obama have done.

the US government has been outpacing private industry on the pay front the last 10 years.

And now what..? , they (the NY/London/Fed. dollar group) had a step up off the 08 crash from global demand.

After 7yrs. of debate I've joined the Carl, and HT clan,,, the world is now flat.

Thinking of changing the handle to De-Horned...

31st January 2012, 05:15 PM
First there has to be a dictator who can raise the standard .gov pay increases.

Where's the demand to soak up anything from the printing presses?

The demand is baked into the Reserve Currency cake. "The USD isn't great but at least it's not ...".
Also, what about all the folks out of work...the 48% if remember correctly. They'll take whatever paper "asset" they can get...until goods and services no longer accept that paper.

31st January 2012, 05:19 PM
Yous' guys need to get another silver train goin,, Weimer burst like last year.

not even making smaller purchases at this point.


1st February 2012, 04:56 AM
Why do I get this crazy urge to splurge on a shiny Krug after reading this thread?

1st February 2012, 02:24 PM
Maybe b/c it's not a splurge, plus, odds are high that....
...... today is cheaper than the future date you were planning on buying it anyhow? ? ?

Hatha Sunahara
1st February 2012, 05:39 PM
The big banks fill a huge power vacuum. Who's going to fill it when they are dead? They will only be really dead when they can no longer fool us that they are alive. That could take a very very long time.


1st February 2012, 05:54 PM
Maybe in days of yore', Hatha. Not anymore. The "death rattle" has already sounded, and it's clearly rattling in the throats of the Federal Reserves' Correspondent Banks and now eviscerating from the inside foreign central banks, as well.

I welcome [it] their collective collapse.

We don't need big banks and a debt based society to function. Honest money/coin will do just fine.

To "need them" is a myth.


1st February 2012, 06:23 PM
Maybe in days of yore', Hatha. Not anymore. The "death rattle" has already sounded, and it's clearly rattling in the throats of the Federal Reserves' Correspondent Banks and now eviscerating from the inside foreign central banks, as well.

I welcome [it] their collective collapse.

We don't need big banks and a debt based society to function. Honest money/coin will do just fine.

To "need them" is a myth.


I don't think it will work this way beefsteak. I completely agree we don't need them, but they are not going to fail without dire consequences.

Those who own and control the banks are only going to crash them if everything is crashed. It's one of their bread and butter machinations.

If the free flow of loose fiat ends, so goes the illicit drug trade, another hit to their pockets. So what would the endgame be if they crash them? Just total control? The means are in place, but I don't think they will let a power trip get in the way of their greed.

Too much time and effort has been put forth over the decades to build these behemoths. They will not fall lightly.

1st February 2012, 06:58 PM
FWIW: There is also this explanation: http://barnhardt.biz/ (Red Alert-Credit Default Swaps explained). I bring this to your consideration for this part alone. I have no interest in the rest of her religious views.

2nd February 2012, 01:40 PM
The big banks fill a huge power vacuum. Who's going to fill it when they are dead? They will only be really dead when they can no longer fool us that they are alive. That could take a very very long time.


If the plan to convert to SDRs is in, then the majors would need to be converted to minors.

Of course dire consequences are part the NWO transition to Babylon team.

2nd February 2012, 02:31 PM
I think the title should be:

Hypothetical Impossible Non-existant Default Of 5 Major US Banks- All Is Well- Don't Worry,

instead of:
Impending Undeclared Default Of 5 Major US Banks

If all the non-performing properties were foreclosed, then we could see some real trouble. So, let's just ignore them for a while.

4th February 2012, 10:25 AM
Anyone else notice Sinclair brought to our attention late last night (Fri 2/3/2012) that 3 of the 5 biggie banks have crossed their 200 MA to the UPSIDE? Time to buy those Index Calls guys/gals...

JES uses this as emperical proof that QE III is officially underway but not announced. Fits in nicely with his German Radio interview on Thursday 2.2.2012


Sounds to my ears like "ISDA" has made its decision and "informed 3 of the 5 Undeclared bu Defaulted US Banks/players" holding 97% of the global game of NON-DEFAULT Greecian Swap Cards from the Dirty Debt Deck...

4th February 2012, 11:21 AM
QE never stopped. Operation Twist.