View Full Version : Pay-Pal Founders Supporting Ron Paul...

31st January 2012, 06:37 PM
(Reuters) - Co-founders of online U.S. payment service PayPal, now owned by eBay Inc, donated to the Super PAC funding group supporting Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul, the group Endorse Liberty disclosed on Tuesday....

Thiel, a libertarian activist whose $1.5 billion in wealth ranked him 833 on the Forbes top billionaires list last year, became the first outside investor in social networking service Facebook in 2004. Releasing the donor list before officially filing with the Federal Election Commission, Endorse Liberty founders said they raised $3.9 million to support Paul, who failed to win any of the first three state-by-state Republican nominating contests....

Endorse Liberty founders have so far reported spending about $3.3 million promoting Paul by setting up two YouTube channels, constantly buying ads from Google and Facebook and StumbleUpon and building up a presence on the Web....

PayPal began as an independent company, founded in the late 1990s by technology entrepreneurs, including venture capital investors Thiel and Nosek. The business battled with eBay for supremacy in the emerging online payments market. But soon after it went public in 2002, eBay acquired PayPal for $1.5 billion. Endorse Liberty also received donations from James O'Neill and Jonathan Cain, who now run the Thiel Foundation that seeks to "defend and promote freedom in all its dimensions: political, personal, and economic," according to its website....


31st January 2012, 07:47 PM
They certainly don't support wikileaks.

31st January 2012, 08:07 PM
It's the founders. They sold PayPal and walked away with their money. Though Thiel is a Bilderberger so it gets kind of confusing if you ask me.

31st January 2012, 08:35 PM
These are some of my first thoughts, not to hijack this thread.

Think of the power and control of business Jewish people have,
where is the support for Ron Paul from them ?

I don't see it.

Why is it the MSM can promote shill puppets and portray them
as front runners with big Jewish money and connections backing them,
like Gingrinch, Romney on a moments notice.

The PayPal founders.
Are they Jewish origin, I highly doubt it.

Many of these info businesses that dominate today were not created by Jews.

Even google came out of nowhere and destroyed the huge players in the
market by being promoted by the Jewish MSM, from a search function to
dominating many facets of the net and now the phone market.

YouTube, Blogger, Myspace, etc, were not created by Jewish people,
to name a few. They are either taken over or removed from the market.
I can name more, AOL, CNN, both by Time Warner, the founders pushed out.

If you have some dominance, the MSM will work against you if you are not
with them. They promote their own.

Then they use the money to buy the politicians and worse.

Don't Jews care about Freedom and what Ron Paul stands for ?

When are they going to prove their support for the Republic that
made their wealth gains possible ?

I suspect these PayPal founders will be treated as the enemy in the future.

Edit add.
Remember these connections. This makes me think, payback ?
whitman romney ebay
http://www.google.com/search?q=whitman+romney+ebay&hl=en&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=1922l2985l0l3250l8l7l0l0l0l0l250l1344l0.3.4 l7l0&spell=1&sa=X&oq=whitman+romney+ebay&aq=f&aqi=&aql=

Thiel Foundation that seeks to "defend and promote freedom in all its dimensions: political, personal, and economic,"

They put their money where their mouth is. God Bless them !


Orwellian Masters where " freedom " has a whole new meaning.
Shouldn't AEI be promoting Ron Paul, they are for the USA are
they not ? LOL !
" the american enterprise institute " AEI Jewish/Israel Criminal Central (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?56095-quot-the-american-enterprise-institute-quot-AEI-Jewish-Israel-Criminal-Central)
NeoCon Scum " we need a Homeland Security agency " (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?56473-NeoCon-Scum-quot-we-need-a-Homeland-Security-agency-quot-Gingrich-March-2001)

That was just my nickel rant Vs the master.
http://www.conspiracypenpal.com/columns/jews.htm;D (http://www.conspiracypenpal.com/columns/jews.htm)

1st February 2012, 11:29 AM
Don't Jews care about Freedom and what Ron Paul stands for ?

When are they going to prove their support for the Republic that
made their wealth gains possible ?

Because they didnt make their money in the Republic using the Free Market. They made it using Jew created Communism to kill their competition. Why? Becauuse they CANNOT compete in ANY industry. Labor, manufacturing, science, art, etc.

They only exceed in Central Banking. A scam that a 5 year old would excel at.

1st February 2012, 11:48 AM
They create nothing. They control everything. It's very simple. They are a parasite. Parasites can't compete in a free society.

1st February 2012, 11:58 AM
I don't trust Peter Thiel. Any bildeberger is a bad bildeberger in my eyes.

1st February 2012, 12:03 PM
Because they didnt make their money in the Republic using the Free Market. They made it using Jew created Communism to kill their competition. Why? Becauuse they CANNOT compete in ANY industry. Labor, manufacturing, science, art, etc.

They only exceed in Central Banking. A scam that a 5 year old would excel at.
DING DING !!!! we have a red pill winner here, noobies take notes!

Errosion Of Accord
1st February 2012, 01:50 PM
I don't trust Peter Thiel. Any bildeberger is a bad bildeberger in my eyes.

If you had the opurtunity to go see the inner workings for yourself even though you did not believe in what was going on there would you attend a meeting? I'm just saying "keep your freinds close and your enemies closer". I barely know who Thiel is and I don't feel like doing the research but could it be that he is a turncoat?

1st February 2012, 02:15 PM
There are or were laws against monopolization of power,
business and media, monopolies, oligopolies, those laws
don't take ethnicity into account and collusion along ethnic lines.

Groups compete, the Jewish media wants you to ignore this reality as
they all work to rob everyone of their freedom, wealth, future. They
attack Nationalism and others group identity, history, culture, religion, etc .
Unite your own, divide your targets.

Kevin MacDonald covers this topic well.

"MacDonald claims that in addition to serving their own domestic interests, Jews have subverted the power of the United States to allow them to manipulate and control the rest of the world for the benefit of the state of Israel. Attributing to “Jewish neoconservatism” vast powers of influence and control, he writes that this intellectual movement seeks to harness “the wealth and power of the United States in the service of Israel,” and that neoconservatives “form an elite that is deeply involved in deception, manipulation and espionage.”"

To all the Ron Paul supporters that refuse to acknowledge what is really happening.
You will never solve any problems if you do not acknowledge reality. I think most
RP supporters are very aware at this point, masses are asking questions with these
ridiculous " debates ".

The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement
in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements
By Kevin MacDonald (http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ekmacd/books-Preface.html#km)


One of Anty Ep's top picks.