View Full Version : Maine crew set to recover sunken $3b in platinum

1st February 2012, 03:47 PM
But on the morning of Aug. 27, 2008, as the rest of the crew slept, deckhand Dave St. Cyr spotted an unmistakable three-dimensional sonar image on the monitor in front of him. It was a large ship resting on its side.
“I woke up the captain, and I said to him, ‘You might want to see this,’ ’’ St. Cyr said.

The Port Nicholson, a British steamer, was sailing from Halifax, Nova Scotia, to New York when a German U-boat torpedoed it during World War II, despite a heavy military escort. Four people died, while 87 were rescued.
Since then, it has remained on the ocean floor about 30 miles off Provincetown. The cargo, then valued at about $53 million, was a lend-lease payment to the United States from the Soviet Union.

“It’s not an easy task,’’ Brooks said. “There’s a good possibility there are about 10 tons of gold down there, too, and maybe some industrial diamonds. http://bostonglobe.com/metro/2012/02/01/maine-crew-aims-recover-treasure-worth-estimated-billion-from-shipwreck-off-cape/ym0JS750ewAaWzONuPk1cI/story.html

1st February 2012, 05:20 PM
Oh fuck... SELL!!!!!

1st February 2012, 05:43 PM
Great story, THANKS!

Me thinks that 10T of gold will never see the "market"...and it or sure won't go for "spot only."
Usually when one this reader sees this kind of "cautious verbiage" surrounding such a find, one is telegraphing intent to market said gold as having "collectible premiums" and not based upon intrinsic metal values.

Reminds me of Mel Fisher's "problems" with the so called Atocha find.

12th February 2012, 01:31 PM
$3 Billion in Pt would be about 2 million ounces... They think there might be 30 boxes of 130 pounds of platinum each. That's about 50-60,000 ounces, not even $100 million, still alot of course, but far from what the headline claimed!