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3rd February 2012, 05:03 AM
I got a good offer from Japan... here it is with my response:

Mr Hiroshi Saito:

This sounds like an interesting opportunity. If there is no risk for you or me, then perhaps we should proceed toward a mutually beneficial arrangement. I do not mean to insult you, but things the way they are require me to ask. Is any of this in violation of any law, including the source and distribution of funds?

I would like you to send me (email is fine) a copy of your prospectus. I reallize this is not part of the current transaction but I would like to consider investing some of my substancial holdings with your bank in the future. Also, please send me a copy of your corporate bylaws and the Investors Funds Release Order. It sounds too simple. Is there anything else I must do?

Sam Waterson (I am not Sam Waterson)
189 Church Street
Putnam CT 06260
(this address is the police department)

-----Original Message-----

From: Hiroshi Saito [mailto:hiroshi_saito@xnmsn.com]
Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2012 3:12 PM
To: Spectrism
Subject: Thanks for your email response

From: Mr Hiroshi.Saito
Senior Financial Officer
Bank Of Tokyo_Mitsubishi , Tokyo, Japan

Thanks for your email response

I am Mr Hiroshi.Saito, Senior Financial officer of The Bank Of Tokyo_Mitsubishi , Tokyo, Japan.
I handle all our Investor's Direct Capital Funds and make over 1.2% Excess Maximum Return Capital
Profit (EMRCP) per annum on each of the Investor's Capital Funds. As an expert, I have made over
$16.2M from Investor's EMRCP and hereby looking for someone to trust who will stand as an Investor
to receive the funds as Investment Proceeds.

Brief history of funds: I have more than 158 Corporate Investors attached to my portfolio whose
Capital Investment Funds are being managed and administered by me. This Capital Investment Funds
has a value of over $922 Million Unites states Dollars. The US$922M is been used for trading in Stock
Market, Crude Oil and Lending with Profit Returns. Every quarter of the year, each corporate investor is
expected to receive interest from his total Investment Capital Funds. However, I make an excess of
1.2% from the Investor's Investment Capital Funds annually which have exceeded our targeted 20% of
Total Investment Capital Funds. This extra of 1.2% from the 21.2% is been retained by me as my personal
profits for managing the Capital Investment. However, I cannot claim these funds without presenting
someone to stand as an Investor otherwise our establishment will convert the funds into the company's
treasury. This is why I have come to you for the deal to take place.

Procedure: I will open a file in your name/company name as an investor/Contractor with some documents
to be backdated to qualify you as our Investor/Contractor so as to claim the $16.2 Million USD. The
file will be presented to our governing board for verification and approval and once your file is
approved, you will be contacted to come down for signing of the Investors Funds Release Order that
will facilitate and expedite the transfer of the funds to your account through our Investment Bank.
This is a fair deal without any risk attached either on your part or on my part as long as we comply with
the laws governing the claiming of funds in our establishment. However, I do not want you to come down
to sign the Investor's Funds Release Order because you cannot defend the source of the funds during the
signing as our remittance department may decide to ask you some salient questions which you may not
answer correctly thereby jeopardizing the transaction. Therefore you will inform our establishment that you
will not be able to come down for the signing due to some reasons and hereby you appoint an attorney that
will represent you for the signing. I shall use my position in my bank to ensure that the approval is issued in
your favour without any delay and upon securing the approval the money will be transferred to any of your
nominated bank account. If you are serious as I am, we will have this transaction concluded within
5 business days from the date of start.

If you have any question, feel free to contact me & also indicate your interest and capability of handling this

Send to me your full names and Contact address below, so that the attorney can start putting together the necessary
paperwork that would facilitate the release of the money to you.

Contact Address:

Kind regards,
Hiroshi Saito


First contact:

reply from me: Tell me more.
-----Original Message-----
From: Hiroshi Saito [mailto:info@mail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 7:36 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Business Offer
I am sorry to encroach on your privacy. I have a business proposal for you. Please contact me if you are interested to know more.
My email address is ( hiroshi_saito@xnmsn.com )
Mr Hiroshi Saito

3rd February 2012, 07:31 AM
Awesome. Keep us posted!

3rd February 2012, 08:05 AM
This bugger is on his game!

Hello Mr Hiroshi Saito,

I just happened to be at my computer and saw a return message. Normally I am out working the farm, but I had to check on a large investment that I put a fair amount of money into. I am not a real active investor so this is all new to me. The banks over here are really sketchy so I don't want to keep any money in them. Don't worry. I won't tell my bank about this. I don't trust them to keep any secrets. Anyway, I am impressed that you work so quickly. I will do my best to keep in touch with you as well.

Are you in Japan now? If so, what part? I have never been to Japan and would like to visit some day.

You are a Chief Financial Officer? That sounds like an important position. What do you do?

Here is my information:

Your Full legal Names: Samuel A. Waterson
Age: 45
Profession/Occupation: Dairy Farmer
Your Present address; 189 Church Street, Putnam CT 06260

Your confidential Telephone number (not voice-mail or answering machine): not hooked up yet, will have next Tuesday.
Your most secured E mail address: spectrism
Your Country: USA

When this is all finished, will you come visit for a barbeque? We can have a big old party at the farm. I know most people don't realize that our area has dairy farms but we actually have many here. There are wide open fields and lots of wooded areas where we can hide those varmints that cause us trouble. Do you like to shoot? If you have the time we can go on a hunt or go fishing.

I look forward to hearing from you again soon. Please don't be bothered if I cannot get back to you right away. We have 5 cows ready to birth, a new sterilizer being installed and we are getting ready to prep our fields for the spring planting... so I will be a little busy.



-----Original Message-----
From: Hiroshi Saito [mailto:hiroshi_saito@xnmsn.com]
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2012 9:33 AM
To: spectrism
2181Subject: Thank you very much for your response.

From: Mr Hiroshi.Saito
Senior Financial Officer
Bank Of Tokyo_Mitsubishi , Tokyo, Japan

Thank you very much for your response.

I assure you that this transaction is 100% legitimate and that you will not be exposed to any form of risk for partnering with me in securing this noble effort. As a professional banker it is my duty to ensure that the transfer is done in a quiet manner, hence you will have to follow my instructions and act accordingly to enable everything work out smoothly. I will do everything legally required to ensure that the project goes smoothly, it shall pass through all Laws of International Banking.

Having resolved to entrust this transaction into your hands, I want to remind you that, it needs your commitment and diligent follow up. If you work seriously, the entire transaction should be over in a couple of days. My estimation of time for the completion of this operation is 5 business days hence I need your total devotion and trust to see this through. I know we have not met before, but I am very confident that we will be able to establish the necessary trust that we need to execute this project.

The world of banking especially is fraught with huge rewards for those who occupy certain offices and oversee certain portfolios. I have the deposit details and my bank will release the Investment deposit to no one unless evidence of ownership is brought forward which I shall provide you with. I alone know of the existence of this deposit for as far as Bank of Tokyo-Mistubishi UFJ Ltd is concerned, the bank's management has no single idea of the history or nature of the deposit. They are simply awaiting instructions to release the deposit to the party that comes forward. This is the situation. And consequently, what I propose is that I will like you as a foreigner to stand in as benefactor so that the fruits of my hard work will not get into the hands of some corrupt bank officials. Acting in this capacity really is simple as I will explain in detail to you when I get your response. Your being aware of this request I am making, I ask that if you find no interest in this project that you should discard this email. I ask that you do not get vindictive and destructive. If my offer is of no appeal to you, delete this message and forget I ever contacted you. You may not know this but people like me who have made tidy sums out of comparable situations run the whole private banking sector. I am not a criminal by what I do, I do not find it against good conscience, this may be hard for you to understand, but the dynamics of my industry dictates that I make this move.

Such opportunities like this only come ones' way once in a lifetime. If you will not work with me let me know and I will move on with my life but do not destroy me. I wish to inform you that you should not contact me via my official channels; I will deny knowing you and about this project. Contact me only through this email address. I do not want any direct phone conversation link between you and me for now. My official lines are not secure lines as they are periodically monitored to assess our level of customer care in line with our Total Quality Management Policy, I am a family man and this is an opportunity to provide my family with new opportunities. The reward for this project makes it a task worth undertaking. I have evaluated the risks and the only risk I have here is from you refusing to work with me and alerting my bank.

For now, I advise that you do not inform nor supply your bank or anybody with any information about this project until I advise otherwise. Our code of operation is "Partnership protection first", Live a low key lifestyle, and remember, "Loose Lips Sink Ships". You and I have the capability to accomplish this project and you must rely on this, this is a sensitive project for which I will be spending so much money and making so much commitments. I therefore insist on strict confidentiality and believe that you can be trusted with same. The need for confidentiality in all matters relating to this transaction is of great importance, as a loose lip is the element of foreseeable failure.

My position as Chief Financial Officer guarantees the successful execution of this transaction. If you find yourself able to work with me, I urge you to indicate to that effect. I am certain that we can conclude this transaction within five (5) banking days.

To begin, I will proceed to appointing an attorney who will prepare the necessary documents and affidavits which will put you in place as the benefactor to the investment funds. The attorney will file in the High court the appropriate affidavit in order to empower you as the Beneficiary. The very good thing about this transaction is that it will be done in a very proper and legal manner. After all the necessary documentation for the funds release are met and satisfied, an approval will be given by the board of my bank for the release of the funds to your nominated account.

I will have to search for a Bank overseas which has the same or similar BANK CODE IDENTIFIER with my bank Bank of Tokyo-Mistubishi UFJ,Ltd where the money is coming from. You will need to open a temporary account with this Bank so that when the Applications for claims and transfer of our funds are approved by my Bank here, we will transfer our funds (US$16.2m) to your account with the bank and the transfer transaction will be seen as an in-house transfer thereby by passing all eyebrows and questions from the monetary authorities in Asia and Europe. As soon as our funds are credited in your OFFSHORE ONLINE BANK account, you will now proceed immediately and transfer everything to your home accounts in bits or whichever way you find suitable. This is the best way I have found, and it will protect us from my bank. I want us to enjoy this money in peace when we conclude. Also you have to know that I cannot transfer this money in my name as my bank will be aware that it is from me. This is where I need you.

The attorney we are to use will need any valid copy of your Identification papers, that is either your drivers license or international passport, kindly scan and send to me via email as an attached file. When I receive, I shall then send the name and contact details of the foreign intermediary bank we are to use to you so that you can open communication with them and open your account immediately. As a show of good-faith, I have attached copy of my working Identity. I ask that you keep my ID discreet. I will be responsible for the attorney's fee and you will be responsible for the account opening. Thank You.

Kindly resend the below information in the following order as requested by the attorney:

Your Full legal Names:
Your Present address;
Your confidential Telephone number (not voice-mail or answering machine):
Your most secured E mail address:
Your Country:

The investment fund envisage for transfer to you is worth $16.2Million USD interest inclusive. 40% of the total sums will be retained by you upon the confirmation of the funds in your nominated account. My entitlement is also 40% while the balance 20% of the total sum will go to charity.

Warmest Regards,

Mr Hiroshi.Saito
Senior Financial Officer
Bank Of Tokyo_Mitsubishi UFJ,
Tokyo, Japan

3rd February 2012, 08:18 AM
This guy looks legit. If I were you, I would not hesitate to supply him with all necessary information. I would also cash in all PM's and be prepared wire him all available funds immediately. This is an opprotunity that you DO NOT want to miss.

3rd February 2012, 08:43 AM
Dear Satsuki:

LOL - I get reply from stupid American and he bite! He think I want to send him money for nothing. Stupid yankees fall for this all time. He have strange name for yankee: SPECKLE or someting like that. Anyway, he perfect: greedy and clueless. I'm using my pen name HIROSHI SAITO rather than my real name Hotaru Kiriko so he not get suspicious.

Are we still on for lunch at Sue Sue Sushi?


3rd February 2012, 08:48 AM
This is classic.

http://masamania.com/wp-content/uploads/vomit_business_man01.jpg.pagespeed.ce.cuPIMhiH9J.j pg

What’s a lack in common sense to vomit in the train ! Even if he must be drunk, he could manage to vomit outside train. Almost all people do so. At least it maybe be a minimal manner as a member of society.
He must be suck beast.
But, hey, see his outfit. He wear suite neatly. Yes, he is Japanese business man.
I don’t know why but I feel pity for him more than anger. I can imagine his dairy life.
He must get up same time in the morning to go to company. He must get on the same train. He must do same job with same people. He must be scolded by same reason. He must do same over time work. He must go to drink to same bar. And he must go back same home by same train.
His life is strictly managed by same routine like a machine, because he is Japanese business man. His vomit happening is the only moment when he can be human in his mindless daily life.
But even if he vomit on the train sheet, he must go back home as soon as possible. He cannot clean up it even though he maybe feel sorry for it. He must go to company next morning punctually. So he must go back home to get ready for it.
Vomiting is the only freedom moment for Japanese business man. Let’s vomit for Japanese business man life.
P.S. i recoment you had better give your seat to old people & handicapped people in Japanese train. It’s Japanese manner. You already know how rational manner is in Japan.

3rd February 2012, 08:48 AM
Dear Satsuki:

LOL - I get reply from stupid American and he bite! He think I want to send him money for nothing. Stupid yankees fall for this all time. He have strange name for yankee: SPECKLE or someting like that. Anyway, he perfect: greedy and clueless. I'm using my pen name HIROSHI SAITO rather than my real name Hotaru Kiriko so he not get suspicious.

Are we still on for lunch at Sue Sue Sushi?


What if my friend Hiroshi is actually this fella:


Old Herb Lady
3rd February 2012, 08:52 AM
O Specs jus send him a pic of ur arse. Preferably thong attire .
Tell him ur a woman lookin' for a business deal . Mooooooooo


3rd February 2012, 09:00 AM
OHL- how did you get that picture of my old girlfriend?

Well, let's account for what we have accomplished. So far, I got one vomit, one fat ass (only because of the thong, of course). I hope Saito gives us a little better entertainment of the zombies will be attacking next.

3rd February 2012, 09:09 AM
Dear Satsuki:

LOL - I get reply from stupid American and he bite! He think I want to send him money for nothing. Stupid yankees fall for this all time. He have strange name for yankee: SPECKLE or someting like that. Anyway, he perfect: greedy and clueless. I'm using my pen name HIROSHI SAITO rather than my real name Hotaru Kiriko so he not get suspicious.

Are we still on for lunch at Sue Sue Sushi?

HiroshiHEY! I think you are trying to deflect here. As stated above Spectrism already got Hiroshi's scannned ID. He just needs to post it here to prove you are out of line with your FAKE e-mails! Spamboni!

Now let the grown ups handle this important business transaction that will change Spectrism's life for the better!


3rd February 2012, 09:13 AM
What if my friend Hiroshi is actually this fella:


Is he a Shogun?

3rd February 2012, 10:28 AM
Thank you Hiroshi Saito. It sounds like you are 12 hours ahead of us. For you to be up so late must mean that you are a hard worker. In the dairy business, we have to be up early in the morning.

I am a little worried about you. Will you get into trouble with your bank? If they were planning to take this money, won't they be upset that you were able to send it off?

One of my work-hands said that you should send me a current picture to verify who you are. He said that if you write up a sign and take a picture of yourself holding the sign, it will prove who you are. Write on a piece of paper: "GSUS loves U".

I will need to apply for a passport since I do not travel out of the country. When I get my passport, I guess I should use it and plan a trip to Japan. We can talk more about that later.

I have to go now. The veterinarian is here for the calves.


oh... here is a picture for you...

2183-----Original Message-----
From: Hiroshi Saito [mailto:hiroshi_saito@xnmsn.com]
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2012 1:09 PM
To: spectrism
Subject: RE: Thank you very much for your response.

Dear Sam,

Thanks for your reply.

I live tokyo the capital city of japan. Its 1am Saturday. I have been searching for an offshore bank so that you can set up an offshore account with them as regards our transaction. I have made contact with the attorney and i have forwarded your details to him for immediate process of the papper work.

The attorney we are to use will need any valid copy of your Identification papers, that is either your drivers license or international passport, kindly scan and send to me via email as an attached file.

So immediately you can back to me with you ID i will forward you bank details so that you can make contact with the bank and set up an account with. We are using this bank because we have same telex code with the bank,so that when the Applications for claims and transfer of our funds are approved by my Bank here, we will transfer our funds (US$16.2m) to your account with the bank and the transfer transaction will be seen as an in-house transfer thereby by passing all eyebrows and questions from the monetary authorities in Asia and Europe.

I will have to go to bed now is late over here . Await your swift response in this subject matter.

Happy weekend.

Mr Hiroshi Saito

3rd February 2012, 11:15 AM
Is he a Shogun?

In a way, yes he is: For sure, he will be sho'gone with your money!

Old Herb Lady
3rd February 2012, 11:35 AM
LMAO !!!! specs u r a hoot !!

3rd February 2012, 11:46 AM
Whatever you do, don't end up wasting your time. LOL.

3rd February 2012, 12:43 PM
He spells and the grammar is surprisingly good. Wouldn't that be really fvcked if he was legit in that he is stealing the money and did only want 40%?

3rd February 2012, 01:00 PM
Whatever you do, don't end up wasting your time. LOL.

Ahhhhahaha... yes.... I need to place a warning onthis thread: For Entertainment Only.

(Inside joke- in the Army there were gambling machines and the law required them to have a sign: For Entertainment Only)

3rd February 2012, 01:01 PM
He spells and the grammar is surprisingly good. Wouldn't that be really fvcked if he was legit in that he is stealing the money and did only want 40%?

Yes- I noticed a different level of quality in this one compared with our Nigerian friends.

3rd February 2012, 01:04 PM
I really hope we get to see the guy holding the "GSUS loves U" sign!

3rd February 2012, 01:38 PM
I really hope we get to see the guy holding the "GSUS loves U" sign!

If it happens, the pic should be posted immediately on GIM!

3rd February 2012, 06:17 PM
If it happens, the pic should be posted immediately on GIM!

Yes!! Hahaha!!

3rd February 2012, 08:25 PM
If you want to potentially kick this up a notch, have a few people email the guy "wanting in on the offer", due to Spectrism talking about how much money he had "already made".

Spectrism emails the guy explaining he told some friends that there's a very good feeling of potential due to yadda yadda, and if adding more friends means securing more money!

Ok. Now the guy is thinking he has someone on the hook who just convinced his friends by telling them he already made the cash. potential mini-jackpot for buddy scenario.

At some point most of "the money" from everyone will be "given to Spectrism" to raise bargaining power, as Spectrism will be making the initial "proof of person" requests...aka photo ops.

All participants request their own personal "security ID photos" thereafter. LOL.

I've read some scams where you can send packages, and get them to pay for postage up front. The guy was shipping him burned out washing machines, and dirty ass busted ovens telling him it was top of the line computer equipment.

The crazy part is he doesn't know if it's you playing him, or his local people there somehow playing him.

You have to get increasingly upset, as now he should be "stealing" or fooling you around with dozens of brand new kickass laptops you just sent.

The shipping game sounds funny as hell, but completely nuts.

Photos are harmless!


Twisted Titan
3rd February 2012, 09:40 PM
Dude you have to get him to tattoo himself.

This thread is a cult classic.

I died laughing when i read this

The Holy Church of The Tattooed Saint


11th February 2012, 08:15 AM
I was beginning to think I scared him off. I think one needs to sound greedy & naive. So, I sent out this note-

Hello Hiroshi,

I hope all is going well for you. Are we still on track for making this transaction? I have not heard from the attorney and got no papper (his spelling) work.

I don't know much about working with banks. If we set up an account in the bank in Japan, how does the money get to me? I don't have to visit to get it out, do I?


I got no response for a week.... and then this shows up:

From: Mr Hiroshi.Saito
Senior Financial Officer
Bank Of Tokyo_Mitsubishi , Tokyo, Japan

Dear Sam,

I thank you for your email. I now wish to confirm the receipt of your details and I have forwarded same to the attorney; indeed things are getting more real now. Initially I was having double thoughts about your authenticity, I needed to be careful due to the money involved, but now you have proven to me that you are a remarkable partner. I am very happy about this, you have earned my full respect and trust, and I hope you will live up to the respect I have for you. Let us light the lamp of friendship with the oil of sincerity, truthfulness and above all the fear of God.

I truly appreciate the fact that you are ready to assist me in executing this project. I want you to trust me and deal with me with a clean and good heart so that we make success in this business soon. Please understand that the success of this transaction is a means for us to build a solid foundation for our Children and Grand Children; a foundation they will build upon when we are no more. You have no cause to doubt my integrity, and I am very confident doing this transaction with you. I must also let you know that I feel comfortable transacting with you especially with the way you have been handling this transaction even though we have not had a verbal conversation, please do not let me down.

I assure you that this transaction is 100% legitimate transaction and that you will not be exposed to any form of risk for partnering with me in securing this noble effort. As a professional banker it is my duty to ensure that the transfer is done in a quiet manner, hence you will have to follow my instruction and act according to enable everything work out smoothly. I will do everything legally required to ensure that the project goes smoothly, it shall pass through all Laws of International Banking.

I have searched for an OFFSHORE ONLINE BANK which has the same or similar BANK CODE IDENTIFIER with my bank. You will need to open a temporary account with this BANK so that when the Applications for claims and transfer of our funds are approved by my Bank here in Japan, we will transfer our funds (US$16.2Million) to your new account with the bank and the transfer transaction will be seen as an in-house transfer thereby by passing all eyebrows and questions from the monetary authorities in Asia and Europe. As soon as our funds are credited in your new account, you will now proceed immediately and transfer everything to your home accounts in bits which ever you find suitable.

Like I earlier stated, you will be duly represented here by the attorney, although his legal charges are very expensive but I will pay him adequately for this job so that he work for us smoothly, he is an accredited Lawyer with vast experience. He will have all the documents perfected, and with these documents he shall come forward to my bank to apply for the immediate release and transfer of the funds to the account you shall open with the foreign intermediary bank overseas as the final beneficiary.

I am sending you the contact information of the offshore Bank so you can make inquiries on offshore/online account opening. I advise you to open an account with the bank so that once the funds are released, it will be moved straight into your account you have opened in the offshore bank and this transfer will not attract the monetary bodies that have strict monetary policies, as the transfer will be seen as in-house (same telex type with Bank here) after which you can then transfer the funds in safe and small bits to your main account in your country for both of us. The authorities would simply believe this transfer to be a bank to bank affair, that is between the offshore bank and my bank here (inter-bank affair since both banks bear same telex code) and it would not raise any eyebrows or trigger any red flags, it is necessary to take precautions on issues like this, and I have to ensure that our interest are protected in this transaction. This is completely legal and it will help in the transference of the funds done quietly.

Find below the banks information:

NatWest Bank UK
74 High Street, Watford, Hertfordshire WD17 2GZ UK
Contact Person:Dr.Ewan Hayward
Telephone No: +44-742-366-4121
Email Contact: accountopening@natwst.intl-e.com

I sincerely want to thank you for your commitment and diligence, but I also advice you to try and call the official who will be assisting you to set up your on-line offshore bank account so that you can speed up the process of account opening, you may also tell them in advance that you would be expecting a transfer from Japan. You are to forward the details of your new account to me immediately it is active to receive transfers. Being that NatWest Bank UK is of the same telex type as my bank here it shall be an in-house transfer which would take about 8 hours for the money to hit your account after we transfer from here. As a banker it is necessary for me to inform you that your account status must be active to receive payments. The reason I am telling you this is because if we transfer the money from here to your account when it is not active the transfer will bounce back, which means the money will return to my bank, I do not want this transfer to be faced with any complications arising as a result of any error from your side, because if I transfer and it returns back here it would raise an alarm at my bank, and my colleagues would get interested to make further inquiry into this transaction and that will not be good for me.

As stipulated in my previous email to you, 40% of the overall sum shall be retained by you as your own share for being a my foreign partner in this transaction, 40% of the overall sum is calculated at USD6,480,000. Finally, after the initial transfer has been accomplished from my end and the money in your new account at the intermediary bank, I will provide you with details of my own account where I want my share transferred to, but I will advise you to transfer the funds in safe and small bits (small amounts of about $500,000 or less at a time to any of your nominated bank accounts of your choice). My own share of the money as well is USD6,480,000. The sum of USD3,240,000 is for charity, Upon our successful completion of this effort, I shall finalize my travelling arrangements so that I meet with you in your country for us to sit down on a round table and discuss about setting up a small charitable organization that would cater for the needy and less privilege because this is a dream I have and I wish to help those in need to the best of my capabilities with a proportion of the funds set out for the actualization of this task. Please note that this responsibility is challenging since money as we know could be very tempting. I being the key player in this business effort have decided to give 20% out to charity and you must put that at the back of your mind. The 40% I proposed you part with I believe is enough and if for any reason you feel you would need more, kindly indicate to me immediately for they belong to the Lord after now.

Send me an email in acknowledgment of the receipt of this email as I wait in earnest anticipation of your response.

Hiroshi Saito



Twisted Titan
11th February 2012, 09:57 AM
I hope you will live up to the respect I have for you. Let us light the lamp of friendship with the oil of sincerity, truthfulness and above all the fear of God.

I fell outta my chair laughing my @$$ off

11th February 2012, 02:55 PM
Tell him that you don't feel certain in opening bank accounts abroad, that the only bank account you've ever had was opened by your father when you were 16, and that he had handled any issues with the bank account, until his death a year ago, that you never were good with handling money and official pappers. However you have improved since his passing, because you were the sole heir to his estate, and there were many pappers to be signed to have the entire inheritance transferred to your name...

Tell him that you don't feel certain about this transaction, it seems very complicated to you, and that you don't really need the money, but that you would appreciate his advice regarding investing your inheritance, since he is a very successful investment banker. Ask how you would invest in his bank fund!

Something like that would make him feel you are naive, stupid, but rich, and get him to change his strategy...

11th February 2012, 07:44 PM
I may sign up over at the 419eater forum and read up more on examples and technique. Looks like a fun hobby... I can't believe how accomplished some of those people are! You would think those scammers would be able to spot a baiter by now, and move on immediately, but I guess not. Plenty of fun to be had if you have the time and inclination!

Good luck Spec!

12th February 2012, 09:21 AM
Spec, did you look at the email header to find out where it originated from? I seriously doubt it is coming from Japan, but I guess it happens.

Once I get acquainted with the procedures, I may want to get in on this bait. In fact, I think we should have a baiting subforum if enough people would be interested in participating.

12th February 2012, 01:22 PM
Spec, did you look at the email header to find out where it originated from? I seriously doubt it is coming from Japan, but I guess it happens.

Once I get acquainted with the procedures, I may want to get in on this bait. In fact, I think we should have a baiting subforum if enough people would be interested in participating.

Yes... I looked at it briefly.... I am on the road now and I cannot pull that up... good question. I will have to get back to you on that. It did not look like Japan at all. I think it was UK.... but not sure.