View Full Version : Artist Breaks Law w/Pig silhouette in Decal

3rd February 2012, 10:56 AM
This is hilarious!

SLOPpy oversight proves too moo-ch for Vermonteers.


The Vermont State Police seal, created by a print shop run by inmates at the state prison in St. Albans, altered the state seal to include the likeness of a pig, seen in yellow, on the cow's shoulder. Decals of the seal are on most state police cruisers. / MIKE DONOGHUE, Free Press


3rd February 2012, 11:02 AM

3rd February 2012, 11:06 AM
No idea where you get your headline from beef! What, exactly law did they 'break'?

A snip from the op article:

“I don’t know if there is a criminal charge,” Pallito said.

Attempts to reach Gov. Peter Shumlin for comment were unsuccessful.

“This is not as offensive as it would have been years ago. We can see the humor,” said Public Safety Commissioner Keith Flynn, a former state trooper and state prosecutor who was named commissioner a year ago. “If the person had used some of that creativeness, he or she would not have ended up inside.”

“We used to play in the Pig Bowl,” said Campbell, the Senate leader. “It was the state versus the county and municipal police. While it was derogatory in the ’60s, we used it as a fundraisers for charities.”

He said that while some people might still use the derogatory term, “I believe a majority of us have great respect for police.”


3rd February 2012, 11:30 AM
I dont get it?

Pigs are one the THE smartest animals in the animal kingdom. How are they 'like' Cops?

3rd February 2012, 11:30 AM
Probably something about theft of public funds, or some tort under contract law...personally waiting for the "tonight at 11" update. LOL

The more I study the pix, the more I see the inmate's humor...
Directly across from the pig's snout is a dandy silhouette of a figure who I presume is the artist himself... or it maybe of his hero, the Fonz.

Additionally, there is a nose and a mouth below the pig and the silhouette "eyes" completing the smiley face.


3rd February 2012, 01:00 PM
Ha ha... the yahoo article was followed up by a comment section. Let's just says it was quite supportive of the artist's intent, overall...

3rd February 2012, 02:31 PM
Probably something about theft of public funds, or some tort under contract law...personally waiting for the "tonight at 11" update. LOL

The more I study the pix, the more I see the border inmate's humor...
Directly across from the pig's snout is a dandy silhouette of a figure who I presume is the artist himself... or it maybe of his hero, the Fonz.

Additionally, there is a nose and a mouth below the pig and the silhouette "eyes" completing the smiley face.


I'm seeing a guy pointing (doesn't look like a gun) at another guy lying on the ground.

3rd February 2012, 02:42 PM
I'm seeing a guy pointing (doesn't look like a gun) at another guy lying on the ground.

Wow, I would like to see your ink blot test results

3rd February 2012, 02:51 PM
awesome... LOL

3rd February 2012, 03:13 PM
Wow, I would like to see your ink blot test results

No, I think your eyes need to look around more.

I think I circled what I am seeing. Piggy, guy pointing, guy lying down.



Twisted Titan
3rd February 2012, 11:14 PM