View Full Version : The Enzo is back

General of Darkness
5th February 2012, 11:53 AM
I haven't posted videos of him in awhile, but in the last 2 months he's had an apparent hormone spurt from 22 - 24 months old. I have to say, I've won 2 world championships in paintball and this is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do because my partner doesn't speak, you have to interpret everything.

FYI - The ONLY reason I'm sharing this with you guys is because I was really down in the dumps with him for 2 months and it was breaking my fricken heart, and when the clouds did break and the sun came out and you see light at the end of the tunnel I know you folks would appreciate this.

So, back to dickhead. He basically acted like his head was up his ass and he didn't have a brain at all, especially when we went to training. It probably didn't help that I introduced Shelby, a female dobie, into the house back in October right when she was going into HEAT. He was so fricken crazy that he bit through a shirt of mine, and it had nothing to do with me, he was just nutz and being reactive. If people are interested I can explain what reactive means.

Just so people know, Shelby is another highly line bred doberman like Enzo, but her owner got super sick and she hadn't been training in probably 8 months, and the breeder asked me to take her, and now she's doing awesome. Hell, the trainer didn't think he could get her to bark or bite after she had basically been doing nothing and after 5 months she's a barking machine-gun and a biting fool. ;D

But back to the Enzo. Everything he's doing, which might seem boring, is very very hard for him to do. Happy dogs do things for rewards. In Schutzhund, the reward is the bite. So when you see him going into the blind, holding and barking he's asking for his reward, the bite, but then he's asked to heal away, that's Enzo saying, "OK, I love you, I trust you, we're a team and I know you're going to reward me for being good".

Yesterday was the first day that he was asked to be put in a down at blind 4, stay there, wait for me to call him and then send him to blind 5 and then to blind 6, where he wasn't given a bite, he was healed away, then asked to be put in the down and then get the bite.

Most people won't understand the majority of things that are happening or what's being asked of the dog, but it's truly amazing seeing it happen. Everyone was amazed to see him do it his first try as was I.

While the world goes to shit, I do have something that's putting a smile on my face. I'm just really proud of him. So now I've got an Enzo and a Shelby. It's like Team High Octane.


midnight rambler
5th February 2012, 12:08 PM
For a noob those are excellent results.

5th February 2012, 12:20 PM
Excellent General! Good showing! All dogs that are being intensely trained have regressions and if they're being trained correctly it's usually one step back and two forward. I'm glad to hear that both of'em are working out nicely for ya.

6th February 2012, 04:32 PM
Thanks for sharing, General of Darkness. I'm glad Enzo is back on track and no longer too distracted by the new girl. :)