View Full Version : Ayatollah: Kill all Jews, annihilate Israel

5th February 2012, 10:13 PM
You tell me what's happening?

Ayatollah: Kill all Jews, annihilate Israel
Iran lays out legal case for genocidal attack against 'cancerous tumor'
Published: 4 hours ago
By Reza Kahlili

The Iranian government, through a website proxy, has laid out the legal and religious justification for the destruction of Israel and the slaughter of its people.

The doctrine includes wiping out Israeli assets and Jewish people worldwide.

Calling Israel a danger to Islam, the conservative website Alef, with ties to Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said the opportunity must not be lost to remove “this corrupting material. It is a ‘jurisprudential justification” to kill all the Jews and annihilate Israel, and in that, the Islamic government of Iran must take the helm.”

The article, written by Alireza Forghani, a conservative analyst and a strategy specialist in Khamenei’s camp, now is being run on most state-owned conservative sites, including the Revolutionary Guards’ Fars News Agency, showing that the regime endorses this doctrine.

Because Israel is going to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities, Iran is justified in launching a pre-emptive, cataclysmic attack against the Jewish state, the doctrine argues.

On Friday, in a major speech at prayers, Khamenei announced that Iran will support any nation or group that attacks the “cancerous tumor” of Israel. Though his statement was seen by some in the West as fluff, there is substance behind it.

Iran’s Defense Ministry announced this weekend that it test-fired an advanced two-stage, solid-fuel ballistic missile and boasted about successfully putting a new satellite into orbit, reminding the West that its engineers have mastered the technology for intercontinental ballistic missiles even as the Islamic state pushes its nuclear weapons program.

The commander of the Revolutionary Guards, Brig. Gen. Seyyed Mehdi Farahi, stated in August that the Safir missile, which is capable of transporting a satellite into space, can easily be launched parallel to the earth’s orbit, which will transform it into an intercontinental ballistic missile. Western analysts didn’t believe this would happen until 2015. Historically, orbiting a satellite is the criterion for crediting a nation with ICBM capability.

Forghani details the Islamic duty of jihad as laid out in the Quran for the sake of Allah and states that “primary jihad,” according to some Shiite jurists, can only occur when the Hidden Imam, the Shiites’ 12th Imam Mahdi, returns. Shiites believe Mahdi’’s return will usher in Armageddon.

In the absence of the hidden Imam, Forghani says, “defensive jihad” could certainly take place when Islam is threatened, and Muslims must defend Islam and kill their enemies. To justify such action, Alef quotes the Shiites’ first imam, Ali, who stated “Waging war against the enemies with whom war is inevitable and there is a strong possibility that in near future they will attack Muslims is a must and the duty of Muslims.”

The article then quotes the Quran (Albaghara 2:191-193): “And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution [of Muslims] is worse than slaughter [of non-believers] … and fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah.”

It is the duty for all Muslims to participate in this defensive jihad, Forghani says. A fatwa by the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini made it clear that any political domination by infidels over Muslims authorizes Muslims to defend Islam by all means. Iran now has the ICBM means to deliver destruction on Israel and soon will have nuclear warheads for those missiles.

In order to attack Iran, the article says, Israel needs the approval and assistance of America, and under the current passive climate in the United States, the opportunity must not be lost to wipe out Israel before it attacks Iran.

Under this pre-emptive defensive doctrine, several Ground Zero points of Israel must be destroyed and its people annihilated. Forghani cites the last census by the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics that shows Israel has a population of 7.5 million citizens of which a majority of 5.7 million are Jewish. Then it breaks down the districts with the highest concentration of Jewish people, indicating that three cities, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa, contain over 60 percent of the Jewish population that Iran could target with its Shahab 3 ballistic missiles, killing all its inhabitants.

Forghani suggests that Iran’s Sejil missile, which is a two-stage rocket with a trajectory and speed that make it impossible to intercept, should target such Israeli facilities as: the Rafael nuclear plant, which is the main nuclear engineering center of Israel; the Eilun nuclear plant; another Israeli reactor in Nebrin; and the Dimona reactor in the nuclear research center in Neqeb, the most critical nuclear reactor in Israel because it produces 90 percent enriched uranium for Israel’s nuclear weapons.

Other targets, according to the article, include airports and air force bases such as the Sedot Mikha Air Base, which contains Jericho ballistic missiles and is located southwest of the Tel Nof Air Base, where aircraft equipped with nuclear weapons are based. Secondary targets include power plants, sewage treatment facilities, energy resources, and transportation and communication infrastructures.

Finally, Forghani says, Shahab 3 and Ghadr missiles can target urban settlements until the Israelis are wiped out.

Forghani claims that Israel could be destroyed in less than nine minutes and that Khamenei, as utmost authority, the Velayete Faghih (Islamic Jurist), also believes that Israel and America not only must be defeated but annihilated.

The radicals ruling Iran today not only posses over 1,000 ballistic missiles but are on the verge of ICBM delivery and have sufficient enriched uranium for six nuclear bombs even as they continue to highly enrich uranium despite four sets of U.N. sanctions.

The Iranian secret documentary “The Coming Is Upon Us” clearly indicates that these radicals believe the destruction of Israel will trigger the coming of the last Islamic Messiah and that even Jesus Christ, who will convert to Islam, will act as Mahdi’s deputy, praying to Allah as he stands behind the 12th Imam.


6th February 2012, 01:40 AM
Isn't WND considered sort of a joo spew outlet? Not sure, their stories have never attracted me.

Your paste job didn't grab the embedded link, go to the WND source and find this,

The article, written by Alireza Forghani, a conservative analyst and a strategy specialist in Khamenei’s camp, now is being run on most state-owned conservative sites, including the Revolutionary Guards’ Fars News Agency (http://www.farsnews.com/newstext.php?nn=13901115000639), showing that the regime endorses this doctrine.

Follow the FARS link, it goes to a page in Farsi, but you can c/p to translate.google.com (http://translate.google.com), I only messed around with that for a minute, but it seems the WND article may be a case of zio-spin beyond recognition, ala the "wipe israel off the map" sham.

Celtic Rogue
6th February 2012, 04:32 AM
Just another spin to push the west toward their destruction by protecting israel. It seems like the zios are getting all their justifications in order for the attack on iran.

Every time I turn on the radio or tv... newspaper etc... I ALWAYS here a story about how scary iran is and how sacred to god israel is.... I dont buy it!!!

I think its only months or weeks before something happens to make it imperative (from our medias and zio handlers viewpoint) for us to spill our children's blood and waste our treasure to defend our masters!

I hope not.... but as my grand dad said.... You can spit in on hand and wish and hope in another.... see which one fills up quickest!

6th February 2012, 05:03 AM
From the original article;

" In order to attack Iran, the article says, Israel needs the approval and assistance of America, and under the current passive climate in the United States, the opportunity must not be lost to wipe out Israel before it attacks Iran."

...a perfect example of neo-con zio-spin
I'm sure a lot of Libyans would disagree with the statement that Obama is passive when it comes to military intervention/invasion

6th February 2012, 05:57 AM
Isn't WND considered sort of a joo spew outlet?


6th February 2012, 06:34 AM
This is Ziospin through and through. Iran is outgunned and surrounded and itching to attack Israel? I think not.

6th February 2012, 07:58 AM
Sounds to me like the jews are working both sides to justify the war with Islam they want so desperately.

6th February 2012, 08:06 AM
Sounds to me like the jews are working both sides

As per the usual MO.

6th February 2012, 07:35 PM
The Ugly Truth (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/)
Calling All Troops–PLEASE READ RIGHT AWAY (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2012/02/06/calling-all-troops-please-read-right-away/)

Posted by crescentandcross (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/author/crescentandcross/) in Uncategorized (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/category/uncategorized/) on February 6, 2012

2 Votes
At present, there is an IMPRESSIVE brouhaha going on over at WND dealing with the ‘Iran wants to kill all the Jews’ article. I understand how readers of this website would be loathe to do so, but I ask that you make an effort to FLOOD the comments section with what I know will be your best work. If you read through the comments you can PLAINLY SEE that the pro-Israel voices are SCARED.

Now is not the time to let up, SO PLEASE hit them with everything you have got!



11 Comments (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2012/02/06/calling-all-troops-please-read-right-away/#comments)

6th February 2012, 07:40 PM
For fucks sake... here's the guy who wrote this tripe:

Reza Kahlili (http://atimetobetray.com/) is a pseudonym for a former CIA operative in Iran’s Revolutionary Guard and author of the award-winning book, “A Time to Betray (http://www.amazon.com/Time-Betray-Astonishing-Double-Revolutionary/dp/143918903X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1267629519&sr=1-1).” He is a senior fellow with EMPact America (http://empactamerica.org/) and teaches at the U.S. Department of Defense’s Joint Counterintelligence Training Academy.

Any questions?

6th February 2012, 08:09 PM
TUT blog also posted this WND story, with commentary from Mark Glenn:

LMAO!!! Ayatollah: Kill all Jews, annihilate Israel (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2012/02/06/lmao-ayatollah-kill-all-jews-annihilate-israel/)


2 Votes

ed note–leave it to that freshly-dropped piece of canine fecal material Joseph Farah to run a piece of nonsense like this. I shudder to think of the despicable and morally-repugnant acts of ‘affection’ he has been willing participate in in proving his love for all things Jewish and Israeli.

In the first case, Iran is home to the largest group of Jews in the Middle East outside of Israel, numbering some 25,000. Are any of them being rounded up and murdered?


The author of this piece Reza Kahlili is an admitted agent of the CIA who claims to have penetrated the Revolutionary Guards and acted as a spy. By definition then, he is a paid, professional liar who is a traitor to his own people and therefore cannot be believed in any circumstances, even if he predicted that New Years Day falls on Jan 1st.

The sad thing however is that the brain-dead readership of Farah’s World Net Daily will lap this s*** up as if it were chocolate ice cream, not recognizing the fact that everything taking place now is a redo of what happened in the run up to the destruction of Iraq, meaning


…an not just your average, ordinary, run of the mill lies, but those of the Jewish variety, which Jesus Himself warned the world specifically about.

God help us, despite the fact we don’t deserve it…


6th February 2012, 09:14 PM
The Ugly Truth (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/)
Calling All Troops–PLEASE READ RIGHT AWAY (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2012/02/06/calling-all-troops-please-read-right-away/)

Posted by crescentandcross (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/author/crescentandcross/) in Uncategorized (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/category/uncategorized/) on February 6, 2012

2 Votes
At present, there is an IMPRESSIVE brouhaha going on over at WND dealing with the ‘Iran wants to kill all the Jews’ article. I understand how readers of this website would be loathe to do so, but I ask that you make an effort to FLOOD the comments section with what I know will be your best work. If you read through the comments you can PLAINLY SEE that the pro-Israel voices are SCARED.

Now is not the time to let up, SO PLEASE hit them with everything you have got!



11 Comments (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2012/02/06/calling-all-troops-please-read-right-away/#comments)

I posted a comment there for you Pat!

This is Zionist war mongering pure and simple. The Israeli's don't give a damn how many gentiles die fighting their wars and dying as civilan bystanders. Iran is surrounded on all sides by US and Zionsit forces that continue to pick a fight with covert assassinations and drone incursions which are a clear violation of international law. Israle has hundreds of illegal nuclear weapons in violation of the international non-proliferation treaty that Iran has signed and is in compliance; but according to the Zionists war agitators, Iran cannot have one nuclear weapon! Israel is a rogue terrorist state and the world is finally waking up to this fact. If war with Iran should commence, all the blame for the death of thousands, perhaps millions, will fall squarely and totally on Israel.

6th February 2012, 09:48 PM
^ thanks mambo. but it's not for me... you can tout your great comment at the TUT blog entry's 11 Comments (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2012/02/06/calling-all-troops-please-read-right-away/#comments) - you can comment anonymously there, just need a (fake) email. Don't you need to register @ WND to comment?

TUT blog's operator Mark Glen had this awesome Press TV interview a couple weeks ago, he comes on @ 7:45:



TUT also just posted this podcast,

TUT Podcast Feb 6, 2012 (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2012/02/06/tut-podcast-feb-6-2012/)

Posted by crescentandcross (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/author/crescentandcross/) in The Ugly Truth Podcast (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/category/the-ugly-truth-podcast/), Uncategorized (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/category/uncategorized/) on February 6, 2012 http://pixel.quantserve.com/pixel/p-ab3gTb8xb3dLg.gif
http://theuglytruth.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/wolfsheepsclothing.jpg?w=620 (http://theuglytruth.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/wolfsheepsclothing.jpg)

‘Anti-war/pro-peace activists’ who aren’t…

We are joined once again by the incomparable Jonathon Azaziah at www.maskofzion.com (http://www.maskofzion.com/) to discuss the phenomenon of 5th columnists within the anti-war/pro-palestinian movements whose real job is to steer the direction away from its most vital issue–Jewish supremacism.

Download Here (http://theuglytruth.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/tut6feb2012azaziahfin.mp3)

7th February 2012, 12:50 PM
christians are gung ho to go to war over rhetoric like this and remain willingly ignorant that the true headline should be " jews kill all christians anihilate America"

8th February 2012, 12:09 AM
again from Mark Glenn @ TUT blog- I guess the gatekeepers @ WND couldn't cope, and many comments were deleted? I don't know, I didn't read them! Mambo, your comment there?

Many Thanks to all those who participated (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2012/02/07/many-thanks-to-all-those-who-participated/)

Posted by crescentandcross (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/author/crescentandcross/) in Uncategorized (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/category/uncategorized/) on February 7, 2012

http://imagecache6.allposters.com/LRG/22/2246/H5EZD00Z.jpg (http://affiliates.allposters.com/link/redirect.asp?item=2876883&AID=435193672&PSTID=1&LTID=2&lang=1)

To those readers of TUT who answered the call and literally FLOODED the World Net Daily website yesterday with comments concerning the latest piece of their Zionist agit-prop–


In particular we wish to note the exceptional efforts of Ian, Marc, and a few others who used anonymous signatures but whose work I recognized immediately as a result of all the fine work they do here on a daily basis contributing to the comments sections.

It was comical and yet instructive to see the absolute PANIC that the gatekeepers at Farah’s WND were experiencing, as the Truth Brigade was making mincemeat of the hasbarats with facts, figures and intelligent reasoning. One by one, others filed in to join the fight on our side and were shut down from commenting and had their comments removed.

This in and of itself was a great victory. The other side knows its ENTIRE EXISTENCE is a house of cards based ENTIRELY on lies and who dirty their diapers in panic whenever faced with the truth.

Again, a very heartfelt HIP HIP HURRAY to those Minutemen and Minutewomen who heard the call and answered. It was just one of the many things taking place here that makes me proud to be a part of a cause greater than myself.


7 Comments (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2012/02/07/many-thanks-to-all-those-who-participated/#comments)

9th February 2012, 11:36 AM
Did the Ayatollah Really Say: Kill all Jews, Annihilate Israel? (http://revoltoftheplebs.wordpress.com/2012/02/08/did-the-ayatollah-really-say-kill-all-jews-annihilate-israel/)

http://revoltoftheplebs.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/ayatollah-ali-khamenei.jpg?w=300&h=253 (http://revoltoftheplebs.wordpress.com/2012/02/08/did-the-ayatollah-really-say-kill-all-jews-annihilate-israel/)

By Keith Johnson

The short answer: Absolutely not!