View Full Version : Nevada! Clark County Vote Fraud

6th February 2012, 05:34 AM
58% Landslide! Ron Paul Wins Adelson Late-Hour Caucus (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_jfnNnhZE4&feature=g-u-u&context=G2408664FUAAAAAAAPAA)

"Ever notice that when the votes are counted publicly Ron Paul wins, and everywhere the votes are counted in private Romney wins!" RIVERO, WRH


Video Description
Ron Paul won the special late-hour caucus that had been set up by Newt's billionaire for Newt's benefit.

In one of his videos, Ron Paul quotes Stalin.
"Those that vote decide nothing those that count decide everything." - Stalin


Nevada! Clark County Vote Fraud


Caucuses are a hotbed for corruption. Votes can be changed, tossed, or miscounted at almost any time in some caucus settings. Transparency has been eliminated in the process as some counties wisp their results away to a secret location to tally the vote totals. Over 900 ‘dead people’ cast their votes in South Carolina and Iowa GOP Chairman Matt Strawn recently stepped down amidst vote controversy. News coverage surrounding the Paul campaign has highlighted his failure to place first in 4 early contests, but online forums and organizations have been labeling voter fraud a potential culprit. The media is not reporting on Congressman Paul’s record breaking event crowds of over 3,000 in St. Cloud, 1,500 in Colorado, and other audiences trending the same numbers throughout the campaign. The Paul team is a well-oiled grassroots machine and has always been expected to perform exceptionally well, and even win in the caucus states.

With that being said Ron Paul led 4 out 5 Iowa Caucus polls in the days before the event but eventually fell to third place. Paul led FOX, CNN, and MSNBC entrance polls and with 27% of the precints reporting he was leading the field. Slowly as the tallies updated Paul fell to second behind mitt Romney and then suddenly to third behind Santorum by a few thousand votes. Ron Paul drew in crowds of over 1,300 while Santorum spoke to as few as 75 people at some Iowa rallies. In Nevada the entrance polls showed Congressman Paul edging out the Speaker and hovering around the 20% range, tying Newt at 17% among somewhat conservative voters. Beating Gingrich 35% to 11% among Moderately Liberal voters and trailing him 23% to 16% among tea party supporters.

After the first round of votes was reported by CNN Paul and Gingrich were virtually tied at 800 with Paul leading 19% to 18%. A few updates later and Gingrich experiences a surge to 23% while Ron drops one point. With 48% of the precincts reporting at 4:50 a.m. Central Time the vote totals have not changed for nine hours, Newt topples Ron 26% to 19%. There’s one problem that has emerged, Clark County has not released it’s votes. An important largely populous county home to Las Vegas is not reporting? With 94% of the votes unreleased Romney bests Paul for first with 55% to 29% or 400 votes to 157. Keep in mind with less than a majority of the state reporting the headlines are being bannered across every major newspaper and television program reading ‘Romney Wins Nevada.’

[ LOL ]

Paul supporters attended a special religious caucus at a Jewish Private School in Clark County, a school named after Casino big-wig and Gingrich supporter Sheldon Adelson. Reports by the Los Angeles Times indicate that 17 speakers stumped for Paul at the caucus and less than five spoke for the remaining candidates. Paul’s support was labeled ‘Dominant’ and led to a ‘Crushing’ victory garnering 183 votes to Romney’s 61. Gingrich and Santorum combined for 73 votes. Despite this reported vote total Paul remains stalled at 157 votes according every source of results.

The delay in the vote count/release process is very suspicious and voter fraud may indeed be relevant in Clark County. If Ron Paul turned out similar crowds to other caucus sites and challenged Romney for a first place finish in Clark I think we deserve to know, immediately.


Paul camp cries fraud over Nevada Caucus results


10:00pm EST – All media outlets spend two hours declaring Mitt Romney the overwhelming winner of the Nevada Republican Caucus in a landslide victory. Only 4 percent of the vote is in.

11:00pm EST – CNN sends their election coverage live to the last remaining open precinct in Nevada, located in Clark County. The polling place remained open extra long to accommodate strict religious observers. The voter demographic of the precinct is devout Christians and Jews who refused to violate their Sabbath day by voting during daylight hours. 15 percent of the state’s precincts have reported, Romney still leads with approximately 46 percent to Gingrich’s 22 percent, Paul’s 20 percent and Santorum’s 12.

11:15pm EST – With apparently nothing better to broadcast, media outlets like CNN announce to viewers that they’re in for a treat. They will see the Caucus process, live in action. The outlets would broadcast live from the last open Nevada precinct.

11:45pm EST – For 45 minutes, actual voters at the Adelson precinct being broadcast live on CNN and other stations, gave some of the most heartfelt one-minute speeches in support of their candidate – every single one of them was caucusing for Ron Paul. This was no Ron Paul rally either. This was a closed-door caucus. These were actual voters who were about to vote at this particular precinct. According to 40 minutes or so of speeches, it appeared Ron Paul should capture 100 percent of the vote in this Clark County precinct.

[ watch the video below, excellent ]

6th February 2012, 05:53 AM
"Those that vote decide nothing those that count decide everything." - Stalin

Yet somehow Americans view that they are outside the corruption of a communist dictator. I hope this wakes people up to the fact that they are not, and that they are just as much of a slave as a communist grunt during the soviet unions era.

6th February 2012, 06:17 AM


This is the perfect way of counting an election.

With a process as vitally critical to everything, can it not be afforded a little time to get it right?

6th February 2012, 07:13 AM

Only Ron Paul supporters are this smart.

What IRONY, this is an Adelson sponsored caucus event, ROFL ! , it's all Ron Paul.


Ron Paul Supporters Speak Out At Adelson Caucus In Nevada 02/04/12


In Nevada, Sheldon Adelson Gets His Very Own Caucus

By Molly Ball
Jan 27 2012, 6:29 PM ET Comment (http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2012/01/in-nevada-sheldon-adelson-gets-his-very-own-caucus/252166/#disqus_thread) The next primary contest after Florida is shaping up to be a confusing mess -- and one billionaire is getting a very special accommodation.




6th February 2012, 07:30 AM
Anyone who thinks there wasn't a bunch of crooked shit goin on in Vegas is an absolute naive moron. At one point the ballots from one caucus were taken into a gated community for counting, yet no one heard a word about it afterwards. As to the Adelson caucus..who believes that just this one caucus voted so drastically different than the others? This flies in the face of logic! Also, WTF was the deal with counting taking so friggin long? 8th graders can count faster and more accurrately than those asswipes.

6th February 2012, 07:34 AM
Directly out of the Soviet Change Agents hand book......

6th February 2012, 08:02 AM
Anyone who thinks there wasn't a bunch of crooked shit goin on in Vegas is an absolute naive moron. At one point the ballots from one caucus were taken into a gated community for counting, yet no one heard a word about it afterwards. As to the Adelson caucus..who believes that just this one caucus voted so drastically different than the others? This flies in the face of logic! Also, WTF was the deal with counting taking so friggin long? 8th graders can count faster and more accurrately than those asswipes.

You got to love the irony.

Ron Paul smoked them all in many caucus votes, to believe otherwise is beyond reason.

Adelson didn't set this up so Ron Paul can destroy his candidate, lol !

There is real investigative reporting here, real questions, names.
Bollyn, The Zionist Plot to Stop Ron Paul , INCREDIBLE ! (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?58446-Bollyn-The-Zionist-Plot-to-Stop-Ron-Paul-INCREDIBLE-%21)

7th February 2012, 12:51 PM
When I go to google and type in "Nevada Caucus Results" it shows Paul hanging on by a thread.


9th February 2012, 09:22 PM

Nevada vote fraud official


As if anyone who’s been paying attention over the last few weeks is actually surprised, another caucus state is taken down by GOP officials, permanently altering the outcome of yet another election, rendering its results forever in question.

This time, however, the people of Nevada are the immediate victims of mounting state GOP scandals, as the historical “First in the West” Nevada Caucus has been officially rendered a fraud, and the unwitting citizens and voters are once again left holding the bag.

So far, the overall magnitude of the circumstances has gone largely unnoticed by the people of the US in general, but that didn’t deter NV GOP Chairwoman, Amy Tarkanian from filing her resignation the very next morning (http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2012/feb/05/vote-count-gop-caucus-continuing-nevadas-largest-c/) on Sunday, as obvious and rampant, widespread election fraud is sweeping through the country in an establishment elite attempt to hide the real results, in favor of a pre-chosen candidate, despite the wishes of the American people.

Very similar to the circumstances that played out in Iowa (http://www.examiner.com/conspiracy-in-denver/iowa-vote-fraud-official) just weeks ago, also forcing a state GOP official there to recently submit his own resignation (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/31/matt-strawn-iowa-gop-chairman-resigns-_n_1244186.html), precincts across the state of Nevada are now coming up with mismatching numbers, missing votes, and ultimately and permanently unverifiable results, rendering the entire United States 2012 election process a total failure and, so far, unrecoverable.

Breaking the story of Chairwoman, Tarkanian’s resignation, while trying to be as quiet about it as possible, The Nevada Sun did their very best to spin the circumstances and cleverly word the story, attempting to leave the reader with the impression that everything was going to be ok, when the actual reality of the circumstances is obviously quite dire.

As it turns out, just as in Iowa, the likelihood that Ron Paul should have actually been the winner is very high. Not only did CNN show live coverage of a special late evening vote count in a populated Las Vegas precinct that had Ron Paul winning by almost 60% (http://youtu.be/PqVhuX6U0z0), statistics are showing that Ron Paul may have actually won the entire caucus by approx. the same margin, had in not been for another round of State GOP election fraud that is seemingly never going to be address by the powers that be, for obvious reasons.

There was even a CNN videotaped situation outside of that same precinct that had event staff attempting to prevent a Ron Paul supporter from entering the premises (http://youtu.be/1JqFw-mepT0), seemingly so he couldn’t assure a fair results count.
Perhaps the most obvious aspect of the situation, however, may be the fact that Nevada is a known Libertarian state, Ron Paul has basically campaigned there since his last attempt at the white house, his numbers have almost doubled in every state since then (http://www.dailypaul.com/204617/ron-paul-results-2008-2012), yet Nevada state GOP ‘officials’ expect everyone to believe he actually received fewer votes there in 2012 than he did in 2008?

more ...

Nevada Situation:
Vote count in GOP caucus continuing in Nevada’s largest county http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2012/feb/05/vote-count-gop-caucus-continuing-nevadas-largest-c/
Nevada GOP dealing with ‘trouble box’ of questionable ballots http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2012/feb/05/nevada-gop-dealing-trouble-box/
Excess Ballots Were Counted In Clark County, Nevada

13th March 2012, 04:59 AM


Breaking! Las Vegas, Nevada. Ron Paul Delegates SWEEP The Clark County Convention!


Chairman Gibbs brought the meeting to order by asking for any Santorum supporters to please raise their hands. A handful of people raised their hands. Then he asked for Gingrich. He got 2 handfuls. When he asked for Romney, his people clustered near the front of the main room raised their hands with a great cheer.

When he asked for Ron Paul what looked like about 2/3rds of the crowd of over 2,600 delegates leaped to their feet as one and unleashed a thunderous ovation that lasted for 30 seconds. It was absolutely electrifying.

Things settled down and we got down to business. We were allowed to self nominate ourselves as delegates to the state convention. Clark County which is BY FAR the most populated county in the state is allowed 1900 delegates. As only a little over 1,200 volunteered, all who signed up were confirmed as delegates. I do not have any exact numbers, but I can tell you we are likely to have an even larger majority at state than we did here. And this was DECISIVE.

We heard from local candidates running for office. Senators Dean Heller and Joe Heck both spoke and were received with something less than whole hearted support, and deservedly so for their unconstitutional votes for NDAA and the patriot act.

But the best part was filling the 14 seats on the Clark County Republican Party Executive Board. These are the people who set local policy. Each of the candidates was given only 30 seconds to speak.

Are you ready for this?


When the results were announced a Ron Paul cheer went up and if the Romney people were balloons you would have heard the air draining out of every one of them with a big, sad whoosh.

The Clark County platform now OFFICIALLY calls for holding elected officials to their oath to defend the constitution, or face removal from office. The party platform now also calls for the repeal of the 16th amendment and a full public audit of the federal reserve.

What does this all mean? It means all the garbage the media has been feeding us is precisely that. It means the campaigns delegate strategy works. It means this party is JUST GETTING STARTED!

People, turn off your televisions and get to work. And if you want to have the experience of a lifetime standing there sweating and crying for joy, go be A Ron Paul delegate at your county and state convention. UNBELIEVABLE.



13th March 2012, 05:10 AM
Amazing news, Magnes. Thanks for sharing!


13th March 2012, 05:51 AM
Amazing news, Magnes. Thanks for sharing!


Thanks Awoke, my pleasure, it is from WRH I think, everyone here
should be looking at their headlines daily, they are like hounds with
good finds and stay on issues that matter, doing it right.

Someone may have already posted this.

The way it is set up, I don't know if Paul can win, I think they screwed
him enough to guarantee that won't happen, there are major states
whose delegates are bound by the election vote, a couple of good
contributors here explaining this, we have a few good case studies here,
looks like Nevada is the best case study so far, after all this the delegate
count is totally Paul's, I find it also interesting some of the lefties are covering
Ron Paul and his delegate power. Vote rigging in the USA isn't
so crazy a topic anymore.

I think they are setting this up as a Romney vs Obama contest
with Obama win, Bollyn's right about Ron Paul being the main
target with all the " new candidates " being pushed, Ron Paul would
win with a level playing field, truth goes far, Ron Paul is proof and a
leader/teacher we can follow no matter what happens. And he is Christian.
Ron Paul is the leader of The West, The Free World, I strongly believe that
and also believe that leaders throughout the world are following him closely,
especially in Europe, many secretly envy him for his brave leadership.

I don't want to sound defeatist, but at least there is some vindication for us.

13th March 2012, 07:03 AM
he is Christian.

I still have never found a source that quotes him professing that. Have you? I would be happy to know for sure if he is Christian. He certainly seems to operate based on Christian principals, but I have never heard him say that he is definitively a Christian.

13th March 2012, 07:12 AM
I still have never found a source that quotes him professing that. Have you? I would be happy to know for sure if he is Christian. He certainly seems to operate based on Christian principals, but I have never heard him say that he is definitively a Christian.

“I have accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, and I endeavor every day to follow Him in all I do and in every position I advocate.”
-Ron Paul


My faith is a deeply private issue to me, and I don’t speak on it in great detail during my speeches because I want to avoid any appearance of exploiting it for political gain. Let me be very clear here: I have accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, and I endeavor every day to follow Him in all I do and in every position I advocate.
It is God Who gave us life. As He is free, so are those He created in His image. Our rights to life and liberty are inalienable.
I’m running for President of the United States because I believe that our traditions and way of life are under attack from an out-of-control federal government and reckless politicians who show no regard for what our Founders entrusted to our protection.
America became the greatest nation in human history because a dedicated band of Patriots believed their God-given rights were worth fighting for, even if it meant challenging the world’s most powerful nation in what many deemed a “hopeless” cause.
Being free meant so much to our forefathers that they put everything on the line – and thousands sacrificed their lives – to give the promise of liberty to not only their children and grandchildren, but to generations they knew they would never even meet.
Their courage and determination guaranteed they would defy the odds and achieve victory.
In this critical election, you and I must decide if the principles of limited government and personal freedom are worth fighting for once again.
Since I’m asking for your vote and your trust to lead this nation, let me tell you a little bit about my background and beliefs.
My parents raised my four brothers and me on a dairy near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where they set clear examples for each of us about faith, honest living, and individual responsibility. Their Christian values helped inspire two of my brothers to eventually enter the ministry, and provided me with the foundation I needed to practice medicine and one day become a U.S. Representative.
In addition to my time in Congress, I am proud to have delivered over 4,000 babies as a country doctor in Texas. As I trained to practice medicine, I became convinced without a doubt that life begins at the moment of conception. I never performed an abortion, and I never once found an abortion necessary to save the life of the mother. In fact, I successfully helped women struggling with their pregnancies to seek other options, including adoption.
I am running to Restore America Now, and by that I mean that it’s time to protect and promote the basic God-given rights inherent in the promise of America.
We must pass on our heritage of liberty to the next generation – not tens of trillions of dollars in debt and liabilities.
We must stand for life – not allow millions of innocent children to continue to be slaughtered with the government’s approval.
We must follow the Biblical mandate of using honest weights and measures – not printing money out of thin air in almost complete secrecy and then handing it over to oppressive dictators.
We must only send our men and women to fight for our country when the mission is clear, every necessary tool needed to win is provided, and we respect the Constitution by declaring war.
Once war is declared, it must be waged according to Just War principles. We should only fight when it’s in our national security interest, and we should no longer do the corrupt United Nation’s bidding by policing the world.
In Congress, I never vote for any piece of legislation that violates the Constitution’s strict limits on government power. I also do not participate in the congressional pension system.
As President, I give you my word that I will only exercise my authority within the confines of the Constitution, and I will work every day to rein in a runaway federal government by binding it with the chains of that document.
For my stands and beliefs, I am told that my efforts are “hopeless.” Like those who were proud to stand up for what they knew was right to create our nation, however, I firmly believe that now is a better time than ever before to reclaim our liberties. No situation is hopeless for those who receive their strength from their faith, family, and freedom.
And like those Patriots, I have no doubt that liberty will prevail.
I invite you to join me and millions of other Americans in taking our stand to honor our forefathers’ sacrifices and Restore America Now.

For Liberty,
Ron Paul

13th March 2012, 07:30 AM
Thanks Awoke, my pleasure, it is from WRH I think, everyone here
should be looking at their headlines daily, they are like hounds with
good finds and stay on issues that matter, doing it right.

Someone may have already posted this.

I don't want to sound defeatist, but at least there is some vindication for us.

More surprising is this made the Las Vegas paper:



14th March 2012, 05:06 AM
Thanks Gonzo.