View Full Version : Will Ron Paul take second place...

7th February 2012, 03:52 PM
in any of the states tonight against the Jewish funded war for Israel candidates?

Tell me he won't be in last place again?

7th February 2012, 04:01 PM
My money's on last, because the fix is clearly in.

Well, maybe at some point the fraud will become obvious even to the sheep.

Buuuut, I'm not holding my breath.

7th February 2012, 04:03 PM
My money's on last, because the fix is clearly in.

I think you know as well as I, the only way to win is by our blood.

7th February 2012, 05:47 PM
Good to see many Ron Paul'ites in Minnisota! eh!

Missouri is anti-constitution anti-liberty and is happy with big spending, big government, big war for Israel and a welfare state.

I'm really disgusted with this country.
How can people not vote for our modern day Thomas Jefferson?
There will never be another man like him in our time.

7th February 2012, 05:52 PM
C'mon EE, it's not the people being stupid, they all voted RP, it's that Diebold counted the votes.

7th February 2012, 06:35 PM
C'mon EE, it's not the people being stupid, they all voted RP, it's that Diebold counted the votes.

It's possible? Watching the CNN Jews...reporting from Wolfowitz, Spellman, Dana Bash all Jews.
If Jews are doing all the reporting and handling the votes too...it's rigged.

7th February 2012, 06:44 PM
We need an EE_N channel.

Then you could just give your own results stating Paul won.

7th February 2012, 06:58 PM
It's possible? Watching the CNN Jews...reporting from Wolfowitz, Spellman, Dana Bash all Jews.
If Jews are doing all the reporting and handling the votes too...it's rigged.

Jeez... ya think??

7th February 2012, 11:18 PM
Results for Minnesota Republican Caucus (U.S. Presidential Primary)Feb 07, 2012 (93% of precincts reporting)
Rick Santorum 21,420, 44.8%
Ron Paul 13,023, 27.2%
Mitt Romney 8,090, 16.9%
Newt Gingrich 5,128, 10.7%
Other 140, 0.3%

8th February 2012, 07:33 AM
Results for Minnesota Republican Caucus (U.S. Presidential Primary)Feb 07, 2012 (93% of precincts reporting)
Rick Santorum 21,420, 44.8%
Ron Paul 13,023, 27.2%
Mitt Romney 8,090, 16.9%
Newt Gingrich 5,128, 10.7%
Other 140, 0.3%

Wow, Paul came in 2nd over Mitt and Newt! Not enough to really make a difference overall, but exciting nonetheless!

mick silver
8th February 2012, 09:33 AM
half the people in this country are getting a free ride in life free food , daycare , free house to live in , having babys you cannot feed an wanting some one else to feed an take care of 8 of them, i can go on an on with this list . till this stops there no turning back . i see this as clear as day light now, RON PAUL CAN NOT WIN as long as people wanting to ride free are not made to take part in life there no turning back . they will never give up the ride for someone else to pay for there way of life to be given to them . so i will say this again ... IT HURTS WHEN I SAY THIS BUT RON PAUL CAN NOT WIN TILL THIS COUNTRY IS BROKE and everyone that is taxes are as broke as the guy down the street that does nothing to help his self . over 3/4 of the leaders want a welfare state

8th February 2012, 10:15 AM
Ipsos/Reuters Poll: February 2012 (http://www.ipsos-na.com/news-polls/pressrelease.aspx?id=5512)

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

"...Mitt Romney continues to lead among Republican voters, currently at 29% vs. Ron Paul at 21%, Newt Gingrich at 19% and Rick Santorum at 18%. Even though he’s won three contests in the last month, Romney’s national support is essentially unchanged from what we observed just after the Iowa Caucuses (30%: Jan 9, 2012)."

"...Paul (+5 percentage points) and Santorum (+5 percentage points) have both gained a little...."

mick silver
8th February 2012, 04:15 PM
back to the top

8th February 2012, 07:45 PM
Wow, Paul came in 2nd over Mitt and Newt! Not enough to really make a difference overall, but exciting nonetheless!

Yeah, that's cool (of course) but don't you wonder how Santorum is 1st? Yikes! Seriously? Santorum?

8th February 2012, 07:57 PM
Yeah, that's cool (of course) but don't you wonder how Santorum is 1st? Yikes! Seriously? Santorum?

This country is insane, so naturally people will believe that a dude as fooked in the head as Santorum has real support.

8th February 2012, 08:10 PM
Yeah, that's cool (of course) but don't you wonder how Santorum is 1st? Yikes! Seriously? Santorum?

This might come a surprise to everyone but...

The Money Man Behind Rick Santorum is Foster S. Friess
See full article from DailyFinance: http://srph.it/zOZJx4

Newt Gingrich has casino mogul Sheldon Adelson

Mitt Romney has Goldman Sachs

8th February 2012, 11:09 PM
This might come a surprise to everyone but...

The Money Man Behind Rick Santorum is Foster S. Friess
See full article from DailyFinance: http://srph.it/zOZJx4

Newt Gingrich has casino mogul Sheldon Adelson

Mitt Romney has Goldman Sachs

And RP has my 200 bux... we need help.

9th February 2012, 08:34 AM

Ron Paul Winning the Battle for Delegates

Campaign is well-positioned in delegate race
LAKE JACKSON, Texas – The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign released the following statement regarding the results of yesterday’s election results. See comments below from Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Manager John Tate.

“We are thrilled with the yesterday’s results. Our campaign to Restore America continues to gain ground, and we are poised to pick up even more delegates from Minnesota and Colorado adding to our delegates in Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada.

“As people across the country view the results of yesterday’s contests, it is important to consider a few facts that have not been clearly reported. Not one single delegate was awarded yesterday, instead the caucuses in Minnesota and Colorado were the very first step in the delegate selection process. And there are still over 40 states left to go. The Ron Paul campaign plans to continue to vie for delegates nationwide.

“There are a few significant takeaways from yesterday’s contests to remember:

1) The Missouri primary means nothing. It was a non-binding beauty contest, and the contest that matters in the ‘show me’ state won’t take place for another month. The Ron Paul campaign is well positioned to win delegates in Missouri’s caucus a month from now.

2) As in Iowa where not 1 of the 28 delegates has been awarded yet, in Colorado and Nevada the Paul campaign will do very well in the state delegate counts. We will have good numbers among the actual delegates awarded, far exceeding our straw poll numbers.

3) In Minnesota where we have finished a solid second, we also have a strong majority of the state convention delegates, and the process to elect delegates has also just begun, the Paul campaign is well-organized to win the bulk of delegates there.

“We are confident in gaining a much larger share of delegates than even our impressive showing yesterday indicates. As an example of our campaign’s delegate strength, take a look at what has occurred in Colorado:

In one precinct in Larimer County, the straw poll vote was 23 for Santorum, 13 for Paul, 5 for Romney, 2 for Gingrich. There were 13 delegate slots, and Ron Paul got ALL 13.

In a precinct in Delta County the vote was 22 for Santorum, 12 for Romney, 8 for Paul, 7 for Gingrich. There were 5 delegate slots, and ALL 5 went to Ron Paul.

In a Pueblo County precinct, the vote was 16 for Santorum, 11 for Romney, 3 for Gingrich and 2 for Paul. There were 2 delegate slots filled, and both were filled by Ron Paul supporters.

We are also seeing the same trends in Minnesota, Nevada, and Iowa, and in Missouri as well.

“We may well win Minnesota, and do far better in Colorado than yesterday’s polls indicate.

“In the latest national poll from Reuters/Ipsos Poll, Ron Paul places a strong second with 21 percent, gaining ground on his main competitor nationally, Mitt Romney, whose support seems to be fading at 29 percent. Congressman Paul’s support has grown by 5 percentage points nationally since January, while Romney has seen a 30 percent decline in his support since January.

“This poll follows a January 30th Gallup Poll showing Dr. Paul within the margin of error of defeating Obama. Also, a January 16th CNN/ORC Poll showed Congressman Paul and Obama in a virtual tie in a general election showdown.

“Yesterday’s contests were significant, but not a decisive or a conclusive end to this race. Our campaign will keep pushing forward and continue to take our message of liberty all the way to the convention. This race after all is about delegates, not about beauty contests.”


Straw Polls vs. Collecting Delegates

Last night was a good night for Ron Paul. But it was a better night than many might realize.

The desire to accumulate as many delegates as possible has long been the campaign’s primary focus. After all, this is how one becomes the nominee. But collecting delegates is not the same thing as winning the straw polls, which obviously make the headlines.

Ron Paul 2012 campaign chairman John Tate explains:

“We are thrilled with the yesterday’s results. Our campaign to Restore America continues to gain ground, and we are poised to pick up even more delegates from Minnesota and Colorado adding to our delegates in Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada.

“As people across the country view the results of yesterday’s contests, it is important to consider a few facts that have not been clearly reported. Not one single delegate was awarded yesterday, instead the caucuses in Minnesota and Colorado were the very first step in the delegate selection process. And there are still over 40 states left to go. The Ron Paul campaign plans to continue to vie for delegates nationwide.”

Indeed. Below is a pie chart created by a supporter that shows how Paul’s straw poll performance measures against collecting delegates in particular Colorado precincts. You will notice in each example, the delegates selected exceed the straw poll results. To say the least:

9th February 2012, 08:55 AM
Can someone explain how these caucus states work? How committed are the delegates and to whom? How does the straw poll relate to the delegate choice?

I need to check out this post: http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?58791-New-Reality-Check-by-Ben-Swann-on-Delegates&p=515474&viewfull=1#post515474

9th February 2012, 12:04 PM
Wow the above makes me optimistic again!

9th February 2012, 05:57 PM
Can someone explain how these caucus states work? How committed are the delegates and to whom? How does the straw poll relate to the delegate choice?

I need to check out this post: http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?58791-New-Reality-Check-by-Ben-Swann-on-Delegates&p=515474&viewfull=1#post515474
