View Full Version : Iran evades US sanctions by paying with gold

9th February 2012, 07:12 AM
Good for them!

Iran evades US sanctions by paying with gold (http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Latest-News-Wires/2012/0209/Iran-evades-US-sanctions-by-paying-with-gold)

Iran bought 200,000 tons of Australian, and possibly US, wheat last week with gold. Commodities traders say Iran is also pitching oil barter deals for grains.

9th February 2012, 07:18 AM
Iran is so going to be bombed into oblivion for shunning the dollar

9th February 2012, 08:08 AM
Especially considering that the USD is the accepted currency for OPEC countries, and the USA has the printing presses for the USD.

Basically they get their oil for free, with their home-made oil coupons, and force everyone else to use their home made oil coupons. Iran is going to get "liberated" sooner rather than later, I'm willing to bet.

9th February 2012, 10:21 AM
I think Austrailia will have a stern talking to...

9th February 2012, 10:33 AM
Wouldn't it be funny if Iran was paying with Tungesten gold?

mick silver
9th February 2012, 12:43 PM
our country getting good at making war with other country . be the best you can be . war with iran can not be to far off . i would almost bet it under way right now in many many ways . there stuff going on we the slaves will never know

Silver Rocket Bitches!
9th February 2012, 01:00 PM
Soon we'll hear about Iran throwing babies out of incubators.

Twisted Titan
9th February 2012, 01:02 PM
Iran Gold

The link to terrorism is now complete

If you own gold coins you must be in concert with americas enemies

9th February 2012, 01:25 PM
A Very Different Take On The "Iran Barters Gold For Food" Story (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/very-different-take-iran-barters-food-story)

Much has been made of today's Reuters story (http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/02/09/us-iran-wheat-idUSTRE8180SF20120209)how "Iran turns to barter for food as sanctions cripple imports" in which we learn that "Iran is turning to barter - offering gold bullion in overseas vaults or tankerloads of oil - in return for food", and whose purpose no doubt is to demonstrate just how crippled the Iranian economy is as a result of the ongoing US embargo. Incidentally this story is 100% the opposite of the Debka-spun groundless disinformation from a few weeks ago that India was preparing to pay for Iran's oil in gold (they got the asset right, but the flow of funds direction hopelessly wrong). While there is certainly truth to the fact that the US is actively seeking to destabilize the local government, we wonder why? After all as the opportunity cost for the existing regime to do something drastic gets ever lower as the popular resentment rises, leaving the local administration with few options but to engage either the US or Israel. Unless of course, this is the ultimate goal. Yet going back to the Reuters story, it would be quite dramatic, if only it was not the case that Iran has been laying the groundwork for a barter economy for many months now, something which various other analysts perceive as the basis for the destruction of the petrodollar system. Perhaps regular readers will recall that back in July, we wrote an article titled "China And Iran To Bypass Dollar, Plan Oil Barter System (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/china-and-iran-bypass-dollar-plan-oil-barter-system-and-deeper-dive-iranian-oil-bourse)." Specifically, we wrote that "according to the FT (http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/2082e954-b604-11e0-8bed-00144feabdc0.html#axzz1T33qTWDK), China has decided to commence a barter system in which Iranian oil is exchanged directly for Chinese exports. The net result: not only a slap for the US Dollar, but implicitly for all fiat intermediaries, as Iran and China are about to prove that when it comes to exchanging hard resources for critical Chinese goods and services, the world's so called reserve currency is completely irrelevant." Seen in this light the fact that Iran is actually proceeding with a barter system, something that had been in the works for quite a while, actually puts the Reuters story in a totally different light: instead of one predicting the imminent demise of the Iranian economy, the conclusion is inverted, and underscores the culmination of what may have been an extended barter preparation period, has finally gone from beta to (pardon the pun) gold, and Iran is now successfully engaging in global trade without the use of the historical reserve currency.

9th February 2012, 01:51 PM
our country getting good at making war with other country . be the best you can be . war with iran can not be to far off . i would almost bet it under way right now in many many ways . there stuff going on we the slaves will never know

I have a thread on this. What are people waiting for a declaration?

9th February 2012, 01:54 PM
A Very Different Take On The "Iran Barters Gold For Food" Story (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/very-different-take-iran-barters-food-story)

It's a very interesting point and indicates they have been planning this for some time.

Chess, not checkers.

10th February 2012, 04:54 PM
It's a very interesting point and indicates they have been planning this for some time.

Chess, not checkers.

Well, our zio-media likes to keep us jumping like crickets rather than contemplate why the pieces are being moved.

10th February 2012, 05:54 PM
i have heard that Iran has no oil refineries.

anybody know if that's right ?

i'd be happy to buy diesel & unleaded right from them - but a 55 gallon drum of crude oil will do me no good.

i hear they have this rabid mad dog neighbor that they need to defend themselves against.