View Full Version : The Smart Way to Change the System

Hatha Sunahara
9th February 2012, 09:17 AM
I was struck by the article below. Isn't this what GSUS is all about? Aren't a lot of us looking for effective ways to get around the system? Aren't a lot of us open to change our own behavior when it will yield positive results?

I think this is the reason the Soviet Union collapsed--from a lack of participation. Or participation only when there were benefits to participating?

One change that is in everyone's power to make is to stop paying attention to the Mainstream Media. Assume it is all lies.

'Getting off the grid' is another change we can make. Being self reliant is another one. Bartering for stuff (to avoid using money) is another one. I can think of dozens of things that will make my life better and stab this rotten system in the heart. Can you think of any?


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Revolutionaries: The Best Way to Tear Down the System is to Build Something New (http://www.activistpost.com/2012/02/revolutionaries-best-way-to-tear-down.html)
Eric Blair
Activist Post (http://www.activistpost.com/2012/02/revolutionaries-best-way-to-tear-down.html)

Due to gross injustices built into the current system, angry mobs of disenfranchised protesters are pushing most of the world to the edge of global revolution. It's wonderful to see people find solidarity in opposing the destructive nature of the system.

However, the idea that the public will ever force the entrenched corporate-states around the world to bend to their will because they're on the streets is very unlikely. Even if the protests become violent riots like in Greece, the controllers will not release their clutches. In fact, history says they'll only tighten them.

Additionally, those seeking systematic solutions all seem well-intentioned and deserve credit for offering ideas. But the more we understand that the system's creators and beneficiaries don't want it to change, the more we realize that even apparent solutions will never take place unless they're co-opted to fit the needs of the controllers. Therefore, so-called collective solutions forced by the current system of control are not likely to benefit the general public even if it appears that more crumbs are offered to the peasants.

There seems to be an awful lot of energy being spent fighting against the system, which is akin to swimming upstream.
We're getting nowhere fast and it's zapping our energy, as it seems intended to do. We mustn't concern ourselves with what other people are doing. Their behavior is and always will be out of our control. Attempting to control people's behavior is at the heart of what's wrong with the current system; therefore, why would we think that imposing our flavor of control would taste any better? It won't.

What if each of us focused our energy on figuratively building our own rafts to float against the current? What if each raft represented a productive individual solution? And what would happen if each disenfranchised protester stopped demanding something, and, instead, simply started creating the change?

I'm not talking about solutions like drafting a petition or a certain piece of legislation and collecting signatures to influence government. That is the perfect example of swimming upstream. Even if successful, it will just use the guns of government to force your ideas on the public, which will never work no matter how noble your collective solution may seem.

I'm talking about taking a systematic problem that you're most passionate about, identifying a change you can make in your personal life to limit your contribution to the problem, while also finding a tangible alternative to fully support. Ideally, this tangible alternative would be market-based to allow you to make a living while being the change you wish to see in the world.

For example, if you're passionate about clean energy as part of the solution, don't waste time railing against dirty energy. Focus on what you can do in your own life. Limit your use of dirty energy, install solar panels on your house, start an alternative energy blog or business, organize an energy cooperative for your community to become cleaner and more self-sufficient, or all of the above.

If enough people took to this initiative on their own terms, the diversity of action would destroy the current energy paradigm much faster than holding a sign and screaming about nuclear energy, oil cartels, or safer working conditions for coal miners.

Or, if you oppose corporate farming and factory food production, don't just spend all of your time informing people as to the evils of such a system -- also live the change and help others to do so. Produce your own food and share with your local collective, or simply buy directly from your local farmers. Teach courses in organic foods or better farming techniques. Raise funds or produce management or marketing tools for local organic farmers. In other words, harness all of the energy you can muster into productive personal goals, and the solutions will blossom around you.

As such, if each of us removes the fuel that we contribute to the inferno, its flame would burn out. While at the same time, we'll find fulfillment in living out our passions for the material betterment of ourselves and the collective benefit of society.

If each of us does something we believe in and are passionate about, no amount of force can stop the entropy of the change. There won't be one message that can be co-opted, or one law that can be written to stop its advance, or one group of protesters that can be minimized. The weight of collective energy of individuals creating something new in a multitude of arenas will cause the old abusive system to cave in on itself. No hate-filled slogans necessary. No demolition needed. No violence required.

It's time to be the change.

9th February 2012, 01:50 PM
non violent non compliance. The only solution IMO. Everything else we could do just feeds the system. An alternative is the people could devalue the system. It would look like supporting the system but it would be over supporting the system, which would lead to a devaluation of the dollar to zero and a need for a reset. The Govt and banks are doing this, flooding the market with credit, in some controlled way but the people could jump in there and do it themselves and much faster AND TPTB could do little to hold it back. IMO it would be a tsunami that would simply smash them into nothing.

9th February 2012, 05:39 PM
Excellent, positive energy post, Hatha! Thank you.

9th February 2012, 05:51 PM
If each of us does something we believe in and are passionate about, no amount of force can stop the entropy of the change.
Me and Ron Paul are pretty passionate about seeing the Fed burned to the ground...any ideas?

Everything else will fall in place.

9th February 2012, 06:04 PM
Me and Ron Paul are pretty passionate about seeing the Fed burned to the ground...any ideas?

Everything else will fall in place.

Stop using Federal Reserve Notes. There are alternatives.

9th February 2012, 06:06 PM
You really don't need to change the system. That is termed "civil disobedience". If you are not a part of the system then it has no impact upon you and truly does not even exist. Get a grasp on the concept of "foreign", "alien" and "domestic" rather than presuming everything must be considered directed at you.

If the system is "foreign" then why bother changing it? You cannot change others opinions or ideas. You can only present your own and then let others choose what they will do.

Those that will not govern themselves will be governed by others. You must learn to be self-governing.

Control yourself.

9th February 2012, 06:50 PM
IMO, the best way to change the system is to make it widely known who the manipulators and beneficiaries of the current system are. It is the way it is only because it's not widely known.

Uncle Salty
10th February 2012, 12:36 AM
non violent non compliance


It's as simple as that.

And don't fuckin vote either. If no one showed up to vote, they system would collapse immediately as everyone would then see they have no legitimate power.

10th February 2012, 01:07 AM
I think he's right. Here are some good threads on the topic, maybe someone should email him these links:


Surprisingly, there seemed to be quite little interest for them on the forum.

Twisted Titan
10th February 2012, 02:20 AM
Own as much hard currrency as your budget will allow

Own Tangibles that will always be useful

Have the abilty to effectively protect yourself and property.

The system will collapse under the weight of its own corruption

Hatha Sunahara
10th February 2012, 09:04 AM
One effective way I have discovered to promote change is to point out absurdities in the system. This is honing your skills at presenting 'black humor'. The Russians did that prior to the fall of the Soviet Union. I remember a joke from back then.

A man saved his money for 10 years to buy a car. When he had enough money to buy the car, he goes to the state dealership and tells them he wants his chosen model and opens his box full of cash. The dealer tells him that he can take the cash, but cannot deliver the car right away. "When can you deliver the car", he asks. "Oh, it will be in about 10 years."

So the man asks "Will that be in the morning or the afternoon?" And the dealer says 'Why do you want to know?"

"Well," he says, "I have a plumber coming in the morning."

Ridicule gets results. It wakes people up. Most people recognize absurdity as humor. The crueler and funnier the jokes, the closer the system is to collapse. I'd certainly like to hear some jokes about banksters. The late night talk show hosts seem to have no trouble at all lambasting politicians. There is also some comedy about corporate 'improvised language'.

The bottom line though is that people will find ways to exploit the system for their own benefit. In a world where the propaganda is 'From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.' People will find a way to minimize their workload and maximize their reward for the piddling amount of work they do. Eventually no one is working (supporting the system) and the rulers are responsible for providing what they promise, which they cannot do--and it all falls apart a la the Soviet Union.
