View Full Version : Lightning kills an entire football team

9th February 2012, 02:58 PM
Lightning kills an entire football team (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/lightning-kills-an-entire-football-team-1181336.html)

FOOTBALL FANS in the central African state of Congo were hurling accusations of witchcraft at each other yesterday after a freak blast of lightning struck dead an entire team on the playing field while their opponents were left completely untouched. The bizarre blow by the weather to all 11 members of the football team was reported in the daily newspaper L'Avenir in Kinshasa, the capital of Congo.

"Lightning killed at a stroke 11 young people aged between 20 and 35 years during a football match," the newspaper reported . It went on to say that 30 other people had received burns at the weekend match, held in the eastern province of Kasai. "The athletes from Basanga [the home team] curiously came out of this catastrophe unscathed."

The suspicion that the black arts might be involved arose firstly because the opposing team emerged unharmed and then again because the score at the time was a delicately balanced one all.

"The exact nature of the lightning has divided the population in this region which is known for its use of fetishes in football," the newspaper commented.
Much of the detail about the match remains obscure as the Congo - officially known as the Democratic Republic of Congo - remains stricken by civil war between the government of Laurent Kabila and rebel forces, backed by neighbouring Rwanda, in the east of the country.

Witchcraft is often blamed for adverse natural phenomena throughout western and central Africa. It is relatively frequent for football teams to hire witchdoctors to place hexes on their opponents.

In a similar, though less deadly incident in South Africa over the weekend, six players from a local team were hurt when lightning struck the playing field during a thunderstorm.


9th February 2012, 03:08 PM
Could anyone imagine if this had happened during the Superbowl? (too many key words here I'd rather not use)

9th February 2012, 03:15 PM
Could anyone imagine if this had happened during the Superbowl? (too many key words here I'd rather not use)

If something similar appeared here, we would probably claim scary moozlims did it.

9th February 2012, 03:37 PM
If something similar appeared here, we would probably claim scary moozlims did it.

We'd bomb the hell outa heaven.

9th February 2012, 04:44 PM
it's not really football, it's soccer, so who cares.

9th February 2012, 04:56 PM
it's not really football, it's soccer, so who cares.

Tis only the rest of the world that calls it football!

16th February 2012, 11:24 PM
Tis only the rest of the world that calls it football!

Accept in Australia so...... what he said:

it's not really football, it's soccer, so who cares.

17th February 2012, 05:49 AM
It is relatively frequent for football teams to hire witchdoctors to place hexes on their opponents.Really, What other explanation is there other than witchcraft?

If they were the visitors, could they have been given conducting spikes on their shoes & the field hard wired to the billboard?

17th February 2012, 06:08 AM
The suspicion that the black arts might be involved arose firstly because the opposing team emerged unharmed and then again because the score at the time was a delicately balanced one all.

Yah, but think about it. Have you ever seen a soccer game that wasn't tied at one all?