View Full Version : FreedomWatch canceled !

9th February 2012, 03:06 PM
They are going to run repeats instead.

FOX Business Network (FBN) will debut a new primetime schedule featuring encore presentations of the channel's top post-market programs, announced Kevin Magee, Executive Vice President of the network. Starting February 20th at 8 PM/ET, viewers will find additional airings of The Willis Report (5PM & 8PM/ET), Cavuto (6PM & 9PM/ET) and Lou Dobbs Tonight (7PM & 10PM/ET). The new lineup will replace FreedomWatch with Judge Andrew Napolitano, Power & Money with David Asman and Follow the Money with Eric Bolling.

9th February 2012, 03:08 PM
Green shoots!

9th February 2012, 03:11 PM
Hmm... I wonder what this is all about. I would bet the show would have covered the vote fraud and they don't want any coverage on it.

9th February 2012, 03:15 PM
I knew the good judge was going to get in trouble for speaking on Ron Paul's behalf.
Just another media censor of Ron Paul.
What a shame.

The new shows replacing the judge, will promote more war for Israel, big government spending and trashing of the constitution.

9th February 2012, 04:04 PM
In all honesty the FBC..Faux biz channel has been the red headed orphan misfit from day one, they practically begged people to call their cable co's and demand it. It's an off shoot of the reg faux channel and it's not making them any $$ as it stood. I'll bet if they put Freedom Watch up against O'riely FW would smoke his sorry ass but they'll never go for that shit.

9th February 2012, 07:44 PM
That's the saddest news I've heard in a long time! I hope the Judge lands something bigger and better.

LT, The Judge was on directly in the same time slot as O'Reilly. That's how I stumbled onto him.

I'll be canceling the bigger satellite package and going to just the basics. History, NatGeo and everything else has gone downhill too. I never thought I'd say that I've enjoyed watching CommieNewsNetwork, but it sure has been entertaining!

I hope more people slam the door shut on Fox.

9th February 2012, 08:43 PM
Maybe the judge has other plans too? RP needs a running mate :)

9th February 2012, 09:10 PM
I was just reading Keiser saying how they get better ratings on their web show. Then I read Napolitano is out of as job. Hope he launches his own web channel.

9th February 2012, 09:13 PM
yep! those bastards. Here is the last show.


9th February 2012, 09:22 PM
That'll do-er. It looks to me this show is why he got canned.
The truth will never do for Fox news

He fits the description of a terror!st by the DHs standard

9th February 2012, 10:26 PM
It seems like he didn't know he was going to lose his show, because at the end he said "every night of the week". If that's the case, it must have been that last show that finally pushed fox over the edge.

Twisted Titan
10th February 2012, 02:32 AM

10th February 2012, 04:09 AM
Fox Business Network Cancels Judge Andrew Napolitano's Freedom Watch (http://reason.com/blog/2012/02/09/fox-business-networks-cancels-judge-andr)

Matt Welch (http://reason.com/people/matt-welch) | February 9, 2012
http://media.reason.com/mc/mwelch/2012_02/cover_Judge.jpg?h=400&w=305Bad news, freedom fighters! Judge Andrew Napolitano's Freedom Watch (http://www.foxbusiness.com/on-air/freedom-watch/index.html), the best damned daily libertarian news & argument show in the history of television (name a better one!), has gotten the axe from Fox Business Network. From the press release (http://www.marketwatch.com/story/fox-business-network-adds-encore-presentations-of-marquee-business-programming-2012-02-09):

FOX Business Network (FBN) will debut a new primetime schedule featuring encore presentations of the channel's top post-market programs, announced Kevin Magee, Executive Vice President of the network. Starting February 20th at 8 PM/ET, viewers will find additional airings of The Willis Report (5PM & 8PM/ET), Cavuto (6PM & 9PM/ET) and Lou Dobbs Tonight (7PM & 10PM/ET). The new lineup will replace FreedomWatch with Judge Andrew Napolitano, Power & Money with David Asman and Follow the Money with Eric Bolling. [...]
In making the announcement Magee said, "Neil Cavuto, Lou Dobbs and Gerri Willis are the most trusted names in business news and this new lineup affords FOX Business viewers additional access to their no-nonsense take on the day's financial events. We look forward to Judge Napolitano, David and Eric continuing to make significant contributions to both FOX Business and FOX News. In addition to daily branded segments, each of them will be showcased throughout future programming on both networks."
Currently one of the leading judicial analysts on television, Judge Napolitano will continue his role on both FOX Business and FOX News, providing key legal insights surrounding the growing intersection between Washington and Wall Street. [...] Stossel, hosted by John Stossel, will continue Thursdays at 10PM/ET.
Well, boo (except for that last sentence).
Freedom Watch was a great friend to Reason (http://www.reason.tv/search/results/?cx=008464844096355058633%3Aotxhgw7gdei&cof=FORID%3A9&ie=UTF-8&q=%22Freedom+Watch%22&sa=search&siteurl=reason.tv%2F), of course, but more importantly to anyone worried about the size and growth of government in all aspects of our lives. And despite (or maybe because of?) the show's stronger-than-usual ideological/philosophical content, the judge knew (and knows!) how to run a perfectly respectful debate with people who disagree strongly with him, which is a rarity in the cable world. Television needs more spaces like that.
Read Judge Napolitano's cover story (http://reason.com/archives/2011/12/19/restraining-orders) in the January 2012 issue of Reason. Here's Nick Gillespie interviewing the judge (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lA_Yl_JCdFg&feature=player_embedded) in November:

And here's the judge speaking at a Reason event (http://reason.tv/video/show/napolitano-at-reason-in-dc) in 2007:

11th February 2012, 08:32 AM
apperently next week is his last week. He does seemed pissed in the very last closing line of the vid "defending freedom, where ever they let me....." throws arms out.


11th February 2012, 08:58 AM
apperently next week is his last week. He does seemed pissed in the very last closing line of the vid "defending freedom, where ever they let me....." throws arms out.


What if the good judge did that whole segment without the "what if's" ?
What if?

11th February 2012, 10:28 AM
Napolitanostein is controlled opposition. Anyone that the Jewsmedia gives more publicity to than they have to is controlled opposition, especially if he looks like a Jew.

WHY do you people think FOX gave Napolitano as much publicity as they did???

It doesn't matter if controlled opposition tells us everything we already know. There are many level of controlled opposition.

11th February 2012, 12:16 PM
Napolitanostein is controlled opposition. Anyone that the Jewsmedia gives more publicity to than they have to is controlled opposition, especially if he looks like a Jew.

WHY do you people think FOX gave Napolitano as much publicity as they did???

It doesn't matter if controlled opposition tells us everything we already know. There are many level of controlled opposition. if he WAS purely controlled opposition he'd still have a job there. remember lou dobbs?

11th February 2012, 02:25 PM
if he WAS purely controlled opposition he'd still have a job there. remember lou dobbs?Lou dobbstein retired.

They always leave at least one puppet in place so we can feel represented in the media.

11th February 2012, 02:47 PM
I just don't believe that. There are good people within the system trying to do the right thing. The Elite control nothing 100%. That's just not possible.

7th trump
11th February 2012, 02:53 PM
I've been on thats site forum http://freedomwatch.uservoice.com/forums/16625-freedom-watch-show-ideas/suggestions/180526-cracking-the-code-by-pete-hendrickson?ref=title for about a year now (as jesse james) explaining taxes to this idiot (johnthetaxist) who beleives in David merrills (whos legally incompetent) redemption theory of lawful money.
As far as I'm concerned the site can go down.

11th February 2012, 03:01 PM
I just don't believe that. There are good people within the system trying to do the right thing. The Elite control nothing 100%. That's just not possible.

They control mass media 100%

11th February 2012, 05:22 PM
Lou dobbstein retired.

They always leave at least one puppet in place so we can feel represented in the media.
i was saying, that dobbstein WAS controlled opposition as his entire audience was drawn in on his anti illegal immigration stance ,which ,when it came to getting a new job he 100% REVERSED his so called principals on the issue. def controlled zio stooge. the judge? well if any msm outlet hires him OR he changes then,yes hes owned...but if not, the sheenies were just cleaning house.

11th February 2012, 05:57 PM
i was saying, that dobbstein WAS controlled opposition as his entire audience was drawn in on his anti illegal immigration stance ,which ,when it came to getting a new job he 100% REVERSED his so called principals on the issue. def controlled zio stooge. the judge? well if any msm outlet hires him OR he changes then,yes hes owned...but if not, the sheenies were just cleaning house.They don't need to clean house, they don't put goys in positions of influence in the first place. They do understand the need to fill voids. That's what Dobbs and Napolitano do. What if they didn't fill these voids? The masters of information control have asked themselves that question....and these guys are the answer.
Dobbs and nappy may dissapear, or one of them may appear as a political candidate and the goyim will flock to him.

My question in post #16 remains unanswered:
WHY do you people think FOX gave Napolitano as much publicity as they did?

11th February 2012, 07:06 PM
if he reappears in the msm then your right, if they airbrush him from memory,then not. i know they control everything media.....but thats not to say everyone who works for them KNOWS what the real beliefs of their bosses are...they act out of subtilty and deceit as naturally as a serpent....time will tell and im too jaded to hope anymore.

11th February 2012, 08:11 PM
WHY do you people think FOX gave Napolitano as much publicity as they did???

1) To gauge the opposition. It was simply a litmus test.

2) For the Money. Freedom is popular!

11th February 2012, 09:53 PM
1) To gauge the opposition. It was simply a litmus test. I'm not sure I know what you mean.

2) For the Money. Freedom is popular!They have the power to issue trillions out of thin air. Media isn't a business they use to make money, it's a tool they use to maintain the Federal Reserve and keep secrets.

11th February 2012, 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by BabushkaLady
1) To gauge the opposition. It was simply a litmus test.
I'm not sure I know what you mean.

In other terms: If you notice the sheep aren't eating the food you've been feeding them year after year, put something out and see if they bite.

The Judge's show was very popular. I don't believe he is controlled opposition--most likely just a tool used by FBN.

The RP Revolution is growing everyday; Fox knows it; "They" know it. This won't stop just because RP doesn't win the nomination. NDAA and every other plan is their pre-emptive strike at the Freedom Movement.

2) For the Money. Freedom is popular!
They have the power to issue trillions out of thin air. Media isn't a business they use to make money, it's a tool they use to maintain the Federal Reserve and keep secrets.

Fox is still a FOR PROFIT business. Ratings and money go hand in hand.

Fox may be a puppet for "They"; but Fox still has shareholders.

Your original question:

Originally Posted by hoarder
WHY do you people think FOX gave Napolitano as much publicity as they did

D sciple
12th February 2012, 01:10 AM
Freedom watch was one big Ron Paul commercial.

To what end....Idk...

12th February 2012, 07:14 AM
Now that the judge is gone, maybe it's time for Ron Paul to step aside or anyone else that speaks this nonsense of freedom, liberty and constitution?
That way all the Khazar worshipping Fox Christian conservatives can rally together and chant for death and slaughter of innocent people that have never attacked us.
Let's kick this Christian conservative death machine for Israel into high gear!

12th February 2012, 08:22 AM
I sent an email to the person who decided to cut the Napolitano.
Couldn't hurt and letting them know people were watching.


I ask you to reconsider canceling Judge Napolitano's show.
It is among the very few shows on any Fox network that I make a point to watch.

In fact I suggest you broadcast it on the regular Fox channel as well as Business channel.

It is alarming to me that among all the dreck Fox broadcasts, the Judge's show, a very high quality presentation,
is the one Fox decides to remove.

It appears you are attempting to limit useful information about the mis-governing of the US being shown.

This is either a very, very poor decision or outright shameful conduct on your part.

I ask you to reverse this cancellation.

12th February 2012, 08:33 AM
I sent an email to the person who decided to cut the Napolitano.
Couldn't hurt and letting them know people were watching.


I ask you to reconsider canceling Judge Napolitano's show.
It is among the very few shows on any Fox network that I make a point to watch.

In fact I suggest you broadcast it on the regular Fox channel as well as Business channel.

It is alarming to me that among all the dreck Fox broadcasts, the Judge's show, a very high quality presentation,
is the one Fox decides to remove.

It appears you are attempting to limit useful information about the mis-governing of the US being shown.

This is either a very, very poor decision or outright shameful conduct on your part.

I ask you to reverse this cancellation.

The show didn't serve their purpose. It was a good business decision to cancel it.