View Full Version : Silver: The Shiny Bastard (Don't miss this Great Read)

9th February 2012, 06:42 PM
So easy on the intellect even a caveman can understand it...

this is one to forward...

Since January 1980 the values of U.S. commodities have been affected by growing demand and the price increasing effects of inflation. All commodities have enjoyed price increases… all except silver, which is virtually flat…even though the demand for the white metal has been explosive in recent years.

The chart below shows the nominal (actual) price increases during the past 32 years (since January 1980 to close of February 3, 2012):


Without question, silver at a mere $34 (February 2, 2012) is grossly under-valued vis-à-vis other commodity prices and compared to its Inflation Adjusted value of $141/oz. Indeed silver is the bastard child of the commodities family… at least until now.

This Will Change Starting in 2012

There are a number of factors, which will contribute to silver's accelerated price rise in 2012 and for years to come....


Large Sarge
10th February 2012, 04:35 AM
great article,

thanks a bunch Ximmy

23rd February 2012, 12:59 PM
Inflation Adjusted value of $141/oz

Twisted Titan
23rd February 2012, 04:35 PM
You want to blow a persons a mind ask them this simple question:

Can you name One thing that is cheaper today then it was over 30 plus years ago?

Show them a Mercury Dime and tell them if your smart you better buy this hand over fist

23rd February 2012, 05:04 PM
ximmy, I don't think you should use a pic from a Warren Buffet company (Berkshire owns Geico) ad for a silver article?
