View Full Version : 30,000 drones to fly throughout skys in USA!!!

10th February 2012, 04:36 PM
This will really piss ya off!! anyone know for real if this DID get passed?


10th February 2012, 04:44 PM
Shit man, this is seriously going to accelerate the impending mayhem. Drones flying around is either going to cause the idiot sheep out there to finally wake up and resist the NWO, or it's going to cause everyone to put their heads down in absolute compliance.

10th February 2012, 04:45 PM

10th February 2012, 05:12 PM
And dont drive if a diabetic.....and for sure dont drink and drive, this is how they will handle you .


10th February 2012, 05:56 PM
Shit man, this is seriously going to accelerate the impending mayhem. Drones flying around is either going to cause the idiot sheep out there to finally wake up and resist the NWO, or it's going to cause everyone to put their heads down in absolute compliance.

we just need to discuss amongst ourselves the operational frequencies for ground control and for satellite links.

that is the kind of information needed to jam the anti-Freedom Judeo-Fascist war-toys.

10th February 2012, 06:26 PM
we just need to discuss amongst ourselves the operational frequencies for ground control and for satellite links.

that is the kind of information needed to jam the anti-Freedom Judeo-Fascist war-toys.

I posted a thread about GPS jammers.... and radio frequency as well. You can make things directional with out too much effort

/edit it might be good to have something like this. Back engineering and replicating could be a good capability to have. Especially if it is in volume. Does anyone have something useful they think could be easily back engineered and replicated? Are the capabilities to do so available, organised and ready?

Remember there's a lot of skill sets that are in limitted supply or just not there anymore.

General of Darkness
10th February 2012, 07:11 PM
I have a lot to say about this but I'm not sure how to say it.

1 - If you get pulled over by the cops these days it's usually for an infraction, MONEY grab. DO NOT GET OUT OF YOUR CAR.
2 - Some times these fuck heads make mistakes. I kid you not, about 20 years ago I was arrested by two cops drawing their guns on me when I was on my motorcycles going to mall to have lunch. Yeah, I looked like a bank robber from 5 minutes ago. You know how bank robbers roll, they go straight to the mall.
3 - These fuckers are stupid, that's why they're cops
4 - If it escalates, be AWARE and be ARMED
5 - These faggots will always pull out a shotgun, just let them know it's a 1911 party.
6 - If it's at the point of no return, kill everything

This country has pretty much gone to shit, it's either be a slave or be murdered. We've become slaves. We pay for the niggers and illegals welfare and for what? Subjugation. Fuck them.

10th February 2012, 07:45 PM
Drones....... to borrow a phrase...click....click......

10th February 2012, 08:10 PM
Drones....... to borrow a phrase...click....click......

Yeah... I hear ya. We call drones "Skeet" around here! ;D

Seriously, though... are there any small arms that can even reach those bitchez? Operational specs I've read make even .50BMG look like an iffy proposition at best! :(

10th February 2012, 08:37 PM
I have a lot to say about this but I'm not sure how to say it.

1 - If you get pulled over by the cops these days it's usually for an infraction, MONEY grab. DO NOT GET OUT OF YOUR CAR.
2 - Some times these fuck heads make mistakes. I kid you not, about 20 years ago I was arrested by two cops drawing their guns on me when I was on my motorcycles going to mall to have lunch. Yeah, I looked like a bank robber from 5 minutes ago. You know how bank robbers roll, they go straight to the mall.
3 - These fuckers are stupid, that's why they're cops
4 - If it escalates, be AWARE and be ARMED
5 - These faggots will always pull out a shotgun, just let them know it's a 1911 party.
6 - If it's at the point of no return, kill everything

This country has pretty much gone to shit, it's either be a slave or be murdered. We've become slaves. We pay for the niggers and illegals welfare and for what? Subjugation. Fuck them.

This is from a forum whose link was posted in the Israel sex tourism in Thailand thread. It's about a guys first experience with Thai police.

"I was cruising along with my GF in her car. As we dropped into downtown Pinklao, her sister called. She answered. No more then 10 seconds later we were summoned to the side of the road by a cop who took his own life into his hands by crossing 3 lanes of speeding traffic to wave us over. I was like WTF........ (its illegal to talk on the phone while driving)

We got to the side of the road and she rolled the window down. They started talking. Then it got a bit heated. Then it went into an all out war of words. I had never heard my GF raise her voice before and WOW was that something. The cop walked away, filled out the ticket came back and the arguing continued. She snatched the ticket, rolled up the window and drove away. 2 seconds later she pulled over and called the police station and was screaming. I had not noticed but the cop had kept her license.

So we sat for a few seconds and I asked her what happened. She said the cop came to the window and wanted 400 baht and he would not write the ticket and if she did not pay him he was going to keep her license. She refused to pay him and thats when he got mad. So she said "Write the ticket, I will report you" That is what the scream-a-thon was all about. So now she has to go to the police station and pay 200 baht for ticket and she will get her license back. She was not mad about the ticket itself it was about the extortion he tried to pull. She even told me he said "Have your BF pay for it, he has money" "

Imagine if that happened here, screaming at a cop. You would probably be tasered or beaten, and most certainly arrested. My first thought while reading was "oh god, she's gonna be slapped around and the bf shot or beaten and both are gonna end up in Thai jail for assaulting an officer." It shows how oppressive this shit is here, and that was Thailand for Christ's sake. What happens here makes the whole extortion thing cutesy and almost charming.

The whole CAFR thing really shows how this is. There is ZERO doubt that police are corporate mercenaries purely there for the financial shakedown, and the use of brute force (overwhelmingly when unnecessary) to instill fear in the hearts of the general populace. Shaking down anyone and everyone for tribute, pulling shotguns on peaceful crowds, tasing women, children, and the disabled, and killing first asking questions later is all in a days work for the corporate enforcers. Now they have drones in abundance...

willie pete
10th February 2012, 08:38 PM
I can see it now, cops calling in a drone on a vehicle chase ending up with the drone firing a missile to stop the car.....

I'd like to know What congressmen or women came up with this idea...these bastards are selling us out

10th February 2012, 08:56 PM
I can see it now, cops calling in a drone on a vehicle chase ending up with the drone firing a missile to stop the car.....

I'd like to know What congressmen or women came up with this idea...these bastards are selling us out

Coming soon to a road near you.


10th February 2012, 09:28 PM
Coming soon to a road near you.


Justice... Robocop board-room style! ;)

10th February 2012, 09:49 PM
Don't worry guys, we live in America.

Land of the free.

10th February 2012, 10:18 PM
Don't worry guys, we live in America.

Land of the free.

Land of the:

FREEbase (Cocaine)
FREE Shit (Socialism)
FREE climbing (GenX Sports Idiocy)
Sugar-FREE (Poison)

Yep... feeling "FREEer" all the time! ::)

11th February 2012, 06:45 AM
I remember back on the old GIM, Blue Ice "the tool" posted a thread bragging up the newest predator drone. I told him then that they would be used on Americans before long. He thought that was just fine. Yes, this should wake up even the zombies to what we have become and how far we have fallen.

11th February 2012, 06:59 AM
How does one recognize an American?

11th February 2012, 07:17 AM
How does one recognize an American?

Here's some



11th February 2012, 07:36 AM
Why Conspiracy Theorists Are Being Rebranded As Domestic Terrorists (http://www.bushstole04.com/Martial%20Law/conspiracy_theorist_terrorist.htm)

Wednesday, 08 February 2012 10:26


'Glenn Greenwald points out that U.S. government officials are twisting reality again, but this time in a very bizarre and blatant manner, in his latest article, "Top official: drone critics are Al Qaeda enablers." Greenwald writes:

"The New York Times‘ Scott Shane reported this morning on the Bureau of Investigative Journalism study I wrote about yesterday, detailing that the U.S. drone program, as the NYT put it, “repeatedly targeted rescuers who responded to the scene of a strike, as well as mourners at subsequent funerals.” Shane’s article contains this paragraph:

A senior American counterterrorism official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, questioned the report’s findings, saying “targeting decisions are the product of intensive intelligence collection and observation.” The official added: “One must wonder why an effort that has so carefully gone after terrorists who plot to kill civilians has been subjected to so much misinformation. Let’s be under no illusions — there are a number of elements who would like nothing more than to malign these efforts and help Al Qaeda succeed.”'

Read more: Why Conspiracy Theorists Are Being Rebranded As Domestic Terrorists (http://www.bushstole04.com/Martial%20Law/conspiracy_theorist_terrorist.htm)

Twisted Titan
11th February 2012, 11:21 AM

Land of the fee......Home of the slave

midnight rambler
11th February 2012, 11:23 AM
Here's some


Yeah, that's how you can spot them - they love blowing Zionist bones.

11th February 2012, 11:25 AM
maybe they will crash into the contrail planes since they will probably be compartmentalized.

mick silver
11th February 2012, 07:45 PM
how many here think there not all ready flying those drone here in the usa . they were tested here and to this day there still in the air . dam we are smarted then this not to think there going to start . there here