View Full Version : My Airport Experience part IV

12th February 2012, 08:54 AM
It's been a while since I had to travel thru an airport.
-previous encounters at: http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?54847-My-Experience-at-the-AIRPORT-part-III&highlight=airport

Got another chance today in Providence RI.

They were not using the metal detectors at all. Everyone was going thru the Rapiscan (or is it Rapescan) X-ray scanners. Once they say take off your belt, I let them know I am not getting any X-rays.


So a TSA goon comes over to splain what will happen. A big black guy named Zeigler. I start questioning him and explaining his rights. He interrupts belligerantly and says "I don't want to hear it. You are either going to have the pat-down or you are not. Which is it?"

"Am I suspected of a crime or doing something wrong?"

"I am not having that conversation," 300 pound attitude boy says. We spar like that for a few minutes and people are routed around me. I tell him that I am going to my gate- whatever that takes.

They call a supervisor as I wait with big-boy. I ask him if he is a law enforcement officer. He refuses to answer. I say he is not. He denies my knowledge... but does not specifically say whether he is or is not. I then say, of course you are not or else you would admit to it. Another low level guy comes along.... this one is decent and intelligent. He quickly lets me know that he is not a LEO, but he is a TSA officer.

We go over to the pat-down area and I begin to splain to him the difference between lawful and legal directives. The real supervisor is behind me listening in. Then the boss steps in to cut short our conversation. But you know, there are a good 10 minutes in which to keep talking as they do their thing.

The search is completed and I have the ear of the supervisor. We talk for another few minutes and he starts to grasp what I am saying. The common excuse of "these are the procedures, and this is our job, and this is our directive," are shown in the light of criminal events through history- nazi Germany, Soviet Union, etc. He told me he was (not anymore) a prison guard... errrr... they call themselves "corrections officers".... as if they really correct anything. I appealed to his knowledge of law and rights.

Then I got the relativity argument. "This is nothing like a strip search." I asked him if it was a search at all? "Yes."
"So what does the degree matter. I don't give a crap if it is a full anal probe body cavity search you want to compare it to. Degree of unlawful is not the question. Once you step over the line, you are on the wrong side."

We talked for a while longer and I encouraged him to go find another job. The look of understanding came through and he is here just for the stinkin job. He asked me why I do what I do- knowing now my military background. "Is it just to cause trouble?"

"No. Of course not! I love my country and the liberties that are being taken away from the people. I cannot waive my inalienable rights and you cannot take them. I took an oath to defend the constitution and SO DID YOU! I will not let my rights be trampled and my country be destroyed. I told him that he is violating many laws at different levels- an example is my right to interstate travel and commerce, so he is in federal violation. His look of concern or shock registered.

I agreed that some measures of security are necessary. He saw a reasoned argument and was won over to see things a little differently.

Waiting at my gate, I got in a discussion with a couple of passengers. One guy- a previous nuclear plant worker hit me with the same argument of relativity: "Compared to searches I had to do everyday, this is nothing."

I argued that he was at a private facility and he could get a different job. The clown practically ran from me.

12th February 2012, 09:15 AM
I have maneuvered my dealings at work so as to not have to travel, but MAYBE once a year. I avoid air travel like the plague.

Twisted Titan
12th February 2012, 10:49 AM
Rock on Spect.......

One of the few that have The Will to stand in the gap

12th February 2012, 11:09 AM
Rock on Spect.......

One of the few that have The Will to stand in the gap
Indeed! I am truly impressed!

13th February 2012, 05:39 AM
I love your airport threads Spectrism. God has blessed you with courage and the wit to deal with these goons.

I have to ask you though, what if you have an expensive ticket that you paid for yourself, and the goons are threatening to make you miss your flight?
Just curious.

13th February 2012, 05:51 AM
I love your airport threads Spectrism. God has blessed you with courage and the wit to deal with these goons.

I have to ask you though, what if you have an expensive ticket that you paid for yourself, and the goons are threatening to make you miss your flight?
Just curious.

Thanks.... there is always that risk.

I talk with them politely and stand firm in being right. I am simply asking them questions and not defying them. They have no grounds to take any action against me. I am harmless. I will sometimes take it to the point that they call in the real police.... but we are still "discussing" things at that point. I charge them with their offenses and make it clear that I am not party to any unlawful actions. That's it. I do go thru the pat-downs.

13th February 2012, 07:04 AM
what airport is this?