View Full Version : The Mormon Thing.

14th February 2012, 12:13 PM
Nice article by Philip Giraldi.
This caught my eye.

Mormons are frequently uncomfortable with non-Mormons. They claim to be Christians but do not consider other Christians their equals, referring to them (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gentile) as “gentiles.”

14th February 2012, 02:17 PM
check out their "holy underwear"...im not kidding! and they believe that their leaders are ALWAYS right and of course,theres no such thing as hell and, oh yes, they actually are trusting Satan to come and save them in the last days! this is one wacko cult.

Twisted Titan
14th February 2012, 02:33 PM
Nuff said


7th trump
14th February 2012, 05:39 PM
Nuff said

Wow what a butchered adultered version of the Bible!

14th February 2012, 06:27 PM
Ed Decker is an ex morman who pruduced the video above. He has a website called Saints Alive in Jesus. He has written an article about what the morman plan for this country is at this link. http://www.saintsalive.com/resourcelibrary/mormonism/the-mormon-plan-for-america-and-the-rise-of-mitt-romney

It's to long to post here but it will give you more information on the morman religion and a roll the mormans believe Mitt Romney may play in the colapse of this country.

Stop Making Cents
14th February 2012, 06:33 PM
Any religion that doesn't like ni66ers is ok by me.

14th February 2012, 06:39 PM
Any religion that doesn't like ni66ers is ok by me.

I think they had a revelation from God a few years ago and they like them just fine now.

14th February 2012, 06:43 PM
I took a job in Utah once. Before I went a friend of mine who happened to be Mormon gave me some advice. He said "if you go fishing out there never take 1 Mormon with you. You've got to take 2. If you take 1, he'll drink all your beer but if you take 2 they'll be afraid to drink in front of each other and you can drink all the beer."

My old friend described himself as a "jack Mormon" he said that was akin to a back slid Baptist.

14th February 2012, 09:00 PM
I had a discussion with some that came to visit once. I don't think they liked people who have outside sources of information like a bible for instance. Haven't seen them since. I expected they might come back. People answering the door and being prepared to talk about God would be pretty hard to come by where I live I would think.

14th February 2012, 09:15 PM
From the outsiders perspective (mine) Not really any wierder than any other sect of Christianity.

All religions look to be completly insane to the outsider from the 10,000 foot level.

14th February 2012, 10:01 PM
I had a discussion with some that came to visit once. I don't think they liked people who have outside sources of information like a bible for instance. Haven't seen them since. I expected they might come back. People answering the door and being prepared to talk about God would be pretty hard to come by where I live I would think.

Last time I had them knock on the door was a few years back. I must have made an impression.

14th February 2012, 10:50 PM
Say what you want but in my experience they live the "Christian Ideals" more than any other Christian religions.

No joke I slid off the road years back right in between the local Catholic church and the LDS church the Catholic church let out first and no one offered any help or checked to see if I was ok I was even honked at twice for being in the way.

1/2 hour later the LDS church let out and at least 10 people in their Sunday best jumped in the ditch to see if I was ok and helped me get the car out of the ditch.

Say what you want but this is just one of many first hand examples I have seen of Mormons "Walking the Walk"

Not to mention most of my food storage was gotten through them they were glad to help a non-church member they did not try to push their beliefs on me either all we did is say a nice blessing at the canary before we started.

14th February 2012, 10:58 PM
Maybe the ones who came to my door figured God's work was already in progress here and decided other people needed them more than me. I could go with that.

Now you say LDS, I find that interesting. I passed by an LDS Temple a couple of days ago. It's an amazing thing. It's massive. It is completely clad in marble and looks like something you would find in Washington or something. It also has a very big golden statue on top which without really studying it, looks like someone throwing a discus or something.

I have known this thing was there but I thought it was a Mosque. I've only seen it from a fair distance away and tt wasn't until I actually went by that I realised it was not. It is called a Temple and that cause me some concern. You know. That little thing about building temples.

14th February 2012, 11:32 PM
From the outsiders perspective (mine) Not really any wierder than any other sect of Christianity.

religions look to be completly insane to the outsider from the 10,000 foot level.

Say what you want but in my experience they live the "Christian Ideals" more than any other Christian religions.

Say what you want but this is just one of many first hand examples I have seen of Mormons "Walking the Walk"

Yes to all this. Since I've started homeschooling, I've become friends with a few Mormons who also homeschool. They are the nicest people, and do indeed "walk the talk." They never preach or push their views on me or even ask me about my views.

But the Mormon religion *is* a bit weird, looking in from the outside. I guess it goes to show that religion doesn't always pervert the inner decency of humans, against all odds.

old steel
15th February 2012, 11:43 AM
You know i was raised Mormon and it took me awhile to figure it all out and start asking some hard questions which always went unanswered. I could look past the disappearing Gold Plates the shape shifting ministering angels to Joseph Smith, the entire masonic connection even the polygamy but when it was proven the DNA of the ancient inhabitants of the American continent had no trace of Hebrew blood that in fact it was traced back to the steps of Asia and surrounding area and then still denial from on high in SLC, well i was born at night but not last night.

Then there is the entire doctrine of doing the work for all these dead people. Now seriously think about it. The Church is spending vast quantities of resources in time and money to find records and do all this work for dead people. Not just any dead people mind you. Rich famous or semi famous people are at the top of the list even if they had absolutely no connection to the church which i find very weird. I guess they all want to rub shoulders with the elite in their Mormon heaven for time and all eternity. I mean they aren't busting their butts to find names of dead African children or those who were victims of genocide in that country tot allying in the millions just in the past 20 years or so. Same with the genocide under Poi Pot in Cambodia no rush there, well you get the picture.

Then again this is all for dead people they don't breath or eat or requite any kind of service, they are dead. Look at all the need and suffering out there with the living 35,000 children die everyday due to starvation or lack of health care etc why not spend that money on the living to alleviate suffering here and now? Does it make any sense at all? Does it sound like something the God of the entire Universe would bent on doing
spending all those resources on dead people when there is so much need for the living?

Case in point about doing work for dead people and even still without their relatives permission you couldn't make this stuff up.

Mormons baptise parents of Nazi-hunter Simon Wiesenthal

Jews Asher and Rosa Rapp Wiesenthal were baptised in proxy ceremonies in the US states of Arizona and Utah in January, records show.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints spokesman Michael Purdy said the Church' s leaders "sincerely regret" the actions of "an individual member".
The Los Angeles-based Simon Wiesenthal Center denounced the news.
"We are outraged that such insensitive actions continue in the Mormon temples," said Rabbi Abraham Cooper, a spokesman at the centre.
The Mormon religion allows baptism after death, and believes the departed soul can then accept or reject the baptismal rites.
An agreement in 1995 was supposed to ban the practice of baptising by proxy Holocaust victims, after it was discovered the names of hundreds of thousands of those who died had been entered into Mormon records.


15th February 2012, 12:12 PM
old steel, you are courageous! it takes a real man to stare down an organization that big and walk away because of the truth. i commend you. fwiw, MARMO = the god of the dead.

15th February 2012, 12:40 PM
It's taken me awhile to get here, but I've come to believe that there are actually good people scattered about every religion, race, country, creed, ism, ideology, etc. They are in the vast minority in my experience, but they are out there.
As far as Mormonism goes, in my experience it's one of the single most dangerous spiritual deceptions out there- if not the THE MOST dangerous. Most people don't realize this, but a lot of the most successful deceptions are either based in mormonism or are closely related to mormonism. There is a great book that I'd recommend that tells the story of the beginning of the mormon church, called Under the Banner of Heaven by Jon Krakauer http://books.google.com/books/about/Under_the_banner_of_heaven.html?id=0DQaTU7Opq0C


15th February 2012, 01:12 PM
I had a lengthy detailed post about this on GIM which the FMC brought to destruction.

Re-hashed and shortened, these you proselytes approached me on the street and tried to decieve me. As they made small talk about piety they were extremely polite, friendly and open. I asked them if they believed in Jesus Christ and their eyes went dark (literally) and their demeanor became sly and deceitful. I made it clear that I am a Christian and walked away.

I am reading a book right now called "Kingdom of the cults" by Walter Martin (RIP). He has a large portion of text dedicated to the cult of the mormons, and details the apostacies of their belief system. I recall Bellevue Bully is quite knowledgeable on this cult.

One thing I always like to point out to people is the name they disguise their cult with. It's a perfect example of how the devil uses double speak to deceive.
"The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints"

Deceptive indeed.
Emphasis should be placed to make my point:

"The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints"

A lengthier and more accurate (frank) representation of the name would read more like this, imo:

"The Cultic-following of a different deity whom is worshipped in place of the true 'Lord Jesus Christ', who has been presented to the cult by the founders of it, who consider themselves latter day (or modern day) saints (or prophets)"

That is the decepetion I see in their moniker.

Put simply:

The Church of = The Cult of Modern religion inventors
Jesus Christ of latter day saints = The god of these modern inventors of this cult.

I have a hard time putting this title deception into words with clarity, so let me use an example.

Let's say I have a couple friends and we all own a Pontiac Fiero, and we all hang out and we want other car enthusiasts to join our club. We would title it as follows, using the Mormon tactic:
"The Association of Ferraris of Frugal Automobile Enthusiasts"

To us, the Fiero is akin to our version of a Ferrari, much like their god is worshipped like the true and real God, but is not Jesus Christ of the 12 apostles.

15th February 2012, 01:20 PM
The cons are infinitely complex in their application, but they always boil down to 3 key lies:

1. You can be like God.
2. You surely will not die.

And after Jesus Christ was born,

3. There are many ways to get to God.

(truth: John 14:6
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.)


15th February 2012, 01:44 PM
This post:

It's taken me awhile to get here, but I've come to believe that there are actually good people scattered about every religion, race, country, creed, ism, ideology, etc. They are in the vast minority in my experience, but they are out there.[/url]

Does not jive with this post:

3 key lies:

3. There are many ways to get to God.

(truth: John 14:6
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.)


So all those good people are condemned to eternal damnation for not following Christ?

15th February 2012, 01:48 PM
i didn't know they had an explanation of where black people come from. so where are the black people coming from now? there are still celestial fence sitters up there? you'd think they'd get with the program so they could avoid being born black. or something.

15th February 2012, 01:53 PM
This post:

Does not jive with this post:

So all those good people are condemned to eternal damnation for not following Christ?

Look, man...first of all salvation as far as I'm concerned is something that is between the individual and God. I'm not their judge and/or jury. Second, just because someone claims to be a Mormon, what does that mean? It doesn't mean squat- they could believe any number of things related or not related to mormonism (and not everything in mormonism is bad, btw- that's 'the hook'). Lastly, 'good' in the way that I used it is a relative term, not a biblical term.


15th February 2012, 01:54 PM
i didn't know they had an explanation of where black people come from. so where are the black people coming from now? there are still celestial fence sitters up there? you'd think they'd get with the program so they could avoid being born black. or something.

A lot of similar philosophies and cults go after black people. I've never been sure why, to be honest with you.


willie pete
15th February 2012, 02:22 PM
I think they had a revelation from God a few years ago and they like them just fine now.

http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-laughing021.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php)

willie pete
15th February 2012, 02:27 PM
I had a lengthy detailed post about this on GIM which the FMC brought to destruction.

Re-hashed and shortened, these you proselytes approached me on the street and tried to decieve me. As they made small talk about piety they were extremely polite, friendly and open. I asked them if they believed in Jesus Christ and their eyes went dark (literally) and their demeanor became sly and deceitful. I made it clear that I am a Christian and walked away.

I am reading a book right now called "Kingdom of the cults" by Walter Martin (RIP). He has a large portion of text dedicated to the cult of the mormons, and details the apostacies of their belief system. I recall Bellevue Bully is quite knowledgeable on this cult.

One thing I always like to point out to people is the name they disguise their cult with. It's a perfect example of how the devil uses double speak to deceive.
"The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints"

Deceptive indeed.
Emphasis should be placed to make my point:

"The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints"

A lengthier and more accurate (frank) representation of the name would read more like this, imo:

"The Cultic-following of a different deity whom is worshipped in place of the true 'Lord Jesus Christ', who has been presented to the cult by the founders of it, who consider themselves latter day (or modern day) saints (or prophets)"

That is the decepetion I see in their moniker.

Put simply:

The Church of = The Cult of Modern religion inventors
Jesus Christ of latter day saints = The god of these modern inventors of this cult.

I have a hard time putting this title deception into words with clarity, so let me use an example.

Let's say I have a couple friends and we all own a Pontiac Fiero, and we all hang out and we want other car enthusiasts to join our club. We would title it as follows, using the Mormon tactic:
"The Association of Ferraris of Frugal Automobile Enthusiasts"

To us, the Fiero is akin to our version of a Ferrari, much like their god is worshipped like the true and real God, but is not Jesus Christ of the 12 apostles.

Great Book....read it years ago and found it very informative.......

15th February 2012, 02:49 PM
I think they had a revelation from God a few years ago and they like them just fine now.

I was raised in a Mormon family. After the church caved in to the "politically correctness" in the late 1970's and allowed blacks to become members an hold the priesthood I was and still am really disillusioned about thier teachings.

15th February 2012, 03:26 PM
So all those good people are condemned to eternal damnation for not following Christ?

If you know the truth (Jesus), and purposely choose to reject it (Him), you will suffer the consequences according to the Lord's judgement. Those who have never met the Lord and do not know about Him will be delt with in accordance to God's will and judgement. Most Christian authors speculate that they will be judged on their heart, if they never knew Christ.

15th February 2012, 05:36 PM
I've done a lot of reading about Joseph Smith and the mormon church in the past. I haven't refresshed my memory for quite some time on them so I've forgotten a lot. I believe I read in a book by Fran Brody that Joseph Smith was involved with money digging when he was young. At the time he had gone to see a woman who was involved with the occult. He obtained some magical stones he used to locate buried treasure. I believe when you get involved with the occult you can open a doorway to evil that should not be opened. dys probably knows more about that than I do but I believe that may have been what Smith did. There is a woman named Jane Roberts who got into channeling with a spirit named Seth and I believe from what i've read Joseph Smith may have opened a door to the spirit world too that he shouldn't have and started a church and lead alot of people astray because of it.

From what I've read he probably had a sexual addiction and that's where the polygamy part of the religion came from. I don't think his wife Emma ever accepted it as a revelation from God but only as a desire of Joseph Smiths part to screw every woman he saw.

My ex wife was mormon and I've been around them alot. I've always thought they were good people and I've enjoyed their communities. My ex told me many times that on the surface every thing always looks wholesome but when you get an inside look there is every kind of sin in the mormon communities as everwhere else. I've heard the same thing from other mormons who have left the church.

A lot of pressure can be put on a non mormon to join the church because the mormons believe you need a temple marriage.
Joseph Smith was mason and the early rituals performed in the mormon temple were like the masons rituals. I've read they have changed somewhat to be more politicaly correct but still are alot like the masons. They also say they believe in the bible if it's correctly interpreted and that means Joseph Smiths interpretation. The mormons do not believe in a tri-une god as christians and that is one of the reasons they are said to be a non christian cult.

16th February 2012, 12:33 AM
There is a great book that I'd recommend that tells the story of the beginning of the mormon church, called Under the Banner of Heaven by Jon Krakauer http://books.google.com/books/about/Under_the_banner_of_heaven.html?id=0DQaTU7Opq0C

I've been meaning to read that; thanks for the reminder.

I was raised in a Mormon family. After the church caved in to the "politically correctness" in the late 1970's and allowed blacks to become members an hold the priesthood I was and still am really disillusioned about thier teachings.

Huh now that you mention it, I realize that I have never known a single black Mormon. All of the ones I know are white.

"The Cultic-following of a different deity whom is worshipped in place of the true 'Lord Jesus Christ', who has been presented to the cult by the founders of it, who consider themselves latter day (or modern day) saints (or prophets)"

That is the decepetion I see in their moniker.

So you think they DON'T worship Jesus? I don't know what to believe, because they never mention him in my presence. But the Mormon Church in my neighborhood (the only one I've ever been in) has a huge mural of Jesus and Mary in the lobby. The usual Caucasian-looking Jesus rather than a realistic one, but it sure is a nice picture.

My ex wife was mormon and I've been around them alot. I've always thought they were good people and I've enjoyed their communities. My ex told me many times that on the surface every thing always looks wholesome but when you get an inside look there is every kind of sin in the mormon communities as everwhere else. I've heard the same thing from other mormons who have left the church.

I'm sure that happens. In my high school there were quite a few Mormons, and some of the popular kids who were Mormon used to mercilessly tease one of their own who wasn't so popular, to the point that he shot himself dead in front of them one morning before school (they used to meet in one of the classrooms for some reason that escapes me).

But the ones I know now, the homeschooling moms, sure look and ACT wholesome, and what I really appreciate about them is that they don't smoke, drink alcohol or coffee or take other substances, and are nice and don't criticize other people. At least around me, they act like good people.

It's a sharp contrast to the Christians I know, who seem to think Sunday is the only day to "be good," and spend the rest of the time bad-mouthing people, criticizing abortion and glorifying war and killing "enemies," trying to undercut others in business, and downloading and sharing porn with their friends without their spouse's knowledge. They don't even try to pretend to be wholesome. I get a much worse vibe from Christians that I know than from the Mormons, but maybe that's because of my limited experience.

16th February 2012, 04:47 AM
Mormons apologise for baptising Simon Wiesenthal’s parents (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2012/02/15/mormons-apologise-for-baptising-simon-wiesenthals-parents/)


Nazi hunter’s forebears inducted posthumously by church in what Jewish rights group says is latest in a series of such gaffes

Read the rest of this entry » (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2012/02/15/mormons-apologise-for-baptising-simon-wiesenthals-parents/#more-35656)

16th February 2012, 05:24 AM
I believe when you get involved with the occult you can open a doorway to evil that should not be opened. dys probably knows more about that than I do but I believe that may have been what Smith did. There is a woman named Jane Roberts who got into channeling with a spirit named Seth and I believe from what i've read Joseph Smith may have opened a door to the spirit world too that he shouldn't have and started a church and lead alot of people astray because of it.

Indeed. See what the exorcist Fr. Euteneuer has to say:

Young people make many mistakes and open themselves up to the power of unclean spirits, especially given the modern youth culture that is saturated with the occult.

Occult demons are the most difficult to expel due to their mode of infestation. They generally come in through a person's participation in or contact with occult things or people, even it the person thought that he was just playing a game. The devil "disguises himself as an angel of light", so it is no surprise that people are deceived when they engage in occult activities.

Occult demons are sometimes "locked" into the person by some iniquity such as curses, satanic consecrations, hexes, spells, black magic, etc., and in order to expel them there must be an act of repentance and some form of renunciation on the part of the individual. All close contact with persons in the occult business must be broken. Then the person needs the help of the Church through restoring his relationship with Christ and prayers of deliverance or exorcism for the evil to be cast out.

EDIT - There are other, more "choice" picks of text that I could have quoted, regarding how occultic activities can allow for possession of demic obsession, but I only have a hard copy of the book, and I was limited to time. When I come across them I will post them.

16th February 2012, 05:53 AM
So you think they DON'T worship Jesus? I don't know what to believe, because they never mention him in my presence. But the Mormon Church in my neighborhood (the only one I've ever been in) has a huge mural of Jesus and Mary in the lobby. The usual Caucasian-looking Jesus rather than a realistic one, but it sure is a nice picture.

I'm no expert. As I said, I am reading Kingdom of the cults, but I haven't gotten to the Mormon section yet. The author has dedicated a massive portion of the book to the Watchtower society/Jehovah's witnesses, which I am still working through, in parallel with about four other books at the same time.

PM Bellevue Bully. I remember him talking about the Mormons, their twisted belief of extra-terrestrial heaven, sex with aliens, re-writing of the scriptures (which is blasphemy) and other crazy stuff. He is knowledgeable on this cult.

There is so much to learn, and it seems my memory retention is not what it used to be.

But no. I don't think they worship Jesus Christ, Son of the Father.
There are other cults that worship a "Jesus" or a "Christ" but not the real and true "Jesus Christ".

Read Epperson's books, and "the Plot against the Church", and the "Mystical body of Christ in the Modern world", all available at www.omnicbc.com (http://www.omnicbc.com)

16th February 2012, 08:00 AM
I would have to dig out my books on the mormons to be specific about what they belive. Bruce R Mckonky (spelling?) has a book they refer to on these questions about their beliefs. I don't have it at hand. The Jesus they worship is not the Jesus christians worship. They believe God the Father, Jesus Christ and the holy spirit are separate beings. They believe Jesus is the God of this world but there are many worlds with many Gods. They believe if a mormon obeys all their covenants taken in The temple and takes all their callings to sevice in the church they will enter the celestial kingdom in heaven and be a god of their own world like they believe Jesus is the god of this world.

I've read suicides are higher in mormanisn than any other religion because of the pressure put on members by the church. The church is very involved in their daily life and guilt for any short commings of members is a huge burden to carry for them and especialy for the young people.

16th February 2012, 08:19 AM
Tumbleweed is correct, Joseph Smith was involved in the occult practice of locating gold through channeling before he ever started the Mormon church. Word is that he wasn't very good at it; he burnt so many people that he ran out of customers. And he was a notorious womanizer. When he started the Mormon church, he hadn't lost his taste for womanizing; subsequently he created a doctrine that allowed for multiple marriages under the guise of 'receiving personal revelation from God'(paraphrase). Ironically, this 'personal revelation' thing ended up being one of his most effective selling points in leading people to the Mormon church. Another selling point is one that a lot of our more astute members will recognize from the new age cult. As Awoke alluded to, the church claims Mormons will end up becoming Gods (paraphrase). Recognize that one? 'God seeds grow into Gods'- is a new age Satanic doctrine, which came from Satan himself: "You can be like God."


16th February 2012, 08:53 AM
I've always had a problem with the fact that Joseph Smith claimed to have deciphered a piece of parchment
with Egyptian hieroglyphics on it; this was before the interpretation of Egyptian hieroglyphics had been discovered.

Smith claimed he was able to read the writing and gave a 'translation' of it.

When the ability to read E.H. was discovered, the document Smith translate was found to be a description of
burial procedures and mummification details.
It was nothing at all about what he claimed.

So to me, anyone who is claiming to have been given Truth and Inspiration to form a church and teach others and
then is found to be a bull-shitter, well that pretty much destroys any credibility he has.

I can't get past that.
There are other things in the LDS teachings I find not good, but the Joe Smith
translation thing is enough to keep me from going any further with them...

16th February 2012, 10:12 AM
Tumbleweed is correct, Joseph Smith was involved in the occult practice of locating gold through channeling before he ever started the Mormon church.

Which is literally an invitation for demon to enter the body, which inevitably will lead to possession.

And he was a notorious womanizer. When he started the Mormon church, he hadn't lost his taste for womanizing; subsequently he created a doctrine that allowed for multiple marriages under the guise of 'receiving personal revelation from God'(paraphrase).
This is important. I will quote Father Euteneuer again, because his book is handy. Any typos are mine:

The antidote to demonic possession: Family

Demonic possession indeed does happen "in a vacuum". Namely, the vacuous state that is the pre-condition to demonic possession is found when people are deprived of the benefits that family offers. Family life is a divine and human institution given for the wellbeing of man and is natural protective force against the negativities of the demonic world. It is the antidote to the above seven points: {Referring to the previous paragraphs in the book that address the "Psychology" of demons - Awoke} it is the source of our natural life and, when lived according to even minimum standards of upright living, a place of belonging and human affirmation.

Family is the primary cohesive unit of any society and is organized for the provision of basic human essentials...

...Demonic possession usually starts through a certain vulnerability in human relationships. No bonding equals "no meaning". Family fills the void of the worlds meaninglessness and cruelty, especially for the young...

...It is not hard to see why the devil so viciously attacks marriage, family and innocent human life {abortion - Awoke} in any society. The enemy of our human nature has understood the truth that good, holy families are the best rampart that human beings have to stand against the destructive force of the devil and all his works and all his empty promises.

As Awoke alluded to, the church claims Mormons will end up becoming Gods (paraphrase). Recognize that one? 'God seeds grow into Gods'- is a new age Satanic doctrine, which came from Satan himself: "You can be like God."

That was more Tumbleweed than me, but the "You can be like God" was the reason for lucifers original rebellion and damnation. Old, ancient "New-age" teachings.

16th February 2012, 11:04 AM
I don't know specifically what the Mormon faith teaches concerning Jesus Christ. I do know that what other 'mormon like' faiths tend to teach about Jesus Christ. They like to subtly pervert his teachings...for example, they may claim that Jesus Christ died on the cross, but not for purpose of redeeming our sins. Or that Jesus Christ wasn't born of a virgin. A lot of times I've seen cults twist just one of the pillars; and it changes everything and leads to the taking of a different spirit, a deceiving spirit.

2 Corinthians 11:4
For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.


16th February 2012, 12:16 PM
I did a little more looking for quotes from mormon apostles and profits on their beliefs concerning God and Jesus Christ. These are some quotes from leaders of the church concerning this question.


I have always declared God to be a distinct personage, Jesus Christ a separate and distinct personage from God the Father, and the Holy Ghost was a distinct personage and a Spirit: and these three constitute three distinct personages and THREE GODS. If this is in accordance with the New Testament, lo and behold! we have THREE GODS anyhow, and they are plural; and who can contradict it? (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Edited by Joseph Fielding Smith, p.370, 1976)

THERE IS MORE THAN ONE GOD "Three Separate Personages - Father, Son, and Holy Ghost - comprise the Godhead. As each of these persons is a God, it is evident, from this standpoint alone, that a plurality of Gods exists. To us, speaking in the proper finite sense, THESE THREE ARE THE ONLY GODS WE WORSHIP. But in addition there is an INFINITE NUMBER of holy personages, drawn from worlds without number, who have passed on to exaltation and are thus gods." (Mormon Doctrine, by Bruce R. McConkie P. 576-577)

“Here, then, is eternal life…you have got to learn how to be Gods yourselves…the same as all Gods have done before you…” (Teachings of the Prophet J. Smith, p.346)

25th February 2012, 01:40 PM
Anne Frank 'posthumously baptised as a Mormon'

The allegations come just a week after The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints apologised when it was brought to light that the parents of Holocaust survivor and Jewish rights advocate Simon Wiesenthal were posthumously baptised by church members at temples in Arizona and Utah in late January.

Mormon researcher Helen Radkey, who revealed the Wiesenthal baptisms, said this week she found Anne Frank's name in proxy baptism records dated Feb 18, showing the ritual was performed in the Santo Domingo Temple in the Dominican Republic.

The Mormon church almost immediately issued a statement, though it didn't mention Frank by name.

"The Church keeps its word and is absolutely firm in its commitment to not accept the names of Holocaust victims for proxy baptism," the Salt Lake City-based church said. "It is distressing when an individual wilfully violates the Church's policy and something that should be understood to be an offering based on love and respect becomes a source of contention."

Church officials did not return telephone calls and emails from The Associated Press on Thursday. A spokeswoman for the Anne Frank House museum in Amsterdam declined to comment.

Larry Bair, the president of the Mormon temple of Santo Domingo, said he had looked into the reports but was unable to verify that Frank had been baptised.

If it did occur, Mr Bair told the AP, "it was a mistake."

Frank was a Jewish teenager forced into hiding in Amsterdam during the Holocaust and killed in a concentration camp. Her diary was published in 1947.

Mormons believe the baptism ritual allows deceased people a way to the afterlife but it offends members of many other religions.

Jews are particularly offended by an attempt to alter the religion of Holocaust victims, and the baptism of Holocaust survivors was supposed to have been barred by a 1995 agreement.

The church said it takes "a good deal of deception and manipulation to get an improper submission through the safeguards we have put in place."

"While no system is foolproof in preventing the handful of individuals who are determined to falsify submissions, we are committed to taking action against individual abusers by suspending the submitter's access privileges," the church said in its statement. "We will also consider whether other Church disciplinary action should be taken."

Source: AP
