View Full Version : CLC condemns vote ending long gun registry in Canada

16th February 2012, 09:49 AM
The CLC bastards are supported by Unions all throughout Canada. MY Union dues go into their pocket. This organization is to be dedicated to LABOR issues.

These bastards have gone on record two times now, advocating gun control, and speaking out against the "abolition of the long gun registry" (which I learned today is not really changing at all in the end).

CLC condemns vote ending Long-gun registry

Posted: Wednesday, 15 February 2012

The Canadian Labour Congress joins with the Coalition for Gun Control, police, women's and anti-violence organizations in condemning today's vote to end the gun registry. "We maintain that the gun registry is an important tool to ensure workplace and community safety", said CLC President Ken Georgetti. "It is more than disappointing that the government would choose to ignore the substantial decline in the number of homicides, domestic violence incidents and suicides using rifles and shotguns since the registry was implemented, and the fact that police use the registry daily to help them prevent, investigate and solve crimes." (See my next quote below - Awoke)

By destroying the data contained in the registry, the government's legislation will ensure that any province or territory cannot use what has already been collected to set up their own registry. "This provision exposes the legislation as driven by ideology, not a concern for the responsible use of taxpayers' money," said Georgetti. "The real waste is to destroy something that could continue to be used to protect our communities and our first responders. Eliminating the registry and destroying the data will make workers' lives less safe."

When the Canadian NFA contacted the RCMP (Federal NWO pigs) and request statistics for Gun Crimes committed by registered gun owners, they basically replied with "We don't have or record that information. So the NFA contacted Statistics Canada with the same request, and this was their reply:

We regret to inform you that we are unable to find any information related to your request. Statistics Canada does not collect the information requested. Please note that "The Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) survey does not collect information on licensing of either guns or gun owners related to the incidents of violent crime reported by police and "The Homicide Survey" does collect information on the registration status of the firearm used to commit a homicide if the firearm was recovered and if they were able to determine whether or not the firearm was registered. We do not collect information specific to those who own/do not own guns.

Link (http://www.nfa.ca/sites/default/files/RCMP%20ATI%20-%20Licensed%20Gun%20Owner%20Crime%20Statistics.pdf )

So more dead end. So where did the CLC get their stats from, to make such a convicted statement? Sorry about the font. It changed itself.

Another quote, in relation specifically to spousal firearms crime, reads as below

Trends in spousal homicide
As shown in the accompanying charts, spousal murders (with and without guns) have slowly been declining since the mid-1970s. An aging society simply has fewer murderers. There is no empirical support for the claim that the long-gun registry has reduced spousal homicides.

As may be seen in the second chart, total spousal homicides have declined faster than spousal homicides with long guns. This suggests that any decline in homicides involving long guns is driven by demographics not gun laws.


I find it funny that they (Stats Canada) claim that they don't have this sort of information, yet they release reports like this, with charts...

Now, regarding the lie above highlighted in green: The original estimated cost of taxpayer money for the project was 2 Million. It has now eneded up costing over 2 Billion.

So then, anyone who is willing, please send a letter or an email or a rotten tomato to these bastards at the CLC.

Contact info can be found here at this link (http://www.canadianlabour.ca/about-clc/contacts)

mick silver
16th February 2012, 12:06 PM
stop funding the Union

16th February 2012, 12:08 PM
(which I learned today is not really changing at all in the end).

Please do tell more.

16th February 2012, 01:10 PM
I called a local gunshop and spoke with one of the guys.
Basically he said "Everyone is sitting around waiting for teh registry to end, planning on making purchases, but all gun dealers are obligated (in Ontario at least) to verify the buyer's gun licence, ensure it is still valide, record the information and keep a record of it. The only difference is that the information will not get automatically submitted to the RCMP database anymore, but at any time they are legally obligated to provide the documentation to any officer with the authority to request it (CFO, etc)."

That's a paraphrase. He made it explicitly clear that I will not be able to walk into a gun shop, show my licence and walk out with a gun.

It's all bullshit.