View Full Version : Fox news, American women in the military to blame for being "raped too much"

16th February 2012, 01:25 PM
Fox news, American women in the military to blame for being "raped too much"

Ok so what is the correct amount of rape then, what is just enough rape.

She says that the women are just asking for it when they join as we all know that men there are nothing more than rape machines of course.


16th February 2012, 01:30 PM
If you're a man or woman, and join the modern MIC death machine, I have ZERO sympathy for whatever happens to you next.

If you join due to reasons of "patriotism" (as opposed to the college "rewards" program most seem to be going in for), then you are TWICE as guilty in my mind... being TRULY patriotic means being INFORMED about what this country SUPPOSEDLY stands for, and whether or not our armed forces are protecting those ideals or destroying them. Even a cursory examination of the modern world and our military's role within reveals an appalling level of disregard and destruction of the ideals this country was founded upon! :(

Just my opinion... flame away!

16th February 2012, 01:40 PM
If you're a man or woman, and join the modern MIC death machine, I have ZERO sympathy for whatever happens to you next.

If you join with the "patriotism" reasoning (as opposed to the college "rewards" program most seem to be going in for), then you are TWICE as guilty in my mind... being TRULY patriotic means being INFORMED about what this country SUPPOSEDLY stands for, and whether or not our armed forces are carrying out those ideals or destroying them.

Just my opinion... flame away!

Come on now. I don't carry water for criminal thugs but how is rape ever justified under any circumstances? If you accept the premise that rape is never justified, by extension the victim of any rape bears 0 responsibility for the crime.


16th February 2012, 01:40 PM
Though I don't believe in women in combat, the issue should be defined in terms of WHO IS DOING THE RAPING. Perhaps FOX news should be talking about Blacks in the military.

16th February 2012, 01:43 PM
Come on now. I don't carry water for criminal thugs but how is rape ever justified under any circumstances? If you accept the premise that rape is never justified, by extension the victim of any rape bears 0 responsibility for the crime.


I'm not justifying rape... just stating that I have ZERO sympathy for the hardships of the modern MIC hired killers. Calling them Soldiers is an insult to past military men who died defending their nation (instead of empire building).

16th February 2012, 01:51 PM
related stories buried on page 11

from early January
FBI changes definition of rape to include men as victims (http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/story/2012-01-06/fbi-rape-definition-adds-men/52398350/1)

16th February 2012, 03:41 PM
I'm against "ladies" in combat...feminists, not so much.
If the feminist are "being raped too much", let them carry a handgun.

Fox news is being directed by the Tulmud


16th February 2012, 07:27 PM
At least (it) has nice tits... :)

17th February 2012, 07:40 AM
Come on now. I don't carry water for criminal thugs but how is rape ever justified under any circumstances? If you accept the premise that rape is never justified, by extension the victim of any rape bears 0 responsibility for the crime.


I don't think it's a question of justification or blame. It's just that when you decide to throw in your lot with criminals, whether for fun or profit, you shouldn't be surprised when crimes get comitted against you.

Twisted Titan
17th February 2012, 09:11 AM
I don't think it's a question of justification or blame. It's just that when you decide to throw in your lot with criminals, whether for fun or profit, you shouldn't be surprised when crimes get comitted against you.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
17th February 2012, 09:55 AM
Though I don't believe in women in combat, the issue should be defined in terms of WHO IS DOING THE RAPING. Perhaps FOX news should be talking about Blacks in the military.

Do you have statistics to back that up?

Uncle Salty
17th February 2012, 01:36 PM
Women should not be in combat. Plain and simple.

Put women in combat, and they are going to get raped. That's just the reality of the situation. Not blaming the women individually, but if you mess with the bull, you eventually get the horns.

Uncle Salty
17th February 2012, 01:38 PM
Do you have statistics to back that up?

The civilian rape rates would back up that claim. No reason to think the same would not apply in the military. I would like to see the military stats on that though. But I think it would be a wee bit politically incorrect.