View Full Version : anyone following the jeff rense versus henry makow war?

17th February 2012, 06:47 AM
rense links to makow for years.

makow writes an article that fukishima was caused by nuclear bombs going off, not the tsunami.

rense refuses to put it up, because he says he's had too many experts on that all claim it was the tsunami that caused it.

makow then writes this:


rense then replies with this:


makow then follows up with this:


what the hell?

17th February 2012, 07:02 AM
That is pretty interesting stuff. I always liked Makow, but that first article might be enough to change my mind. It is one long personal attack, and to me it is a very compelling indictment of Makow. I liked Rense's response, too...very professional and to the point.


Large Sarge
17th February 2012, 07:12 AM
Rense and alex jones had it out, awhile back.... was very telling about alex jones... of course it was the old rense is anti-semitic...

jones called up and threatened him.....

just like when prothink told alex about ben freedman, and Israel did 9/11

AJ went berserk on prothink...

17th February 2012, 07:22 AM
i've always had a lot of respect for rense. over the years he seems to call people out no matter who they are/their position if he thinks they are full of bs.

17th February 2012, 07:31 AM
Cass Sunstein said they would cause infighting and divide and conquer the Freedom Movement.

17th February 2012, 07:53 AM
yeah I've been following, but it's been contained to the fukushima thread, beginning here: #2907 and various posts following.

Off hand I'd point the finger of guilt more Makow's way- his pieces smearing Rense just ooze a certain childish vindictiveness.

big mystey for me though about the Rense side is, re his weekly guest: Journalist Accuses Israel of Fukushima Sabotage (http://americanfreepress.net/?p=969) - isn't that the same sort of "conspiracy/sabotage" thesis which Rense blew up at Makow for (Makow having published an analysis of Jim Stone's thesis (http://www.henrymakow.com/theargumentfukushimasabotage.html))? In fact, I'd have to dig for the original Y. Shimatsu article (somewhere in the fukushima thread), but I think Shimatsu's thesis was originally published on Rense, ?!

Anyways while Makow's being ah, disappointing in his smear pieces on Rense- Rense's reasons for not wanting to publicize Stone's thesis (merely "I will not entertain such trash on my site (http://www.rense.com/general95/1jrcomm.html)") ring a little hollow too.

also see, Thread: Stuxnet confirmed in Japan (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?46098-Stuxnet-confirmed-in-Japan)

17th February 2012, 07:55 AM
yeah I've been following, but it's been contained to the fukushima thread, beginning here: #2907 and various posts following.

Off hand I'd point the finger of guilt more Makow's way- his pieces smearing Rense just ooze a certain childish vindictiveness.

big mystey for me though about the Rense side is, re his weekly guest: Journalist Accuses Israel of Fukushima Sabotage (http://americanfreepress.net/?p=969) - isn't that the same sort of "conspiracy/sabotage" thesis which Rense blew up at Makow for (Makow having published an analysis of Jim Stone's thesis (http://www.henrymakow.com/theargumentfukushimasabotage.html))? In fact, I'd have to dig for the original Y. Shimatsu article (somewhere in the fukushima thread), but I think Shimatsu's thesis was originally published on Rense, ?!

Anyways while Makow's being ah, disappointing in his smear pieces on Rense- Rense's reasons for not wanting to publicize Stone's thesis (merely "I will not entertain such trash on my site (http://www.rense.com/general95/1jrcomm.html)") ring a little hollow too.

also see, Thread: Stuxnet confirmed in Japan (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?46098-Stuxnet-confirmed-in-Japan)

Well said, Patcolo.


17th February 2012, 07:58 AM
Rense and alex jones had it out, awhile back.... was very telling about alex jones... of course it was the old rense is anti-semitic...

jones called up and threatened him.....

just like when prothink told alex about ben freedman, and Israel did 9/11

AJ went berserk on prothink...

Rense's lady friend put together http://www.alexjonesmachine.com documenting how that AJ/Rense spat went down from her perspective.

17th February 2012, 08:14 AM
This tactic has been used many times. It's an old marketing ploy to boost ratings for both parties. Win/win.

Notice how they all do this every few months. It titillates the viewership. Oooh! Controversy...

It's ALL controlled opposition. Controlled by $, the most powerful occult symbol in hell.

17th February 2012, 08:22 AM
This tactic has been used many times. It's an old marketing ploy to boost ratings for both parties. Win/win.

Notice how they all do this every few months. It titillates the viewership. Oooh! Controversy...

It's ALL controlled opposition. Controlled by $, the most powerful occult symbol in hell.

Those that aren't controlled opposition tend to be dead, silenced, or in jail. It hurts to say it, but I believe that it's true.


midnight rambler
17th February 2012, 08:35 AM
Cass Sunstein said they would cause infighting and divide and conquer the Freedom Movement.

"Cause division among them." --Sun Tzu

'They' can't manage to heed Master Sun when it comes to waging war abroad, but 'they' certainly get it when it comes to their real objectives.

17th February 2012, 08:59 AM
i thought Makow was saying, the Tsunami was not caused by a conventional earthquake.

that the source of the Tsunami may have been an Israeli nuclear bomb.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
17th February 2012, 09:13 AM
Seems like petty squabbling that will only drive readers away from their sites.

Maybe Rense was harsh in dismissing that article but Makow made it personal. Aren't they supposed to be on the same team? Why can't they be professional and agree to disagree on certain topics?

Maybe there is a zionist ploy here somewhere. In this age of disinformation, nothing can be discounted.

17th February 2012, 09:56 AM
fwiw I think Makow fired the first public shot in this which he published 1/27:

jim stone related stuff, IE wasn't a quake but offshore nukes.. read on,

The Article Jeff Rense Doesn't Want You to Read

January 27, 2012
The Argument that Fukushima Was Sabotaged

(Jeff Rense refused to link to this article. He thinks it is a psy-op to absolve the nuclear industry of blame for Fukushima. Fine. But when I posted it anyway so people could decide for themselves, he announced he would no longer link to my site. You will no longer be able to find my work on Rense's site. Sad that a 10 year relationship should end in this fashion.)

more: http://www.henrymakow.com/theargumentfukushimasabotage.html

... and Makow also fired the 2nd public shot with his 2/8 Jeff Rense's Abuse of Power & Trust (http://www.henrymakow.com/many_feuds_of_jeff_rense.html)

the most interesting aspect of it to me in the otherwise silly dueling egos spat, is the drawing out of Rense's personal life. I knew little about him outside of his site, his '80s porn star looking portrait, and his silky radio voice/personality. But in Rense's long Reply - 'Jeff Rense's Abuse Of Power & Trust' (http://rense.com/general95/1jrcomm.html) piece, Rense discloses way more about himself than I've seen anywhere.

For better or worse, this'll also explode exposure to Jim Stone's thesis through the Truth community who investigate the Rense/Makow spat.

There's this little sideshow too: Jim Stone is "The Fugitive"

I don't see a permalink to it, so don't know where it'll go when it drops off the bottom of Makow's homepage, so I'll paste here:

February 14, 2012

Jim Stone is "The Fugitive"

Ex-NSA analyst Jim Stone is on the run from authorities for posting incriminating information on his website. Here he answers Benjamin Fulford's suggestion that he seek asylum at a Washington DC embassy.

by Jim Stone

I have discovered it is not easy to walk into an embassy and ask for
asylum. The first thing they think is I am a spy. Many hand you a stack
of papers and say go through the immigration division. And Russia? Do
you think I would survive there? Are you silly? Sure, they would LOVE
me, at first, because I could tell them all about America's ultrawideband
program and encryption/decryption methods but what would be the point?
They are evil also, another U.S.A.

Benjamin, there is evil in just about all nations. It is not easy to
select one where I could just go there and shut up. I am an intelligent
man with a virtually instant learning curve. I would quickly uncover
corruption in whatever nation I went to if it existed and would be right
back to the same old problems. There are a few true nations out there and
all of them fear America badly. How do you think THAT plays out with them
in regard to me, considering my background? They are afraid of me.
Rightly so.

Don't let suspicion get in the way of your opinion about my work. It is
accurate. I am not a psy op.

You fail to realize the absolute secrecy these people operate under. They
do not want ANY leaks AT ALL, and will sit patiently, patiently, analyzing
in the background the exact right time to nail someone - during a lull in
reporting, when another event is providing a distraction, or when anything
has occurred which will obscure what really happened to someone -
plausible deniability, and THEN make a hit if it can be done with

The latest storm trooper one was pretty brazen. But where it happened -
there would have been ZERO witnesses. I don't know how the hell they got into position without being noticed - There were so many of them. They
were in the full riot gear, and there was not a single vehicle ANYWHERE on
a mile long stretch of road. It was just an empty road. So you can't
walk down it in riot gear without SOMEONE driving by and noticing (cars go
through about once every four or five minutes) and yet there was
absolutely nothing parked on the road anywhere. That was a high level
operation, NOT the local police.

The road parallels an abandoned double wide stretch of railroad tracks.

So there was a bank of grass and thorn bushes, then the rocks, then two railroad tracks, the open area on the other side, and then the woods.
They were laying in the tall grass just before the woods, and smashed it all down, they were close together. The way they were arranged made it look like the railroad company came by and placed evenly spaced supplies to fix the track with, but it's abandoned and at first glance I wondered why they wanted to fix the tracks.

I paused and stared, and then realized it was not inventory, it was a row of storm trooper helmets - the full face ones, looking right at me. One of them moved, slowly, carefully. I got a good clear look at them, from far enough away to get a good head start. Lucky lucky lucky. They were positioned EXACTLY where I entered the woods to get back to where I was hiding.

And to be honest, I know this will sound silly, but I knew the troopers
would not follow me out onto a road where there could be a witness. And
when I walked away (I did not run) I actually felt proud of myself,
because if they spent THAT MUCH on me, I mean something. I REALLY got their attention.

And I won't stop. My wife is pissed off. She told me yesterday that if I
published ANYTHING MORE she would leave me. She is very upset about how my writing wrecked our lives. I had a successful business and she is a
Doctorate of Pharmacology. We should be living well, but because of the
writing I am in a tent, running for my life and she is stuck in Saudi
Arabia, unable to travel. The article Tainted Nightmare is from when we
were dating - it was the thing that brought us together, so I thought she
would be there through all of this. NOPE. She hates the reporting and
wants me to stop.

Anyway, I am real.


Jim's Web Site (http://jimstonefreelance.com/)

edit: here's the permalink ^ http://www.henrymakow.com/jim_stone_is_the_fugitive.html

17th February 2012, 10:10 AM
I was especially interested in the part about his wife threatening to leave him. It is so difficult for good men to stand up and do the right thing in today's world; specifically because there is always the risk of losing one's family in the process. The pressure to 'go along to get along' has never been greater.


fwiw I think Makow fired the first public shot in this which he published 1/27:

... and Makow also fired the 2nd public shot with his 2/8 Jeff Rense's Abuse of Power & Trust (http://www.henrymakow.com/many_feuds_of_jeff_rense.html)

the most interesting aspect of it to me in the otherwise silly dueling egos spat, is the drawing out of Rense's personal life. I knew little about him outside of his site, his '80s porn star looking portrait, and his silky radio voice/personality. But in Rense's long Reply - 'Jeff Rense's Abuse Of Power & Trust' (http://rense.com/general95/1jrcomm.html) piece, Rense discloses way more about himself than I've seen anywhere.

For better or worse, this'll also explode exposure to Jim Stone's thesis through the Truth community who investigate the Rense/Makow spat.

There's this little sideshow too: Jim Stone is "The Fugitive"

I don't see a permalink to it, so don't know where it'll go when it drops off the bottom of Makow's homepage, so I'll paste here:

17th February 2012, 10:21 AM
Cass Sunstein said they would cause infighting and divide and conquer the Freedom Movement.
thank you sir! this is EXACTLY what we are seeing. makow= jew...hmmm...

17th February 2012, 02:50 PM
smullin retracts today:


17th February 2012, 03:48 PM
Wow a jew causing controversy in the non mainstream news world, I'm so surprised. Divide and conquer. For this jew it doesn't matter if he drags both of their names through the mud and muddies the waters, so long as people are turned off to the situation he wins.

Read the Kol Nidre, NEVER trust a jew.

17th February 2012, 04:33 PM
Makow is not a sincers Jew trying to expose the misdeeds of Khazar supremacists. He has shown us that he's a void-filler and a treacherous role player. The jury is still out on Jeff Rense.

17th February 2012, 05:35 PM
Read the Kol Nidre, NEVER trust a jew.



20th February 2012, 10:36 AM
Saw this url posted on rense's site.

Henry Makow Watch (http://henrymakowwatch.wordpress.com/)

Only one article dated on the 18th.

21st February 2012, 06:20 AM
I don't read any of them.

Matt Drudge = jew
Henry Makow = jew
Alex Jones = jew through marriage.
Rense? Who knows.

David Duke deserves more of my attention, but I don't seem to be reading much commentary anymore, other than what's posted on this site.

And for the record, when I say jew, I mean those who say they are israel but are not.

21st February 2012, 06:23 AM
Saw this url posted on rense's site.

Henry Makow Watch (http://henrymakowwatch.wordpress.com/)

There's too many references to the phoenix for that site to be trusted.

22nd February 2012, 06:01 AM
latest Makow/Rense feud,

Jeff Rense is "The Bachelor" (http://www.henrymakow.com/jeff_rense_is_the_bachelor.html)
^ that Rense singles ad was found & briefly discussed here @ GSUS over a year ago sometime, I'd have to find, a simple google GSUS-site search finds no trace ?! Anyways, Makow makes a claim about Rense's most recent marriage having lasted 7 weeks and the woman being "spirit is broken and she is in desperate straits" - though Makow doesn't document where he gets this claim. Similarly Makow is still claiming Rense is building an electric train set around his property, providing no source- and at least one of Rense's rebuttal pieces denies this claim completely.

formerly from Makow, but with updates as of a few days ago, http://www.henrymakow.com/jeff_rense_steps_in_it.html

& rense actually has a center column data block with his anti-Makow shite now,

Newest Zionist Hit Piece Libel Attacks On Jeff

Reply - Smear Of Jeff Rense's Personal Life... (http://rense.com/general95/3jrcomm2.html)
Why Did Henry Makow Crash And Burn So Dramatically? (http://henrymakowwatch.wordpress.com/2012/02/18/why-did-henry-makow-crash-and-burn-so-dramatically/)
Sauder - If You Think It`s Crazy Now, You Just Wait ... (http://eventhorizonchronicle.blogspot.com/2012/02/if-you-think-its-crazy-now-you-just.html)
Reply - 'The Hidden Jeff Rense' (http://rense.com/general95/2jrcomm.html)
Reply - 'Jeff Rense's Abuse Of Power & Trust' (http://rense.com/general95/1jrcomm.html)
Re WING TV Smear - Read Patsy Smullin's Apology To Jeff (http://www.rense.com/general92/smullin.htm)
Jeff Rense And Impasse City (http://zippittydodah.blogspot.com/2012/02/jeff-rense-and-impasse-city.html)
Jay Weidner - Smoking Out The Monster (http://rense.com/general95/smokngout.html)
An Open Letter To Henry Makow (http://anonymousforresponsiblejournalism.blogspot.com/2012/02/using-our-internet-platforms-to-defame.html)
Drockton - Makow's Punch And Judy Show (http://pauldrockton.com/Makow3.html)
Who 'Turned' Henry Makow? (http://pauldrockton.com/Makow2.html)
Lorie Kramer - The REAL Hidden Jeff Rense (http://seektress.com/rensemak.htm)
More... (http://rense.com/general95/zattks.html)

22nd February 2012, 06:05 AM
So the readers digest version: Makow is being an immature douche?

(I really can't be bothered to read all the smearing)

22nd February 2012, 06:23 AM
I don't read any of them.

Matt Drudge = jew
Henry Makow = jew
Alex Jones = jew through marriage.
Rense? Who knows.

i think you can judge by the amount of ads on their website.

i avoid websites that are peppered with ads.

remember the good old days of the Internet when their was 1 ad per page ?

22nd February 2012, 06:32 AM
Hell, I remember it before ads were included on websites at all. I used to BBS back in the dial up days, before the web was wide.

26th February 2012, 11:40 AM
Anyone catch this? I haven't read the first and second installments.

Nine frickin wives? Damn.

My Masochistic Marriage to Jeff Rense (http://www.henrymakow.com/mymasochisticmarriage.html)

This is the final installment of "Jeff Rense's Ninth Ex-Wife Speaks Out" Part One is here (http://www.henrymakow.com/jeff_renses_ninth_ex-wife_spe.html). Part Two is here (http://www.henrymakow.com/jeff_rense_the_spy_who_love.html).

27th February 2012, 12:33 AM
Anyone catch this? I haven't read the first and second installments.

Nine frickin wives? Damn.

My Masochistic Marriage to Jeff Rense (http://www.henrymakow.com/mymasochisticmarriage.html)

I've only been loosely following it, as I think Makow is acting like a whiny little bitch in the matter.

But if what this woman says about his personality is true, I wouldn't be surprised if it's caused by his veganism. He works really hard and has an inadequate diet; no wonder he's a mean s.o.b. Eat a steak with melted butter already!

However, I still withhold judgement because she's claiming to be such a victim. The story is too one-sided, and she doesn't take any responsibility for her bad judgement.

I don't know what she, or any woman, expects if they rush into marriage without getting to know someone better. "Marry in haste, repent at leisure."

27th February 2012, 12:48 AM
Regardless of their destructive war against each other, I'll still read anything enlightening they write and ignore the noise. Just like anyone else.

27th February 2012, 12:52 AM
Good idea!

1st March 2012, 03:33 AM
from Icke's site:

'Conspiracy Researcher' Henry Makow has been embarked on a vicious character assassination of radio host Jeff Rense and now I receive an email from the chap with this hardly-veiled threat ... (http://www.davidicke.com/headlines/62073-conspiracy-researcher-henry-makow-has-been-embarked-on-a-vicious-character-assassination-of-radio-host-jeff-rense-and-now-i-receive-an-email-from-the-chap-with-this-hardly-veiled-threat-)

Thursday, 01 March 2012 10:33

... 'People have a right to know who David Icke is.'


Given his beyond-disgraceful behaviour with regard to Jeff Rense, a man who has already done more to expose the conspiracy over decades than Makow will do if he lives to be a thousand, it is perhaps more to the point that people have a right to know who Henry Makow is and why he is targeting high-profile researchers at such a crucial time when the public urgently need to know what is going on in the world.

He is miffed because I won't post his little articles anymore after seeing his vindictive and spiteful attempts to destroy Jeff Rense and all that he has done over decades. That makes a statement to me about his true motivations and priorities. I want that energy on this website? No thank you. Blatant inaccuracies in his attacks on Rense also put into question, for me, the quality of the 'research' in whatever else he writes.

But, as Rense found out, you are not allowed the right to decide what is posted on your own website if 'freedom-loving' Makow is involved or you get an attack of his terrible twos


'I'll getcha for this ...'


Smoking Out The Monster

By Jay Weidner


‘There is something in the air. Those of us who have been around for a while can almost smell it. It is the smell of the Monster. It is putrid and greasy. The Monster hides its ugly face from all of us. It fears to show itself ... The agents of the Monster are used to hiding and doing its will in solitude and anonymity. That day is ending. The agents of the Monster are being forced out into the open. Because a few brave humans have stood up to the Monster the beast is being forced to come out in the open, if for nothing else than to attempt to devour its enemies.'

Read more ... (http://www.davidicke.com/articles/coverups-mainmenu-65/62074-smoking-out-the-monster)
By their actions shall ye know them and they are now revealing themselves by their actions. They can't help it, because it is time. Those who seek to destroy others are themselves already destroyed.

Come on, let's have you, those with that sick intent. Let the world see who you are.

'You are going to face ... an attempt to bring you down by someone who has the ability to make people feel pity for them, aided and abetted by others, but this attempt to discredit you will not succeed' - Zulu shaman Credo Mutwa to David Icke, August, 2010.

1st March 2012, 03:47 AM
^ which I see corresponds with this latest from Makow:

David Icke Forgot Who He Is (http://www.henrymakow.com/david_icke_forgets_who_his_is.html)

February 29, 2012

I like the text of what Icke wrote to Makow :)

& Makow also posts this, re the guy whose Fukushima theory started it all,

Jim Stone is the Real Deal (http://www.henrymakow.com/jim_stone_is_the_real_thing.html)

I just searched rense.com, and find the former center column collection of rense/makow feud stories is gone. A word search of the site finds no instances of "Makow". Seems like a smart move, to cease "publicizing" Makow whatsoever.

1st March 2012, 01:18 PM
Wow a jew causing controversy in the non mainstream news world, I'm so surprised. Divide and conquer. For this jew it doesn't matter if he drags both of their names through the mud and muddies the waters, so long as people are turned off to the situation he wins.

Read the Kol Nidre, NEVER trust a jew.

Worth a quote again.

:) never trust a jew

2nd March 2012, 05:10 AM
Afaic none of these guys can be trusted, at all. I don't mean that in an overly negative way either. What I mean to say is, I think some of these guys are pure crypto and cointelpro, and others have good intentions but their sources are misleading them intentionally.
They have printed some truths, and they have printed some speculation, and commentary, but they are subject to their sources and the integrity (or lack thereof) of them.

Do you know who has the absolute truth about the absolute plan? Very few. MAYBE a group of 10 people or less. Satan's fingers. No one else knows the conspiracy, to the letter, other than them. Compartmentalization is so critical in the carrying out of the plan, that the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing, but they are working towards a goal together without being aware of it.

The parts we find out about are the parts that they can either no longer hide, or the parts that they want us to know about.

Anyways, I digress.

Rense, Makow, Icke, Jones, all of them, are only human. I know there are nuggets of truth in there, even in AJ's material, and he is more suspect than any other imo. That they are covering a lot of material in their studies, but afaic nothing is fact until it happens. I still prep for the worst, but none of what these guys say is gospel to me.

2nd March 2012, 09:56 AM
"Quoting an unnamed aide to George W. Bush (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_W._Bush) (later attributed to Karl Rove (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Rove)[1] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reality-based_community#cite_note-0)): The aide said that guys like me were "in what we call the reality-based community," which he defined as people who "believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality." ... "That's not the way the world really works anymore," he continued. "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."

6th March 2012, 05:58 PM
this might be momentary, or could be bigger, but I can't load http://rense.com now:

Server Error

403 - Forbidden: Access is denied.

You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied.

anyone else?

EDIT: it's back up now. I barked too soon! Should've given it an hour or so, but it was over a 10 min span in which I tried refreshing many times and only got the error page.

6th March 2012, 06:01 PM
works fine for me pat.

6th March 2012, 06:08 PM
works for me PatColo. I haven't had issues with rense since his site was down a couple of months ago.

10th April 2012, 03:17 AM
went quiet for awhile, figured it was over and both had gone separate paths, but alas Makow apparently scored some new dirt, allegedly from another Rense ex,

"I know Jeff Rense as a Predator" - Ex-Wife #3 (http://www.henrymakow.com/i_know_jeff_rense_as_a_predato.html)

April 8, 2012

10th April 2012, 05:20 AM
Afaic none of these guys can be trusted, at all. I don't mean that in an overly negative way either. What I mean to say is, I think some of these guys are pure crypto and cointelpro, and others have good intentions but their sources are misleading them intentionally.
They have printed some truths, and they have printed some speculation, and commentary, but they are subject to their sources and the integrity (or lack thereof) of them.

Do you know who has the absolute truth about the absolute plan? Very few. MAYBE a group of 10 people or less. Satan's fingers. No one else knows the conspiracy, to the letter, other than them. Compartmentalization is so critical in the carrying out of the plan, that the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing, but they are working towards a goal together without being aware of it.

The parts we find out about are the parts that they can either no longer hide, or the parts that they want us to know about.

Anyways, I digress.

Rense, Makow, Icke, Jones, all of them, are only human. I know there are nuggets of truth in there, even in AJ's material, and he is more suspect than any other imo. That they are covering a lot of material in their studies, but afaic nothing is fact until it happens. I still prep for the worst, but none of what these guys say is gospel to me.

I'm in the camp that anyone that is high visibility/highly financed is crypto or cointelpro. BUT I believe there is another aspect to this, and I'll confess that I don't fully understand it. It has to do with the 'rules'. They have to disclose what they are planning to do prior to doing it. Of course we all know this is often done in underhanded ways- through masonic double or triple meanings, or they will provide information overload and the it's up to the individual to weed out what's real and what's not. And then there is the 'Satan advertises' aspect to all this...which to be honest I'm not sure if that is simply the excuse the bad guys use for disclosure that is truly predicated on 'the rules', or if it is something that is independent of the rules.
Anyway, like I said, I'm still trying to figure out exactly how these rules work. Mostly everything I've got outside of certain of the elite conceding that these rules exist, is based on inductive reasoning. Which means that outside of the acknowledgement that these rules actually exist and that the elite believe and/or are bound to them somehow, specific information on exactly what these rules are is scarce at best, nonexistent at worst (read: top secret). I'd imagine if anyone ever got their hands on that info it would be extremely valuable, indeed.

11th April 2012, 04:25 AM
Which means that outside of the acknowledgement that these rules actually exist and that the elite believe and/or are bound to them somehow, specific information on exactly what these rules are is scarce at best, nonexistent at worst (read: top secret).

IMO only the top players know the rules, and imo the top players (Read: Pinnacle of satans servants) are far above and beyond the levels of the Rockefeller/Rothchild caliber.

But yeah I agree, it's tough to see the hints they give us until after the fact, and then it's too late.

11th April 2012, 05:10 AM
Originally Posted by dys:
Which means that outside of the acknowledgement that these rules actually exist and that the elite believe and/or are bound to them somehow, specific information on exactly what these rules are is scarce at best, nonexistent at worst (read: top secret).

IMO only the top players know the rules, and imo the top players (Read: Pinnacle of satans servants) are far above and beyond the levels of the Rockefeller/Rothchild caliber.

But yeah I agree, it's tough to see the hints they give us until after the fact, and then it's too late.

I believe that any time the rules get in the way of their program, thay will simply alter the rules. The main rule of any power hungry individual or group is to get their way. Just like a spoiled and petulant child they will cheat in any manner and justify it to themselves.

They don't have to tell you anything. If they give us any hints it is because they are laughing at our stupidity and feeling so superior as to show their hand slightly.