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17th February 2012, 03:14 PM

Could God microwave a frozen burrito so hot that even he couldn't eat it?

17th February 2012, 03:18 PM
Why would god need to eat?

Celtic Rogue
17th February 2012, 03:20 PM
A: If he wanted to! 8-) However in my religion god is a frozen burrito!

17th February 2012, 04:43 PM
Isaac Asimov, a confirmed atheist, answered a variation of this question: what happens when an irresistible force meets an immovable object? He points out that Albert Einstein demonstrated the equivalence of mass-energy. That is, according to relativity theory, mass is simply frozen energy, energy is simply liquid mass. In order to be either "immovable" or "irresistible", the entity must possess the majority of energy in the system. No system can have two majorities. A universe in which there exists such a thing as an irresistible force is, by definition, a universe which cannot also contain an immovable object. And a universe which contains an immovable object cannot, by definition, also contain an irresistible force. So the question is essentially meaningless: either the force is irresistible or the object is immovable, but not both. Asimov points out that this question is the logical fallacy of the pseudo-question. Just because we can string words together to form what looks like a coherent sentence doesn't mean the sentence really makes any sense.


23rd February 2012, 05:53 PM
Epicurus said it best:

Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?

24th February 2012, 12:58 AM
A: If he wanted to! 8-) However in my religion god is a frozen burrito!

You IDIOT! Everyone knows that god is a scolding hot microwaved burrito!


24th February 2012, 07:00 AM

He has fingers, but doesn't have a relative time frame for programming the micro.

24th February 2012, 07:43 AM
It's a trick question.

Everyone knows God doesn't eat microwaved food, being all knowing he knows it's bad for you. Duh!

24th February 2012, 08:39 AM
The dimension wherein God dwells is outside of time. There are no burritos in this realm.
Time, burritos and heat are all functions of the dimension that WE exist in. This is part of why God became flesh; to relate to man- or should I say, so man could relate to Him.

24th February 2012, 03:49 PM
Epicurus said it best:

Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?

I think a possible answer to this question is "God is beyond humans' ideas of evil."

Another possible related explanation for evil and other problems is that this world and everything in it is an illusion that God created in order to experience himself as every kind of manifestation and in every single possible combination of events as those manifestations.

One thing I wonder about is the possibility that there are infinite versions of ourselves living infinite variations of our lives simultaneously into eternity.

I'm intrigued with the idea that this world is basically God's video game, and we are little characters he created to experience The Game.

In video games, as you complete each level the corresponding ones get harder and harder. It's fun to play the games that challenge us, and boring to play ones that are too easy or simple. I imagine God feels the same way.

Or perhaps life is a ride on Bill Hick's roller coaster (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7criyE09uy0).

My answer to the hypothetical question, Could God microwave a frozen burrito so hot that even he couldn't eat it? is:

He tried to, but got bored and hungry so he created humans who created taco shops.