View Full Version : Damn it, a good friends 7 year old daughter has type 1 diabetes

General of Darkness
19th February 2012, 08:00 AM
These people are awesome. They home school all 4 kids, have their own garden and just amazing people and I'm fortunate to be friends with them.

Is there anything they can do to improve this or reverse it?

19th February 2012, 08:09 AM
These people are awesome. They home school all 4 kids, have their own garden and just amazing people and I'm fortunate to be friends with them.

Is there anything they can do to improve this or reverse it?

Unfortunately not for Juvenile Diabetes. It's usually the result of an auto-immune destruction of the insulin production cells in the pancreas. Type II Diabetes (Adult on-set diabetes) is the one that can be treated and "cured" if the person only had diabetes due to bad diet, obese and lack of exercise. That can be reversed with a healthy diet, exercise and close monitoring of glucose. But each case is different.

Auto-immune diseases are extremely difficult to treat as the body is attacking itself. From what I've read the best way to treat auto-immune diseases would be to reduce inflammation. But since you don't know what is causing it, it's trial and error.

General of Darkness
19th February 2012, 08:21 AM
Unfortunately not for Juvenile Diabetes. It's usually the result of an auto-immune destruction of the insulin production cells in the pancreas. Type II Diabetes (Adult on-set diabetes) is the one that can be treated and "cured" if the person only had diabetes due to bad diet, obese and lack of exercise. That can be reversed with a healthy diet, exercise and close monitoring of glucose. But each case is different.

Auto-immune diseases are extremely difficult to treat as the body is attacking itself. From what I've read the best way to treat auto-immune diseases would be to reduce inflammation. But since you don't know what is causing it, it's trial and error.

Thanks Ares.

19th February 2012, 08:30 AM
GoD -

No problem, Diabetes runs in my family. My cousin has had it since she was around 6-8 years old. My grandparents have it, my parents don't thankfully. It's something I've read about and try to maintain a healthy diet and weight so that I don't acquire it later on in life.

Type I unfortunately is the more rarer of the 2 and really isn't treatable outside of insulin injections and close monitoring of Glucose.

My wife's friend has Type I and doesn't manage it well at all, she has lost some of her sight and had a couple toes removed. All because she doesn't manage it well.

Just make sure to tell your friends to assist their daughter in proper treatment of the disease. That's about all you can do. There are plenty of pictures and stories of people who did not manage their diabetes well and the horrific signs of it are on their bodies with missing limbs, and eyes that no longer function.

General of Darkness
19th February 2012, 08:39 AM
GoD -

No problem, Diabetes runs in my family. My cousin has had it since she was around 6-8 years old. My grandparents have it, my parents don't thankfully. It's something I've read about and try to maintain a healthy diet and weight so that I don't acquire it later on in life.

Type I unfortunately is the more rarer of the 2 and really isn't treatable outside of insulin injections and close monitoring of Glucose.

My wife's friend has Type I and doesn't manage it well at all, she has lost some of her sight and had a couple toes removed. All because she doesn't manage it well.

Just make sure to tell your friends to assist their daughter in proper treatment of the disease. That's about all you can do. There are plenty of pictures and stories of people who did not manage their diabetes well and the horrific signs of it are on their bodies with missing limbs, and eyes that no longer function.

Thanks again, I wasn't aware that type I wasn't something that you could cure. Very sad.

Road Runner
19th February 2012, 09:07 AM
I have a niece who was 5 when diagnosed with Type 1 also. Just for some encouragement for you, she has led a good life with little complications and is very healthy. She has 2 children, which many times doctors will recommend no children for them.
She has given herself the shots since diagnosed, twice a day and just does fine. She is in her mid 40's now.
I do know there are many diet issues with many autoimmune diseases and if your friends are willing to make drastic changes in some of them, there could be a lot of help there. From what I have read it won't get her off the insulin but could drastically lower the doses. Best wishes for that family. I remember how hard it was for my brother and sister in law to get used to, etc.

19th February 2012, 01:02 PM
I've read that if mega-doses of niacinimide, natural vitamin E and vitamin C (http://gold-silver.us/forum/vitamin%20c%20+%20type%201%20diabetes)are started right away after diagnosis along with avoiding all conventional pasteurized dairy products, there's a slim chance of reversing the problem.

Recently Diagnosed Type 1 Diabetes (http://www.reversingdiabetes.org/HowitWorks/TypeIDiabetes.aspx)

There has been some evidence that taking niacinamide may help some badly damaged beta cells to recover if they are still alive although this is not certain. Niacinamide (not niacin) is a vitamin that can be obtained in any health food store. The dose is 12.5mg of niacinamide per pound of body weight every day. [For a child this would be about 100 to 200 mg per day and for an adult the dose would be about 1500 to 2000 mg per day.] Apparently there is a time period (maybe a few months) when the beta cells are mortally wounded but not dead yet.
Cases of Type 1 Diabetes Which are Caught Early (http://www.cancertutor.com/Diabetes/Diabetes_Type_I.htm)

There are two substances that have been shown in scientific studies to cure type 1 diabetes if it is caught early enough. These two substances are niacinamide and vitamin E. Exactly how soon the diabetes has to be caught is not known. Generally, 80% of the beta cells are dead before the diabetes is caught, so anyone who has been taking insulin for less than about a year should try these two substances immediately.

There were two scientific studies on niacinamide and Type 1 diabetes. In one study, 90% of the newly diagnosed diabetic patients were cured of their diabetes with niacinamide. In another study, 50% of the newly diagnosed diabeted patients were cured of their diabetes with niacinamide. What was the difference in the studies?

The difference was that the newly diagnosed patients in one study (the 90% cure) were not allowed to partake of any dairy products. In the other study the patients were allowed to partake of dairy products.

The results of these two studies makes it ABSOLUTELY CLEAR that the patient must stop taking every possible form of dairy products immediately.

[NOTE: Raw milk from grass-fed cows has traditionally been used to treat diabetes at the Mayo Foundation, the precursor to the Mayo Clinic (http://www.realmilk.com/milkcure.html).]

This study looks promising:

Chemical Produced in Pancreas Prevented and Reversed Diabetes in Mice (http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/06/110628132609.htm)
A team led by Dr. Qinghua Wang, in the division of endocrinology and metabolism, and Dr. Gerald Prud'homme, in the division of pathology, has studied the role of GABA, or gamma-aminobutyric acid, an amino acid produced by beta cells in the pancreas. The research was funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and the Canadian Diabetes Association.

The researchers found that GABA injections not only prevented diabetes in mice, but even reversed the disease. Their findings were published June 28 in the journalProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The significance of GABA is that it corrects both known causes of Type 1 diabetes in mice: It works in the pancreas to regenerate insulin-producing beta cells and it acts on the immune system to stop the destruction of those cells. Those two actions are necessary to reverse the disease and prevent its recurrence. Until now, there has been no effective treatment that achieves both goals at the same time.

19th February 2012, 02:41 PM
The Gerson Therapy cures diabetes:


Large Sarge
19th February 2012, 02:57 PM
gymnema sylvestre, an herb, used mainly in India, reportedly can regenerate the pancreas....

its how they treat diabetes over there....

http://www.google.com/#hl=en&sclient=psy-ab&q=gymnema+sylvestre+%26+regenerates+pancreas&pbx=1&oq=gymnema+sylvestre+%26+regenerates+pancreas&aq=f&aqi=&aql=1&gs_sm=3&gs_upl=9330l15309l3l15521l23l22l0l1l1l0l166l1240l2 1.1l23l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=6144dfdb3b8a557a&biw=1280&bih=814

19th February 2012, 03:21 PM
The good thing about coconut oil, General, is that it can be incorporated simply into the diet
Personally I have no health problems but use coconut oil instead of butter ie spread on toast, cooking, baking,on skin ect.

Coconut Oil and Diabetes
Does it Really Cure Diabetes?

Coconut oil and diabetes are something people overlook when it comes to diabetes curing.

Of course, we tend to lean on the medication instead of a natural alternative to cure diabetes.

"So how does 'coconut oil and diabetes' works?" you ask.

You might think it is not possible for coconut oil to cure diabetes.

However, a certain number of diabetics who take coconut oil are getting better and better.
Do you have the question to coconut oil and diabetes?

Click here to ask your question, share it to visitors, and get the advice in the forum!

By taking coconut oil everyday combined to following the medical advice, many people can reduce the level of blood sugar to the normal range.

It only takes a certain period of time -- months, if not weeks.

Some can even cut back the amount of medications they've been taking for years!

Let's take few minutes to learn about what diabetes is...
What is Diabetes?

Diabetes mellitus is a disorder stage of metabolism. It will lower the capability of the pancreas to produce insulin in order to help glucose get into the body's cell.

Then the body will convert the glucose into energy for utilization.

What will happen if you have fewer insulin?

Yes, the blood sugar does not fully absorb into the cells.

Some of them is left in the blood stream. And you will have high blood sugar.

This condition can cause you negative effect on your body.

It is possible for the excessive blood sugar to turn into the fat sticking to the arterial wall.

This will make the blood vessel narrow, causing a blockage to the blood flow.

Finally, you may have many health problems such as slow wound healing, numb feeling, blurry eyesight, feeling tired easily, and more.

Coconut oil and diabetes can be a new hope for you to heal diabetes. Not only does it help regulate the blood sugar, but it also burns the extra fat in your body efficiently.

So to speak, coconut oil might be the only edible oil for every diabetic to take daily.

Here's How It Works

In this 'Coconut oil and Diabetes' topic, you'll learn how coconut oil works as an effective and natural cure of diabetes. Here are what you get from coconut oil:
1. Good Nutrient for Body Cells

Glucose generally comes from the food we eat. Since glucose composes of many long molecule structures, it is difficult to enter the cells by itself. So it needs insulin to do so.

However coconut oil contains most of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs, C 6-12) which are smaller and lighter than glucose. So it can get into the cells without a need of insulin.

Coconut oil does the job similarly to insulin. It is because coconut oil gives the body healthy nutrients that are useful for the cells to produce energy.

Whether you have less insulin or insulin resistance, coconut oil still works. You can take coconut oil to improve the pancreas function and/or activate the insulin response to the cells.

Coconut oil can be the ONLY dietary oil that every diabetic should take.
2. Metabolism Boost

Metabolism boost is another great benefit you can get from 'coconut oil and diabetes' approach.

MFCAs in coconut oil help regulate the digestive system, and improve thyroid function. (Coconut oil thyroid treatment is an alternative for those with hypothyroid condition.)

As the result, you have higher metabolism which in turn helps stimulate the pancreas to secrete more insulin.

You can replace insulin with coconut oil to cure Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes (Thampan, 1994; and Garfinkel, et al. 1992). Perhaps you no longer need insulin injection if you take coconut oil daily.

Remember, the higher metabolism, the higher fat burning.

Yes, you can also lose weight with coconut oil while having low risk of diabetes ;-)
3. Pancreas Recovery

Your blood sugar usually increases a little after each meal. To balance the level of blood sugar, the body needs more insulin to help blood sugar enter the cells, and produce energy.

If you are diabetic, the pancreas becomes less effective to produce sufficient insulin. However, with coconut oil, you can improve your pancreas function.

Since lauric acid in coconut oil helps speed up metabolism, the pancreas functions will become more effective. So it can produce more insulin for you to reduce an excessive blood sugar.
4. Cells Response Boost

This is beneficial for those with Type 2 diabetes as the body cells are unable to respond to insulin.

Coconut oil helps activate the ability of cell's response in allowing more glucose enter the cells. The pancreas does not necessarily produce more insulin while coconut oil is working on that (Garfinkel, et al. 1992; Han, et al. 2003).

You see, coconut oil helps improve not only the pancreas, but ability of cell's response as well. So coconut oil can be a cure for both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.

The diabetics with no feeling on the foot and hand start getting the feeling back after taking the diet with coconut oil for a few weeks.

This is the incredible benefit between coconut oil and diabetes.
5. Blood Sugar Regulation

Studies found that coconut oil can regulate the blood sugar level (Garfunkel, et al. 1992; Han, et al. 2003).

Diabetics who consume coconut oil will be full longer (slow diet craving).

This is beneficial for the body to stabilize the level of blood sugar while glucose is gradually spreading into the blood.

Some diabetics can control and reduce blood suger level by consuming the diet with coconut oil despite of eating sweetened food (Fife 2006).

Taking 2 to 3 tablespoons of coconut will help lower your blood sugar within 30 minutes.
6. Effective Glucose Utilization and High Glucose Tolerance

MCFAs in coconut oil have a higher ability than other oils in developing binding affinity between insulin and cells (Ginsberg, 1982 and Yost and Eckel, 1989).

The research found that coconut oil can create high glucose tolerance to the body as well.

This is another great benefit from 'coconut oil and diabetes' approach.
7. Lower Glycemic Index (GI)

Normally, our blood sugar slightly rises after eating. The amount of blood sugar depends on the diets we take.

The more carbohydrate, the more blood glucose produced.

Glycemic Index (GI) describes the difference of each carbohydrate ranking to the effect of blood glucose level.

For example, the dessert as well as starch such as bread and sugar are the diets that have a high GI level. Likewise, some of the very sweetened fruits like banana, longan, and litchi have a high level of GI too.

They will increase a high blood sugar level quickly.

The doctor usually recommends the diabetic to limit high GI diet.

However, you won't be worrying when it comes to 'coconut oil and diabetes' remedy. Why?

Because, coconut oil has no effect to the GI level, and it has extremely low GI level too. Moreover, if you add coconut oil in the sweetened diet like candy and other starch, the GI level will decrease significantly.

Simply take one tablespoon of coconut oil twice a day before a meal, and you can lower blood sugar down nearly to a normal range.

A person who has a high blood sugar level of 220 mg has been taking coconut oil for four months daily. Now the blood sugar level comes down to 97 mg, which falls into the normal range. Now he no longer needs insulin injection anymore. (Testimonial)

In short, 'coconut oil and diabetes' approach is an alternative and efficient way to cure diabetes naturally. The coconut oil nutrients do activate the body cell response to glucose absorption effectively.

If you're looking for a way to cure diabetes naturally, 'coconut oil and diabetes' approach is another wise choice for you.http://www.miracle-of-coconut-oil.com/coconut-oil-and-diabetes.html




Twisted Titan
19th February 2012, 03:48 PM
great info...........

All the best to that family

19th February 2012, 04:03 PM
My understanding is that type I is when all the insulin cells in your pancreas are dead. You have to inject insulin into your blood or you die.

Type II on the other hand is when some of the insulin cells have died, but some remain. So careful management of your diet will sometimes allow you to make due with a smaller portion of cells. The severity depends on how many cells you have left.

Two key things are important. Number one is your diet. If you blast your body with sugar and carbs, like eating a donut, then your pancreas is required to produce tons of insulin to neutralize it. So just eating sensibly and spreading it out over time puts less stress on your body to neutralize spikes of sugar.

The second key thing is weight. If you're obese then your tiny pancreas has to produce enough insulin for your entire body mass. Add on top of that the fact that obese people probably hit their bodies with big sugar spikes which must be neutralized, and you can see why it fails.

This is what I learned from a 15 minute conversation with someone who has with type II.

19th February 2012, 05:07 PM
Excellent find Lapis.

Thank you

19th February 2012, 05:28 PM
Papaya leaf tea/extract. Don't diss me before you try it. Just do it. Thank me years after or don't, I don't care just help yourselves.

19th February 2012, 05:31 PM
Threads like this make me proud to be a member of this forum. I wish the little girl the best, GoD.

19th February 2012, 05:41 PM
Little girl be fine amongst us, we together and even separate would never let a fine child disintegrate amongst the medical circus. I would rather die first.

willie pete
19th February 2012, 05:56 PM
My understanding is that type I is when all the insulin cells in your pancreas are dead. You have to inject insulin into your blood or you die.

Type II on the other hand is when some of the insulin cells have died, but some remain. So careful management of your diet will sometimes allow you to make due with a smaller portion of cells. The severity depends on how many cells you have left.

Two key things are important. Number one is your diet. If you blast your body with sugar and carbs, like eating a donut, then your pancreas is required to produce tons of insulin to neutralize it. So just eating sensibly and spreading it out over time puts less stress on your body to neutralize spikes of sugar.

The second key thing is weight. If you're obese then your tiny pancreas has to produce enough insulin for your entire body mass. Add on top of that the fact that obese people probably hit their bodies with big sugar spikes which must be neutralized, and you can see why it fails.

This is what I learned from a 15 minute conversation with someone who has with type II.

typically you don't inject insulin IV, you can, but it's not necessary,...insulin SC acts very rapidly, which is one reason why one doesn't inject insulin IV.....as for the obese developing diabetes, it's mainly because of all that extra weight which puts strain on every system in your body, overworking your pancrease

19th February 2012, 07:57 PM
I don't mean to rain on anyone's parade, but has anyone tried any of these alternative treatments and seen them work? anyone can google alternative treatments for juvenile diabetes and copy-paste. the internet is relatively free, and anyone can say anything.

It's like the alternative cancer treatments and people who copy-paste the burzyinkski clinic...Do these people even investigate what they're copy-pasting? The burzinsky clinic charges over 100k for treatment and requires a nonrefundable 800 dollar fee for the first visit. On top of that, he's patenting all of his anti-neoplastons and is working iwth the fda. It's just so ridiculous to spread this guy around as if he's "alternative".

19th February 2012, 11:03 PM
I don't mean to rain on anyone's parade, but has anyone tried any of these alternative treatments and seen them work? anyone can google alternative treatments for juvenile diabetes and copy-paste. the internet is relatively free, and anyone can say anything.

It's like the alternative cancer treatments and people who copy-paste the burzyinkski clinic...Do these people even investigate what they're copy-pasting? The burzinsky clinic charges over 100k for treatment and requires a nonrefundable 800 dollar fee for the first visit. On top of that, he's patenting all of his anti-neoplastons and is working iwth the fda. It's just so ridiculous to spread this guy around as if he's "alternative".

curezone has peoples experiences related to coconut oil................http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1349828#i

20th February 2012, 02:37 AM
I don't mean to rain on anyone's parade, but has anyone tried any of these alternative treatments and seen them work? anyone can google alternative treatments for juvenile diabetes and copy-paste. the internet is relatively free, and anyone can say anything.

You're right to be skeptical. Personally, I start to take notice of something only after I've read about it a few times from different sources (in this case, I heard about some of this information years ago, but can't remember where). Even so, that doesn't make the sources right; you still have to take action on the information and prove whether or not it works for yourself.

And in this case, what's the harm in giving a child extra vitamins or different foods like coconut oil? It can only help, even if it doesn't reverse the diabetes.

20th February 2012, 02:56 AM
The Gerson Therapy cures diabetes

Yes, but keep in mind that the original diet Max Gerson used included raw liver juice.

I don't think the present diet is as good as the old one because of this omission. It was eliminated because the livers used back in 1989 were contaminated with Campylobacter. They should've just frozen the livers for a few weeks, as that kills most parasites, bacteria and especially Campylobacter which is easily killed this way.

20th February 2012, 09:03 AM
I'm sorry to hear about the child. It is a difficult thing for a child to have to look forward to a life dependent on medicine. Still the alternative is much worse.

General of Darkness
20th February 2012, 09:22 AM
As Madfranks said, Threads like this make me proud to be a member of this forum. First off I'd like to thank everyone for their kind words and advice.

I found this site very interesting, http://www.ihealthtube.com/ but as Letter Factory said, "I don't mean to rain on anyone's parade, but has anyone tried any of these alternative treatments and seen them work?", and I'm a skeptic also, but unless we don't try we'll never know.

TPTB don't want us healthy, don't want us running at full potential, they want us strong enough to go to work and pay our taxes, and that's how they control us.

20th February 2012, 09:34 AM
The first thing that people must realize (and I really don't understand why the medical establishment did this) was call them the same thing. IDDM (insulin dependent diabetes mellitus), as people have quoted properly is an auto-immune disease. NIDDM (just add non in front) is not. Routinely people mistake the two considering them the same (Type 2) and think we're bad eaters and lazy. Generally, the first question out of everyones mouth is, "you're not fat", duh....... anyways, it is a bitch, but, highly manageable. Kids with this have to be carefully watched and ingrained in them the importance of a well maintained glucose level. A couple of points higher over long periods of time will blow the system out. Think of sugar as a thickener. The higher it is the thicker your blood becomes. Now, try to pump goo through all those little vessels and you end up with a high pressure system that could burst at any time at its weakest point (Eyes are the worst, kidneys, circulation in the extremities, so on and so on). Now, another thing to watch out for is mood swings (change depending on sugar level). The brain panics when the levels are not optimal and will (in a lot of cases) skip reasoning centers the brain would normally process. Think fight/flight scenario. We may burst out uncontrollable or before we realize we have. I've apologized a few times for an outburst (most realize now its not me or them, just the wrong time to push me). The little girls dangerous time is not feeding her insulin. She may or may not feel symptoms and drop on a dime. I could ramble on forever about the subject, but, I'll leave it to you guys to ask if you want. Couple important things to remember, if a "Type 1" hits the floor, they do not need insulin (9 out of 10 times), they need fast acting sugar (and I mean fast), think juice/pop (not diet)/ sugar packs rubbed between cheek and gum). The other 1 out of 10 is the denier that doesn't watch their disease and runs the sugar so high that they coma out. I can't stress how the maintaining of a normal sugar is so important. Getting the disease young, you have a cumulative effect over the years and its the growing/high school (I wanna fit in) that beats the shit out of most of us so that by the time we're in our 30's or 40's, the problems start. BTW, I've stocked up about years worth of insulin incase SHTF. Just gotta keep it refrigerated............. They still don't know what causes it (hmmmm), but like JQP says, the alternative is worse, but, its still royally sucks..........

20th February 2012, 09:51 AM
As Madfranks said, Threads like this make me proud to be a member of this forum. First off I'd like to thank everyone for their kind words and advice.

I found this site very interesting, http://www.ihealthtube.com/ but as Letter Factory said, "I don't mean to rain on anyone's parade, but has anyone tried any of these alternative treatments and seen them work?", and I'm a skeptic also, but unless we don't try we'll never know.

TPTB don't want us healthy, don't want us running at full potential, they want us strong enough to go to work and pay our taxes, and that's how they control us.

Actually, maybe I'll look into these and see what they are about. I've grown skeptical over the years though, with everyone talking about "cures" and most having to do with Type 2 or just plain full of shit. I think of JDF and can't help to think its just like cancer research. Take in lots of money, promise the cure and nothing gets accomplished except for "new" meters or delivery systems. Big whoop. All I know is I'm a slave to pharmacy and trapped with "their" cure..........