View Full Version : Russia developing monster 100 ton ICBM called 'Satan'

midnight rambler
22nd February 2012, 05:16 AM

22nd February 2012, 05:52 AM
Nostradamus' prediction


22nd February 2012, 06:16 AM
must be able to reach Israel.

Twisted Titan
22nd February 2012, 08:30 AM
Its a big show of absolutely nothing.

I said it many times....If one nation nukes its lights out for everybody because nobody is going to confirm anything ....that head of state will.assume and rightly so they are next and they need to strike first and you set of a chain reaction where the first perso. that deploys will get blind sided

Sociopaths rule through fear not death.....if everything is dead or dying there will be nothing to Lord over. That is why they Act crazy but never Do crazy at least not at a level that can end it .

This is nothing but hyped up Saber Ratteling

22nd February 2012, 09:06 AM
Satan is the nickname given to the missle by the west, not the Russians.

22nd February 2012, 09:24 AM

"The Daiichi complex had a total of 1760 metric tons of fresh and used nuclear fuel on site last year, according to a presentation by its owners, Tepco."

Waiting for SFP#4...

7th trump
22nd February 2012, 10:26 AM
Its a big show of absolutely nothing.

I said it many times....If one nation nukes its lights out for everybody because nobody is going to confirm anything ....that head of state will.assume and rightly so they are next and they need to strike first and you set of a chain reaction where the first perso. that deploys will get blind sided

Sociopaths rule through fear not death.....if everything is dead or dying there will be nothing to Lord over. That is why they Act crazy but never Do crazy at least not at a level that can end it .

This is nothing but hyped up Saber Ratteling
Thats exacty right Twisty........all saber rattling.

How many times have you heard me say that Russia will attack America from the north?
Many times!..............its written in the Bible that Russia will attack conventionally, not nukes.
And many times I said the Bible says God will fight this attack Himself and lay waste the communist forces in about 20 minutes.
Now what you need to keep an eye on is Russia was just handed over by Obama some of our furthest most Alaskan islands that reach close to Russia.
Keep a watchful eye on what Russia does with these islands.....................they'll turn them into bases for this massive force to attack America.
Biblical prophecy coming to pass right before our very eyes.

Hows your little one doing Twisty?

Twisted Titan
22nd February 2012, 10:38 AM
10 Months today and growing like a weed.....looks like she's 17 months at first glance.

Thanx for asking

midnight rambler
22nd February 2012, 10:44 AM
lay waste the communist forces in about 20 minutes.

So you're saying that Jew York Shitty, the District of Criminals, Tel Aviv, and the Shitty of London (the centers of international Communism) will all be taken out in about 20 minutes?? Excellent!

22nd February 2012, 03:50 PM
10 Months today and growing like a weed.....looks like she's 17 months at first glance.

Thanx for asking

has she been to the range yet ?

22nd February 2012, 05:33 PM
So you're saying that Jew York Shitty, the District of Criminals, Tel Aviv, and the Shitty of London (the centers of international Communism) will all be taken out in about 20 minutes?? Excellent!

i would say, there's more free enterprise in Russia than in the US - but so much of the 'free enterprise' in Russia is Jewish organized crime.