View Full Version : Tonights debate

22nd February 2012, 09:34 AM
For those of you who are interested or maybe forgot, there's one on at 8:00. Here's a link to the livestream link. http://www.2012presidentialelectionnews.com/2012-debate-schedule/2011-2012-primary-debate-schedule/

With the debates growing fewer and as we start to get into the meat of the primaries/caucuses, we really are coming into crunch time. So, is tonight the night that RP takes the gloves off and calls a spade a spade, that all the others on stage are pure status quo and no different than Obama and that he alone can defeat Obama?

Is tonight the night he throws it all out there with fire in his eyes, armed with truth, passion and a do or die mentality?

gunny highway
22nd February 2012, 10:55 AM
i hope he does. i'd have to say that this is the only problem i have with him. he's too humble and too nice at these debates. i've seen hints of him coming out of his shell at earlier debates but just when you think he's going to pounce.... silence.

22nd February 2012, 11:05 AM
I hope he talks about the Founding Fathers and the American Revolution tonight.

22nd February 2012, 04:12 PM
I'd just love to see RP break bad, look the American people in the eye/camera and say....

"Between Obama and these 3 there is absolutely no difference, all 4 of them are and will continue to run us into ruin. Look at their records! If our policies aren't totally reversed across the board before the world financial system crisis finally collapses...well we only have ourselves to blame...you for not wanting to accept the truth and me for not being able to articulate it simply enough. The Status Quo has sold us out and stolen us blind, not only economically but of our precious God given liberties and if this continues as it has, the America we all love is going to cease to exist as we know it and not for the better. We can save it though, if we stand together against the corruption we all know has taken over Washington, disregard whatever lies and half truths all the others want you to believe".

22nd February 2012, 04:20 PM
we chatting?

22nd February 2012, 05:00 PM
Id love to see:

RP: Friends of liberty and freedom, stand with me now in our hour of need.
When there is basically no difference between the Democrats and Republicans; when a government is unresponsive to the will of the people; when elected officials report to the same puppet masters; when the agenda remains the same regardless of who is in office; when there is complete and utter failure of the government to perform at the executive, legislative and judicial branches as defined by the founding fathers; what is the next step? What do we, as a people do to correct the present situation?
That whenever any form of government becomes destructive
to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.

From time to time, the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots.
Friends of the constitution, this is such a time!...and you are looking at three of those tyrants right here on stage tonight.

22nd February 2012, 05:11 PM
Link for livestream.


chat if anyone is interested.

Tonight's subject, frothy doom.

They are all seated. Isn't this a first?

22nd February 2012, 06:11 PM
I'd just love to see RP break bad, look the American people in the eye/camera and say....

"Between Obama and these 3 there is absolutely no difference, all 4 of them are and will continue to run us into ruin. Look at their records! If our policies aren't totally reversed across the board before the world financial system crisis finally collapses...well we only have ourselves to blame...you for not wanting to accept the truth and me for not being able to articulate it simply enough. The Status Quo has sold us out and stolen us blind, not only economically but of our precious God given liberties and if this continues as it has, the America we all love is going to cease to exist as we know it and not for the better. We can save it though, if we stand together against the corruption we all know has taken over Washington, disregard whatever lies and half truths all the others want you to believe".

RP needs a new speech writer. You have some extra time these days, dontcha?

ETA just read EE_s post. You guys need to tag team that shit!

22nd February 2012, 06:33 PM
If you could see or hear Libertytree cursing (cussin' as he would say) at his computer and violently flipping it the bird . . . you'd know what he thinks about this debate.

22nd February 2012, 07:12 PM
Overall it appeared that Ron Paul seemed calm and confident. He made his points and didn't tread over into the off topic zone.

Did anyone else notice that he seemed more relaxed then the neo-cons?

He did an after debate interview with John King and pointed out that he is in 2nd place with delegates. Maybe the media should start learning about delegates? Then can learn from the RP forums!

22nd February 2012, 08:46 PM
I watched the debate and overall I am impressed with RP's performance! He is the only one who makes clear the importance of following the constitution, when all the other candidates act as if it doesn't exist and as president they would call the shots. I loved how Santorum tried to defend his support for No Child Left Behind, admitting it was a mistake and trying to convince the crowd that he was never really for it. I wish RP would have called them all out on their hypocrisy a bit more. His best line of the night, "we shouldn't so casually go to war", or something along those lines. It's totally true, how casually people are about warring against Iran, like it's no big deal.

22nd February 2012, 09:53 PM
I thought Paul did pretty well.
Calling santorum a "fake" is a pretty bold move. Same as calling someone a liar imo.
He should have called them on when they refference the constitution to serve their needs and are so willing to start an unconstitutional war.
Either you follow the constitution or you don't.
I also liked when Ron said after Newt's turn "you came a long way...but not far enough"

22nd February 2012, 10:19 PM
When Ron Paul speaks the truth, I can sense some embarrassment from the other candidates because they know that it's the truth, but they have to keep playing their dirty charade to get elected. They know that Paul will remain a marginalized old man as long as they can keep up the act.

22nd February 2012, 10:28 PM