View Full Version : The truth about waking people up

22nd February 2012, 04:08 PM
It's never going to happen. Most people want 2 things:
1. To be led by authority (authority must be accepted by large numbers of people to qualify as authority).
2. To be accepted.

Look at what we are 'offering'. Whatever dialectic or ism or belief system they embrace, it provides fellowship and it provides security to them. Expose their ism/dialectic/belief system as false=blow up their world.
=Indictment on them...poor judgment.
=Estrange them from their people.
All for 'truth' that is not accepted as 'truth' until repercussions of that 'truth' are accepted as part of the deal.

The physiological response to the repercussions of knowledge is fear.
The psychological responses to fear are defense mechanisms like denial, rationalization, intellectualization, et al. We've all seen them. Then it's game over.

There there is us. We are the outliers. Do we wake each other up, or do we help each other along?
Regardless, we CAN'T become authority figures in order to offer some 'legitimacy' that human nature tends to crave. To obtain that legitimacy, we'd have to do what the bad guys do. Then we become like the bad guys and there is no need to wake anyone up anymore; we are now predators. And that is the paradox of this world.

I believe Jesus spoke of this paradox: "But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first."
Matthew 19:30


22nd February 2012, 04:52 PM
it's never going to happen. Most people want 2 things:
1. To be led by authority (authority must be accepted by large numbers of people to qualify as authority).
2. To be accepted.

Look at what we are 'offering'. Whatever dialectic or ism or belief system they embrace, it provides fellowship and it provides security to them. Expose their ism/dialectic/belief system as false=blow up their world.
=indictment on them...poor judgment.
=estrange them from their people.
All for 'truth' that is not accepted as 'truth' until repercussions of that 'truth' are accepted as part of the deal.

The physiological response to the repercussions of knowledge is fear.
The psychological responses to fear are defense mechanisms like denial, rationalization, intellectualization, et al. We've all seen them. Then it's game over.

There there is us. We are the outliers. Do we wake each other up, or do we help each other along?
Regardless, we can't become authority figures in order to offer some 'legitimacy' that human nature tends to crave. To obtain that legitimacy, we'd have to do what the bad guys do. Then we become like the bad guys and there is no need to wake anyone up anymore; we are now predators. And that is the paradox of this world.

I believe jesus spoke of this paradox: "but many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first."
matthew 19:30



22nd February 2012, 05:13 PM
Nothing motivates me more.

22nd February 2012, 05:18 PM
It's never going to happen.

I daresay you have no established duty to wake anybody up unless you run a telephone wakeup service.

If you mess with others business don't find them quick to thank you. I expect the opposite will happen.

I relate the problem to farming. If the neighbor starts something new I will be there with my elbows on the fencepost watching. If he continues to do it for 5 years then he might be on to something because doing it is worth his while and then I might incorporate his methods into mine. More than likely though he was just experimenting with something new and will stop after several years because he finds it doesn't pay.

I would not even dream about interfering with the process.

22nd February 2012, 05:28 PM
We have the moral duty to expose the truth. I will do just that until I'm dead.

22nd February 2012, 05:44 PM
It doesn't have to be one or the other. I take satisfaction in trying to enlighten people, especially family and friends. I'm sure some of it has stuck. That doesn't mean anyone else is obligated to do so. But I don't see it as futile at all. Even though the enlightened are still a clear minority, they number a good 10x from just five years ago.

So you know how the original Occupy speeches were about anti-capitalism and anti-greed and providing more assistance to the 99%? I watched the SF Occupy rally last night on C-Span, where anyone was allowed to speak for a couple of minutes. Creeping into the old message were these new ideas:

- The two-party system has forsaken us; there's no difference between Obama and Bush.
- Perhaps we shouldn't even bother to vote because it's just legitimizing the current system.
- We need to make changes on a local level and in our own best interest, rather than rely on big government. Perhaps its best to just ignore big government entirely.
- We need to listen to minority voices like Ron Paul, who sees things for what they really are.
- Take your money out of the big banks so that they can't screw you.
- The Democrats and the corporations are co-opting our Occupy movement; we can't let that happen.
- The Fed is abusing its power.

Does any of this sound familiar? Remember, these are the so-called Occupy Idiots from just 9 months ago.

22nd February 2012, 05:48 PM
Yep, the bigger the ship the slower she turns.

22nd February 2012, 06:07 PM
It doesn't have to be one or the other. I take satisfaction in trying to enlighten people, especially family and friends. I'm sure some of it has stuck. That doesn't mean anyone else is obligated to do so. But I don't see it as futile at all. Even though the enlightened are still a clear minority, they number a good 10x from just five years ago.

So you know how the original Occupy speeches were about anti-capitalism and anti-greed and providing more assistance to the 99%? I watched the SF Occupy rally last night on C-Span, where anyone was allowed to speak for a couple of minutes. Creeping into the old message were these new ideas:

- The two-party system has forsaken us; there's no difference between Obama and Bush.
- Perhaps we shouldn't even bother to vote because it's just legitimizing the current system.
- We need to make changes on a local level and in our own best interest, rather than rely on big government. Perhaps its best to just ignore big government entirely.
- We need to listen to minority voices like Ron Paul, who sees things for what they really are.
- Take your money out of the big banks so that they can't screw you.
- The Democrats and the corporations are co-opting our Occupy movement; we can't let that happen.
- The Fed is abusing its power.

Does any of this sound familiar? Remember, these are the so-called Occupy Idiots from just 9 months ago.

Im going to go ahead and agree with all of those points. It looks like the OWS people may be getting a clue. The only explanation is they've been reading this board!

22nd February 2012, 06:14 PM
I don't think it's useless, and I believe that I am proof. I might not be as aware/awake as some are here, but I sure have learned a lot since first arriving on GIM (RIP) with an interest in precious metals. I was then very resistant to entertain some of the bigger conspiracies, and I had not considered preparing for anything outside of a hurricane. I have an awakening that is slow, but now certainly evident, looking back 4.5 years. My awakening continues.

It's been said before, but it's worth repeating - the key is to plant seeds, and let the flower grow at it's own pace. A person is more likely to reject an idea if it's too strong, too frightening, too far outside of their world-view than they are to reject something that makes sense to them now. That little seed (or multiple little seeds) might just hang around in the back of their mind until something happens in the world that makes them as big questions to themselves. That's when the fertilization begins - not when we beat them over the head with a hammer.

I do not personally feel it is my duty to wake people up to the grand conspiracy (although after a few martini's I have tried). I am more concerned with getting family, friends, co-workers, and even acquaintances to think about all things financial and prep. People feel very strongly about money (either type: real or fictional). I've been met with some resistance from friends. One told me that she just didn't want to know "all of that stuff", and I respect her wishes. I've also motivated a few others getting into precious metals and long term food storage. So my record is 4-1-everyone else (Win-Loss-Tie).

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. So, let's just concentrate on leading them to water. They will drink if they want to.

22nd February 2012, 06:22 PM
Asleep people are DANGEROUS people.
That's why I'll never give up trying to wake them... carefully of course!

22nd February 2012, 07:30 PM
Good post, K-os. Some people refer to it as "comfort zones" They are comfortable believing and eating what they are accustomed to. Anything new is uncomfortable and anything old is comfortable regardless of the merits of either. In those rare instances that they try something new they usually become comfortable with them after a short while.
The idea is to stretch those comfort zones a little at a time.
Although this sounds difficult to some, remember that denial is always a little awkward no matter how well they fake it.

Lead a horse to water and let him think he led himself. Then he will drink.

22nd February 2012, 08:28 PM



These happy people don't appear to be sleeping.

:o we must wake them up and warn them about the impending doom!

22nd February 2012, 08:45 PM
Please do not think I am trying to emulate the above non-post.

But for what ever reason this movie was made it's words ring true to me on this subject.


22nd February 2012, 09:17 PM



These happy people don't appear to be sleeping.

No... they just "appear to be" fucking idiots posing for staged photographs.

Book... what's your problem? Has your wealthy homeowners association presidency failed to make you "all that you can be" somehow? ???

You'd have to be a COMPLETE FUCKING MORON these days to deny "conspiracy theory" (it's not a "theory" when it's OPENLY PROCLAIMED)... or think it's not something that we ALL need to WAKE THE FUCK UP to! :o

Are you?

22nd February 2012, 10:09 PM
Actually, at some level Book's two photos do represent people that are already awake. Both pictures show people deriving direct simple pleasures from some local and personal activity that does not involve corporate oversight or media manipulation or government intervention. Don't confuse every person who appears to be enjoying life as some naive slob who has no clue about reality. If you can't structure some type of personal happiness or satisfaction for yourself, then you become a slave to your own awareness.

22nd February 2012, 11:02 PM
The truth is that people can be woken up. But rarely will you wake them up "all the way".

Yes, people are followers. If you are persuasive, you can pretty easily convince them that "shit is fucked up" and sometimes they even let you do the "and here's why" part.

But very few are going to stay up nights (like I do, like you do) researching it.

But in their hearts, they'll know that you were right.

One day, the moment may come when they can change things. And they just might do it.

This is a multi-generational project. We are gathering steam with a grain of salt.

It's happening.

22nd February 2012, 11:05 PM
P.S. Dysgenic your point about the most efficent (but ultimately pointless) way to change things being by becoming/joining the bad guys is very well taken. I think a lot of politicians get started that way, "I'll get into power and change things when I have it." but it doesn't work like that...the dark side changes you, you do not change it.

But like I said above, we are getting to the point where people are learning to ignore the darkside...we are undoing a lot of the damage....

I'm optimistic about the future. In my lifetime, I get to see one of the greatest crossroads in history.

23rd February 2012, 06:44 AM
I have started a lot of people down the path of "waking up" successfully. The thing about waking people up is this: The truth is the truth. When you show people that everything you are telling them is true and have proofs, the either put up their dukes or pull back into their turtle shell. Like K-os and a few others have said: It's about leading horses to water.

Some people respond like K-os' mother. My brother has the same attitude. He is scared to know the depths of the conspiracy, and willfully chooses to not acknowledge it. We've had words over it. At the time, I was going through the phase where I had to tell everyone, so it was hard to back off because family is #1 and I felt the duty to wake him up.
Since then I have learned that leading a horse to water is one thing, but standing there beside the horse, yelling at it, telling it that it has to drink is counter productive.

Hoarder said it best: We have a moral obligation. Mankind is at stake. Especially white mankind.

Gaillo also brings up a good and valid point: Blue pillers can be/will be dangerous WTSHTF. They are going to be the ones who feel the shit more than anyone else. They are used to a life of blue collar luxury, and when they are down to 1 meal instead of 4, they will lash out in the wrong directions because they are misinformed or just totally lost in the matrix. They will not know who caused this uncomfortable change in their lifestyle, who the real enemy is, how to get by without all the NWO amenities such as McDonalds, Wal-mart and Home Depot. They will be the first to panic and take from the wrong people, turn on each other, smash and grab from storefronts, etc.

So yeah: Continue trying to wake people up.

Actually, at some level Book's two photos do represent people that are already awake. Both pictures show people deriving direct simple pleasures from some local and personal activity that does not involve corporate oversight or media manipulation or government intervention. Don't confuse every person who appears to be enjoying life as some naive slob who has no clue about reality. If you can't structure some type of personal happiness or satisfaction for yourself, then you become a slave to your own awareness.

You know very well that Book did not post those pictures in that context. He is a non-contributer.

23rd February 2012, 07:11 AM
Actually, at some level Book's two photos do represent people that are already awake. Both pictures show people deriving direct simple pleasures from some local and personal activity that does not involve corporate oversight or media manipulation or government intervention. Don't confuse every person who appears to be enjoying life as some naive slob who has no clue about reality. If you can't structure some type of personal happiness or satisfaction for yourself, then you become a slave to your own awareness.

My point exactly.


23rd February 2012, 07:21 AM
Blue pillers can be/will be dangerous WTSHTF. They are going to be the ones who feel the shit more than anyone else.


These dumb bluepillers should put down those fishing rods and go buy cases of canned tuna from Wal-Mart.

::) and sit at their computer "awakening" others to the doom that will happen "some day".

Old Herb Lady
23rd February 2012, 07:30 AM
[QUOTE=Sparky;519015]Actually, at some level Book's two photos do represent people that are already awake. Both pictures show people deriving direct simple pleasures from some local and personal activity that does not involve corporate oversight or media manipulation or government intervention. Don't confuse every person who appears to be enjoying life as some naive slob who has no clue about reality. ]If you can't structure some type of personal happiness or satisfaction for yourself, then you become a slave to your own awareness.[/[/COLOR]QUOTE]

EXACTAMUNDO wise man !
I WILL NEVER forsake my happiness for the gloom bubble surrounding me now or in the future !
Preach it Sparky ! Stellar post !!

23rd February 2012, 07:35 AM
Reality is scary, truth, while liberating is frightening. The pursuit of waking people up isn't easy because what you're essentially asking them to do is admit that life as they know it is a lie, a fraud and they've been stupid, willing accomplices to the whole charade. It's not an easy thing to have to admit to yourself and sadly many or most won't until the ugly facts are one day staring them in the face, making denial impossible.

23rd February 2012, 07:36 AM
My point exactly.


Why don't you just SAY it then. This is a discussion forum, not a picture-based show and tell.

Old Herb Lady
23rd February 2012, 07:46 AM
Yes it is ! Laugh a little !! It's FUNNNNN ! Try it peoples !!!!! I put these these fellers on my fridge & they brighten my gloomness !



23rd February 2012, 08:39 AM
Book is full of shit. He never meant those pictures in that context.
Sparkey inadvertently offered him a lifeline by stating an underlying alternative interpretation, to which book then clutches at and pretends "he meant it that way the whole time".

If you guys are going to fall for that, after seeing book post in his non-contributing fashion for so many years now, I have a bridge to sell you in New York.
* Waits for book to revert to his usual "attack on Christianity" defense *

Twisted Titan
23rd February 2012, 08:48 AM
Asleep people are DANGEROUS people!


Old Herb Lady
23rd February 2012, 08:55 AM
Book is full of shit. He never meant those pictures in that context.
Sparkey inadvertently offered him a lifeline by stating an underlying alternative interpretation, to which book then clutches at and pretends "he meant it that way the whole time".

If you guys are going to fall for that, after seeing book post in his non-contributing fashion for so many years now, I have a bridge to sell you in New York.
* Waits for book to revert to his usual "attack on Christianity" defense *

I dunno Awoke.
Book can drive one insane & make you want to bang your head against the wall, ya know, but I think he is OK behind/beyond all of the sarcastic stuff he posts.
He does it for reasons unknown to us, but behind the darkness of his "trolling" , I see light & promise in him.
He leaves teensy, tiny, little subleties here & there that he is with a heart it's just not for us to see !

23rd February 2012, 09:04 AM
They will not know who caused this uncomfortable change in their lifestyle, who the real enemy is, how to get by without all the NWO amenities such as McDonalds, Wal-mart and Home Depot. They will be the first to panic and take from the wrong people, turn on each other, smash and grab from storefronts, etc.

"Do you know what's so elegant about this little game? No one knows where the enemy is."
-from the movie Revolver


23rd February 2012, 09:09 AM
I forget how many "chosen ones" Morpheus went through before he finally found Neo in that Matrix movie?

They never did mention what happened to those guys..., was Cypher one of them?


23rd February 2012, 11:13 AM
Here is another bible verse that sums up the situation pretty well:

"Then said I, Wisdom is better than strength; nevertheless the poor man's wisdom is despised, and his words are not heard."
Ecclesiastes 9:16


23rd February 2012, 12:26 PM
Here is another bible verse that sums up the situation pretty well:

"Then said I, Wisdom is better than strength; nevertheless the poor man's wisdom is despised, and his words are not heard."
Ecclesiastes 9:16


I'm usually not the Bible verse kinda guy but I do like that one a lot.

23rd February 2012, 01:01 PM
I don't feel the need to stand on a street corner with a billboard announcing that "The end is Near". I am sufficiently awake and I have a number of close friends who are also awake. If the rest of the herd is happy going about their business, let them be happy. I certainly still make the time to enjoy myself. Why shouldn't they?

23rd February 2012, 01:31 PM
I'm usually not the Bible verse kinda guy but I do like that one a lot.

Ecclesiastes is one of the shortest books of the bible (about 6 pages), yet it is packed with wisdom. It's written by Solomon, trying to understand what our time here on earth is really all about, after having spent a lifetime becoming one of the richest men to ever live.

23rd February 2012, 01:34 PM
I dunno Awoke.
Book can drive one insane & make you want to bang your head against the wall, ya know, but I think he is OK behind/beyond all of the sarcastic stuff he posts.
He does it for reasons unknown to us, but behind the darkness of his "trolling" , I see light & promise in him.
He leaves teensy, tiny, little subleties here & there that he is with a heart it's just not for us to see !

Perhaps I was out of class the day this forum turned against Book, I dunno; but I sure as heck don't understand it.

He, and other greats of GIM1 were directing my path of education. For that I thank him, and the others.

They say, "A picture is worth a 1,000 words". I believe Book conveys his messages visually. Those that can 'see', do. Those that do not, ... ? ridicule?

dunno. But as I said, I do not think Book is now, or ever was, a troll.

23rd February 2012, 01:36 PM
And how appropriate is this quote for this thread:

"For in much wisdom is much grief,
And he who increases knowledge increases sorrow." -Ecclesiastes 1:18

Silver Rocket Bitches!
23rd February 2012, 01:43 PM
And now look again, and see what will naturally follow if the prisoners are released and disabused of their error. At first, when any of them is liberated and compelled suddenly to stand up and turn his neck round and walk and look towards the light, he will suffer sharp pains; the glare will distress him, and he will be unable to see the realities of which in his former state he had seen the shadows; and then conceive some one saying to him, that what he saw before was an illusion, but that now, when he is approaching nearer to being and his eye is turned towards more real existence, he has a clearer vision, -what will be his reply? And you may further imagine that his instructor is pointing to the objects as they pass and requiring him to name them, -- will he not be perplexed? Will he not fancy that the shadows which he formerly saw are truer than the objects which are now shown to him?

- Plato's Allegory of the Cave

23rd February 2012, 01:46 PM
Too me there are many levels of waking up.

In fact my last area of waking up was related to the money area.

Before that it was waking up to the health area

Before that it was waking up to religion or spiritual area

Before that ignorance prevailed but I was a child then, although I remember asking my brother once what this word meant from a comic book......the word was ..FORBIDDEN.. and I remember way back then that I couldn't understand how this word could even exist as I thought if its forbidden then who is doing the forbidding and what right do they have to impose this on someone else.....btw it still puzzles me.

Some people may feel they are awake but still hold onto certain beliefs or even attitudes...meaning they are only awake in certain areas and not others

Not only can we be awake but also free, which is basically freedom from ourself (fixated emotional attitudes more often than not)in many ways.

The truth can be painful but then it is the truth and a person either seeks the truth or lives immersed in lies

Silver Rocket Bitches!
23rd February 2012, 01:50 PM
I think that if you set out to purposely wake people up you are taking a chance and making a sacrifice. Many will certainly rage against the truth you present and others you will alienate. There is also the risk that the truth you are spreading is in reality disinformation and your credibility is at stake.

I think it's common, upon taking the red pill, to assume that everyone will want to know this information and become as passionate as you are about it. It's naive and part of the natural flow of waking up. Eventually you learn how to be subtle about introducing the truth. You stop fwding every article you read and talking about building 7 at dinner parties.

I believe that we are fortunate to have woken up on our own, at our own pace. Imagine being jarred awake by black swan events and trying to make sense of a reality you cannot comprehend. This is why the suicide rate spikes during depressionary periods. People simply cannot handle the raw reality. They cannot adapt and they cannot cope.

23rd February 2012, 01:51 PM
And how appropriate is this quote for this thread:

"For in much wisdom is much grief,
And he who increases knowledge increases sorrow." -Ecclesiastes 1:18

Yes, sir. One of my favorite biblical quotes because it is so true. Back when I started in this game I never would have imagined this. There was a certain excitement back then, a certain innocent optimism stemming from naaivity and manifesting itself in delusions of grandeur. And then as you start to acquire wisdom it begins to dawn on you that the more you acquire, the less you can share it with others (for so many reasons). Even if you never lose your thirst to acquire knowledge, you start to become cognizant of the cost of acquiring it. Once you have it, you are stuck with it; that's a burden and you have to endure it. What's seen can never be unseen.


23rd February 2012, 01:59 PM
Yes, sir. One of my favorite biblical quotes because it is so true. Back when I started in this game I never would have imagined this. There was a certain excitement back then, a certain innocent optimism stemming from naaivity and manifesting itself in delusions of grandeur. And then as you start to acquire wisdom it begins to dawn on you that the more you acquire, the less you can share it with others (for so many reasons). Even if you never lose your thirst to acquire knowledge, you start to become cognizant of the cost of acquiring it. Once you have it, you are stuck with it; that's a burden and you have to endure it. What's seen can never be unseen.


For me, it was the opposite. DOOM. & now what do I do w/ this info; especially w/ children who ask questions...?

Certainly we wish to inform them, but not alarm them. Nor ostracize their beliefs from their peers, lest we raise alarms.

I often wonder, of my very-well read father, "how much did he really know of this mystery", and how, if he did know; did he leave clues?

Many, many GIMmers here have left many crumbs & indeed direct sources, to the rabbit hole info.

23rd February 2012, 01:59 PM
What's seen can never be unseen.

Well said dys

23rd February 2012, 02:02 PM
For me, it was the opposite. DOOM. & now what do I do w/ this info; especially w/ children who ask questions...?

Certainly we wish to inform them, but not alarm them. Nor ostracize their beliefs from their peers, lest we raise alarms.

I often wonder, of my very-well read father, "how much did he really know of this mystery", and how, if he did know; did he leave clues?

Many, many GIMmers here have left many crumbs & indeed direct sources, to the rabbit hole info.

I have found with my own children that you can tell them direct once they are bit older about many things as this is important that they at least get some alternative perspective from the standard one.

23rd February 2012, 04:12 PM
(Children) QUOTE FROM Mneagle, Certainly we wish to inform them, but not alarm them. Nor ostracize their beliefs from their peers, lest we raise alarms.

Yes Mn that can be tricky, but we can gently inform them, like in your case, prepping in case you get snowed in, like girlscouts ! always being prepared for any situation,just in case, and teaching them about real money.

The doom-ier stuff can wait til they get older, We can't scare them or raise any alarms, then they'd go tell all their little friends at school and then the ( Man ) would visit ! :)

23rd February 2012, 06:51 PM
I believe Book conveys his messages visually.



23rd February 2012, 10:33 PM
Perhaps I was out of class

The short.

Book pissed off Awoke and Gaillo, a while ago, I tried to be a bridge builder.

Book has always had my back and even strongly had Gaillo's back once.

I hate making this post at this point.

deny "conspiracy theory"

I highly doubt Book is doing that, quite the contrary on real Conspiracy.

We have to live our lives, don't let doom get you down,
I personally don't like that attitude, look at everything that is being
put out in MSM, movies, etc, it is psychological warfare I believe, and planned.

Dystopian, mayan2012, Elenen, global destruction through climate, asteroid, biological,
even horror films, desensitization, inducing traumas to the population, wars,
conditioning, etc, it is all related, it is all promoting defeatism, attacking
morale, accept your fate, promoting fear, etc , it is all negative.

All of it brought to you by Organized Jewry and their Occult.

Having said that, Book is the original doom guy of gim, LOL , his classic pic.

Book just teed me off a bit too, ignoring my posts on history not religion.

So who am I going to piss off with this post, equal opportunity ?

Lots of " group think " going on here, lol ?

Hatha Sunahara
24th February 2012, 01:04 AM
I don't put a lot of effort out to wake anybody up but myself.

I have spent some time studying an area of philosophy that deals with the question How do you know what you know? This branch of philosophy is called Epistemology.

What I know has come from two sources: Somebody told me. Or, I figured it out for myself. Either way, the only way I know it's true is because I believe it. If I didn't believe it, it wouldn't be true. I would dismiss it as bullsh*t.

While I do not claim to know 'the truth' I do have a good sense to know when people are lying to me. Or when they are telling me something they believe, which I know is untrue. The things I do believe, however, I always leave open to further scrutiny.

I am always observing and analyzing and concluding as I weave together a fabric of reality. I do not shy away from revising what I believe based on new evidence. Even if it puts holes into my fabric of reality.

I do not have the hubris to tell other people that I know 'the truth'. I can only tell them what I believe. If they also believe it, then it is a shared reality. Or more likely, a shared hallucination. I am more comfortable being around people with whom I have shared reality. That's why I am a member of this forum.

Trying to convince people who subscribe to 'conventional wisdom' of any different 'truth' takes too much energy, and is inevitably futile. Nobody ever 'told' me the truth. I arrived at it on my own. I will share what I know with people who express an interest. I will not try to persuade anyone who is unwilling to change what he/she already believes. I'm not a missionary.


24th February 2012, 01:31 PM
I've always enjoyed Books point of view going way back at GIM and his willingness to get in a fight and say what he thought even though he'd get banned for it. I'd want him watching my back in a fight. I think he's one of the good guys and his photos are often misunderstood. He can go a little to far sometimes but no one is perfect.

24th February 2012, 03:57 PM
I've always enjoyed Books point of view going way back at GIM and his willingness to get in a fight and say what he thought even though he'd get banned for it. I'd want him watching my back in a fight. I think he's one of the good guys and his photos are often misunderstood. He can go a little to far sometimes but no one is perfect.

I agree. He has been very nice to me off-list and helped me with some computer issues. I suspect he's a softie under that sometimes abrasive persona. Sorry to blow your cover, Book. :-*

Old Herb Lady
24th February 2012, 04:28 PM


I believe Book conveys his messages visually.

Dayum Girl !! I'm jealous sista !
You got THAT beautiful picture and I gotz nuttin !! NUTTIN' I TELL YA !!!!
And you were replying to my somewhat nice post about da Bookster !!! No way ! I started it first !! Oh well, I'll have to go see my refrigerator door .
LOL !!!!!


24th February 2012, 04:42 PM

Heres one for ya fridge

24th February 2012, 04:44 PM
http://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/7800000/Fairies-magical-creatures-7841062-1280-800.jpg (http://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/7800000/Fairies-magical-creatures-7841062-1280-800.jpg)

Cant help it
