View Full Version : Attractive Undercover Cop Poses As Student And Entraps Teens To "Sell" Her Marijuana

23rd February 2012, 02:12 PM
Working at the Drug Policy Alliance for the last twelve years I have read and heard countless stories of people having their lives ruined because of our country's cruel war on drugs. Last weekend, the nationally syndicated show This American Life highlighted a story that is so insane, you don't know whether to laugh or puke.
Last year in three high schools in Florida, several undercover police officers posed as students. The undercover cops went to classes, became Facebook friends and flirted with the other students. One 18-year-old honor student named Justin fell in love with an attractive 25-year-old undercover cop after spending weeks sharing stories about their lives, texting and flirting with each other.
One day she asked Justin if he smoked pot. Even though he didn't smoke marijuana, the love-struck teen promised to help find some for her. Every couple of days she would text him asking if he had the marijuana. Finally, Justin was able to get it to her. She tried to give him $25 for the marijuana and he said he didn't want the money -- he got it for her as a present.
A short while later, the police did a big sweep and arrested 31 students -- including Justin. Almost all were charged with selling a small amount of marijuana to the undercover cops. Now Justin has a felony hanging over his head.
This story is not unique to Florida and it reminds me of 18-year-old Mitchell Lawrence, a young man from Great Barrington, Mass., who served two years in jail for selling a joint to an undercover cop. The officer befriended Lawrence and his friends and would hang out with them. One day the cop asked if Lawrence had any weed. Lawrence gave the cop a joint. The cop handed him $20. Lawrence hesitated, but the cop insisted on giving him the money. "Selling" the joint, because they were hanging out less than a 1000 feet from a school, and thus was considered a "drug free school zone," carried a mandatory minimum two-year sentence.
The drug war is sick. How much money was wasted by our law enforcement to get these few bags of marijuana "off the streets"? How do these cops look themselves in the mirror? Seducing 18-year-olds to fall in love or pretending to be friends and then tricking them into procuring small amounts of marijuana so they can charge them with felonies is beyond slimy and diametrically opposed to the officers' charge to "serve and protect."
We often hear that we need to fight the drug war to protect the kids. As these despicable examples show, more often the drug war is ruining young people's lives and doing more harm than good.


23rd February 2012, 02:22 PM
Its the little things like this that help take our minds off bank drug money laundering...

“It’s the banks laundering money for the cartels that finances the tragedy,” says Martin Woods... Woods says he quit the bank in disgust after executives ignored his documentation that drug dealers were funneling money through Wachovia’s branch network.
“If you don’t see the correlation between the money laundering by banks and the 22,000 people killed in Mexico, you’re missing the point,” Woods says.
Cleansing Dirty Cash

For the past two decades, Latin American drug traffickers have gone to U.S. banks to cleanse their dirty cash, says Paul Campo, head of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration’s financial crimes unit.
Miami-based American Express Bank International paid fines (http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/american-express-bank-international-enters-into-deferred-prosecution-agreement-and-forfeits-55-million-to-resolve-bank-secrecy-act-violations-57904267.html) in both 1994 and 2007 after admitting it had failed to spot and report drug dealers laundering money through its accounts. Drug traffickers used accounts at Bank of America (http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/BAC:US) in Oklahoma City to buy three planes that carried 10 tons of cocaine, according to Mexican court filings.


23rd February 2012, 02:30 PM
Drug traffickers used accounts at Bank of America (http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/BAC:US) in Oklahoma City to buy three planes that carried 10 tons of cocaine, according to Mexican court filings.
A local farmer had a twin engine WWII bomber ( B25). He ended up selling it for a paper bag of cash ($25k or so) in the mid '70s. A week or so later the feds were at his door asking why his plane had been abandoned on some remote airport in Florida with traces of mary-go-juana on board. He got hauled into federal court but they must have believed his story and didn't indict.

23rd February 2012, 02:48 PM
Wow, something the kid probably never would have done but was tricked into doing and now he will deal with this the rest of his life. That's disgusting! I agree, how do they look in the mirror and/or sleep at night! The worst part is that cops doing these kind of things actually think they are helping to get drugs off the street, how can they possibly come to that conclusion?

23rd February 2012, 02:49 PM
What a disgrace.


23rd February 2012, 02:56 PM
the 2nd revolution is coming

paybacks are a bitch . . .

Twisted Titan
23rd February 2012, 03:54 PM
Wow, something the kid probably never would have done but was tricked into doing and now he will deal with this the rest of his life. That's disgusting! I agree, how do they look in the mirror and/or sleep at night! The worst part is that cops doing these kind of things actually think they are helping to get drugs off the street, how can they possibly come to that conclusion?

She sleeps just fine.......

But she wont be napping that well when the Hammer falls and a good many folks are going to able to square up Raw Deals that happened waaaaaaaaaaay back when.

I pine for the day

23rd February 2012, 05:33 PM
it's just one more example of Judeo-Fascism begging for a head on collision with a bulldozer.

Uncle Salty
23rd February 2012, 06:21 PM
Some cops are fuckin assholes.

23rd February 2012, 06:29 PM
Some cops are fuckin assholes.

If you could point out the ones that aren't I'd be much obliged...

willie pete
23rd February 2012, 06:29 PM
I still can't understand how it is that cops can legally lie to you, but if you lie to them? ...it's a felony....

23rd February 2012, 06:32 PM
I still can't understand how it is that cops can legally lie to you, but if you lie to them? ...it's a felony....

Understanding is not necessary... just acknowledge and act accordingly.

23rd February 2012, 06:37 PM
Bunch of shit, I don't smoke pot anymore, but I don't care who does ! I say legalize it! Kinda glad I'm in Ca. it will be legal soon enough.:)

23rd February 2012, 06:42 PM
Bunch of shit, I don't smoke pot anymore, but I don't care who does ! I say legalize it! Kinda glad I'm in Ca. it will be legal soon enough.:)
It's already legal here, as no regular people give a shit who smokes and who doesn't. The only ones enforcing policy in my area are the feds. A couple of weeks ago they damaged a dozen businesses looking for a medicinal grow that is perfectly "legal" in this state. I don't believe those businesses have been made whole to this day.

23rd February 2012, 06:42 PM
For the same reason a doctor can be complicit in a wrongful death through improper treatment or incompetence and not be charged with manslaughter.

The legal system requires a license for such activities while the lawful system makes them forbidden.

You might open with a statement "I am incapable of being truthful." Now if they consider that statement a lie then it becomes "I am incapable of telling a lie". But if that interpretation is true then the original statement is not true.

With luck you might watch them melt down with the logic on the spot.

Celtic Rogue
23rd February 2012, 06:48 PM
Hey they have to justify their budgets.... and these bust are made to show what a great job they are doing. BARF After 30 odd years of the war on drugs... it is my opinion that drugs are easier to obtain then they were back in the late 60s. End the war on My people.

23rd February 2012, 06:57 PM
A friends kid just got popped for growing he's 22, He had all the scripts needed, I can't remember how many plants you can grow per script, but they popped him and then said he had narcotics on him too , he had 2 vicodin on him, its going to cost about 5000 for the lawyer but he'll get outta it. Bastards

willie pete
23rd February 2012, 07:21 PM
Bunch of shit, I don't smoke pot anymore, but I don't care who does ! I say legalize it! Kinda glad I'm in Ca. it will be legal soon enough.:)

I'm with ya girl.....it's been many many years for me, but for me personally? ...I just grew (NO pun intended) out of it a Long time ago....I think it should be completely decriminalized...alcohol has and still does much more harm and costs so much more in many ways than does MJ..and if several million people in a STATE VOTE to decriminalize it? ....then the fed should Butt Out

In some of the states, you will get much more prison time for cultivating (even ONE plant) than you will for involuntary manslaughter or vehicular homocide....I think it's in MO, if you're driving drunk and hit and kill someone, you'll do less than 5 years but grow one plant? ...and your looking at a possible decade or more in prison along with a $10-$15k fine......it's Insane

23rd February 2012, 07:33 PM
From Serpo:
" Seducing 18-year-olds to fall in love or pretending to be friends and then tricking them into procuring small amounts of marijuana so they can charge them with felonies is beyond slimy and diametrically opposed to the officers' charge to "serve and protect."
We often hear that we need to fight the drug war to protect the kids. As these despicable examples show, more often the drug war is ruining young people's lives and doing more harm than good."

Sure sounds like entrapment to me.


24th February 2012, 04:00 AM

24th February 2012, 05:21 AM
I thought it was illegal for entrapment? She drew him into doing something he wouldn't normally do. That's entrapment, if I was on that jury the kid would walk free.

24th February 2012, 05:25 AM
From Serpo:
" Seducing 18-year-olds to fall in love or pretending to be friends and then tricking them into procuring small amounts of marijuana so they can charge them with felonies is beyond slimy and diametrically opposed to the officers' charge to "serve and protect."
We often hear that we need to fight the drug war to protect the kids. As these despicable examples show, more often the drug war is ruining young people's lives and doing more harm than good."

Sure sounds like entrapment to me.


Teeenage boy with all that testosterone coursing through his body, attractive woman cop. Damn straight it's entrapment, Kid needs a good lawyer and someone with scientific data to take the stand on his behalf. Good luck to the poor kid...

24th February 2012, 05:30 AM

Silver Rocket Bitches!
24th February 2012, 08:48 AM
That is total entrapment. Do they care? Hell no. They're above the law as far as they're concerned.

24th February 2012, 12:01 PM
it's just one more example of Judeo-Fascism begging for a head on collision with a bulldozer....except THEY are driving the bulldozer.