View Full Version : Doom, still 6-8 months away?

25th February 2012, 01:59 PM
I orininally had this in lunch with satan thread, but felt like I was hyjackin it, so .....

I sit here on the fence, wondering what the F@#* the future holds. Like many, I am underwater on a mortgage. $300k owed, $220 assesed worth (was 191 last year) I am supposed to go to my sisters today ( put off till tomorrow , told wisdom tooth yanked yesterday still hurts) and look over the paperwork on property . We have been looking for a year. Found 170 acres (part of 600 acre tract all owned by one family) 2 1/2 hr drive from my house, in middle of nowhere. Its the top of a mountain with couple peaks, vallys etc. Has 2 springs, one has a 6' wide 1' deep stream flowing from it, originates on property. I currently live in suberbia and any sort of shtf , this is not the place to be. I can not refi and go in on a retreat location. If a mad shit storm is coming our way (btw, not in pacific north west, on east coast) house in suberbia is toast anyways, right? Like many here, I originally came from GIM. Doom was/has always been 6-8 months away. I sit here wondering if there is time to set up a retreat. Am I alone or are there others that are not exactly where they would like to be if indeed TEOTWAWKI is near and very real ? LS's thread lunch with satan has kind of lit a little fire under my arse. That and the short vid with Evelyn Rothchild speaking on international currency...(these guys getting old, wonder if they plan on accelerating time table?)

25th February 2012, 02:38 PM
The only trouble is that you will fall in love with the nature of the place and find its better there.

It takes time to set up and longer than you think,years in fact.

On the other hand it dosnt take long to be reasonably set up

If your wife is willing than go for it

25th February 2012, 02:50 PM
24 days by March 20 I expect some fireworks but who knows?

25th February 2012, 03:31 PM
If the land is undeveloped, it will take years and lots of money to make things even somewhat self sufficient. I have been at my rural property for 8 years and still have a long way to go. Some wives don't like the isolation as well.

That said, it's better than being in suburbia and having no options.

25th February 2012, 04:06 PM
Doom dates on the horizon:

March 21, 2012
August 20, 2012
December 21, 2012

It's still to be determined if anything actually happens.

Like others said though, it would probably be difficult to try to take raw land and make it livable without years of time.

25th February 2012, 04:13 PM
Doom dates on the horizon:

March 21, 2012
August 20, 2012
December 21, 2012

It's still to be determined if anything actually happens.

Like others said though, it would probably be difficult to try to take raw land and make it livable without years of time.

82012 why do I know that date? Vac, is it astronomy/space related?

25th February 2012, 05:31 PM
Not vac....
but that's the Vanc BC tsunami date in the Lunch w/Satan thread, GS.


25th February 2012, 06:26 PM
I orininally had this in lunch with satan thread, but felt like I was hyjackin it, so .....

I sit here on the fence, wondering what the F@#* the future holds. Like many, I am underwater on a mortgage. $300k owed, $220 assesed worth (was 191 last year) I am supposed to go to my sisters today ( put off till tomorrow , told wisdom tooth yanked yesterday still hurts) and look over the paperwork on property . We have been looking for a year. Found 170 acres (part of 600 acre tract all owned by one family) 2 1/2 hr drive from my house, in middle of nowhere. Its the top of a mountain with couple peaks, vallys etc. Has 2 springs, one has a 6' wide 1' deep stream flowing from it, originates on property. I currently live in suberbia and any sort of shtf , this is not the place to be. I can not refi and go in on a retreat location. If a mad shit storm is coming our way (btw, not in pacific north west, on east coast) house in suberbia is toast anyways, right? Like many here, I originally came from GIM. Doom was/has always been 6-8 months away. I sit here wondering if there is time to set up a retreat. Am I alone or are there others that are not exactly where they would like to be if indeed TEOTWAWKI is near and very real ? LS's thread lunch with satan has kind of lit a little fire under my arse. That and the short vid with Evelyn Rothchild speaking on international currency...(these guys getting old, wonder if they plan on accelerating time table?)

My .02:

Doom is always just around the corner!

I'd buy the most acres with a fixer-up already on the property. You're better off with less land in the middle of nowhere, then lots of land and no infrastructure.

If you can't buy it outright, it will eventually contribute to more stress.

Debt-free = Freedom

25th February 2012, 06:45 PM
If the land is undeveloped, it will take years and lots of money to make things even somewhat self sufficient. I have been at my rural property for 8 years and still have a long way to go. Some wives don't like the isolation as well.

That said, it's better than being in suburbia and having no options.

i hate to say it but this is true. we've been on our 20 acre small "farm" for nearly 2.5 years and we've only just begun to get it the way we want it. also, i'm a housewife with no husband for 4 days out of the week. the chickens and i have a special communication ;)

i say, if you're at least halfway for sure you need/want to do this, then do it! no better time than the present. that way, if TEOTWAWKI, in fact, doesn't happen this year, you'll be on your way to a better life, imo....

26th February 2012, 04:32 PM

Wyoming lawmakers pushed forward legislation (http://legisweb.state.wy.us/2012/Introduced/HB0085.pdf) to explore how the state would respond if the country fell into economic and political turmoil.
The so-called doomsday bill, passed in the Wyoming House on Friday, would create a special task force to study ways the state would handle such crises as a food shortage to a government shutdown. Some provisions that will be explored include Wyoming forming its own army and issuing its own currency.
The task force formed by the bill would include state lawmakers, the head of Wyoming's Department of Homeland Security and the state attorney general.
The bill must pass two more House votes before it reaches the Senate, according to the Casper Star-Tribune. (http://trib.com/news/state-and-regional/govt-and-politics/wyoming-house-advances-doomsday-bill/article_af6e1b2b-0ca4-553f-85e9-92c0f58c00bd.html)
So far, no word if the task force will explore solutions for a Zombie Apocalypse, as the Center For Disease Control has done. (http://emergency.cdc.gov/socialmedia/zombies_blog.asp)

26th February 2012, 04:35 PM
been prepping for doom since the early 70s. enjoying life in the meantime, one day at a time.

26th February 2012, 08:49 PM
I know a guy who became very aware of the world around him in the 70's. This guy is at least as smart as most of us and a member of Mensa. He figured doom was just around the corner. He prepped food and it went bad after several years. He hoarded some more food. It went bad, too.
Who the hell knows when doom arrives? The Rothschilds do, you don't. If the wife is willing I'd cut my losses on the house and move to the country. JMO.

If you buy undeveloped rural land, the easiest way to get started is get a shipping container delivered. That way you can store camping gear, tools and materials while you build without worrying some kids are dragging your goodies away. You can even sleep on top of the container on starry nights. An 8 x 40 container is about $3K or so depending on location.

26th February 2012, 09:05 PM
I know a guy who became very aware of the world around him in the 70's. This guy is at least as smart as most of us and a member of Mensa. He figured doom was just around the corner. He prepped food and it went bad after several years. He hoarded some more food. It went bad, too.
Who the hell knows when doom arrives?

True, that's why I try to just stock up on things that I know we consume regularly. My goal is be able to ride out a short term food shortage of a couple months. If things are worse, I'll have to get the garden cranked up I guess. There are many scenarios and it's difficult to plan for all of them.

26th February 2012, 09:22 PM
True, that's why I try to just stock up on things that I know we consume regularly. My goal is be able to ride out a short term food shortage of a couple months. If things are worse, I'll have to get the garden cranked up I guess. There are many scenarios and it's difficult to plan for all of them.Although I don't claim to know when TS will HTF, I think it's safe to assume it will be within the next 20 years. I can store rice and beans that long.

26th February 2012, 10:12 PM
Btw, where is this "lunch with satan" thread?

26th February 2012, 10:31 PM
Who the hell knows when doom arrives?

Haven't you seen my Doom Clock?


26th February 2012, 10:54 PM
Btw, where is this "lunch with satan" thread?