View Full Version : Illegal Everything - documentary

26th February 2012, 11:36 AM
The gov't ruining lives!

http://cablenewsguy.com/John%20Stossel%27s%20Illegal%20Everything/John%20Stossel%27s%20Illegal%20Everything_controll er.swf#!flashvars#autostart=false&thumb=FirstFrame.png&thumbscale=45&color=0x000000,0x000000 (http://cablenewsguy.com/John%20Stossel%27s%20Illegal%20Everything/John%20Stossel%27s%20Illegal%20Everything_controll er.swf#%21flashvars#autostart=false&thumb=FirstFrame.png&thumbscale=45&color=0x000000,0x000000)

26th February 2012, 01:18 PM
Is it legal to watch this..........

Great stuff

26th February 2012, 01:22 PM
Is it legal to watch this

I thought it was taboo to watch Stossel vids now.

26th February 2012, 01:29 PM
Remember ignorance of the law is no excuse.....................even though people spend years studying law and then spend the rest of their lives fighting over it the local public is supposed to know it all from birth (or a bit after)

26th February 2012, 03:10 PM
I no longer care about politics in the United States. It's all too far gone. It just cant be turn around at this point. All we can do now is hunker down and wait till the bond markets fail and force austerity on the government. Then we will become Greece. When that happens all these Statist fucktards will get what has been coming to them. I hope they all fucking starve for destroying this country. That's why intelligent people store food and water.

Hopefully then some state will grow the balls to secede from this joke of a country and we can be free again. Then our prosperity from our newly found freedom will grow another cancerous State. Then we have to repeat the process over again. Most humans love to be slaves. We are doomed to repeat this.

26th February 2012, 04:10 PM
I wouldn't trust Stossel as far as I can throw him. Take note how the Jewish Libertarians define freedom as their right to provide us with the rope to put around our necks.

26th February 2012, 05:22 PM
I no longer care about politics in the United States. It's all too far gone. It just cant be turn around at this point. All we can do now is hunker down and wait till the bond markets fail and force austerity on the government. Then we will become Greece. When that happens all these Statist fucktards will get what has been coming to them. I hope they all fucking starve for destroying this country. That's why intelligent people store food and water.

Hopefully then some state will grow the balls to secede from this joke of a country and we can be free again. Then our prosperity from our newly found freedom will grow another cancerous State. Then we have to repeat the process over again. Most humans love to be slaves. We are doomed to repeat this.

Its not just America

27th February 2012, 10:11 AM
I have never watch stossel before. This is a first for me. This show is truely watered down.

In the section where he shows the police officers who "didn't mind being filmed", one of the officers that was highlighted was the ex-marine who was questioning a man regarding his 2A right to carry. He (imo) purposefully left out the parts of the discussion which would have let viewers hear the officer somewhat honor the right to bear arms.

Also, it could be my overactive cynicism, but I noticed they had an esteemed economist (black) man speaking on how poor, illiterate Irishmen and Italians (whites) could go out and buy a "used" car and starts up a business. Just kinda struck my "propaganda-senses-tingling" funny.

Anyways, I am watching this on my breaks, in bits and pieces. Still working through it.


Wow. That robo-bitch just said "I believe that the majority of prostituted women suffer harm that is so serious,, I would compromise your freedom, to protect the majority of women, absolutely" (41:10)

Just before that, when the prostitutue said she has never been happier, robo-bitch said to the protitute: "It's not about you, honey", inreference to the anti-protitution laws. However the statement on the law they made earlier said right in it, that prositution is "inherently demeaning".
If not to the prostitute, then to who? The John? Not likely.
Hypocrite. If the prohibition was lifted, all underground violence would dissolve like with any other issue.

27th February 2012, 01:17 PM
"...I would compromise your freedom..."

When she said that my blood pressure went up.

28th February 2012, 06:04 AM
Me too. She is the kind of controlling bitch that would freak out if you tried to place any limits on her, but she doesn't mind limiting everyone else. People like her make me sick. Same as that young guy that is defending the "war on drugs" and saying they should be kicking more doors down. He's a liar and NWO cheerleader, and I would love the chance to slap some sense into him.
These two people are perfect examples of why our world is so effed up, but the truth is, they pale in comparison to the satanic elite in their vanity and tyranny.