View Full Version : Adding Value To Your Contracts

27th February 2012, 08:40 AM


Admiralty jurisdiction is “Don’t tell me what the law is or I hold you in contempt” and “I am the boss and you obey or else!”
You have no “right” in admiralty jurisdiction! So, don’t confuse the two terms, as some lawyers will tell you that there is no difference between the two. There is a biiig difference!

Every vessel must show identification what jurisdiction it belongs to. The displaying of the corresponding flag on the vessel indicates this identification. Technically, every object (including paper) is a vessel in the sea of space.

If you don’t see a flag displayed on your so-called official papers, you are dealing with a rogue document even if there are words on it that describe it. If you don’t see identification (flag) on a vessel, you can “capture” it by placing your flag on it. Now, before you go out and start capturing documents and flags, you better know what you are doing!

You as an individual - a fiction on paper, an adjective/pronoun scenario and not a noun/fact - will never replace the “status quo” fiction with your fiction! If you try to do that, the status quo fiction will deal with you accordingly because you are part of it therefore it has jurisdiction over you.
Not only that but the status quo fiction has the right to survive and it will defend itself from any “internal” or “external” threats including you who want to destroy it. You as an individual fiction can easily be charged with treason in the status quo fiction. It is not advisable to capture another fiction’s flag with your fiction’s flag (even if you have one)! The result is always war when two fictions collide. Just look around you. It is inevitable! Do you want war? I don’t! I want order!

The status quo fiction is organized and beLIEfs sustain it. It has a legal system, a police for enforcement and a jail system for “correction”. What do you have? As Cosby in the Cosby show always tells with great emphasis to his kids - “you have nothing”! You have absolutely no chance to win against the status quo fiction with your fiction! You are mentally unbalanced and suicidal if you try such a foolish act as a challenge to displace it.

It is also part of Maritime law that “anything that is in an enclosed area cannot be considered”. How many documents have you seen with boxes and tables on it? Anything you write into those boxes and tables don’t exist outside of those boxes and tables. That includes your checks with the amount in a box or your signature that is in a box.

Is your birth certificate in a box? Is your diploma in a box? None that is written within those boxes exist outside of them. The “continuation of evidence” (a key term) is lost between what is within the enclosed area and what is outside of it. You live in an illusion; a fiction world where anything goes that is not truth/fact but beLIEfs.

So, what do you do if you don’t like the system you are in? Get out of it! How do you do that? Certainly not by asking a lawyer to do it for you or buy some kind of “freedom” or “sovereignty” package from somebody for a hefty price who is also in the fiction and just as lost as you are. Remember; you can’t buy your freedom.

Because darkness doesn’t vacate darkness you have to “turn on the light” and only then darkness will flee. In order to do that, you have to make sure that your possessions (including your life/body) are described as nouns/facts and properly articulated on paper that has a flag and stamps.

If you want to be in the truth, you have to use the “Title 4” flag on your papers and stamps that have the double stroke “dollar” symbol on it.
The Title 4 flag was copy claimed by [:Daid-Wynn: Miller] as a noun/fact and recognized by the U.N. and the World Court as such. It is called the “[:Flag of the Unity-States of the World]”. You may use it anywhere in the world if you are in the truth. You can put up that flag in any courtroom in the world and that courtroom will be with the jurisdiction of that flag and what it represent. The truth/fact. Fiction vacates the courtroom where that flag is displayed. I had a hard time to locate Title 4 flags. Get them while you can!

Without the Title 4 flag and the proper stamp (to start with) you are SOL. Pardon me for bluntness but I don’t want you to get the illusion that you can use any flag or stamp if you want to be in the truth. You can’t mix fiction with fact and if you do, you go to jail! Period!

There used to be a one-dollar “red fox” stamp in the US but it is taken out of circulation. Wonder why! The red fox stamps (because of the true dollar sign on them) are “gold” stamps. If you have any of these stamps, you have gold. Those who are “sovereigns” must have gold. Are you sovereign? Do you have any gold or silver? Do you carry any gold or silver with you? What is your “money”?
As a side note - if anybody knows of any stamp that is in circulation and has the double bar dollar symbol, I would be interested to hear about it.

Many fiction stamps have only a number on them. What do those numbers mean on those stamps? Potatoes, bananas or apples? There are unlimited possibilities but that is what fiction is. They presume that you will assume it is “dollar” and “cent”.

What chance do you have to find the truth if your tools to find the truth are assumptions, presumptions and opinions? Remember the old computer programmer’s term GIGO (garbage in garbage out) or fiction in fiction out in our situation? When your foundation is fiction, you will never find the truth. An apple tree can’t bring forth bananas but apples. Fiction can bring forth only fictions.

There are two mighty brothers at work in the world and they will never die as long as mankind exists. One is called “Prophet” and the other is called “Profit”. These twin towers I mean brothers control the spirit and commerce of all mankind. It is almost impossible for an individual to escape from their grip. If you manage to escape, you’ll walk on a very narrow road.

If you ever observed courtroom operations here in fiction Canada: at the end of a fiction case the fiction judge always says this. “Keep the peace and be of good behavior.” My translation is more to the point: “Shut up and get back to work”.

“Peace is over rated. Any slave can have peace. Just pick the cotton.” – The Song

27th February 2012, 08:55 AM
The Title 4 flag was copy claimed by [aid-Wynn: Miller] as a noun/fact and recognized by the U.N. and the World Court as such

I read until i reached this point. Disinformation is rampant in this area.

If you want the UN to recognize you, then you will be recognized as having 'International Human Rights' according to the UN charter.


And according to the declaration, yep you guessed it: YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS.

27th February 2012, 09:06 AM
I read until i reached this point.
As always, feel free to substitute your own flag. Use of others flags also imports others law.


27th February 2012, 09:34 AM
Why does this thread make me think of carrots?

27th February 2012, 10:52 AM
Why does this thread make me think of carrots?

Wrong thread - here you go: http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?59222-Adding-value-to-your-carrots

27th February 2012, 11:10 AM
Odd. Nobody has commented upon the use of the double bar dollar sign on the stamp.

How many stamps to you use that just displays a number?

27th February 2012, 03:11 PM
Stamps are considered currency (money). Certainly in Australian Bills of Exchange Act (I think it's that one) stamps are declared as currency. I might be mistaken and I might have read it in the postal act. I was trying to find the rules about sending the governor a notice of my will. I'm not talking my testament but my will as to what I want the governor to do for me. Postage to the govenor is free.

I can't recall the import of the double stroke dollar sign. In UK/commonwealth land it is a single stroke and we are told the difference is style. You know if the govt has to mention it, then there is something important about it they want to conceal.