View Full Version : Insider Warns Family Of EMP Strike On U.S. This Year

old steel
27th February 2012, 12:29 PM
Insider Warns Family Of EMP Strike On U.S. This Year

by Zen Gardner
http://usahitman.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/emp1-550x372.jpg (http://usahitman.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/emp1.jpg)
I don’t say this lightly. It shocked me as well when I heard it.
This information came to me in a very synchronistic way, as is so often the case. No anonymous phone call. No dark suited stranger whispering at a street corner. It came out in a conversation with a young man managing a cool store who turned out to be a research enthusiast. I’d never met him before and we just “happened” to strike up a conversation. And one thing led to another.
Naturally with this type of leaked info you don’t want to endanger the source by revealing too much. But it sounded very credible the way it was told to me. A good friend of his has a parent, a very high clearance scientist who’s been “inside” famous and hidden secret places for decades, who somewhat cryptically warned their adult child last month of this imminent EMP attack threat.
Apparently it will be this year, and “sooner rather than later”. It sounded like it could be a nationwide hit. This child of an insider was then sent a 1984 heavy-duty truck by this parent (no computerized circuitry) and told, I paraphrase, “When it happens you’ll have 30 minutes to make it out of the city. And even then you’ll only have a one-in-three chance of survival.”
There’s no way I can verify this, but I don’t see any reason this wonderful young man should make it up. Thinking he’s lying definitely doesn’t go with my impression or his personality type nor deep spiritual dynamic. I don’t know, maybe someone else can verify this is indeed the understanding of the inner circle of the inside scientific elites.
But it sure resonates. And he’s promised me more information so there will be more details in future articles. Tease, I know. Tough. Deal with it, we all do.


27th February 2012, 12:34 PM
This could be real or could be fake, but it bear s conversation.

Namely, how could someone protect their vehicle from the effects, to ensure that if this sort of thing happened, they could still fire up their auto and get home to their preps?

old steel
27th February 2012, 12:41 PM
Underground parking garage. Then again you would be extremely visible driving around when everyone else isn't.

27th February 2012, 12:43 PM
It could have been his perception that this guy who said it was an insider to this type of knowledge... Wouldn't really put much credence in a rumor like this!

27th February 2012, 12:57 PM
Namely, how could someone protect their vehicle from the effects, to ensure that if this sort of thing happened, they could still fire up their auto and get home to their preps?

Hopefully you can retrofit an old points type distributor and coil to get the engine to fire up. But then again none of the computer chips would work so you would probably be right back to square one. Plan ahead and retrofit now and eliminate all the on board computer crap, put on a carburetor etc etc. Also need to get an old style transmission that has no electrical management. I sortof am setup, I will grab my guns and borrow my kids minibike. Not sure where I would go because anything which is everything is controlled via computer chips.

27th February 2012, 01:13 PM
Insider Warns Family Of EMP Strike On U.S. This Year

by Zen Gardner
“When it happens you’ll have 30 minutes to make it out of the city. And even then you’ll only have a one-in-three chance of survival...and there's only a 50% chance of that.”


Sounds like an out take from an Airplane movie; has that Leslie Nielsen feel to it.;D

27th February 2012, 01:14 PM
Hopefully you can retrofit an old points type distributor and coil to get the engine to fire up. But then again none of the computer chips would work so you would probably be right back to square one. Plan ahead and retrofit now and eliminate all the on board computer crap, put on a carburetor etc etc. Also need to get an old style transmission that has no electrical management. I sortof am setup, I will grab my guns and borrow my kids minibike. Not sure where I would go because anything which is everything is controlled via computer chips.

Probably makes the most sense to get out of Dodge now and beat the rush.

27th February 2012, 01:17 PM
Probably makes the most sense to get out of Dodge now and beat the rush.

It would seem that way.........

27th February 2012, 01:21 PM
...not an option.

old steel
27th February 2012, 01:24 PM
Dunno. They have spent incredible amounts of resources building D.U.M.B.S like DIA etc which they obviously plan on using at some point besides pure research or storage facilities.

Then again they always tell you what they are going to do before they do it.


Come out of your hidey holes 6 months later and hire the survivors to rebuild society like Hypertiger says but with infrastructure intact.

27th February 2012, 01:28 PM
I say "Bring It". EMP would do more damage to our enemies and their control grids than it would to us...
Sorry, but TV, Internet, and electric power are just NOT that important to human life... unless we've voluntarily placed ourselves in a position of continued dependence on those things! :o

Hatha Sunahara
27th February 2012, 01:30 PM
I have been working on a project to deal with just this kind of situation. My strategy is that I cannot protect all my electronic equipment, so I am making a list of the bare minimum I will need to get by in a post EMP world. So far on my list is my laptop computer, a motherboard and power supply that was in my desktop computer before I upgraded it, all the hard disk drives I am not currently using, a DVD rom burner, a keyboard and mouse, a video card, and some other components that I would need to rebuild a computer. Also some small electric gadgets like a video recorder, flash memory devices, cameras, small radios, a handheld ham radio, mp3 players, and LED lighting devices. The list is not complete.

I have a 45 gallon galvanized steel garbage can in my garage, which I have modified to keep it grounded at all times. I've soldered an 18 inch length of 50 amp house wiring to the lid and the other end to the can itself. I've soldered another 10 foot length of this wire to the bottom of the can, and it will go out a hole in my garage wall to a steel grounding rod that is 3 feet deep into the ground. This is my farraday cage. It should keep the electronic stuff inside of it well protected. I'm not sure how much good this protection will do me if the electrical infastructure that supports all this stuff is gone. I'm thinking of buying a 5hp generator and another garbage can to protect it so I would have some electric power to run the things that survive. I'm not too eager to spend a whole lot of money protecting myself from something that will never come. So far, I have spent nothing, and used resources I have that are not being used. The risk that this protection will be needed is very low, but not zero. I just want to save the devices that help me keep my mind occupied and in touch with the rest of the world, however I doubt that my fellow citizens are doing anything of the sort, and will not be worth communicating with in the event of a disaster.

BTW--I have no interest in protecting my TV. I will be thankful to the EMP attackers if they destroy it.


27th February 2012, 01:34 PM
kind of reminds me of the occasional false flag warning that arises now and then. It is so easy to see the set ups and often I think many are just decoys, like pawns in a chess game. Take for instance, the saudi ambassador assanation attempt by Iran, really? I didnt buy it. Last week, Anonymous to attack and shut down power grid in US. Didnt give it any thought. But when combined with failed sopa etc.....this guys vid makes a little sense. Maybe they will blow hoover dam and shut down power at once, that way power cant come back unless sold at a premium price and purchased from other grid locations, who knows......I am a hard person to surprise these days.


old steel
27th February 2012, 01:35 PM
Not worried about the electronic end of things i'm much more concerned with keeping/growing enough food to stay alive and not get it all taken away from me at the barrel of a gun.

27th February 2012, 01:47 PM
I have known many brilliant minds here since before Apr 2010. Would be nice to see some indepth disscussion on this. It would seem that , givin an election year ,either everything will remain calm and a fascade of the recovery is happening....or complete opposite? Is this a war between the establishment and the elite? my thinking would be to put all bets on the elite. They probably have control of the establishment with out most in it even knowing...or is there actually NO differance between the two? Who would gain from this event and what?

27th February 2012, 01:52 PM
Not worried about the electronic end of things i'm much more concerned with keeping/growing enough food to stay alive and not get it all taken away from me at the barrel of a gun.

Well, one can survive without electricity. People did it for millenia prior to 1900. If you're well stocked with freeze dried and canned foods, bottled water, oil lamps and windup LED lights, a fossil fuel source of heat and flame such as propane, a manual water pump for the well, guns and ammo, then you can live comfortably if primitively without all the high tech gadgets we've all come to know and love.

27th February 2012, 01:55 PM
This could be real or could be fake, but it bear s conversation.

Namely, how could someone protect their vehicle from the effects, to ensure that if this sort of thing happened, they could still fire up their auto and get home to their preps?

short answer - Faraday cage.

long answer - is really long.

there's a thread on it at Frugal Squirrel -

sorry, you have to join to read it - it's worth it - a good prepper's website though a little PC.

another thread there about EMP -

i think an EMP event is a high-probability event.

it would cause maximum disruption with minimum casualties.

it would catch hundreds of millions of people off-guard.

it would make them look to the government for 'help'. the Jew-S government LOVES that.

it's scary how many "plus'es" there are for an EMP event, from the point of view of the Sicko's that did 9-11.

it would give them a chance to scrub genuine 9-11 websites off the Internet. etc.

27th February 2012, 03:43 PM
I don't see the point in trying to preserve electronic equipment in the case of an EMP attack, at least not for the short or medium term. Society will immediatelly collapse and probably 90% of the population would have starved to death or gotten killed in violence and epidemics within months. More important things to do than sitting fiddling trying to get a computer back to work. Community building work among local survivors should be a priority, to protect against zombie hoards, I just can't see the use of a computer in this scenario...

27th February 2012, 03:43 PM
I attached grounding kits to all my home electronics, and installed a main grounding bar in the dining room (behind the buffet table) to which I connected all the kitchen/living room electrical equipment. I have a second grounding bar upstairs to which all the electronics in the bedrooms and office are connected. From there the two main grounding bars are exothermally connected to a master grounding bar in the garage with two #2 insulated copper strand. From the MGB, two #2 copper wires are connected to an outside ground halo ring buried in a 42" deep trench surrounding my house (42" deep to be below frost line). The ground halo has 3' deep grounding wells at 10' on center, with solid copper ground rods to ensure strong electrical contact with the earth.

27th February 2012, 03:47 PM
I lied. I actually didn't do any of that to my house. :P

27th February 2012, 03:48 PM
I lied. I actually didn't do any of that to my house. :P

I was just about to ask if the whole setup smells minty fresh too! ;D

Uncle Salty
27th February 2012, 05:55 PM
Who would gain from this event and what?

The bankers. All of a sudden, all those records from the trillions they had stolen are now gone. Time to reset. Banks own everything.

27th February 2012, 07:13 PM
Oh stop your making me laugh. Without electricity nuke plants go BOOM. Goodbye.

27th February 2012, 07:48 PM
Exactly. If there was an EMP all human life could die off from all the nuclear power plants going poof.

old steel
27th February 2012, 08:44 PM
So then a massive earth directed CME that fries the grid is an ELE?

Say it isn't so.

27th February 2012, 08:53 PM
Whats the best oil lamps and oil out there?

Is there a windup deal or solar deal with outlets to plug stuff into?

I have a generator but gas will go quick and I aint running one of them things when the zombies are out.

27th February 2012, 08:57 PM
So tell me how does a EMP happen, electric waves flow though the air and short stuff out? and if you have your electric stuff in a metal building that is grounded they are ok? I think my house might be a faraday cage? metal roof, metal studs, red iron and wrapped in astro foil. So maybe I could park a truck or 2 in the Metal shop, metal panels ( but there is a open place No metal on one end) ?????

27th February 2012, 09:17 PM
I went searching and found some info.

I find it quite interesting that the best defense we have against EMP is still the Faraday box/cage, a technology developed by Michael Faraday in 1836. The original prototypes made by Michael Faraday used aluminum foil lining the walls of the room. Because of the nature of the dissipation across the surface, it was also found that leaving the windows unsheilded didn't affect the performance of the cage by all that much.

Some common building materials can also act as Faraday cages. Materials such as plaster mesh, woven rebar in concrete and even some of the metallic coated varieties of insulation can provide effective protection against EMP blasts.

Here's a few links with more information regarding Faraday cages and their effectiveness against EMP:

webphysics.davidson.edu... This is a Java applet that demonstrates the effect of a Faraday cage on EM fields.

en.wikipedia.org... Wikipedia's entry on the Faraday cage, also contains a link to Wikipedia's entry on Michael Faraday as well.

www.physlink.com... This is a relatively detailed explanation of how a Faraday Cage works.

27th February 2012, 09:19 PM
Here is another, I kinda understand how it works now.

The concept of a Faraday cage is logically attributed to Michael Faraday, an 19th Century pioneer in the field of electromagnetic energy. Faraday studied the work of earlier scientists such as Benjamin Franklin and theorized that electromagnetic waves naturally flowed around the surface of conductive materials, not through them. For example, if a metal box containing a mouse were placed directly in the path of an electrical current, the electricity would flow over the box but not into the compartment with the mouse. The mouse would not be electrocuted. Such a box would be considered a Faraday cage.

The important concept to remember is that a Faraday cage acts as a shield against the effects of electromagnetic energy. When a car is struck by lightning, the metal frame becomes a Faraday cage and draws the electricity away from the passengers inside. A microwave oven’s door has a screen which prevents electromagnetic energy from escaping into the room. Electronic parts which generate radio frequencies are often protected by Faraday cages called RF shields. Even a concrete building reinforced with lead or rebar can be considered a Faraday cage.

28th February 2012, 12:12 AM
Namely, how could someone protect their vehicle from the effects, to ensure that if this sort of thing happened, they could still fire up their auto and get home to their preps?

three words

Mechanically injected Diesel

much easier to make fuel for as well

28th February 2012, 05:22 AM
My take on this is very basic. You have preps, and your preps should include temporary shelter (Tarps/string, etc), tools to make it (Compact saws/hatchets, etc) and a means to stay warm, get food and purify water. WTSHTF I do not expect to be living in the lap of luxury, piddling away on a laptop or I-pad or cel phone. I expect hard work, gathering food, firewood, living off the land, hiding from NWO pigs in search-party formation, and fending off ill-prepared blue pillers.

So my focus for prepping on my vehicle, which I have not made EMP proof. I like the mechanically inject deisel suggestion. Thanks for that. WTSHTF I will need to be able to get to my family and preps, load up, and get outta dodge. I think that post-NWO-implimentation life is going to be a lot more difficult than what it seems most of you people are expecting. I could be wrong, and hopefully I am.

One thing to bear in mind is that if the elite unleash a legitimate FF EMP, they are going to be the planners of the catastophe, and of course they are going to be prepped and their assets will be protected. They are not going to fry their own control grid. They likely already have the means installed to isolate their web for just such an event. So when things go *ZZzzzzzt!* and we are all trying to run generators to try to connect to GSus, they will flick a switch, have their grid up (Closed Circuit control grid, I'm assuming, such as the DOD and NSA networks, etc) and dispatch the troops to "protect us".

At that point, I would go under the assumption that your cel phone is nothing more than a GPS tracking device for the elite cabal and I would ditch that POS right away. Lead and gunpowder don't need electricity, neither do snares and deadfall traps, or fishing rods or candles. I might be off, but I am getting prepped for a "lifelong camping trip without food" in all environments.
(I do have food and water stocks, but you can't carry everything)

Is this a war between the establishment and the elite? my thinking would be to put all bets on the elite. They probably have control of the establishment with out most in it even knowing...or is there actually NO differance between the two? Who would gain from this event and what?

Have no doubt that the establishment is in firm control of the elite. The establishment is the bureaucratic workhorse of the elite control grid. The establishment is subordinate to the eite cabal, and they are not at odds. There may be the odd rogue individual in a powerful position (ie: an Admiral in the MIC or something), who may seek to go in his own direction wtshtf because he may not be privy to the entire plan when the elite are carrying out their endgame, and in the pandemonium he might have visions of grandeur, but it won't last long.
The establishment will be in it's place, carrying out it's duties as designated through the ususal compartmentalization.

Finally, the last thing I would like to mention, TA probably remembers from GIM:

Years ago we found a post by a shortwave ham operator from somewhere on the internet. He was a techie-nerd type, and supposedly figured out a way to use nothing more than a laptop, a car battery and a shortwave transciever to access teh internet for free, from a mountaintop.
He had a program on his laptop that would convert the recieved SW waves into some kind of useable computer language, so he could send and recieve internet info just like we are now, without using an internet service provider, without being traced, without being dependant on electricity or a modem, etc.
The SW transciever would transmit and recieve the internet waves in the air, and his laptop would take that feed and translate it, and presto: Unlimited access to the web, dependant on no outside influences.

So if ANYONE can find more information on that, please please PLEASE post it here, because I have been trying to find out how to do what he was doing, but it seems teh article/post is gone with the wind.

28th February 2012, 05:48 AM
I attached grounding kits to all my home electronics, and installed a main grounding bar in the dining room (behind the buffet table) to which I connected all the kitchen/living room electrical equipment. I have a second grounding bar upstairs to which all the electronics in the bedrooms and office are connected. From there the two main grounding bars are exothermally connected to a master grounding bar in the garage with two #2 insulated copper strand. From the MGB, two #2 copper wires are connected to an outside ground halo ring buried in a 42" deep trench surrounding my house (42" deep to be below frost line). The ground halo has 3' deep grounding wells at 10' on center, with solid copper ground rods to ensure strong electrical contact with the earth.

only one thing - an EMP is like a big physics experiment - very interesting from a technical point of view - full spectrum Extreme Magnitude Electro-Magnetic Fields & Energy.

But every loop of wire - including a half loop, i.e. a straight piece of wire, will have a current induced in it, if it is in the path of an EMP. therefore the ground wire needs to be shielded - and even that is not a guarantee.

So if ANYONE can find more information on that, please please PLEASE post it here, because I have been trying to find out how to do what he was doing, but it seems teh article/post is gone with the wind.

QST magazine is the #1 Ham magazine.

if there was a hack/ mash-up along these lines, good chance they would cover it.




Ham Radio on the Internet - different than using Ham to access the Internet - but close and useful -


28th February 2012, 05:48 AM
if this happens, probably well over half the people in our area will not even notice. they mostly don't do internet, teevee (would probably be the only thing they'd notice wrong), and all drive the farm truck that's been on the farm since the 70s. what will reek havoc is when the local mcdonald's and walmart close....

also, why does everyone care so much if the internet is gone if/when this happens? i would think you'll be so busy either getting the hell out of the city or big town you're in or defending the BOL you're at already. honestly, for me, the internet will definitely not be the first, second or even third thing on my mind.

edit: the ham radio thing would def be handy. just to find out what's goin on in the world, i guess.

28th February 2012, 05:52 AM
if this happens, probably well over half the people in our area will not even notice. they mostly don't do internet, teevee (would probably be the only thing they'd notice wrong), and all drive the farm truck that's been on the farm since the 70s. what will reek havoc is when the local mcdonald's and walmart close....

also, why does everyone care so much if the internet is gone if/when this happens? i would think you'll be so busy either getting the hell out of the city or big town you're in or defending the BOL you're at already. honestly, for me, the internet will definitely not be the first, second or even third thing on my mind.

edit: the ham radio thing would def be handy. just to find out what's goin on in the world, i guess.

I'm with you. I really would only want it to keep up on things, even though traffic would be slowed dramatically.

28th February 2012, 05:55 AM
the nuke plant scenario would be the worst. most of those plants have 2 weeks of fuel, max, to keep generators running. after that, boom, and then everyone slowly dies from contamination.

28th February 2012, 06:07 AM
It's actually the opposite. Keeping the fuel cool is the real issue, Chad. They need to keep pumps running to pump water to keep the fuel cool. If they don't keep the fuel cool, you get a Fukushima.

28th February 2012, 06:07 AM
“When it happens you’ll have 30 minutes to make it out of the city. And even then you’ll only have a one-in-three chance of survival.”

Survive what? Not having electricity? Not being able to drive. Unless I'm missing something, this sounds like alarmist propaganda. I'm willing to be enlightened.

We could use a few informational basics. Does this make the grid non-restorable, or is it just a question of time? And how much time would it be? Days, weeks, months, years? It's easy to imagine that this type of an event would cause a huge amount of technical and human resources to be diverted toward solving this problem. Perhaps this is the job creating event that they are looking for...

28th February 2012, 06:16 AM
“When it happens you’ll have 30 minutes to make it out of the city. And even then you’ll only have a one-in-three chance of survival.”

Survive what? Not having electricity? Not being able to drive. Unless I'm missing something, this sounds like alarmist propaganda. I'm willing to be enlightened.

the way i understand it... the sheeple will probably start freaking out. can't check out at walmart, can't get cash at the atm, no running vehicles, no teevee or internet, etc. i dunno what city or town the kid lives in but if it were a big one, like l.a., i'd wanna be out of there quick like. of course, 30 min wouldn't be enough time to get out.

28th February 2012, 06:29 AM
We could use a few informational basics. Does this make the grid non-restorable, or is it just a question of time? And how much time would it be? Days, weeks, months, years? It's easy to imagine that this type of an event would cause a huge amount of technical and human resources to be diverted toward solving this problem. Perhaps this is the job creating event that they are looking for...

It gives TPTB a perfect reason to declare martial law.

they would say they needed to prioritize resources to support the restoration of infrastructure - infrastructure destroyed probably by a false flag.

same way the Judeo-Fascists did in Iraq - destroy the infra-structure, give Jew-connected firms contracts to rebuild the infrastructure.

of course, with EMP, it may not be false-flag - it could also be the result of 'conventional' nuclear weapons.

28th February 2012, 06:48 AM
It could have been his perception that this guy who said it was an insider to this type of knowledge... Wouldn't really put much credence in a rumor like this!

I agree, but there is always a possibility of it happening. Hasn't this subject been discussed before?

I shudder to think of the uproar what will ensue when the masses don't have their porn and TV anymore.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
28th February 2012, 07:36 AM
“When it happens you’ll have 30 minutes to make it out of the city. And even then you’ll only have a one-in-three chance of survival.”

Survive what? Not having electricity? Not being able to drive. Unless I'm missing something, this sounds like alarmist propaganda. I'm willing to be enlightened.

We could use a few informational basics. Does this make the grid non-restorable, or is it just a question of time? And how much time would it be? Days, weeks, months, years? It's easy to imagine that this type of an event would cause a huge amount of technical and human resources to be diverted toward solving this problem. Perhaps this is the job creating event that they are looking for...

You should read One Second After. It's about a world, post-EMP. It's no Pulitzer prize winner by any means but it has an important message about survival and how vulnerable we really are.


28th February 2012, 09:07 AM
The masks are coming off and all the devils are here. One world religion is consciousness rising.

The secrets hidden in the pyramids of Egypt (Harun Yahya)

Uploaded by HarunYahyaEnglish on Jul 8, 2011

Mohammed, temple, money changers. Jesus, temple, money changers.

"Electric Feel" by MGMT <--- Management

All along the western front
People line up to receive
She got the power in her hand
To shock you like you won't believe
Saw her in the amazon
With the voltage running through her skin
Standing there with nothing on
She gonna teach me how to swim

I said ooh girl
Shock me like an electric eel
Baby girl
You turn me on with your electric feel
I said ooh girl
Shock me like an electric eel
Baby girl
Turn me on with your electric feel

All along the eastern shore
Put your circuits in the sea
This is what the world is for
Making electricity
You can feel it in your mind
Oh you can do it all the time
Plug it in and change the world
You are my electric girl

Do what you feel now
Electric feel now

28th February 2012, 09:14 AM
A North America EMP event is indeed an ELE for North America.

This is one of the worst case scenarios, something like 90%+ die off.

The idea that the infrastructure remains intact is bunk. Sure, concrete still stands, but everything else will be cannibalized for parts and fuel. There would be so little left and survivors would in no way allow some invading force to take over.

I'll remain skeptical of it actually happening. If it did, we are in a Jericho style scenario. All bets are off and a real civil war will likely erupt among post event survivors as a new US Gov emerges. Global thermonuclear war would follow, IMO. True, end of the world as it was once known.

Also, as said, the single biggest problem would be the hundreds of nuclear plants across the country that now go boom. The northern hemisphere would be loaded with hot particles. CONUS would be poisoned for many generations.

mick silver
28th February 2012, 09:25 AM
if this was to happen my whole family would have a new job . driving around would be the last thing i would do . what i am saying keeping what you have may become a full time job .

28th February 2012, 11:40 AM
Surfing the shock wave.

Why Earth Is Not Orbiting The Sun As We Are Taught.mov

Uploaded by ricki388 on Feb 25, 2012
For full info please see my playlist "greatest documentry ever told " be warned it is very long and starts out in a laymans terms cross ref this with 5t4rscream233 ,s great work ang you will be amazed infinity macro and micro also if you want to take it furthur read conversations with god [not a relgious book] and the teachings of the masters of the far east vol1256 written in 1894 this video will not be up long so keep a copy and study 5t4rscream233 work.


28th February 2012, 11:42 AM
“When it happens you’ll have 30 minutes to make it out of the city. And even then you’ll only have a one-in-three chance of survival.”

Survive what? Not having electricity? Not being able to drive. Unless I'm missing something, this sounds like alarmist propaganda. I'm willing to be enlightened.

We could use a few informational basics. Does this make the grid non-restorable, or is it just a question of time? And how much time would it be? Days, weeks, months, years? It's easy to imagine that this type of an event would cause a huge amount of technical and human resources to be diverted toward solving this problem. Perhaps this is the job creating event that they are looking for...
I think the main thing really would be the erasing of all electronically stored information. Credits, bank accounts, securities. Thus no credit cards, no Internet banking, no payment of invoices. Collapse of organized industry/trade immediatelly, collapse of government, doubt that the electric grid will be restored in this environment, even if it may not be technically that difficult to do it. You would be able to buy things initially with FRN's (until people en masse realize that US GOV/FRB doesn't exist... After that only bartering, stealing or make/grow it yourself will be the only means of acquiring what you need for survival if you don't have it. Probably you could trade food for gold at this time, but don't expect a good rate for the shiny!

28th February 2012, 11:43 AM
if this was to happen my whole family would have a new job . driving around would be the last thing i would do . what i am saying keeping what you have may become a full time job .

Yeah Mick, but the fact remains that you need to get home first. I work an hour away from home. My preps and family are there.

28th February 2012, 11:50 AM
Yeah Mick, but the fact remains that you need to get home first. I work an hour away from home. My preps and family are there.

Thankfully both my wife and I work about a 30 minute drive from our home. If an EMP goes off during the work day, we each have a fully stocked prep backpack in the trunk of our vehicles and we'd simply take the pack and start the trek home. If I were you, I'd make sure you have a similar prep filled backpack in your car, something that can help you walk home if need be.

EDIT: Maybe something like this or use it as a template to make your own: http://beprepared.com/product.asp_Q_pn_E_K7%20M520_A_name_E_Trekker%20II %E2%84%A2%20Emergency%20Kit

28th February 2012, 11:52 AM
Thanks brother. I have an Emergency kit in my commuter.
But a 30 minute drive could be a full days walk!

28th February 2012, 12:03 PM
Probably makes the most sense to get out of Dodge now and beat the rush.
indeed! all the so called shtf scenarios call for open streets...i think urban areas will be clogged with a mixture of dead and burning vehicles...and the hoards of mindless panicking zombies who would sell their soul for a meal....

28th February 2012, 12:20 PM
Thanks brother. I have an Emergency kit in my commuter.
But a 30 minute drive could be a full days walk!

I know it, I know it, but that's the best thing we've been able to think of. We would be relying on the fact that this is going to take a whole lot of people by surprise, and even if it's a full day or even two day walk to get home, you will be able to walk home while all the hordes of people still have patience that this is a temporary thing. I imagine myself walking past a ton of stranded people, but while they are all sitting in their cars waiting for their cell phones to come back on, I'll be walking past all of them. By the time chaos starts presenting itself, I expect to be home.

Also, I carry every day, so I'll also have a means to protect myself during the journey.

28th February 2012, 12:21 PM
indeed! all the so called shtf scenarios call for open streets...i think urban areas will be clogged with a mixture of dead and burning vehicles...and the hoards of mindless panicking zombies who would sell their soul for a meal....

I agree totally, but I also think that if something like this happens and all the vehicles get stuck in the street, most of the people will have absolutely no clue as to what just happened. Most of them will sit in their cars waiting for help. I think there's a clear window of 36-48 hours after an EMP to get home if you have to walk it.

28th February 2012, 12:39 PM
I agree totally, but I also think that if something like this happens and all the vehicles get stuck in the street, most of the people will have absolutely no clue as to what just happened. Most of them will sit in their cars waiting for help. I think there's a clear window of 36-48 hours after an EMP to get home if you have to walk it.

Totally dude. I remember when we had the power outage in Ontario and the NorthEastern USA. I was driving home, and there were cars there at the gas stations, lined up for kilometers along the side of the highway. They didn't have enough gas to get home, and the gas pumps didn't run for 3 days. Those cars were there the next day (Friday) and after the weekend when I drove to work on Monday, half of them were still there even then.

People didn't have a clue what to do, who to call, how to get home, etc. I learned that day to never leave home without enough gas to make it to work and back with complications/alternative routing taken into account. It was just by luck that I happened to be gassed up.

old steel
28th February 2012, 01:02 PM
Thanks brother. I have an Emergency kit in my commuter.
But a 30 minute drive could be a full days walk!

Yup so make sure you are wearing a good pair of walking shoes or have them available in your vehicle or place of work.

28th February 2012, 01:15 PM
I think there's a clear window of 36-48 hours after an EMP to get home if you have to walk it.

Agreed. I actually think it could be as much as a few days. If an EMP hits, those of us in the cities must not panic and remain calm. Those of us that 'know' what has happened. Most people will just be in an initial state of shock, no power, no electronics, phones, etc. People will start coming out of their homes, work, and be in a state of wonder at first. Then, after that, most folks will think it's just temporary. Full on panic mode could be as long as a week later than that.

For anyone who wishes to bug out from the city, the best thing to do, imo. Is act like the people, just have no clue what has happened. Then, under the cover of darkness, bugout within the next day or two without mentioning a word to anyone beforehand. For close family and friends, have a preplanned bugout location...there will be no phone network to contact anyone at that point.

28th February 2012, 06:05 PM
Ok so for anyone who doesn't understand EMP bursts, and how they work and how they effect electronic devices, go to YouTube and search for "National Geographic Electronic Armageddon".
They will explain it in the first 6 minutes of the 45 minute documentary.

28th February 2012, 06:38 PM
Ok so for anyone who doesn't understand EMP bursts, and how they work and how they effect electronic devices, go to YouTube and search for "National Geographic Electronic Armageddon".
They will explain it in the first 6 minutes of the 45 minute documentary.

This is the video Nat Geo Video:


28th February 2012, 06:50 PM
Thanks k. I couldn't copy the URL on the I-pod.

Edit - it's full of the usual fear mongering, which is to be expected from national geographic. But I watched the whole program, and it's fairly informative. Of course the narrative puts you in the place of the POTUS, so that you can empathize with the obvious extreme measures they would take to "protect us"

28th February 2012, 06:51 PM
Thanks k. I couldn't copy the URL on the I-pod.

My pleasure. :)

28th February 2012, 06:51 PM
Thanks to both of you I am not a u-tuber. ;) I think I am good in case of a EMP attack.

28th February 2012, 07:17 PM
Now is the time to jewgle earth this and plan an off road map to your house from your work place.

29th February 2012, 07:22 AM
This is the video Nat Geo Video:


Message in Japan:

This video contains content from National Geographic, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.

29th February 2012, 08:10 AM
Now is the time to jewgle earth this and plan an off road map to your house from your work place.

Been there, done that, in triplicate!

Check the maps for more than 1 possible walking route to your home. You never know if you will need to avoid any potential conflict zones (poor neighborhoods etc).

5th November 2012, 09:35 AM
This could be real or could be fake, but it bear s conversation.

More fake fake fake. This endless fear mongering over the net of the awake community has got to stop. This is most definitely a part of the psyop program and it has smashing results!

midnight rambler
5th November 2012, 09:40 AM
More fake fake fake. This endless fear mongering over the net of the awake community has got to stop. This is most definitely a part of the psyop program and it has smashing results!

Are you suggesting that there's zero change of an emp attack?

5th November 2012, 09:45 AM
Are you suggesting that there's zero change of an emp attack?

Yes I am suggesting absolutes...

No MR, this is an example, similar to that "national guard whistleblower" thread of fear mongering that has basically taken over all 'truth seeking' websites these days.

So 1 month left to show yet another conspiracy whistleblower is completely full of it. How many people are spending their minutes watching these clips, reading articles, listening to MP3s of how HAARP just did XYZ instead of 1. learning a new skill, 2. going outside and taking a walk 3. Helping instruct locals about community currencies etc etc.

The awake community has got to stop with this clap trap.

I think I am getting tired of it all. So much wasted energy sitting in front of computers instead of doing things to help themselves and others.

I find it really aggravating and a bit depressing these days. So many that think they are awake (not looking at you awoke) are just as asleep now as in the past. Thanks in part to all this nonsense.

5th November 2012, 10:37 AM
If an emp attack were to happen my friends and neighbors would just saddle up horses and get going if we needed to go somewhere. I don't have a team of work horses at the moment but I'm looking for some. I've worked horses off and on since I was four years old and I enjoy it.

5th November 2012, 11:18 AM
if there was emp attack, you might as well go have a big party and get ready for the end, as all o the nuclear power plants would go offline and melt down. the whole country would bake in radiation.

5th November 2012, 05:55 PM
if there was emp attack, you might as well go have a big party and get ready for the end, as all o the nuclear power plants would go offline and melt down. the whole country would bake in radiation.

I agree with you Chad. If I were to saddle up a horse after one of these attacks it would just be to ride off into the sunset.

5th November 2012, 06:41 PM
Looking at the title of this thread, we're running out of year.

old steel
5th November 2012, 08:11 PM
Looking at the title of this thread, we're running out of year.

That's a good thing, innit?

5th November 2012, 08:57 PM
That's a good thing, innit?

Roger that.

5th November 2012, 09:30 PM

..... When you come around
No more pain and no regrets
Watch the sun go down
Smoking Pall Mall cigarettes

There's no need to hide
Takin' life the easy way
If I stay inside
I might live 'till Saturday

Old skool dooom

5th November 2012, 09:41 PM
Yes I am suggesting absolutes...

No MR, this is an example, similar to that "national guard whistleblower" thread of fear mongering that has basically taken over all 'truth seeking' websites these days.

So 1 month left to show yet another conspiracy whistleblower is completely full of it. How many people are spending their minutes watching these clips, reading articles, listening to MP3s of how HAARP just did XYZ instead of 1. learning a new skill, 2. going outside and taking a walk 3. Helping instruct locals about community currencies etc etc.

The awake community has got to stop with this clap trap.

I think I am getting tired of it all. So much wasted energy sitting in front of computers instead of doing things to help themselves and others.

I find it really aggravating and a bit depressing these days. So many that think they are awake (not looking at you awoke) are just as asleep now as in the past. Thanks in part to all this nonsense.

Agreeing with DMac, it seems so easy to spot the bullshit psyops crap on the web for me these days (it just SCREAMS BS in technicolor hi-def surround sound), but I am amazed and frustrated by how many still seem to fall for it, even to this day.

What the hell? Shouldn't we be getting better at calling out the nonsense disinfo rather than worse?

5th November 2012, 10:05 PM
You know what? a EMP is what we really need in order to put us back where we were at one time so that way we wuld learn how to think once again instead of letting a computer think for us........specially with the kids, think about it.

8th November 2012, 09:24 PM
three words

unique faraday cage?


9th November 2012, 07:21 AM
I've been wondering why all the cars would stop running because of a emp attack, the engine is encased in a faraday cage since the hood and fenders are made of metal?

9th November 2012, 07:26 AM
I've been wondering why all the cars would stop running because of a emp attack, the engine is encased in a faraday cage since the hood and fenders are made of metal?

The vehicle has windows, and lots and lots of wires that are not protected that will carry the pulse current/voltage straight to the computer(s) in it, and fry them.

9th November 2012, 07:56 AM
I've been wondering why all the cars would stop running because of a emp attack, the engine is encased in a faraday cage since the hood and fenders are made of metal?
A Faradays cage doesn't stop high energy electro magnetic radiation (x-rays and gamma-rays), which goes into the engine, gets stopped by the engine block, and electrons are released, which goes into the electrical wiring and fries the electrical components, actually the Faradays cage ends up on the inside, with an EMP. Possibly putting the car in an underground bunker, garage, root cellar could protect it as several meters of earth would stop sufficient numbers of photons. As long as the EMP doesn't come from straight above...