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3rd March 2012, 08:06 AM


midnight rambler
3rd March 2012, 10:34 AM
SS does a superb job of regurgitating the efforts of others while glorifying himself and charging an exorbitant fee to the willing rubes in the process. Double plus good! lol

7th trump
3rd March 2012, 10:56 AM
SS does a superb job of regurgitating the efforts of others while glorifying himself and charging an exorbitant fee to the willing rubes in the process. Double plus good! lol

Are you saying hes a pay-triot?

3rd March 2012, 01:16 PM
I give him a lot of credit for what he has accomplished.
I see nothing wrong in what he does in providing a service of repackaging a collection of work to make his own. Seems American enough to me.
If I had to fault him for anything, it would be when he over-steps his bounds of expertise.
One instance comes to mind, when he told his followers that they must buy silver now...that it would be their last chance to see silver in the high $40's again.
More power to him otherwise!

3rd March 2012, 01:34 PM
I really didn't have an issue with the guy until he copped an attitude of his superior intellect.

I don't fault him for making money off of the "movement". Some may need the assistance. Buyer beware and all that.

3rd March 2012, 02:21 PM
SS has never been anything but gracious as far as I can see. Unfortunately he probably lost a lot of converts when silver crashed from $49 to low $30s. But I'll be honest, I thought we were witnessing the upward surge in silver that most of us have been expecting for a long time.

3rd March 2012, 04:44 PM
I give the guy credit for compiling a lot of information, but he comes off as very arrogant and as an attention whore extraordoniare. He is also the typical silver bug (cheerleader) that never can see the downside even when obvious information is brought to his attention.

I will never forget his spamming of GIM with his multiple end of the year poll threads on voting for the best of this and that. His name was included in all of the multiple choices.

while were on the subject, ill never forget his hissy fit when his picture thread got closed

3rd March 2012, 04:54 PM
SS does a superb job of regurgitating the efforts of others while glorifying himself and charging an exorbitant fee to the willing rubes in the process. Double plus good! lol

If I could thank this post 10x I would.

midnight rambler
3rd March 2012, 05:12 PM
Are you saying hes a pay-triot?


3rd March 2012, 05:20 PM

He doesn't owe any of us anything and he is doing his own thing.

SS may not agree with me and many of you on many issues
or he is just low key about it, that is not an issue considering
he is out trying to appeal to a wider audience.

I want to tell you people a story about Silver Shield, what I see
on these forums disturbs me at times, like now, when skyvike was
banning people wholesale, near the end there, people were organizing,
Awoke and I were, we had many key people on email lists, we
were on Silver Shields forum, a few of us, he gave us a home
and we did some communication on that forum, that was a
small base of operations that did contribute to the creation
of these forums. His forum was slow and we ended up here.
Awoke made the decision. We knew we had enough key people.
People that would brings others, etc, way before April Fools day
announcement. And we spammed the shit out of them late night.

These forums owe SS a thanks for his efforts.

Ponce helped build these forums too, a gim original
with an original ban, we were on Tallships forum talking
before he shut it down to damage our efforts, he was
gungho and contributed to brining people here, he is
on many forums. I am not happy to see Ponce not posting.

Despite whatever differences we have, we should show some appreciation.

And don't be cheerleaders too much, that's just an honest mistake,
made by pros in past, even LeMetro the masters got into it, remember
Fekete too. LOL Massive gravitational forces controlled by Crimex come
into play after breakouts. Seasonals, charts, cot.

3rd March 2012, 06:07 PM

He doesn't owe any of us anything and he is doing his own thing.

SS may not agree with me and many of you on many issues
or he is just low key about it, that is not an issue considering
he is out trying to appeal to a wider audience.

I want to tell you people a story about Silver Shield, what I see
on these forums disturbs me at times, like now, when skyvike was
banning people wholesale, near the end there, people were organizing,
Awoke and I were, we had many key people on email lists, we
were on Silver Shields forum, a few of us, he gave us a home
and we did some communication on that forum, that was a
small base of operations that did contribute to the creation
of these forums. His forum was slow and we ended up here.
Awoke made the decision. We knew we had enough key people.
People that would brings others, etc, way before April Fools day
announcement. And we spammed the shit out of them late night.

These forums owe SS a thanks for his efforts.

Ponce helped build these forums too, a gim original
with an original ban, we were on Tallships forum talking
before he shut it down to damage our efforts, he was
gungho and contributed to brining people here, he is
on many forums. I am not happy to see Ponce not posting.

Despite whatever differences we have, we should show some appreciation.

And don't be cheerleaders too much, that's just an honest mistake,
made by pros in past, even LeMetro the masters got into it, remember
Fekete too. LOL Massive gravitational forces controlled by Crimex come
into play after breakouts. Seasonals, charts, cot.

I don't think he is an enemy, but I do think he is more concerned with making money than waking people up. And I'm not saying he isn't at all concerned with waking people up but I think money trumps that for him.

As I explained to SS before he left GSUS, I do not think it is a crime to not touch certain subjects with people, you don't have to give them the red meat at first, however misleading and misdirecting people like AJ and Kieser do is very wrong.

midnight rambler
3rd March 2012, 06:13 PM
however misleading and misdirecting people like AJ and Kieser do is very wrong.

And beating people over the head with the constant "Buy! Buy! Buy silver ABOVE ALL ELSE!" before* getting one's house in order is wrong in the extreme.

*as if holding silver first and foremost is going to 'shield' you against anything lol

3rd March 2012, 06:25 PM
If I could thank this post 10x I would.

Ditto. :-)

3rd March 2012, 06:53 PM
SS does a superb job of regurgitating the efforts of others while glorifying himself and charging an exorbitant fee to the willing rubes in the process. Double plus good! lol

I think you sound jealous and frankly, bitter. Give it up already and start giving credit where credit is due. I don't hear the narrator glorifying himself, not a whit. As for originality, that's hardly a useful criterion when giving a presentation based on history and facts. The criteria that should concern you are accuracy and applicability. Silver Shield is doing more to wake up the people about silver and how to save their economic hides than anyone else on this forum. Let's give credit where credit is due.

3rd March 2012, 07:07 PM
I think you sound jealous and frankly, bitter. Give it up already and start giving credit where credit is due. I don't hear the narrator glorifying himself, not a whit. As for originality, that's hardly a useful criterion when giving a presentation based on history and facts. The criteria that should concern you are accuracy and applicability. Silver Shield is doing more to wake up the people about silver and how to save their economic hides than anyone else on this forum. Let's give credit where credit is due.

Does SS do it because he cares, or because he wants to profit from this movement?

Does goldline run gold commercials because they want to protect you from the bankers, or because they want to charge crazy high fees?

SS is good at self promotion, just like Alex Jones, they come off like used car salesman. I'm not saying self promotion is wrong but it always rubs me the wrong way (not just SS) I am not throwing him under the bus, I don't follow his work so I can't comment specifics. Just my .02.

3rd March 2012, 07:24 PM
Does SS do it because he cares, or because he wants to profit from this movement?

Does goldline run gold commercials because they want to protect you from the bankers, or because they want to charge crazy high fees?

SS is good at self promotion, just like Alex Jones, they come off like used car salesman. I'm not saying self promotion is wrong but it always rubs me the wrong way (not just SS) I am not throwing him under the bus, I don't follow his work so I can't comment specifics. Just my .02.

All of us who own silver hope to profit from it. There is nothing wrong with doing something with profit in mind, as long as it is done openly and honestly.

3rd March 2012, 07:32 PM
All of us who own silver hope to profit from it. There is nothing wrong with doing something with profit in mind, as long as it is done openly and honestly.

I agree, and like I said I do not following SS's work, my opinions are based on my dealings with him at GIM and here and a few PM's back and forth.

It could be as harmless as differing personalities, I use linux vs. windows or mac because I enjoy the idea of Free and Open Source technology, people being passionate about things and helping others for free if necessary. Likewise my blog, the last time someone emailed me about donating I turned them down, I said if I need the money in the future I will ask for it, but if I don't need it I won't ask for it. If I feel passionate about something I will gladly write and talk for free.

3rd March 2012, 08:57 PM
Give it up already and start giving credit where credit is due.



Only $350 per year.

::) the price of plagiarized Truth...lol

3rd March 2012, 09:24 PM


Only $350 per year.

::) the price of plagiarized Truth...lol

Yes, the price is high. Let the buyer beware. Nevertheless, the free information provided by SS has value.

Twisted Titan
4th March 2012, 01:23 AM
I have know SS since many of you from GIM.I have watch him evolve .........like all of us did.

Everybody is obliged to their opinion and I will say as far as Im Concerned SS is good people.

Everybody can bust on shortcomings but I will submit there is nobody in Freedom movement that hasnt done something that cant be pegged as "wrong" or that you dont like the action they took. ex Bob Champman Left investors high and dry, Ted Butler and the Alter Ego Izzy, James Rawels Inteligence Operative, Max Kasier Wall Street insider who "found Religion " ,Alex Jones ( I wont even comment)

Let the one without Sin cast The first stone.

Bottom line is nobody is really stating anything new ....they are just putting there own spin on the Subject and when you think about it......... that is what Truth is. It rarely changes. what each of these people do ( weather adimired or dispised) is prove to be a unique conduit through which the unaware is lead back to the orginal Point: You are not as free as you think you are....there is much bigger issues in Play that you need to be made aware of.

Alot of People are somehow busting on Him because he is starting to draw revenue from assembeling the body of work as he understands it. My question is where were these people at when he gave away his work for free??? and to this day the original project he worked on is still free of charge. Some people here have been given his course even after he was charging for it . He does have a mastermind session but that raises the bar on the caliber of people you can connect with. I think it is a great filter because the truth is That which is given away for free many people do not place value on it and everyone here can attest to that personally in their lives.

And for those that look at the Silver Sheild Report as expensive SS is willing to allow people to come in for a reduced fee( he takes it on a case by case basis)I dont know to many "Guru's" that are willing to discount their work for the purpose of outreach.( scratch that I do think Celente offered something like that in the past)

Alot of times when SS stuff comes up I tend to stump for him not because im in his back pocket( Several times he has extened the offer to me to write on his blog with Moderator controls but I have declined for Personal reasons) but because I have seen something amazing: somebody has risen from our ranks and reached a point where they can express alot of the views that we hold dear to a very wide audience and we have the abilty to see that message being well recieved across a global spectrum. 10 -20 years in the future I know I will be glad to say I knew somebody who was at the very vanguard of the movemnet of Personal Liberty and brought it the best way he knew to those who were unaware.

I think he has given alot to the cause and adds tremendeous value and for that I applaud his efforts as the will surely echo through the Halls of time.

Thats my feelings on that matter.

4th March 2012, 06:13 AM
Great video by SS. Thanks for sharing.

He quoted from this article written by Buffets dad, Congressman Howard Buffet. This article is very powerful, and gives a great insight into why constitutional money = human liberty.

Human Freedom Rests on Gold Redeemable Money (http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cts=1330870156204&ved=0CCQQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fame.org%2Fpdf%2Fbuffet3.pdf&ei=33dTT7mfNoHpsQKykeXvBQ&usg=AFQjCNEiIWNhTqaIWtu9vZk4SL05xiPmzw)

This, for me, connect with Breitbarts recent words where he stated something like: "REAL Capitalists had real money. They had children, and they inherited REAL capitalist money.....And they turned into COMMUNIST."